Gays blaming blacks for gay marriage ban in California

Hmmm, I wonder who I should believe? The highly respected American Psychological Association, or a group of bigoted morons who praise God each time they successfully wipe themselves.

Choices, choices.

Get real.
Since the APA cowed down to the militant gays, then I expect you to believe the militant gays.
indeed, the racist term you like to use meaning WHITE ****** sure seems to be correct for your racist vocab..
The urban dictionary that I cite doesn't use that definition. You must be using a racist version.
First, you fucking tar stain crybaby, why don't you tell me about how it sucks to be disregarded because of a genetic predisposition that doesn't fit into the status quo so I can remind you that your spear chucking ass doesn't corner the market on discrimination. Second, I can show you homosexuality across historic society AND the animal kingdom so your entire argument is based on a predictable ghetto ignorance that is truly rich this side of Va vs Loving. AND, unless you are some kind of negrodaumus you can't assume that EVOLUTION would have developed homosexual genitalia. Indeed, that would have to be the crowning failure of your niggardly stupidity as a simian-brained posterchild for irony. If you can't admit at what age you DECIDED to like vaginas instead of cocks then your entire opinion fails to do anything beyond fuel the same shit your discriminated ancestors enjoyed. If you can hate you can be hated, dark spot. You should probably scream racist now because it certainly won't be ironic given your outright hatred, and willing discrimination, against gays.

Not all african american are ******* but YOU, sir, are certainly one dumb ******.


So the racist dividing line is this according to Shogun:

If you support gays and their lifestyle; then you are an African American

But if you dislike gays; than you are classified as a ******.

Shogun is a racist and like the true, *deceiving* white liberal he is[you know, those types of fake white liberals who enjoy throwing dung at white conservatives as the racists just to keep the spotlight from off their obvious racism by pretending to be noble and for the equality of all] and that is his logic, either you support two men shagging each other up anus or you're a ******. If thats the case a lot of blacks are "*******" using his retarded logic as well as a lot of evangelical whites.
Shogun is a racist and like the true, *deceiving* white liberal he is[you know, those types of fake white liberals who enjoy throwing dung at white conservatives as the racists just to keep the spotlight from off their obvious racism by pretending to be noble and for the equality of all] and that is his logic, either you support two men shagging each other up anus or you're a ******. If thats the case a lot of blacks are "*******" using his retarded logic as well as a lot of evangelical whites.
Simply the best post ever. :clap2: :clap2:

His tactics of using racist language to appear to be noble to teach Mr. Bass a lesson is a typical tactic used by fake white liberals to attempt to hide and cover their own racism while simultaneously pointing fingers at white conservatives. And some fellow blacks wonder why Mr. bass has far less respect and trust for those on the left as opposed to the right.
His tactics of using racist language to appear to be noble to teach Mr. Bass a lesson is a typical tactic used by fake white liberals to attempt to hide and cover their own racism while simultaneously pointing fingers at white conservatives. And some fellow blacks wonder why Mr. bass has far less respect and trust for those on the left as opposed to the right.
Liberals are liars my friend, and a black man who recognizes that is a big threat to their political power.
Liberals are liars my friend, and a black man who recognizes that is a big threat to their political power.

Not all white liberals and white conservatives are deceivers but of the two the white liberal is by far the most deceitful and hypocritical of the two which by default makes them the most dangerous. Malcolm X hit it perfectly on the head when he said this of those white liberals who use blacks:

"The white liberal differs from the white conservative only in one way: the liberal is more deceitful than the conservative. The liberal is more hypocritical than the conservative.

Both want power, but the white liberal is the one who has perfected the art of posing as the Negro’s friend and benefactor
; and by winning the friendship, allegiance, and support of the Negro, the white liberal is able to use the Negro as a pawn or tool in this political “football game” that is constantly raging between the white liberals and white conservatives.

Faith in Action | Malcolm X on White Liberals

Mr Bass thinks of those damn Clintons as the perfect example of deceitful white liberals, they exposed themselves during the primaries.
Well, I can't find it to quote it, but in reference to Shogun's assertion that animals engage in homosexuality, it just isn't true.

