Gaza and the Warsaw Ghetto

Gaza has some of the potentially richest real estate on the planet.
Unfortunately for the Jews, it was not a land without a people for greedy Europeans who needed a new country to fuck up.
Indigenous Palestinians aren't going to roll over for Israel in Gaza or on the West Bank.
Maybe Jews should learn to share before they get bounced again?

Learn to share? 20% of Israel is non Jewish you disgusting Nazi.
Last I checked, all religions are free to practice.
Last you checked, what percentage of Arabs living under Jews law between the River and the sea were entitled to vote for those writing the laws?

Is it more than the percentage of Arabs living under Arab law that were entitled to vote for those writing the laws?
Gaza has some of the potentially richest real estate on the planet.
Unfortunately for the Jews, it was not a land without a people for greedy Europeans who needed a new country to fuck up.
Indigenous Palestinians aren't going to roll over for Israel in Gaza or on the West Bank.
Maybe Jews should learn to share before they get bounced again?

Then they should elect leadership that VALUES education and commerce and freedom. One that will negotiate for peace so that progress can be made. Why do the Gazans want border access to Israel ? For employment, education, and medical care. And I don't blame them. I admire the more "conservative" approach of the Palestinian Authoritiy.. Unfortunately YOU and media make this all about what Hamas wants.

There WAS a process to normalize trade and commerce. The Palis tossed all that when Hamas consolidated power there. Go convince them to use the ballot box and diplomacy. And GOOD LUCK with that Georgie..
I would have more luck with my task than you would if you tried to convince the Jews to share the land between the River and the sea. As the occupying power of the Gaza strip, Israel has an obligation and duty to protect the civilian population under its occupation.

Not only does Israel not protect those civilians, they murder their children on a Gaza beach directly in front of a hotel filled with international journalists.

Jews have made it clear they want all land between the River and the sea.
There are equal numbers of Jews and Arabs currently living there.
Israel's solution is to make life so miserable for Arabs they will abandon their homes as many did in '48 and '67.
Good luck with that.

Jewish guy banging your wife?
Learn to share? 20% of Israel is non Jewish you disgusting Nazi.
Last I checked, all religions are free to practice.
Last you checked, what percentage of Arabs living under Jews law between the River and the sea were entitled to vote for those writing the laws?

Is it more than the percentage of Arabs living under Arab law that were entitled to vote for those writing the laws?
Between the River and the sea?
Less than half of all Arabs have the right to vote for the Jews who write the laws Arabs live (and die) under.
Maybe you should stick to non-violent crime?
Last you checked, what percentage of Arabs living under Jews law between the River and the sea were entitled to vote for those writing the laws?

Is it more than the percentage of Arabs living under Arab law that were entitled to vote for those writing the laws?
Between the River and the sea?
Less than half of all Arabs have the right to vote for the Jews who write the laws Arabs live (and die) under.
Maybe you should stick to non-violent crime?

of course you have nothing to substantiate your assertion. it is an interesting bit of fiction, though.
Is it more than the percentage of Arabs living under Arab law that were entitled to vote for those writing the laws?
Between the River and the sea?
Less than half of all Arabs have the right to vote for the Jews who write the laws Arabs live (and die) under.
Maybe you should stick to non-violent crime?

of course you have nothing to substantiate your assertion. it is an interesting bit of fiction, though.
Equal numbers of Jews and Arabs currently live between the River and the sea.
Jewish law, civil or military, controls all of that real estate.
Every Jew of voting age has a vote for who writes the laws she lives under.
Only 20% of Arabs living inside the Green Line have the same right.
Would you accept that if you were an Arab?
I do wish you'd call the perpetrators here by their proper name: Zionist Israelis. Not all Israelis are Zionists, nor are all Jews. It does the cause of human rights no good to affront people of goodwill by labeling them so.
The Jews of Israel seem to strongly support what their military is currently inflicting upon Gaza; the most recent generation of Israeli Jews gives a lot of us reason to doubt the Jewish state's commitment to democracy, or humanity for that matter.

The moderates have been all but silenced within Israel, and there are Jews world wide. Moderate voices in (and related to) any radical society must be encouraged - this indiscriminate paintbrush you're using is anything BUT encouraging to sweet reason. If all will be lumped together, why bother to dissent? If you do not differentiate the radicals from the moderates, where are they safe to disagree with the only group (it would seem) will have them?

And that is INDEED the current problem in Gaza.. Israel made a treaty with Pali MODERATES for the end to occupation in Gaza. The IDF DRAGGED Israeli settlers out there by force and removed all military and police control. They all agreed to a process to normalize relations. And within a year --- Hamas has PURGED the moderates out of Gaza and turned the priorities to resistance and war..

