IN 2020, the CIA lied to the US Senate, saying that the Hunter Biden laptop story was "Russian disinformation"

Um actually it does.

And I just answered that question. 10 percent do the big guy

Which proves nothing
Congress went over Biden’s bank records with a fine tooth comb.
They could find no 10 percent

So why does Congress care about the laptop of a private citizen?
So you admit Biden is this stupid? Hunter has a laptop with things about him on it and he doesn't care to find out the truth. Is that what you're saying?

I have no idea what is on the laptops of my adult children
Why would Biden?
Which proves nothing
Congress went over Biden’s bank records with a fine tooth comb.
They could find no 10 percent

So why does Congress care about the laptop of a private citizen?
Sorry 10 percent kickbacks is corrupt

Congress and the American people don’t like their elected officials getting kick backs from foreign countries

This is why you are losing at the polls
You saying Joe didn't know the laptop was real from the beginning?
I'm saying the agents did not the say the laptop was Russian disinformation.

That is a constantly repeated lie by the right.

Tools of right wing media oligarchs spreading faithfully repeated lies to their minions.

How did you fall for it?
Sorry 10 percent kickbacks is corrupt

Congress and the American people don’t like their elected officials getting kick backs from foreign countries

This is why you are losing at the polls

Yet nobody has proved Biden getting a cent in kickbacks

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