Gays comprise 6% of the population yer they commit 25% of all sexual perversions

Yeah, that's not going to happen, so long as people like the good people who frequent this board are on hand to defend them!

I'm sorry, I must have missed the posts where people defended pedophiles. Perhaps you can link it?
While I was writing that, a defender came to the rescue before I could even get it posted...
Sexual perversions include: pedophilia, necrophilia, bestiality, exhibitionism, voyeurism, sado-masochism, podophilia (foot fetish) and my personal favorite, "Vorarephilia" (the sexual attraction to being eaten).

What any of these have to do with being "gay" is a "mystery" only solved by "right wing science".

Speaking of 6%:


6% of Scientists will admit to being Republican | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

What the results of a scientific study actually look like.

Don't feed the troll rdean.

Gays aren't screwed up.....extremism is what's screwed up. It doesn't matter who it is.

Good point, dammit. Shame I am out of rep. Again. Raincheck. ;)
But how do you know they aren't screwed up if you refuse to educate yourself about them?

Oh, silly don't.
But how do you know they aren't screwed up if you refuse to educate yourself about them?

Oh, silly don't.

I am virtually positive that you think you are typing calm, rational, logical thoughts.

You're not. You should know that. You've come undone, and you don't seem to have noticed.
And studies show that homophobes are most likely closet gays.

So technically the OP would fall under these "Sexual Perversions".

I was thinking the same thing. Hopefully some of the haters in this thread will find the courage to come out ofthe closet and embrace who they really are.

It is EXTREMELY INTOLERANT to call people HATERS just because they oppose the gay agenda.

My experience has shown me that GAY ACTIVISTS are the most intolerant and hateful group. They shut down businesses and got people fired just because they supported Prop. 8. The routinely insult Christians and disrupt Christian events. They even disrup Christian worship services and mock and belittle Christians.

If any group should be labeled haters, it is the gay activists.

What you asked about was perversion.
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I won't look at the links because I have this unique philosophy. What two consenting adults do is none of my business. If it happens in public, I will look away. Kissing, hugging, handholding - sweet. Anything beyond that, no.

But I do find it just a titch ironic that you lot are invested in forcing me to visit the links. Very strange.

The thread is about pedophilia. Not about two consenting adults.

He wants me to go see pictures of two consenting adults. Right? Yes.

Yes, he sure does. He is asking you to link to some very sexually explicit photos. Photos of Male on male... males alone.. male on female.. female on male...
But how do you know they aren't screwed up if you refuse to educate yourself about them?

Oh, silly don't.

I am virtually positive that you think you are typing calm, rational, logical thoughts.

You're not. You should know that. You've come undone, and you don't seem to have noticed.

I am virtually positive that you think people actually care what you think about anything...I haven't come undone at all. This site has gone downhill. And it will continue to go downhill as long as it embraces perverts. The number of visitors is already declining.

  • Larry Kramer, the founder of ACT-UP, a noted homosexual activist group, wrote in his book, “Report from the Holocaust: The Making of an AIDS Activist”: “In those instances where children do have sex with their homosexual elders, be they teachers or anyone else, I submit that often, very often, the child desires the activity, and perhaps even solicits it.”
  • In a study of advertisements in the influential homosexual newspaper, The Advocate, Reisman found ads for a “Penetrable Boy Doll … available in three provocative positions. She also found that the number of erotic boy images in each issue of The Advocate averaged 14.
  • Homosexual newspapers and travel publications advertise prominently for countries where boy prostitution is heavy, such as Burma, the Philippines, Sri Lanka and Thailand.
Homosexuality ‘youth-oriented'

Report: Pedophilia more common among ‘gays’
Sexual perversions include: pedophilia, necrophilia, bestiality, exhibitionism, voyeurism, sado-masochism, podophilia (foot fetish) and my personal favorite, "Vorarephilia" (the sexual attraction to being eaten).

Are these perversions or sexual orientations?

Are these people born this way? Can they be "cured" of their perversions/orientations?