There's your "end the occupation" experiment in a nutshell. REPEATING IT would be insanity.. Until you FIX the current outcome by BOOTING the radicals out...
Last you checked, what percentage of Arabs living under Jews law between the River and the sea were entitled to vote for those writing the laws?

Is it more than the percentage of Arabs living under Arab law that were entitled to vote for those writing the laws?
Between the River and the sea?
Less than half of all Arabs have the right to vote for the Jews who write the laws Arabs live (and die) under.
Maybe you should stick to non-violent crime?

Is English your second language?

Is it more than the percentage of Arabs living under Arab law that were entitled to vote for those writing the laws?

Less than half of all Arabs have the right

How many have the right in Arab nations?
Is it more than the percentage of Arabs living under Arab law that were entitled to vote for those writing the laws?
Between the River and the sea?
Less than half of all Arabs have the right to vote for the Jews who write the laws Arabs live (and die) under.
Maybe you should stick to non-violent crime?

Is English your second language?

Is it more than the percentage of Arabs living under Arab law that were entitled to vote for those writing the laws?

Less than half of all Arabs have the right

How many have the right in Arab nations?

Actually I think Ebonics is his first language. A person would have to be very, very naive if he or she thinks that Dhimmi George really cares about the Arabs. Everyone sees him every day on this Midle East forum and he has not said one word about the horrendous circumstances the Arabs are facing in other Middle East countries. As far as voting, since China is occupying Tibet, does anyone think that Dhimmi George cares that the Tibetans have no say about what goes on in China, let alone in Tibet? Can any of the Cypriots living in the part of Cyprus controlled by the Turks vote in an election in Turkey?
Is it more than the percentage of Arabs living under Arab law that were entitled to vote for those writing the laws?
Between the River and the sea?
Less than half of all Arabs have the right to vote for the Jews who write the laws Arabs live (and die) under.
Maybe you should stick to non-violent crime?

Is English your second language?

Is it more than the percentage of Arabs living under Arab law that were entitled to vote for those writing the laws?

Less than half of all Arabs have the right

How many have the right in Arab nations?
Start your own thread and find out, Loser.
This one's about Gaza.
The Jews of Israel seem to strongly support what their military is currently inflicting upon Gaza; the most recent generation of Israeli Jews gives a lot of us reason to doubt the Jewish state's commitment to democracy, or humanity for that matter.

The moderates have been all but silenced within Israel, and there are Jews world wide. Moderate voices in (and related to) any radical society must be encouraged - this indiscriminate paintbrush you're using is anything BUT encouraging to sweet reason. If all will be lumped together, why bother to dissent? If you do not differentiate the radicals from the moderates, where are they safe to disagree with the only group (it would seem) will have them?

And that is INDEED the current problem in Gaza.. Israel made a treaty with Pali MODERATES for the end to occupation in Gaza. The IDF DRAGGED Israeli settlers out there by force and removed all military and police control. They all agreed to a process to normalize relations. And within a year --- Hamas has PURGED the moderates out of Gaza and turned the priorities to resistance and war..

There's your "end the occupation" experiment in a nutshell. REPEATING IT would be insanity.. Until you FIX the current outcome by BOOTING the radicals out...
Hamas did their purging at the polls, and Israel objected to the democratic outcome.
Israel and the US then imposed a crippling blockade upon Gaza as part of that "process to normalize relations" fiction. Israel's occupation of Gaza continues to this minute because ti exerts "effective control" over this area, the conflict that produced the occupation has not ended, and an occupying state can't unilaterally transform the international status of an occupied territory unless it terminates all manner of effective control.

Jews are great at process and lousy at peace.
That's because they want unilateral control of all the land between the River and the sea with as few Arabs as possible living on it.
The rest of us call this option by its true name: ethnic cleansing.
What's your problem?
Is Hamas still hiding behind their human shields?
Does Hamas still fire rockets at civilians?
Then no, the mission is not accomplished.

Facts All US Citizens Need to Know About Israel and Palestine | Global Research

Hamas is the government elected by Gaza in elections that Jimmy Carter (and many others) observed and said were completely fair and free. Israel constantly says Hamas uses human shields. But in Israel’s biggest massacre of Gaza, the one in 2009, all the human rights organizations, including Amnesty, HRW, and the jurist Richard Goldstone, found that Hamas DID NOT use human shields. On the contrary, Israel used human shields, which is a regular practice for Israel.

Israel uses civilians as human shields.

Israel forced Palestinian civilians to dig and lay naked in trenches around Israeli tanks.

See here at 6:45.

