Gays comprise 6% of the population yer they commit 25% of all sexual perversions

He wants me to go see pictures of two consenting adults. Right? Yes.

Yes, he sure does. He is asking you to link to some very sexually explicit photos. Photos of Male on male... males alone.. male on female.. female on male...

Wow. Gary Darling is a sick little mofo.

From his non answer on the blow job question...

i am going to take that as he is a pervert....

He hiding behind being outraged about what other people do to make himself feel better at accepting his previsions.
I was thinking the same thing. Hopefully some of the haters in this thread will find the courage to come out ofthe closet and embrace who they really are.

It is EXTREMELY INTOLERANT to call people HATERS just because they oppose the gay agenda.

My experience has shown me that GAY ACTIVISTS are the most intolerant and hateful group. They shut down businesses and got people fired just because they supported Prop. 8. The routinely insult Christians and disrupt Christian events. They even disrup Christian worship services and mock and belittle Christians.

If any group should be labeled haters, it is the gay activists.

I label people haters based on their actions, not some vague whining about a group.

You have tried to portray all gays in an extremely bad light, and based it on the actions of an extreme minority of the gay population. That screams "hater".

You got your ass kicked inthe thread about gay marriage, so you resort to this attempt to paint all gays as either child molesters or supporters of child molesters. Again, that screams "hater".

And, if I am not mistaken, you stated that the Folsom Street Fair was held "...where people live, including children.", which was a blatant lie designed to make the fair look like it was doing all this in residential sections where children could see it from their homes. Again, this screams "hater".

Not only that, but he also tried to generalize them as perverts who wanted to practice bestiality.
Sexual perversions include: pedophilia, necrophilia, bestiality, exhibitionism, voyeurism, sado-masochism, podophilia (foot fetish) and my personal favorite, "Vorarephilia" (the sexual attraction to being eaten).

Are these perversions or sexual orientations?

Are these people born this way? Can they be "cured" of their perversions/orientations?

Homosexuals make up about 2% of the population (another 4% are bisexuals) yet they are responsible for about 25% of the above mentioned sexual perversions/orientations. In other words, a homosexual+ bisexuals are 4 times more likely to be a pedophile than a heterosexual.

An example is the Catholic Church pedophilia scandal. Most all of the pedophilia committed by the priests was with young boys, thus it was homosexual pedophilia.

An appropriate quote would be: "The mind that alters, alters all". This is why gay pride parades put all forms of sexual perversion on display.

here is an example of public homosexual perversions at the "Folsum Street Fair"

Damn them. We heterosexuals obviously need to work hard to be perverted.

Yes, I hope you are doing your part! Let that be a lesson to you!!!

I do my part at every opportunity!
It is EXTREMELY INTOLERANT to call people HATERS just because they oppose the gay agenda.

My experience has shown me that GAY ACTIVISTS are the most intolerant and hateful group. They shut down businesses and got people fired just because they supported Prop. 8. The routinely insult Christians and disrupt Christian events. They even disrup Christian worship services and mock and belittle Christians.

If any group should be labeled haters, it is the gay activists.

I label people haters based on their actions, not some vague whining about a group.

You have tried to portray all gays in an extremely bad light, and based it on the actions of an extreme minority of the gay population. That screams "hater".

You got your ass kicked inthe thread about gay marriage, so you resort to this attempt to paint all gays as either child molesters or supporters of child molesters. Again, that screams "hater".

And, if I am not mistaken, you stated that the Folsom Street Fair was held "...where people live, including children.", which was a blatant lie designed to make the fair look like it was doing all this in residential sections where children could see it from their homes. Again, this screams "hater".

Not only that, but he also tried to generalize them as perverts who wanted to practice bestiality.

however he does not answer the blow job question..which would put him right in with the perverts.

Other than being alarmist and sensationalistic, the point of this thread is what?

Given that studies show pedophiles should be classified as an orientation on their own (attraction to children), and given the fact that girls are watched much more closely than boys, none of this really says anything about the homosexual population as a whole.