Homosexuals make up about 2% of the population (another 4% are bisexuals) yet they are responsible for about 25% of the above mentioned sexual perversions/orientations. In other words, a homosexual+ bisexuals are 4 times more likely to be a pedophile than a heterosexual.

An example is the Catholic Church pedophilia scandal. Most all of the pedophilia committed by the priests was with young boys, thus it was homosexual pedophilia.

An appropriate quote would be: "The mind that alters, alters all". This is why gay pride parades put all forms of sexual perversion on display.

here is an example of public homosexual perversions at the "Folsum Street Fair"

Damn them. We heterosexuals obviously need to work hard to be perverted.
Sexual perversions include: pedophilia, necrophilia, bestiality, exhibitionism, voyeurism, sado-masochism, podophilia (foot fetish) and my personal favorite, "Vorarephilia" (the sexual attraction to being eaten).

What any of these have to do with being "gay" is a "mystery" only solved by "right wing science".

Speaking of 6%:


6% of Scientists will admit to being Republican | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

What the results of a scientific study actually look like.

If only I was a hack, I would be able to use you as proof that all left wingers are so stupid they shouldn't be allowed to vote.
Sexual perversions include: pedophilia, necrophilia, bestiality, exhibitionism, voyeurism, sado-masochism, podophilia (foot fetish) and my personal favorite, "Vorarephilia" (the sexual attraction to being eaten).

What any of these have to do with being "gay" is a "mystery" only solved by "right wing science".

Speaking of 6%:


6% of Scientists will admit to being Republican | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

What the results of a scientific study actually look like.

If someone posted about the mating habits of the three toed sloth you could still turn it into some kind of "Republicans Suck" thread without missing a beat, couldn't you?

It's a wonderful talent. Appearing to address an issue in such detail while actually completely ignoring it is a skill that politicians take years to develop.
Sexual perversions include: pedophilia, necrophilia, bestiality, exhibitionism, voyeurism, sado-masochism, podophilia (foot fetish) and my personal favorite, "Vorarephilia" (the sexual attraction to being eaten).

Are these perversions or sexual orientations?

Are these people born this way? Can they be "cured" of their perversions/orientations?

Homosexuals make up about 2% of the population (another 4% are bisexuals) yet they are responsible for about 25% of the above mentioned sexual perversions/orientations. In other words, a homosexual+ bisexuals are 4 times more likely to be a pedophile than a heterosexual.

An example is the Catholic Church pedophilia scandal. Most all of the pedophilia committed by the priests was with young boys, thus it was homosexual pedophilia.

An appropriate quote would be: "The mind that alters, alters all". This is why gay pride parades put all forms of sexual perversion on display.

here is an example of public homosexual perversions at the "Folsum Street Fair"

Damn them. We heterosexuals obviously need to work hard to be perverted.

Yes, I hope you are doing your part! Let that be a lesson to you!!!
If someone posted about the mating habits of the three toed sloth you could still turn it into some kind of "Republicans Suck" thread without missing a beat, couldn't you?

It's a wonderful talent. Appearing to address an issue in such detail while actually completely ignoring it is a skill that politicians take years to develop.

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Sexual perversions include: pedophilia, necrophilia, bestiality, exhibitionism, voyeurism, sado-masochism, podophilia (foot fetish) and my personal favorite, "Vorarephilia" (the sexual attraction to being eaten).

Are these perversions or sexual orientations?

Are these people born this way? Can they be "cured" of their perversions/orientations?

Homosexuals make up about 2% of the population (another 4% are bisexuals) yet they are responsible for about 25% of the above mentioned sexual perversions/orientations. In other words, a homosexual+ bisexuals are 4 times more likely to be a pedophile than a heterosexual.

An example is the Catholic Church pedophilia scandal. Most all of the pedophilia committed by the priests was with young boys, thus it was homosexual pedophilia.

An appropriate quote would be: "The mind that alters, alters all". This is why gay pride parades put all forms of sexual perversion on display.

here is an example of public homosexual perversions at the "Folsum Street Fair"

Damn them. We heterosexuals obviously need to work hard to be perverted.

Yes, I hope you are doing your part! Let that be a lesson to you!!!


Yes, QW.... set that be a lesson to you!!!


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