Gaza and the Warsaw Ghetto

Equal number of Arabs and Jews currently live between the River and the sea.
Why do you expect millions of indigenous Arabs to abandon their land so that Jews from around the world can sponge off the US taxpayers?:lol:

What is truly pathetic is if Gaza were under Jewish control, it would be a wealthy tourist destination. But, because it's not, it is a pestilential shit hole.
Gaza has some of the potentially richest real estate on the planet.
Unfortunately for the Jews, it was not a land without a people for greedy Europeans who needed a new country to fuck up.
Indigenous Palestinians aren't going to roll over for Israel in Gaza or on the West Bank.
Maybe Jews should learn to share before they get bounced again?

Then they should elect leadership that VALUES education and commerce and freedom. One that will negotiate for peace so that progress can be made. Why do the Gazans want border access to Israel ? For employment, education, and medical care. And I don't blame them. I admire the more "conservative" approach of the Palestinian Authoritiy.. Unfortunately YOU and media make this all about what Hamas wants.

There WAS a process to normalize trade and commerce. The Palis tossed all that when Hamas consolidated power there. Go convince them to use the ballot box and diplomacy. And GOOD LUCK with that Georgie..
My grandparents had to flee their rural ghettos in Western Russia due to Cossack Calvary using them for
field practice.. I have the SAME CLAIM to a "homeland".. What are my chances of overturning history and petitioning Putin for my family 10 acres in the Russian steppes ?? Give me a plan for returning to my homeland.

I'm thinking I'll start with a declaration that all Russians will be driven to sea and killed..
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"The Israeli massacre in Shejalya, with Palestinian children carrying white flags and running for their lives from Israeli tanks and artillery, is reminiscent of the massacre in Warsaw.

"According to a Norwegian doctor trying to provide medical assistance in Gaza, 'Israeli impunity is a huge medical problem.

"'Every single dead child and adult, and all the injuries, all the amputations, are one hundred percent preventable. This is a man-made disaster that is cynically planned and brutally executed by the government of Israel.'”

Gaza and the Warsaw Ghetto » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

I do wish you'd call the perpetrators here by their proper name: Zionist Israelis. Not all Israelis are Zionists, nor are all Jews. It does the cause of human rights no good to affront people of goodwill by labeling them so.
The Jews of Israel seem to strongly support what their military is currently inflicting upon Gaza; the most recent generation of Israeli Jews gives a lot of us reason to doubt the Jewish state's commitment to democracy, or humanity for that matter.

The moderates have been all but silenced within Israel, and there are Jews world wide. Moderate voices in (and related to) any radical society must be encouraged - this indiscriminate paintbrush you're using is anything BUT encouraging to sweet reason. If all will be lumped together, why bother to dissent? If you do not differentiate the radicals from the moderates, where are they safe to disagree with the only group (it would seem) will have them?
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The Nazis surrounded the ghetto to keep people in and murder them -- a final solution.

Israel (and Egypt) surround the West Bank trying to keep people from lobbing missiles and using suicide vests and truck bombs against innocent civilians in Israel.

Dante, what would cause a group of people who have spent generations in captivity to use what methods they have at their disposal to combat state sanctioned terror?
Oh look, Dhimmi George is short again this month. That is why he always brings up money or bonuses because money is always on his mind. Yaah, it's a shame that Dhimmi George didn't have the talent to be a rap or hip hop musician. Then he might be living the good life in Los Angeles and wouldn't have need a scapegoat.

Meanwhile, has everyone noticed that even though he is always on the Middle East board from early in the morning, he has never said one word about the over 10,000 children murdered by his new masters?. If he can drag in his scapegoats, he doesn't give one iota who is murdered.

Mission Accomplished?

Is Hamas still hiding behind their human shields?
Does Hamas still fire rockets at civilians?
Then no, the mission is not accomplished.

Facts All US Citizens Need to Know About Israel and Palestine | Global Research

As documented by Amnesty Int’l, Human Rights Watch, and many others, Israel intentionally targets and murders civilians, including children, en masse.
Israel also kidnaps and tortures children, including by keeping them in outdoor cages, over night, in winter.

Israel has violated more UN resolutions than any other country. That includes Iraq under Hussein.

Palestinians have the right under international law to resist occupation, ethnic cleansing, colonization, aggression, and annexation. Miko Peled, son of an Israeli general, recently stated that if Israel doesn’t Like rockets, they should decolonize Palestine. Dr. Norman Finkelstein notes that “The Palestinians have the right to use arms to resist an occupation . However, the fact that morally and legally they have that right doesn’t mean that it’s the most prudent strategy. In my opinion, a national Palestinian leadership committed to mobilizing nonviolent resistance can defeat the Israeli occupation if those of us living abroad lend support to it.”