The attempt to paint a broad stroke against all homosexuals, when the overwhelming majority never touch a child, is simply misleading.
It’s more than misleading, it’s reckless and irresponsible.

Child molestation and pedophilia occur far more commonly among homosexuals than among heterosexuals on a per capita basis, according to a new study.
“Overwhelming evidence supports the belief that homosexuality is a sexual deviancy often accompanied by disorders that have dire consequences for our culture,” wrote Steve Baldwin in, “Child Molestation and the Homosexual Movement,” soon to be published by the Regent University Law Review.
Baldwin is the executive director of the Council for National Policy in Washington, D.C."
Report: Pedophilia more common among ‘gays’ « FIGHT CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE AND PEDOPHILIA

Regent University Law Review? You’ve got to be kidding. Regent University was started by Pat Robertson, of Christian Broadcasting Network infamy. They churn out social conservative activists, not ‘lawyers.’
I guess, Glenn Beck was smart to create GBTV when he did. He's positioned to go all Pulitzer and Hearst on them. Look them up to see how they used to dominate the press.

I guess we're seeing the next "newspaper" revolution when industrial printing became big business in the late 1800's and dominated the news landscape till the golden age of television.
If he does, I'll never know. I face-palmed so hard, my glasses broke. :(

I want the pedophiles, gay or straight, to be incarcerated for life.

But this type of reporting smacks of witch hunts. I did not see a single figure showing what percentage of the gay population they claim are pedophiles. But the article seems all to willing to convict all homosexuals, whether they have done anything or not.

Agreed,pedophiles should be candidates for the death penalty.

Why should pedophiles be killed? That is ridiculous. There is no good reason. :eusa_eh:
I want the pedophiles, gay or straight, to be incarcerated for life.

But this type of reporting smacks of witch hunts. I did not see a single figure showing what percentage of the gay population they claim are pedophiles. But the article seems all to willing to convict all homosexuals, whether they have done anything or not.

Agreed,pedophiles should be candidates for the death penalty.

Why should pedophiles be killed? That is ridiculous. There is no good reason. :eusa_eh:
Pedophilia cannot be cured. They will always be a risk to children. They are often sexual predators of adults as well when restricted from children.

Why bother locking them up with the chance that some dumbass will get em sprung? Then with all their social worker talk (that was given to them in prison to 'cure them) can be used to help them keep from getting caught or stay out of jail next time.

Chemical castration is a joke. Viagra and other hormone replacements are easily gotten. There are also other ways to sexually violate a child than with genetalia, and they WILL find a way in time.

They are incurable and need to be put down like a rabid dog and with the same level of dignity.
Agreed,pedophiles should be candidates for the death penalty.

Why should pedophiles be killed? That is ridiculous. There is no good reason. :eusa_eh:
Pedophilia cannot be cured. They will always be a risk to children. They are often sexual predators of adults as well when restricted from children.

Why bother locking them up with the chance that some dumbass will get em sprung? Then with all their social worker talk (that was given to them in prison to 'cure them) can be used to help them keep from getting caught or stay out of jail next time.

Chemical castration is a joke. Viagra and other hormone replacements are easily gotten. There are also other ways to sexually violate a child than with genetalia, and they WILL find a way in time.

They are incurable and need to be put down like a rabid dog and with the same level of dignity.

Following the same course, should kleptomaniacs be killed? Who would execute someone for something that they cannot stop?
The American Psychological Association, on the other hand, is an authoritative source as to facts concerning human behavior:

According to the American Psychological Association, "homosexual men are not more likely to sexually abuse children than heterosexual men are." Gregory Herek, a professor at the University of California, Davis, who is one of the nation's leading researchers on prejudice against sexual minorities, reviewed a series of studies and found no evidence that gay men molest children at higher rates than heterosexual men.

