Gays comprise 6% of the population yer they commit 25% of all sexual perversions

They will steer wide of any fact, truth or reality. Without exception. You can't mainstream perversion in the face of it. You have to pretend it's something else...and they do that by ignoring the reality.

That's why pooper won't look at your links. She knows the truth.

Its not a main stream street fair. You cant just walk into it.... the streets are blocked off and you have to pay to get in.

This was held on a public street where people live, including children.

Have you ever been to there? Do you know what the area is like?.... not many people live there...and the ones who do fit right in.
Sexual perversions include: pedophilia, necrophilia, bestiality, exhibitionism, voyeurism, sado-masochism, podophilia (foot fetish) and my personal favorite, "Vorarephilia" (the sexual attraction to being eaten).

Are these perversions or sexual orientations?

Are these people born this way? Can they be "cured" of their perversions/orientations?

Homosexuals make up about 2% of the population (another 4% are bisexuals) yet they are responsible for about 25% of the above mentioned sexual perversions/orientations. In other words, a homosexual+ bisexuals are 4 times more likely to be a pedophile than a heterosexual.

An example is the Catholic Church pedophilia scandal. Most all of the pedophilia committed by the priests was with young boys, thus it was homosexual pedophilia.

An appropriate quote would be: "The mind that alters, alters all". This is why gay pride parades put all forms of sexual perversion on display.

here is an example of public homosexual perversions at the "Folsum Street Fair"

Do you have a source for the 6%/25% figures?

Here is an article about the topic. It if full of links to source material: Report: Pedophilia more common among ‘gays’

From your link:
“Overwhelming evidence supports the belief that homosexuality is a sexual deviancy often accompanied by disorders that have dire consequences for our culture,” wrote Steve Baldwin in, “Child Molestation and the Homosexual Movement,” soon to be published by the Regent University Law Review.

Baldwin is the executive director of the Council for National Policy in Washington, D.C.

In her thesis – also written for the Regent University Law Review – Reisman cited psychologist Eugene Abel, whose research found that homosexuals “sexually molest young boys with an incidence that is occurring from five times greater than the molestation of girls. …”

And what sort of institution is Regent University?
Regent University is a private coeducational interdenominational Christian university located in Virginia Beach, Virginia, United States. The school was founded by the American televangelist Pat Robertson in 1978 as Christian Broadcasting Network University.

And it just gets better: What exactly is this Council for National Policy that Baldwin runs?

The Council for National Policy (CNP), is an umbrella organization and networking group for social conservative activists in the United States. Nation magazine has called it a secretive organization that "networks wealthy right-wing donors together with top conservative operatives to plan long-term movement strategy."It was founded in 1981 by Tim LaHaye as a forum for conservative Christians seeking to strengthen the political right in the United States.

Members of the CNP have included: General John Singlaub, shipping magnate J. Peter Grace, Edwin J. Feulner Jr of the Heritage Foundation, Rev. Pat Robertson of the Christian Broadcasting Network, Jerry Falwell, Senator Trent Lott, Southern Baptist Convention activists and retired Texas Court of Appeals Judge Paul Pressler, and the Rev. Paige Patterson Senator Don Nickles, former United States Attorneys General Ed Meese and John Ashcroft, gun-rights activist Larry Pratt, Col. Oliver North, and philanthropist Else Prince, mother of Erik Prince the founder of the Blackwater private security firm.

Council for National Policy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Great sources there...RATFLMAO!!!!
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Whats the problem. Let me guess... the jesus dildos right?
did any one notice that most of the pics are of the same small group of folks?

Dont get the pics wrong.... the gays are out in force at the Folsom street fair.....along with all the straight heterosexuals male and female..... They took pics of what would advance their agenda.

This is a event for advance sexuality.....not for the faint of heart.
that was my point ,thanks it just screams agenda!
They will steer wide of any fact, truth or reality. Without exception. You can't mainstream perversion in the face of it. You have to pretend it's something else...and they do that by ignoring the reality.