Israeli settlement building in Palestine is a war crime under international law. Under Obama, Israeli settlement building is up over 130%.

Israel, whose government intentionally targets, tortures, and murders civilians, including children, including with chemical weapons, and whose government uses Palestinian civilians as human shields, and whose government is the last entity on Earth carrying out old-style ethnic cleansing and colonization of foreign countries, is the single biggest recipient of US aid, at over three billion dollars a year and huge amounts of lethal weaponry such as attack helicopters and white phosphorous chemical explosives.

Hamas is the government elected by Gaza in elections that Jimmy Carter (and many others) observed and said were completely fair and free. Israel constantly says Hamas uses human shields. But in Israel’s biggest massacre of Gaza, the one in 2009, all the human rights organizations, including Amnesty, HRW, and the jurist Richard Goldstone, found that Hamas DID NOT use human shields. On the contrary, Israel used human shields, which is a regular practice for Israel.

Israel uses civilians as human shields.

Israel forced Palestinian civilians to dig and lay naked in trenches around Israeli tanks.

See here at 6:45.
"THE WARSAW GHETTO WAS THE LARGEST OF ALL THE JEWISH GHETTOS IN NAZI-OCCUPIED EUROPE DURING WORLD WAR II. The Gaza Strip is the largest Palestinian ghetto in the Middle East and among the most densely populated parts of the world.

I really dislike comparing Israel to Nazi Germany, so I researched, intending to point out major differences.

I can't find any.

EDIT - Just found two.
Gaza has a beach and is warmer.
"THE WARSAW GHETTO WAS THE LARGEST OF ALL THE JEWISH GHETTOS IN NAZI-OCCUPIED EUROPE DURING WORLD WAR II. The Gaza Strip is the largest Palestinian ghetto in the Middle East and among the most densely populated parts of the world.

I really dislike comparing Israel to Nazi Germany, so I researched, intending to point out major differences.

I can't find any.

EDIT - Just found two.
Gaza has a beach and is warmer.

My very own husband was born in a shariah cess pit----and has still living relatives
who REMEMBER living in the vile filth of Islamic rule. Some people do not know
that in the vile stink of Islamic rule-----there were also ghettos-----and they were also
hit with pogroms at the hands of meccaist pigs and dogs. Long before Hubby was
born his grandmother was raped and murdered by a meccaist pig----her two infants
also died----the boy who would later by hubby's father----was not home at the time---
neither was hubby's grandfather. It is an interesting story------the grandfather decided
to flee the stench of islam which took the lives of his wife and two children. -----
afterall-----there were jews in Brtish mandate Palestine-----of course leaving the Islamic
stink pit was not easy------in fact it was ILLEGAL-----but in Islamic stench pits---
all depends on BAKSHEEESH ----another Islamic way of life. A cousin already in
Palestine managed to get money in for the purpose of bribing the pigs and dogs.

A little girl was on the verge of being confiscated by the stinking meccaist dogs and
pigs-----under the filth of Islamic law----the DHIMMI ORPHAN law. ----so hubby's
grandfather took her along-------she was about 11 years old -----hubby's father about 16---
so to square things and make it sorta legal----the kids married.

The trip---as far as I can calculate ---took something like six years. -----hubby's grandfather
died in the stink and filth of Aden----but the little married couple finally made it out of the
disgusting Sharia cesspit------they missed the pogrom in aden of 1947 in which
in accordance with the customs of meccaist pigs and dogs-----the pigs and dogs slit
the throats of jewish infants-----one of thousands of pogroms enacted in honor of
the pile of dung the meccaist pigs and dogs worship.

The ghettos of the sharia shit holes----were quite similar to the ghettos of Europe-----
In fact some of them were walled. Under the vile stink of Islamic law-----jews could
not be outside of the designated areas---ie the ghetto---after dusk and under the vile stink
of shariah law-----jews were forced to be CLEARLY INDENTIFIABLE ---by style of dress and
the pigs of mecca even imposed the YELLOW insignia just as did their hero
AL NABI OF ALLAH---adolf hitler

Freddie does not want you to know
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"THE WARSAW GHETTO WAS THE LARGEST OF ALL THE JEWISH GHETTOS IN NAZI-OCCUPIED EUROPE DURING WORLD WAR II. The Gaza Strip is the largest Palestinian ghetto in the Middle East and among the most densely populated parts of the world.

I really dislike comparing Israel to Nazi Germany, so I researched, intending to point out major differences.

I can't find any.

EDIT - Just found two.
Gaza has a beach and is warmer.