Anti-gay activists who make that claim allege that all men who molest male children should be seen as homosexual. But research by A. Nicholas Groth, a pioneer in the field of sexual abuse of children, shows that is not so. Groth found that there are two types of child molesters: fixated and regressive. The fixated child molester — the stereotypical pedophile — cannot be considered homosexual or heterosexual because "he often finds adults of either sex repulsive" and often molests children of both sexes. Regressive child molesters are generally attracted to other adults, but may "regress" to focusing on children when confronted with stressful situations. Groth found that the majority of regressed offenders were heterosexual in their adult relationships.

The Child Molestation Research and Prevention Institute notes that 90% of child molesters target children in their network of family and friends. Most child molesters, therefore, are not gay people lingering outside schools waiting to snatch children from the playground, as much religious-right rhetoric suggests.

10 Anti-Gay Myths Debunked | Southern Poverty Law Center

It’s sad the ignorance and hate exhibited in this thread by the right had to be rebutted at all.
Why should pedophiles be killed? That is ridiculous. There is no good reason. :eusa_eh:
Pedophilia cannot be cured. They will always be a risk to children. They are often sexual predators of adults as well when restricted from children.

Why bother locking them up with the chance that some dumbass will get em sprung? Then with all their social worker talk (that was given to them in prison to 'cure them) can be used to help them keep from getting caught or stay out of jail next time.

Chemical castration is a joke. Viagra and other hormone replacements are easily gotten. There are also other ways to sexually violate a child than with genetalia, and they WILL find a way in time.

They are incurable and need to be put down like a rabid dog and with the same level of dignity.

Following the same course, should kleptomaniacs be killed? Who would execute someone for something that they cannot stop?
Sorry. Not similar. Kleptos do not destroy children, raping them and twisting their minds till they become pedos as well. Exceedingly heinous crime deserving of total elimination from society.

Lemme guess, you vacation in Thailand for the sex tourism? Or at least condone such behavior?
Sexual perversions include: pedophilia, necrophilia, bestiality, exhibitionism, voyeurism, sado-masochism, podophilia (foot fetish) and my personal favorite, "Vorarephilia" (the sexual attraction to being eaten).

Are these perversions or sexual orientations?

Are these people born this way? Can they be "cured" of their perversions/orientations?

Homosexuals make up about 2% of the population (another 4% are bisexuals) yet they are responsible for about 25% of the above mentioned sexual perversions/orientations. In other words, a homosexual+ bisexuals are 4 times more likely to be a pedophile than a heterosexual.

An example is the Catholic Church pedophilia scandal. Most all of the pedophilia committed by the priests was with young boys, thus it was homosexual pedophilia.

An appropriate quote would be: "The mind that alters, alters all". This is why gay pride parades put all forms of sexual perversion on display.

here is an example of public homosexual perversions at the "Folsum Street Fair"

Damn them. We heterosexuals obviously need to work hard to be perverted.

Yes, I hope you are doing your part! Let that be a lesson to you!!!

I live in San Francisco, that makes me more perverted than average all by itself.
I believe pedophiles are a pathetic disgrace. However, killing them like animals is unfair treatment. Especially when people so closely relate them to gays. And how many pedos have been busted out of prison to date? Back yourself up.
"[FONT=VERDANA, MS SANS SERIF, ARIAL, HELVETICA]The report entitled Homosexuality and Child Sexual Abuse, shows that while homosexual men make up less than three per cent of the adult male population, they commit a disproportionate number (one third or more) of child sexual molestations. Dailey's report is being sent to parents, youth groups, school administrators, Catholic bishops, and religious organizations.
Homosexuality and Child Sexual Abuse presents a number of controversial findings. The first is that a significant percentage of child sexual abuse victims are boys. The second finding of Dailey's report contradicts the "inaccurate but widely accepted claims of sex researcher Alfred Kinsey" that homosexuals comprise at least 10 per cent of the population. Based upon a study of three large data sets, the General Social Survey, the National Health and Social Life Survey, and the U.S. Census, "a recent study in demography estimates the number of exclusive male homosexuals in the general population at 2.5 per cent, and the number of exclusive lesbians at 1.4 per cent," writes Dailey."

Study shows link between homosexuality and pedophilia - Interim, September 2002


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