Thanks, I occasionally like to see the Arab propaganda. Now I don't have to go looking for it
Now tell us how Gaza can commit aggression against Israel, since Israel is in constant and continual commission of illegal aggression against all of Palestine? Don't forget to explain why Israel has killed ten times as many Palestinian children compared to Jews killed by Arabs, and why Israel breaks far more ceasefires than their victims? Ready for your Big Fail? How many wars has the Jewish state engaged in that were actually "wars of necessity" as opposed to "wars of choice?"
The moderates have been all but silenced within Israel, and there are Jews world wide. Moderate voices in (and related to) any radical society must be encouraged - this indiscriminate paintbrush you're using is anything BUT encouraging to sweet reason. If all will be lumped together, why bother to dissent? If you do not differentiate the radicals from the moderates, where are they safe to disagree with the only group (it would seem) will have them?

And that is INDEED the current problem in Gaza.. Israel made a treaty with Pali MODERATES for the end to occupation in Gaza. The IDF DRAGGED Israeli settlers out there by force and removed all military and police control. They all agreed to a process to normalize relations. And within a year --- Hamas has PURGED the moderates out of Gaza and turned the priorities to resistance and war..

There's your "end the occupation" experiment in a nutshell. REPEATING IT would be insanity.. Until you FIX the current outcome by BOOTING the radicals out...
Hamas did their purging at the polls, and Israel objected to the democratic outcome.
Israel and the US then imposed a crippling blockade upon Gaza as part of that "process to normalize relations" fiction. Israel's occupation of Gaza continues to this minute because ti exerts "effective control" over this area, the conflict that produced the occupation has not ended, and an occupying state can't unilaterally transform the international status of an occupied territory unless it terminates all manner of effective control.

Jews are great at process and lousy at peace.
That's because they want unilateral control of all the land between the River and the sea with as few Arabs as possible living on it.
The rest of us call this option by its true name: ethnic cleansing.
What's your problem?

I have a problem? Not really George. My only problem is that I hate the concept of LONG and torturous occupations. But in THIS CASE --- Israel didn't just push the problem to someone else like the King of Jordan did when he sent the PLO packing and renounced Jordanian title to the West Bank. He essentially GAVE the Palis to the Israelis to "manage".

Same as in Lebanon -- where the MILITANT Palis got "cleansed" and deported by UN edict.
Egypt and 1/2 the Arab League RESENT the actions of Hamas following the Gaza "elections". INCLUDING the fact that Hamas is now the leading reason that FURTHER ELECTIONS just never appeared or happened.

As I said before, what is the significance of an election if the winners kill and route the losers? Elections are one of those things that they do to impress the West occasionally to get free money from Belgium. But elections and "peace process" are on a long list of "values" that your heroes dont give a shit about..
Last edited:
Between the River and the sea?
Less than half of all Arabs have the right to vote for the Jews who write the laws Arabs live (and die) under.
Maybe you should stick to non-violent crime?

Is English your second language?

Is it more than the percentage of Arabs living under Arab law that were entitled to vote for those writing the laws?

Less than half of all Arabs have the right

How many have the right in Arab nations?
Start your own thread and find out, Loser.
This one's about Gaza.

I had to chuckle over this. It is funny seeing an actual loser call someone else a loser. Meanwhile, there have been so many threads on this Middle East forum which covered
other news besides Israel, but does Dhimmi Georger ever join in or even start a thread of his own about what is happening? It's so obvious that he is not interested at all in what is going on in the rest of the Middle East no matter that tens of thousands of people have been killed. He is only interested in Israel because his favorite scapegoats in his loser life are involved.

Dhimmi George is apparently under the impression that the majority of viewers believes that he cares about Arabs, but the viewers are smart enough to figure out that he doesn't care one bit about them and is just using them as his pawns in his fight against the Jews whom he has made his scapegoats because losers always have to blame someone.

I believe we would all be flabbergasted if Dhimmi George ever started a thread about what is happening in some other Middle Eastern country even though he is on this Middle East forum every day, many times even before the rooster crows in Los Angeles to very late in the evening.
Between the River and the sea?
Less than half of all Arabs have the right to vote for the Jews who write the laws Arabs live (and die) under.
Maybe you should stick to non-violent crime?

Is English your second language?

Is it more than the percentage of Arabs living under Arab law that were entitled to vote for those writing the laws?

Less than half of all Arabs have the right

How many have the right in Arab nations?
Start your own thread and find out, Loser.
This one's about Gaza.