That's why pooper won't look at your links. She knows the truth.

Its not a main stream street fair. You cant just walk into it.... the streets are blocked off and you have to pay to get in.

This was held on a public street where people live, including children.

Nice attempt, but in fact you lied. It is not "held on a public street where people live, including children". The Folsom Street Fair is held downtown, and not in a residential area. No children are going to walk out their front door and see this event. If you look at a map, there are nothing but businesses in that area, and the area is blocked off.

In fact, if you look at teh names of some of the businesses along Folsom, within the event, you will see it is not an area where children go.

I love Penis,, Frugal Domme, and Sink on Skin are just a few of the businesses on Folsom within the 5 blocks of the fair.
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I won't look at the links because I have this unique philosophy. What two consenting adults do is none of my business. If it happens in public, I will look away. Kissing, hugging, handholding - sweet. Anything beyond that, no.

But I do find it just a titch ironic that you lot are invested in forcing me to visit the links. Very strange.
Nope, me neither, we are part of the 94%.

And how do you like blow jobs... from women of course. Enjoy them or turn them down?

I figure its a fair question considering you felt free enough to ask me about my sexual orientation.

Sorry syrenn dear, Your question of off topic and inappropriate.

You haven't addressed my post. Your sources for your OP suck....try better next time...

And how do you like blow jobs... from women of course. Enjoy them or turn them down?

I figure its a fair question considering you felt free enough to ask me about my sexual orientation.

Sorry syrenn dear, Your question of off topic and inappropriate.

But asking if he is gay is appropriate and on topic?? WTH??

Well, let's be fair here. Nobody said Gary Darling was a GOOD troll.
I won't look at the links because I have this unique philosophy. What two consenting adults do is none of my business. If it happens in public, I will look away. Kissing, hugging, handholding - sweet. Anything beyond that, no.

But I do find it just a titch ironic that you lot are invested in forcing me to visit the links. Very strange.

The thread is about pedophilia. Not about two consenting adults.

And how do you like blow jobs... from women of course. Enjoy them or turn them down?

I figure its a fair question considering you felt free enough to ask me about my sexual orientation.

Sorry syrenn dear, Your question of off topic and inappropriate.

But asking if he is gay is appropriate and on topic?? WTH??

The reason I asked was because of her provocative photo. I have noticed a connection between provocative photos and gay people on facebook. It is not always true, but this correlation is often true.
I won't look at the links because I have this unique philosophy. What two consenting adults do is none of my business. If it happens in public, I will look away. Kissing, hugging, handholding - sweet. Anything beyond that, no.

But I do find it just a titch ironic that you lot are invested in forcing me to visit the links. Very strange.

The thread is about pedophilia. Not about two consenting adults.

most pedophiles are heterosexual.
I won't look at the links because I have this unique philosophy. What two consenting adults do is none of my business. If it happens in public, I will look away. Kissing, hugging, handholding - sweet. Anything beyond that, no.

But I do find it just a titch ironic that you lot are invested in forcing me to visit the links. Very strange.

The thread is about pedophilia. Not about two consenting adults.

And yet, you insist on people looking at pictures of a sexually oriented street fair that caters to adults. And you seem to think that it means something.

The fact that there are homosexual pedophiles does not as several of the links have suggested, mean anything about the homosexual population as a whole.

The Folsom Street Fair is mainly a leather event. And so it caters to gays and straights. The fact that it happens in San Fran means you will have a significant portion of the attendees that are gay. They are the dominant orientation locally.
And studies show that homophobes are most likely closet gays.

So technically the OP would fall under these "Sexual Perversions".
Sorry syrenn dear, Your question of off topic and inappropriate.

But asking if he is gay is appropriate and on topic?? WTH??

The reason I asked was because of her provocative photo. I have noticed a connection between provocative photos and gay people on facebook. It is not always true, but this correlation is often true.

So you spend a good bit of time on facebook looking at gay profiles and provocative photos?

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