My very own husband was born in a shariah cess pit
Freddie does not want you to know

Perhaps you could comment on the OP, not just waste time with hate bullshit.
"THE WARSAW GHETTO WAS THE LARGEST OF ALL THE JEWISH GHETTOS IN NAZI-OCCUPIED EUROPE DURING WORLD WAR II. The Gaza Strip is the largest Palestinian ghetto in the Middle East and among the most densely populated parts of the world.

I really dislike comparing Israel to Nazi Germany, so I researched, intending to point out major differences.

I can't find any.

EDIT - Just found two.
Gaza has a beach and is warmer.
I'm not sure the Nazis deliberately targeted children as effectively as Israel.
We seem to be getting a lot of reports of Gaza playgrounds getting blasted by the IDF.

"'I saw a massacre,' says Khaled al-Sirhi. The 22-year-old was sitting in the street with friends when the attack happened. 'There were heads off bodies, shoulders half torn, hands gone, chests opened.'

"There is blood on al-Sirhi’s shirt and hands. Al-Sirhi carried two of the wounded to ambulances, his niece and a boy who died by the time he arrived at hospital. 'There were no militants, no resistance members, just children,' he says.

"Ten people were killed in the attack, including eight children, and forty were injured, thirty-two of them children, according to Gaza’s Health Ministry. Israel claimed a misfired militant rocket caused the carnage, but several eyewitnesses blamed the explosion on an airstrike.

"More than 1,000 Palestinians have been killed in the nearly three-week-long conflict, the vast majority of them civilians, including over 200 children. Over 6,400 have been injured."

Missile Strike at Al-Shati Refugee Camp Kills 10, Including 8 Children | The Nation
"THE WARSAW GHETTO WAS THE LARGEST OF ALL THE JEWISH GHETTOS IN NAZI-OCCUPIED EUROPE DURING WORLD WAR II. The Gaza Strip is the largest Palestinian ghetto in the Middle East and among the most densely populated parts of the world.

I really dislike comparing Israel to Nazi Germany, so I researched, intending to point out major differences.

I can't find any.

EDIT - Just found two.
Gaza has a beach and is warmer.
I'm not sure the Nazis deliberately targeted children as effectively as Israel.
We seem to be getting a lot of reports of Gaza playgrounds getting blasted by the IDF.

Given Israel is following much of what Hitler's forces did, I'm sure the Nazis killed children.
Unless Israel's bastard IDF are refining terror tactics.
I really dislike comparing Israel to Nazi Germany, so I researched, intending to point out major differences.

I can't find any.

EDIT - Just found two.
Gaza has a beach and is warmer.
I'm not sure the Nazis deliberately targeted children as effectively as Israel.
We seem to be getting a lot of reports of Gaza playgrounds getting blasted by the IDF.

Given Israel is following much of what Hitler's forces did, I'm sure the Nazis killed children.
Unless Israel's bastard IDF are refining terror tactics.

I'm sure they're beheading people.
Oh wait only Muslims do that.
What is truly pathetic is if Gaza were under Jewish control, it would be a wealthy tourist destination. But, because it's not, it is a pestilential shit hole.
Gaza has some of the potentially richest real estate on the planet.
Unfortunately for the Jews, it was not a land without a people for greedy Europeans who needed a new country to fuck up.
Indigenous Palestinians aren't going to roll over for Israel in Gaza or on the West Bank.
Maybe Jews should learn to share before they get bounced again?

Learn to share? 20% of Israel is non Jewish you disgusting Nazi.
Last I checked, all religions are free to practice.
Last you checked, what percentage of Arabs living under Jews law between the River and the sea were entitled to vote for those writing the laws?

Mission Accomplished?

Is Hamas still hiding behind their human shields?
Does Hamas still fire rockets at civilians?
Then no, the mission is not accomplished.

Facts All US Citizens Need to Know About Israel and Palestine | Global Research

Israel, whose government intentionally targets, tortures, and murders civilians, including children, including with chemical weapons, and whose government uses Palestinian civilians as human shields, and whose government is the last entity on Earth carrying out old-style ethnic cleansing and colonization of foreign countries, is the single biggest recipient of US aid, at over three billion dollars a year and huge amounts of lethal weaponry such as attack helicopters and white phosphorous chemical explosives.

Hamas is the government elected by Gaza in elections that Jimmy Carter (and many others) observed and said were completely fair and free. Israel constantly says Hamas uses human shields. But in Israel’s biggest massacre of Gaza, the one in 2009, all the human rights organizations, including Amnesty, HRW, and the jurist Richard Goldstone, found that Hamas DID NOT use human shields. On the contrary, Israel used human shields, which is a regular practice for Israel.