Thanks, I occasionally like to see the Arab propaganda. Now I don't have to go looking for it
Now tell us how Gaza can commit aggression against Israel, since Israel is in constant and continual commission of illegal aggression against all of Palestine? Don't forget to explain why Israel has killed ten times as many Palestinian children compared to Jews killed by Arabs, and why Israel breaks far more ceasefires than their victims? Ready for your Big Fail? How many wars has the Jewish state engaged in that were actually "wars of necessity" as opposed to "wars of choice?"

Keep kneeling before these terrorist scum.
Thanks, I occasionally like to see the Arab propaganda. Now I don't have to go looking for it
Now tell us how Gaza can commit aggression against Israel, since Israel is in constant and continual commission of illegal aggression against all of Palestine? Don't forget to explain why Israel has killed ten times as many Palestinian children compared to Jews killed by Arabs, and why Israel breaks far more ceasefires than their victims? Ready for your Big Fail? How many wars has the Jewish state engaged in that were actually "wars of necessity" as opposed to "wars of choice?"

Keep kneeling before these terrorist scum.

Now tell us how Gaza can commit aggression against Israel, since Israel is in constant and continual commission of illegal aggression against all of Palestine? Don't forget to explain why Israel has killed ten times as many Palestinian children compared to Jews killed by Arabs, and why Israel breaks far more ceasefires than their victims? Ready for your Big Fail? How many wars has the Jewish state engaged in that were actually "wars of necessity" as opposed to "wars of choice?"

Keep kneeling before these terrorist scum.


We all know that Hamas uses pictures of Syrian wounded and dead so who even knows when it is actually a Gazan baby. Meanwhile, Dhimmi George has no problem with his new masters starting up, and like they feel, he could care less that many people die as a result of their actions. I think we all realize by now that Dhimmi George is not at all interested in the murdered and wounded people in the rest of the Middle East. If his favorite scapegoats can't be blamed, what does he care even though in parts of the Middle East his new masters would have no problem detaching his head from the rest of his body. He can rant and rave about his scapegoats day in and day out. Does he think his new masters would actually care?
Now tell us how Gaza can commit aggression against Israel, since Israel is in constant and continual commission of illegal aggression against all of Palestine? Don't forget to explain why Israel has killed ten times as many Palestinian children compared to Jews killed by Arabs, and why Israel breaks far more ceasefires than their victims? Ready for your Big Fail? How many wars has the Jewish state engaged in that were actually "wars of necessity" as opposed to "wars of choice?"

Keep kneeling before these terrorist scum.


Your terrorist buddies do love their human shields.
And that is INDEED the current problem in Gaza.. Israel made a treaty with Pali MODERATES for the end to occupation in Gaza. The IDF DRAGGED Israeli settlers out there by force and removed all military and police control. They all agreed to a process to normalize relations. And within a year --- Hamas has PURGED the moderates out of Gaza and turned the priorities to resistance and war..

There's your "end the occupation" experiment in a nutshell. REPEATING IT would be insanity.. Until you FIX the current outcome by BOOTING the radicals out...
Hamas did their purging at the polls, and Israel objected to the democratic outcome.
Israel and the US then imposed a crippling blockade upon Gaza as part of that "process to normalize relations" fiction. Israel's occupation of Gaza continues to this minute because ti exerts "effective control" over this area, the conflict that produced the occupation has not ended, and an occupying state can't unilaterally transform the international status of an occupied territory unless it terminates all manner of effective control.

Jews are great at process and lousy at peace.
That's because they want unilateral control of all the land between the River and the sea with as few Arabs as possible living on it.
The rest of us call this option by its true name: ethnic cleansing.
What's your problem?

I have a problem? Not really George. My only problem is that I hate the concept of LONG and torturous occupations. But in THIS CASE --- Israel didn't just push the problem to someone else like the King of Jordan did when he sent the PLO packing and renounced Jordanian title to the West Bank. He essentially GAVE the Palis to the Israelis to "manage".

Same as in Lebanon -- where the MILITANT Palis got "cleansed" and deported by UN edict.
Egypt and 1/2 the Arab League RESENT the actions of Hamas following the Gaza "elections". INCLUDING the fact that Hamas is now the leading reason that FURTHER ELECTIONS just never appeared or happened.

As I said before, what is the significance of an election if the winners kill and route the losers? Elections are one of those things that they do to impress the West occasionally to get free money from Belgium. But elections and "peace process" are on a long list of "values" that your heroes dont give a shit about..
So you just hate the concept of LONG and torturous occupations?
Think how they feel

This particular event happened to occur in front of a hotel full of international journalists.
It is a regular happening in Gaza.
This is how your heroes deal with their Arab demographic problem.
They murder Arab children in hopes their parents will leave Palestine for Jews alone.

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