Gaza and the Warsaw Ghetto

Why didn't George show any outrage over the 3 murdered Israeli teens?

Answer: because they were Jewish..
Why didn't George show any outrage over the 3 murdered Israeli teens?

Answer: because they were Jewish..

toastie-----over many many months we have been treated to idiots making accusations which
consist of "YOU DID NOT MOURN" even sweet little me has been accused of NOT MOURNING
by several jerks on this board. I find the habit of ANYONE deciding who mourns and who does not
on a MESSAGE BOARD-----a bit annoying. sorry----but I do Of course the public CELEBRATION
of deaths and killings are vulgar-----and so many on this board have expressed overwhelming
joy over deaths-----one of those sluts even "thanks 'jesus' " poor Jesus! -------well---sorry---but
I have been annoyed by it
Oh look, Dhimmi George is short again this month. That is why he always brings up money or bonuses because money is always on his mind. Yaah, it's a shame that Dhimmi George didn't have the talent to be a rap or hip hop musician. Then he might be living the good life in Los Angeles and wouldn't have need a scapegoat.

Meanwhile, has everyone noticed that even though he is always on the Middle East board from early in the morning, he has never said one word about the over 10,000 children murdered by his new masters?. If he can drag in his scapegoats, he doesn't give one iota who is murdered.

Mission Accomplished?

Is Hamas still hiding behind their human shields?
Does Hamas still fire rockets at civilians?
Then no, the mission is not accomplished.
Are greedy Jews still killing children to annex more of their illegal colonies in Palestine?
Mission impossible.
Compared to what?

Compared to not committing war crimes.
Compared to an illegal occupation of Palestine.

"The Israeli disengagement from Gaza (Hebrew: תָּכְנִית הַהִתְנַתְּקוּת, Tokhnit HaHitnatkut; in the Disengagement Plan Implementation Law), also known as "Gaza expulsion" and "Hitnatkut", was the withdrawal of the Israeli army from Gaza, and the dismantling of all Israeli settlements in the Gaza Strip in 2005. Four small settlements in the northern West Bank were also evacuated."
Israeli disengagement from Gaza - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mission Accomplished?

Is Hamas still hiding behind their human shields?
Does Hamas still fire rockets at civilians?
Then no, the mission is not accomplished.

Are greedy Jews still killing children to annex more of their illegal colonies in Palestine?
Mission impossible.

"Greedy Jews?" Here the Jewish taxpayers in Los Angeles are helping lazy people like you with putting a roof over your head in a subsidized apartment. Do you see them complaining about lazy good for nothings? Meanwhile, can you at least today, since you can't seem to restrain from posting on a Middle East forum, give us some news about what is happening in some other Middle East country today? I'm sure many of us, posters and viewers alike, would be flabbergasted if you actually did, but give it a try.
Compared to not committing war crimes.
Compared to an illegal occupation of Palestine.

"The Israeli disengagement from Gaza (Hebrew: תָּכְנִית הַהִתְנַתְּקוּת, Tokhnit HaHitnatkut; in the Disengagement Plan Implementation Law), also known as "Gaza expulsion" and "Hitnatkut", was the withdrawal of the Israeli army from Gaza, and the dismantling of all Israeli settlements in the Gaza Strip in 2005. Four small settlements in the northern West Bank were also evacuated."
Israeli disengagement from Gaza - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Israel as the occupying power maintains control of all (surface) land borders, air space, coastal waters, electromagnetic sphere, and population registry of Gaza.
Is Hamas still hiding behind their human shields?
Does Hamas still fire rockets at civilians?
Then no, the mission is not accomplished.

Are greedy Jews still killing children to annex more of their illegal colonies in Palestine?
Mission impossible.

"Greedy Jews?" Here the Jewish taxpayers in Los Angeles are helping lazy people like you with putting a roof over your head in a subsidized apartment. Do you see them complaining about lazy good for nothings? Meanwhile, can you at least today, since you can't seem to restrain from posting on a Middle East forum, give us some news about what is happening in some other Middle East country today? I'm sure many of us, posters and viewers alike, would be flabbergasted if you actually did, but give it a try.
Not as flabbergasted as me if you ever responded to the actual thread content.
What do you have to say about the four cousins murdered on that Gaza beach?
Compared to an illegal occupation of Palestine.

"The Israeli disengagement from Gaza (Hebrew: תָּכְנִית הַהִתְנַתְּקוּת, Tokhnit HaHitnatkut; in the Disengagement Plan Implementation Law), also known as "Gaza expulsion" and "Hitnatkut", was the withdrawal of the Israeli army from Gaza, and the dismantling of all Israeli settlements in the Gaza Strip in 2005. Four small settlements in the northern West Bank were also evacuated."
Israeli disengagement from Gaza - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Israel as the occupying power maintains control of all (surface) land borders, air space, coastal waters, electromagnetic sphere, and population registry of Gaza.

Dhimmi George is so obsessed with Israel because his favorite scapegoats, the Jews, are involved, and so he really doesn't care what is happening in the rest of the Middle East. Do you actually think the viewers are still falling that you really care about the Arabs? So many Arabs are being murdered in the other Middle East countries, and you have been so silent about what is happening to them.
Compared to an illegal occupation of Palestine.

"The Israeli disengagement from Gaza (Hebrew: תָּכְנִית הַהִתְנַתְּקוּת, Tokhnit HaHitnatkut; in the Disengagement Plan Implementation Law), also known as "Gaza expulsion" and "Hitnatkut", was the withdrawal of the Israeli army from Gaza, and the dismantling of all Israeli settlements in the Gaza Strip in 2005. Four small settlements in the northern West Bank were also evacuated."
Israeli disengagement from Gaza - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Israel as the occupying power maintains control of all (surface) land borders, air space, coastal waters, electromagnetic sphere, and population registry of Gaza.

And thank goodness they do.

Imagine the civilian casualties on both sides if your terrorist Hamas buddies could freely import their terror weapons into Gaza.
Compared to an illegal occupation of Palestine.

"The Israeli disengagement from Gaza (Hebrew: תָּכְנִית הַהִתְנַתְּקוּת, Tokhnit HaHitnatkut; in the Disengagement Plan Implementation Law), also known as "Gaza expulsion" and "Hitnatkut", was the withdrawal of the Israeli army from Gaza, and the dismantling of all Israeli settlements in the Gaza Strip in 2005. Four small settlements in the northern West Bank were also evacuated."
Israeli disengagement from Gaza - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Israel as the occupying power maintains control of all (surface) land borders, air space, coastal waters, electromagnetic sphere, and population registry of Gaza.

If you can explain what they would gain from same, outside of preventing more aggressive weaponry entering the area, please offer your explanation.
"The Israeli disengagement from Gaza (Hebrew: תָּכְנִית הַהִתְנַתְּקוּת, Tokhnit HaHitnatkut; in the Disengagement Plan Implementation Law), also known as "Gaza expulsion" and "Hitnatkut", was the withdrawal of the Israeli army from Gaza, and the dismantling of all Israeli settlements in the Gaza Strip in 2005. Four small settlements in the northern West Bank were also evacuated."
Israeli disengagement from Gaza - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Israel as the occupying power maintains control of all (surface) land borders, air space, coastal waters, electromagnetic sphere, and population registry of Gaza.

If you can explain what they would gain from same, outside of preventing more aggressive weaponry entering the area, please offer your explanation.
Israel denies Palestinians the right to govern and protect themselves, while invoking the right to self defense at the same time; a violation of international law deliberately created by Israel to evade accountability.

Can you explain what Israel gains from banning exports from Gaza?

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