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Gays blaming blacks for gay marriage ban in California

By the way, back in the 50's and 60's, whites used the bible to argue why blacks and whites should not marry.

It was illegal not just talked about and the Name of the case that overtured it...wait...its classic

Virginia vs. Loving
It was illegal not just talked about and the Name of the case that overtured it...wait...its classic

Virginia vs. Loving

It's still a dishonest comparison. Being black is hereditary and really cannot be hidden. One cannot choose their skin color.

Homosexuality is manifested solely by behavior. Nothing more has been conclusively proven, and that behavior can be kept hidden. One can choose whether to or not to engage in homosexual behavior; regardless what you want to claim in regard to orientation. It requires a conscious decision; therefore, is a choice.
It's still a dishonest comparison. Being black is hereditary and really cannot be hidden. One cannot choose their skin color.

Homosexuality is manifested solely by behavior. Nothing more has been conclusively proven, and that behavior can be kept hidden. One can choose whether to or not to engage in homosexual behavior; regardless what you want to claim in regard to orientation. It requires a conscious decision; therefore, is a choice.

but apparently there is good news and if this choice leads to a touch of the old aids you just have to feed them a fetus in the morning and they will be right as rain by the after....its like a miracle.......from god...

Stem Cells - News - HIGH HOPES FOR AIDS THERAPY / Experimental Treatment Fortifies the Body's own Stem Cells with an Enzyme that Could Block the Virus' Relentless Advance
It's still a dishonest comparison. Being black is hereditary and really cannot be hidden. One cannot choose their skin color.

Homosexuality is manifested solely by behavior. Nothing more has been conclusively proven, and that behavior can be kept hidden. One can choose whether to or not to engage in homosexual behavior; regardless what you want to claim in regard to orientation. It requires a conscious decision; therefore, is a choice.

No sense of humor Gunny?
It's still a dishonest comparison. Being black is hereditary and really cannot be hidden. One cannot choose their skin color.

Homosexuality is manifested solely by behavior. Nothing more has been conclusively proven, and that behavior can be kept hidden. One can choose whether to or not to engage in homosexual behavior; regardless what you want to claim in regard to orientation. It requires a conscious decision; therefore, is a choice.

Engaging in homosexual acts - or, heterosexual acts - is a choice, yes. But one cannot choose his or her sexual orientation. And the last time I checked, engaging in sex acts is not a requirement for marriage. So, if you're argument is that being black cannot be helped, then it is my factual contention that being homosexual cannot be helped.

One cannot choose his or her sexual orientation, notwithstanding the ignorance of the blog writer cited a few pages back.

I'm not sure I understand what point you're trying to make.
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that certainly is your ignorant negrocentric opinion, now isn't it? Face it, the exact same excuses to limit gays also once limited chicken lovers from getting hitched to white women just the same. THAT, you licorice jelly bean, is the historic fact of the matter.

Jackass, your so comparison is weak, very weak and makes no damn sense, you use the logic of racist to justify what basically amounts to government support of a lifestyle of voluntary sex acts. Gays are *NOT* limited, period, they are not suffering, they are *NOT* considered nor were ever considered as subhumans like blacks. Their lifestyle is based on sex acts which is *NOT* a sexual lifestyle thats pre-determined from the womb, no evidence exists for it. What and who they are is solely determined by their actions, not biology, so it isn't the same.

You're a damn hypocrites because on one hand you're insulting blacks with your obvious racism and using the logic of racists[which is already wrong from the start] while simultaneously trying to justify support of the homosexual lifestyle by comparing homosexual so-called struggles to those of blacks, you can't have your head up your rectum and on top of your head at the same time moron. Interracial marriage isn't unnatural, any man with a penis and woman with a vagina who have sex produces life, which is nature's way of putting life on the planet. Besides providing sexual pleasure what function does homosexual sex serves? If it is so natural and predetermined why haven't gays naturally evolved organs that do the same as heterosexuals? The answer is that their lifestyle is a lifestyle they live because they get sexual pleasure for what they do and like it so much that they're under the delusion that it must be natural.
You're a damn hypocrites because on one hand you're insulting blacks with your obvious racism and using the logic of racists[which is already wrong from the start] while simultaneously trying to justify support of the homosexual lifestyle by comparing homosexual so-called struggles to those of blacks, you can't have your head up your rectum and on top of your head at the same time moron. Interracial marriage isn't unnatural, any man with a penis and woman with a vagina who have sex produces life, which is nature's way of putting life on the planet. Besides providing sexual pleasure what function does homosexual sex serves? If it is so natural and predetermined why haven't gays naturally evolved organs that do the same as heterosexuals? The answer is that their lifestyle is a lifestyle they live because they get sexual pleasure for what they do and like it so much that they're under the delusion that it must be natural.