Animals will mistakenly have sex with the same sex (llamas are a great example. They just hump anything they find until they get it right). And animals will enjoy long friendships with others of the same sex...but this is NOT a "homosexual" bond where you get two male dogs hanging out and engaging in sexual relations over the course of time. It doesn't happen, and the assertion that it does is a lie.
The urban dictionary that I cite doesn't use that definition. You must be using a racist version.

Your david duke urban dictionary is a joke. You need to see the link again, dickum head? If you want to itch this scratch i'll gladly post the link to Urban Dictionary again so we can see which of us is correct about this...

Shogun is a racist and like the true, *deceiving* white liberal he is[you know, those types of fake white liberals who enjoy throwing dung at white conservatives as the racists just to keep the spotlight from off their obvious racism by pretending to be noble and for the equality of all] and that is his logic, either you support two men shagging each other up anus or you're a ******. If thats the case a lot of blacks are "*******" using his retarded logic as well as a lot of evangelical whites.

Watching you cry racist after seeing your posts on your favorite subject is kinda like a fat man calling someone else a pig for asking for a second helping. Indeed, after your constant whitey hating negrocentric posts it's probably not hilarious as hell that you would point that kind of finger. I betcha some reptilian brained fool like Glock will fall in line while hoping that his use of the word wigger is minimized in the shadow of my blatant truth.

For the record, you won't find a single post of mine that suggests a staggered equality based on race or sexuality. Not a single one. Can you say the same thing? Of course not. I'll put my stark use of the word ****** up against your posts any day of the week, tube lips.

and yes, there ARE a lot of ******* that are ghetto blacks and white trailer park evangelicals. I take it you've driven through Kentucky lately.
Simply the best post ever. :clap2: :clap2:


"I would eat your turds as long as you keep posting and keep the awsome Shogie away from my 'Heather Locklear looks just like she did at 20' posts today!"

His tactics of using racist language to appear to be noble to teach Mr. Bass a lesson is a typical tactic used by fake white liberals to attempt to hide and cover their own racism while simultaneously pointing fingers at white conservatives. And some fellow blacks wonder why Mr. bass has far less respect and trust for those on the left as opposed to the right.

FAKE white liberals, eh? Coming from a ghetto bastard that puts the IGnorant in nIGger thats a compliment. Indeed, dig up a single post of mine that is not a beacon of strict equality if you think i'm as much of a racist as you are a homophobe. Trust me, dude... given YOUR posts on this forum i'm pretty sure no lefty gives the first rats ass about how much respect you give anyone.

Liberals are liars my friend, and a black man who recognizes that is a big threat to their political power.


says the guy who insists that calling a white guy who acts like a ****** a WIGGER is not racist!

Thats fucking RICH!

Not all white liberals and white conservatives are deceivers but of the two the white liberal is by far the most deceitful and hypocritical of the two which by default makes them the most dangerous. Malcolm X hit it perfectly on the head when he said this of those white liberals who use blacks:

"The white liberal differs from the white conservative only in one way: the liberal is more deceitful than the conservative. The liberal is more hypocritical than the conservative.

Both want power, but the white liberal is the one who has perfected the art of posing as the Negro’s friend and benefactor
; and by winning the friendship, allegiance, and support of the Negro, the white liberal is able to use the Negro as a pawn or tool in this political “football game” that is constantly raging between the white liberals and white conservatives.

Faith in Action | Malcolm X on White Liberals

Mr Bass thinks of those damn Clintons as the perfect example of deceitful white liberals, they exposed themselves during the primaries.


Way to whip out a Malcom X statement that was made BEFORE his eyes were open to what kind of snakes even his own black race could foster!

once again, the GHETTO strike back!

Well, I can't find it to quote it, but in reference to Shogun's assertion that animals engage in homosexuality, it just isn't true.

Animals will mistakenly have sex with the same sex (llamas are a great example. They just hump anything they find until they get it right). And animals will enjoy long friendships with others of the same sex...but this is NOT a "homosexual" bond where you get two male dogs hanging out and engaging in sexual relations over the course of time. It doesn't happen, and the assertion that it does is a lie.

Homosexual Activity Among Animals Stirs Debate

Homosexual Activity Among Animals Stirs Debate

But, actually, some same-sex birds do do it. So do beetles, sheep, fruit bats, dolphins, and orangutans. Zoologists are discovering that homosexual and bisexual activity is not unknown within the animal kingdom.


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