Israel uses civilians as human shields.

Israel forced Palestinian civilians to dig and lay naked in trenches around Israeli tanks.

See here at 6:45.

Thanks, I occasionally like to see the Arab propaganda. Now I don't have to go looking for it
Is Hamas still hiding behind their human shields?
Does Hamas still fire rockets at civilians?
Then no, the mission is not accomplished.

Facts All US Citizens Need to Know About Israel and Palestine | Global Research

Hamas is the government elected by Gaza in elections that Jimmy Carter (and many others) observed and said were completely fair and free. Israel constantly says Hamas uses human shields. But in Israel’s biggest massacre of Gaza, the one in 2009, all the human rights organizations, including Amnesty, HRW, and the jurist Richard Goldstone, found that Hamas DID NOT use human shields. On the contrary, Israel used human shields, which is a regular practice for Israel.

Israel uses civilians as human shields.

Israel forced Palestinian civilians to dig and lay naked in trenches around Israeli tanks.

See here at 6:45.

Thanks, I occasionally like to see the Arab propaganda. Now I don't have to go looking for it

yeah they are really starting to crank it out these days
I really dislike comparing Israel to Nazi Germany, so I researched, intending to point out major differences.

I can't find any.

EDIT - Just found two.
Gaza has a beach and is warmer.
I'm not sure the Nazis deliberately targeted children as effectively as Israel.
We seem to be getting a lot of reports of Gaza playgrounds getting blasted by the IDF.

Given Israel is following much of what Hitler's forces did, I'm sure the Nazis killed children.
Unless Israel's bastard IDF are refining terror tactics.
Hitler needed Ukraine to feed future generations of Nazis just as Israel needs all the land between the River and the sea to feed all the Jews of the world, apparently. Poland was a sovereign state resisting an immoral invasion while Gaza is an occupied territory with Israel as its occupying power. Even Jews may have a little trouble rewriting that history?:eek:
What is truly pathetic is if Gaza were under Jewish control, it would be a wealthy tourist destination. But, because it's not, it is a pestilential shit hole.
Gaza has some of the potentially richest real estate on the planet.
Unfortunately for the Jews, it was not a land without a people for greedy Europeans who needed a new country to fuck up.
Indigenous Palestinians aren't going to roll over for Israel in Gaza or on the West Bank.
Maybe Jews should learn to share before they get bounced again?

Then they should elect leadership that VALUES education and commerce and freedom. One that will negotiate for peace so that progress can be made. Why do the Gazans want border access to Israel ? For employment, education, and medical care. And I don't blame them. I admire the more "conservative" approach of the Palestinian Authoritiy.. Unfortunately YOU and media make this all about what Hamas wants.

There WAS a process to normalize trade and commerce. The Palis tossed all that when Hamas consolidated power there. Go convince them to use the ballot box and diplomacy. And GOOD LUCK with that Georgie..
I would have more luck with my task than you would if you tried to convince the Jews to share the land between the River and the sea. As the occupying power of the Gaza strip, Israel has an obligation and duty to protect the civilian population under its occupation.

Not only does Israel not protect those civilians, they murder their children on a Gaza beach directly in front of a hotel filled with international journalists.

Jews have made it clear they want all land between the River and the sea.
There are equal numbers of Jews and Arabs currently living there.
Israel's solution is to make life so miserable for Arabs they will abandon their homes as many did in '48 and '67.
Good luck with that.
I do wish you'd call the perpetrators here by their proper name: Zionist Israelis. Not all Israelis are Zionists, nor are all Jews. It does the cause of human rights no good to affront people of goodwill by labeling them so.
The Jews of Israel seem to strongly support what their military is currently inflicting upon Gaza; the most recent generation of Israeli Jews gives a lot of us reason to doubt the Jewish state's commitment to democracy, or humanity for that matter.

The moderates have been all but silenced within Israel, and there are Jews world wide. Moderate voices in (and related to) any radical society must be encouraged - this indiscriminate paintbrush you're using is anything BUT encouraging to sweet reason. If all will be lumped together, why bother to dissent? If you do not differentiate the radicals from the moderates, where are they safe to disagree with the only group (it would seem) will have them?
Ilan Pappe recently returned to Haifa and took part in a demonstration against Protective Edge attended by about 700 protesters; there was a much larger response in Tel Aviv numbering about 3000.

In both cases they were vastly outnumbered by those supporting the operation.

Israeli society seems to be at a point like the US in the early 1960s when anti-Vietnam war protesters required police protection from their fellow Americans. The politics of Israeli Jews seems to be moving ever right-ward; how long before transfer becomes an acceptable solution for a majority of Israelis?

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