So then any couple who has sex for pleasure rather than procreation is behaving unnaturally? Or, what about sterile couples? Are they behaving unnaturally? Clearly if sex is for procreation solely, then we shouldn't allow sterile couples to wed; and, most importantly, we should have an official from the government in the bedroom of every married couple - at all times - making sure any and all sexual acts performed are for the purpose of procreation only.

Or, maybe, you're just wrong.

Courtesy of National Geographic. (Because I am a new member and cannot yet post links, I will post the article in its entirety. If you want to see the article for yourself, type "Homosexuality In The Wild" in a Google search bar and the first hit should be this article.)

Homosexual Activity Among Animals Stirs Debate

From National Geographic

Birds do it, bees do it, even educated fleas do it. So go the lyrics penned by U.S. songwriter Cole Porter.

Porter, who first hit it big in the 1920s, wouldn't risk parading his homosexuality in public. In his day "the birds and the bees" generally meant only one thing—sex between a male and female.

But, actually, some same-sex birds do do it. So do beetles, sheep, fruit bats, dolphins, and orangutans. Zoologists are discovering that homosexual and bisexual activity is not unknown within the animal kingdom.

Roy and Silo, two male chinstrap penguins at New York's Central Park Zoo have been inseparable for six years now. They display classic pair-bonding behavior—entwining of necks, mutual preening, flipper flapping, and the rest. They also have sex, while ignoring potential female mates.

Wild birds exhibit similar behavior. There are male ostriches that only court their own gender, and pairs of male flamingos that mate, build nests, and even raise foster chicks.

Filmmakers recently went in search of homosexual wild animals as part of a National Geographic Ultimate Explorer documentary about the female's role in the mating game. (The film, Girl Power, will be screened in the U.S this Saturday at 8 p.m. ET, 5 p.m PT on MSNBC TV.)

The team caught female Japanese macaques engaged in intimate acts which, if observed in humans, would be in the X-rated category.

"The homosexual behavior that goes on is completely baffling and intriguing," says National Geographic Ultimate Explorer correspondent, Mireya Mayor. "You would have thought females that want to be mated, especially over their fertile period, would be seeking out males."

Well, perhaps, in a roundabout way, they are seeking males, suggests primatologist Amy Parish.

She argues that female macaques may enhance their social position through homosexual intimacy which in turn influences breeding success. Parish says, "Taking something that's nonreproductive, like mounting another female—if it leads to control of a resource or acquisition of a resource or a good alliance partner, that could directly impact your reproductive success."

Sexual Gratification

On the other hand, they could just be enjoying themselves, suggests Paul Vasey, animal behavior professor at the University of Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada. "They're engaging in the behavior because it's gratifying sexually or it's sexually pleasurable," he says. "They just like it. It doesn't have any sort of adaptive payoff."

Matthew Grober, biology professor at Georgia State University, agrees, saying, "If [sex] wasn't fun, we wouldn't have any kids around. So I think that maybe Japanese macaques have taken the fun aspect of sex and really run with it."

The bonobo, an African ape closely related to humans, has an even bigger sexual appetite. Studies suggest 75 percent of bonobo sex is nonreproductive and that nearly all bonobos are bisexual. Frans de Waal, author of Bonobo: The Forgotten Ape, calls the species a "make love, not war" primate. He believes bonobos use sex to resolve conflicts between individuals.

Other animals appear to go through a homosexual phase before they become fully mature. For instance, male dolphin calves often form temporary sexual partnerships, which scientists believe help to establish lifelong bonds. Such sexual behavior has been documented only relatively recently. Zoologists have been accused of skirting round the subject for fear of stepping into a political minefield.

"There was a lot of hiding of what was going on, I think, because people were maybe afraid that they would get into trouble by talking about it," notes de Waal. Whether it's a good idea or not, it's hard not make comparisons between humans and other animals, especially primates. The fact that homosexuality does, after all, exist in the natural world is bound to be used against people who insist such behavior is unnatural.

In the U.S., in particular, the moral debate over this issue rages on. Many on the religious right regard homosexuality as a sin. And only this month, President Bush vowed to continue his bid to ban gay marriages after the Senate blocked the proposal.

Already, cases of animal homosexuality have been cited in successful court cases brought against states like Texas, where gay sex was, until recently, illegal.

Yet scientists say we should be wary of referring to animals when considering what's acceptable in human society. For instance, infanticide, as practiced by lions and many other animals, isn't something people, gay or straight, generally approve of in humans.

Human Homosexuality

So how far can we go in using animals to help us understand human homosexuality? Robin Dunbar is a professor of evolutionary psychology at the University of Liverpool, England. "The bottom line is that anything that happens in other primates, and particularly other apes, is likely to have strong evolutionary continuity with what happens in humans," he said.

Dunbar says the bonobo's use of homosexual activity for social bonding is a possible example, adding, "One of the main arguments for human homosexual behavior is that it helps bond male groups together, particularly where a group of individuals are dependent on each other, as they might be in hunting or warfare."

For instance, the Spartans, in ancient Greece, encouraged homosexuality among their elite troops. "They had the not unreasonable belief that individuals would stick by and make all efforts to rescue other individuals if they had a lover relationship," Dunbar added.

Another suggestion is that homosexuality is a developmental phase people go through. He said, "This is similar to the argument of play in young animals to get their brain and muscles to work effectively and together. Off the back of this, there's the possibility you can get individuals locked into this phase for the rest of their lives as a result of the social environment they grow up in."

But he adds that homosexuality doesn't necessarily have to have a function. It could be a spin-off or by-product of something else and in itself carries no evolutionary weight."

He cites sexual gratification, which encourages procreation, as an example. "An organism is designed to maximize its motivational systems," he adds.

In other words, if the urge to have sex is strong enough it may spill over into nonreproductive sex, as suggested by the actions of the bonobos and macaques. However, as Dunbar admits, there's a long way to go before the causes of homosexuality in humans are fully understood.

He said, "Nobody's really investigated this issue thoroughly, because it's so politically sensitive. It's fair to say all possibilities are still open."​

So there goes your argument that homosexuality is "unnatural." Now, it is of course necessary to mention that many things in the animal kingdom are not acceptable in human society, such as infanticide. But does infanticide cause someone harm? Of course. Does homosexuality cause someone harm? Of course NOT.

The bottom line:

Homosexuality is natural, beneficial, and you should quit spewing your nonsense. Although, anyone with Idi Amin as their avatar shouldn't be taken seriously anyway.
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So a few animals get confused and start humping everything in sight.

Heck, have you ever seen a dog start humping someones leg?

If the leg the dog is humping a man. Does that make the dog a homo??

No, the animal is just excited or confused. And we are talking about animals not people.

Homosexuality is subhuman behavior and animalistic.

Animals have no choice, and are operating on stimulus response.

Homos are making a conscious choice to engage in degenerate activities.
So a few animals get confused and start humping everything in sight.

Did you bother to read the article?

Homosexuality is subhuman behavior and animalistic.

Oh, oh, oh. I see. First homosexuality was "unnatural" but now it is "animalistic."

So is breathing.

Animals have no choice, and are operating on stimulus response.

This is false.

Homos are making a conscious choice to engage in degenerate activities.

Who says they are "degenerate activities"? I don't think they are degenerate activities. A lot of people don't believe that. Tell me, where does that come from?
LMAO. You post a blog as evidence of -- ANYTHING!!!!!!


It is not a mental disorder. Only bigots think it is.
Kameny viewed one’s attraction to a specific gender as fluid, and viewed acts of sodomy as morally equivalent to natural sexual acts within the bounds of marriage. Led by radicals like Franklin Kameny, pro‐sodomy activists attacked psychiatrists across America, as Newsweek describes:
“But even more than the government, it is the psychiatrists who have
experienced the full rage of the homosexual activists. Over the past two years, gay‐lib organizations have repeatedly disrupted medical meetings, and three months ago—in the movements most aggressive demonstration so far—a group of 30 militants broke into a meeting of the American Psychiatric Association in Washington, where they turned the staid proceedings into near chaos for twenty minutes. ‘We are here to denounce your authority to call us sick or mentally disordered,’ shouted the group’s leader, Dr. Franklin Kameny, while the 2,000 shocked psychiatrists looked on in disbelief. ‘For us, as homosexuals, your profession is the enemy incarnate. We demand that psychiatrists treat us as human beings, not as patients to be cured!’”
Jackass, your so comparison is weak, very weak and makes no damn sense, you use the logic of racist to justify what basically amounts to government support of a lifestyle of voluntary sex acts. Gays are *NOT* limited, period, they are not suffering, they are *NOT* considered nor were ever considered as subhumans like blacks. Their lifestyle is based on sex acts which is *NOT* a sexual lifestyle thats pre-determined from the womb, no evidence exists for it. What and who they are is solely determined by their actions, not biology, so it isn't the same.

You're a damn hypocrites because on one hand you're insulting blacks with your obvious racism and using the logic of racists[which is already wrong from the start] while simultaneously trying to justify support of the homosexual lifestyle by comparing homosexual so-called struggles to those of blacks, you can't have your head up your rectum and on top of your head at the same time moron. Interracial marriage isn't unnatural, any man with a penis and woman with a vagina who have sex produces life, which is nature's way of putting life on the planet. Besides providing sexual pleasure what function does homosexual sex serves? If it is so natural and predetermined why haven't gays naturally evolved organs that do the same as heterosexuals? The answer is that their lifestyle is a lifestyle they live because they get sexual pleasure for what they do and like it so much that they're under the delusion that it must be natural.

First, you fucking tar stain crybaby, why don't you tell me about how it sucks to be disregarded because of a genetic predisposition that doesn't fit into the status quo so I can remind you that your spear chucking ass doesn't corner the market on discrimination. Second, I can show you homosexuality across historic society AND the animal kingdom so your entire argument is based on a predictable ghetto ignorance that is truly rich this side of Va vs Loving. AND, unless you are some kind of negrodaumus you can't assume that EVOLUTION would have developed homosexual genitalia. Indeed, that would have to be the crowning failure of your niggardly stupidity as a simian-brained posterchild for irony. If you can't admit at what age you DECIDED to like vaginas instead of cocks then your entire opinion fails to do anything beyond fuel the same shit your discriminated ancestors enjoyed. If you can hate you can be hated, dark spot. You should probably scream racist now because it certainly won't be ironic given your outright hatred, and willing discrimination, against gays.

Not all african american are ******* but YOU, sir, are certainly one dumb ******.
First, you fucking tar stain crybaby, why don't you tell me about how it sucks to be disregarded because of a genetic predisposition that doesn't fit into the status quo so I can remind you that your spear chucking ass doesn't corner the market on discrimination. Second, I can show you homosexuality across historic society AND the animal kingdom so your entire argument is based on a predictable ghetto ignorance that is truly rich this side of Va vs Loving. AND, unless you are some kind of negrodaumus you can't assume that EVOLUTION would have developed homosexual genitalia. Indeed, that would have to be the crowning failure of your niggardly stupidity as a simian-brained posterchild for irony. If you can't admit at what age you DECIDED to like vaginas instead of cocks then your entire opinion fails to do anything beyond fuel the same shit your discriminated ancestors enjoyed. If you can hate you can be hated, dark spot. You should probably scream racist now because it certainly won't be ironic given your outright hatred, and willing discrimination, against gays.

Not all african american are ******* but YOU, sir, are certainly one dumb ******.

This was rude, insensitive, and ignorant.

But it was funny. LOL.
First, you fucking tar stain crybaby, why don't you tell me about how it sucks to be disregarded because of a genetic predisposition that doesn't fit into the status quo so I can remind you that your spear chucking ass doesn't corner the market on discrimination. Second, I can show you homosexuality across historic society AND the animal kingdom so your entire argument is based on a predictable ghetto ignorance that is truly rich this side of Va vs Loving. AND, unless you are some kind of negrodaumus you can't assume that EVOLUTION would have developed homosexual genitalia. Indeed, that would have to be the crowning failure of your niggardly stupidity as a simian-brained posterchild for irony. If you can't admit at what age you DECIDED to like vaginas instead of cocks then your entire opinion fails to do anything beyond fuel the same shit your discriminated ancestors enjoyed. If you can hate you can be hated, dark spot. You should probably scream racist now because it certainly won't be ironic given your outright hatred, and willing discrimination, against gays.

Not all african american are ******* but YOU, sir, are certainly one dumb ******.
So the racist dividing line is this according to Shogun:

If you support gays and their lifestyle; then you are an African American

But if you dislike gays; than you are classified as a ******.
So the racist dividing line is this according to Shogun:

If you support gays and their lifestyle; then you are an African American

But if you dislike gays; than you are classified as a ******.

Ignorance is a ****** trait. Ask an educated black man about that. Thus far, dark spot has yet to post anything that doesn't echo of the same kind of shit Loving dealt with. Disliking any minority group despite the plight of your own minority group pretty mush puts the bow on that package.
This was rude, insensitive, and ignorant.

But it was funny. LOL.

Reminding chucky bass that he doesn't have a monopoly on hatefulness just like he doesn't have a monopoly on victimhood should do more for his bones than powdered ghetto milk and government cheese.
I like the diversity of separate groups, but I've no problem with intermarriage, either. My younger kids are American Indian and my granddaughter (as I've said ad nauseum, I'm sure) is Hispanic and they're all high quality. So long as they listen to mama/grandma, I've got no problem at all with them and will box the ears of anyone who does. I have black cousins (though I've never met them) and my brother married a Greek girl. Is that a different ethnicity? I don't know, don't care.

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