Gaza and the Warsaw Ghetto

Kissed any bats lately?

"The news out of Israel and Palestine: relentless, remorseless, repetitively compulsive, rabid.

"And I am put in mind of a passage from Norman Mailer, in 1972, in which he attempted to plumb the psychopathology behind America’s relentless bombing of Cambodia and Laos and Vietnam during the Nixon years:

… bombing [which] had become an activity as rational as the act of a man who walks across his own home town to defecate each night on the lawn of a stranger—it is the same stranger each night—such a man would not last long even if he had the most powerful body in town. 'Stop,' he would scream as they dragged him away. 'I need to shit on that lawn. It’s the only way to keep my body in shape, you fools. I’ve been bitten by a bat!'”

USC Students for Justice in Palestine

the analogy is utterly idiotic-----Cambodia was not bombing Washtington DC and San
Francisco. RETURN FIRE IS ALWAYS LEGAL----in fact it is mandatory

You mean Dick and Henry LIED?
Damn..I'm glad I didn't vote for that anti-Semite.
How 'bout you, Rosie?:eusa_boohoo:

Since USC is not that far from Dhimmi George's neighborhood, and he could probably hitch hike over there, I wonder if he could get this student group to also conern itself about those Christians and Muslims in the other Middle East countries who have been and are still being murdered by Muslims in tremendous amounts. Do you realize how grateful these unfortunate people would be to you, Dhimmi George, for getting a group to speak out for them?[/QUOTE]
Why don't you hop on a bus to Westwood and learn a little about your own history?
Students for Justice in Palestine at UCLA - Home
Maybe you'll learn some new words?[/QUOTE]

Why, Dhimmi George, you can also hitch hike to UCLA and ask them to start up a group for the unfortunate people in Syria and Iraq. I realize that there are many Muslim students at both these colleges who hate the Jews, and there are also plenty of Leftist Jewish instructors that might not be interested in helping other people in the Middle East, but you can give it your old college try, can't you. Seems like you are on a roll today and being that you can't find anything free for you to attend in L.A., you can try being a humanitarian for groups of people who desperately need help even though your favorite scapegoats, the jews, are not involved with these people.
the analogy is utterly idiotic-----Cambodia was not bombing Washtington DC and San
Francisco. RETURN FIRE IS ALWAYS LEGAL----in fact it is mandatory

You mean Dick and Henry LIED?
Damn..I'm glad I didn't vote for that anti-Semite.
How 'bout you, Rosie?:eusa_boohoo:

Since USC is not that far from Dhimmi George's neighborhood, and he could probably hitch hike over there, I wonder if he could get this student group to also conern itself about those Christians and Muslims in the other Middle East countries who have been and are still being murdered by Muslims in tremendous amounts. Do you realize how grateful these unfortunate people would be to you, Dhimmi George, for getting a group to speak out for them?
Why don't you hop on a bus to Westwood and learn a little about your own history?
Students for Justice in Palestine at UCLA - Home
Maybe you'll learn some new words?[/QUOTE]

Why, Dhimmi George, you can also hitch hike to UCLA and ask them to start up a group for the unfortunate people in Syria and Iraq. I realize that there are many Muslim students at both these colleges who hate the Jews, and there are also plenty of Leftist Jewish instructors that might not be interested in helping other people in the Middle East, but you can give it your old college try, can't you. Seems like you are on a roll today and being that you can't find anything free for you to attend in L.A., you can try being a humanitarian for groups of people who desperately need help even though your favorite scapegoats, the jews, are not involved with these people.[/QUOTE]
Why do your people like to kill children, $ally?

"My wife and I were afraid something bad would happen to Yasmin and Usamah. We thought my sister Kawthar’s home would be safer… It’s usually quiet there, and the bombings haven’t reached them... my cousin called from Khan Yunis.

"He said a missile had been fired at my sisters’ house and asked me to come quickly because my kids had been hurt... I ran like a maniac to Kawthar’s house. When I got to the front door, I realized something terrible had happened. People inside the house came up to me.

"They told me that my two children had been killed... I yelled and cried hysterically."

Don't they know it's sinful?

B'Tselem | The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories
You mean Dick and Henry LIED?
Damn..I'm glad I didn't vote for that anti-Semite.
How 'bout you, Rosie?:eusa_boohoo:

Since USC is not that far from Dhimmi George's neighborhood, and he could probably hitch hike over there, I wonder if he could get this student group to also conern itself about those Christians and Muslims in the other Middle East countries who have been and are still being murdered by Muslims in tremendous amounts. Do you realize how grateful these unfortunate people would be to you, Dhimmi George, for getting a group to speak out for them?
Why don't you hop on a bus to Westwood and learn a little about your own history?
Students for Justice in Palestine at UCLA - Home
Maybe you'll learn some new words?

Why, Dhimmi George, you can also hitch hike to UCLA and ask them to start up a group for the unfortunate people in Syria and Iraq. I realize that there are many Muslim students at both these colleges who hate the Jews, and there are also plenty of Leftist Jewish instructors that might not be interested in helping other people in the Middle East, but you can give it your old college try, can't you. Seems like you are on a roll today and being that you can't find anything free for you to attend in L.A., you can try being a humanitarian for groups of people who desperately need help even though your favorite scapegoats, the jews, are not involved with these people.[/QUOTE]
Why do your people like to kill children, $ally?

"My wife and I were afraid something bad would happen to Yasmin and Usamah. We thought my sister Kawthar’s home would be safer… It’s usually quiet there, and the bombings haven’t reached them... my cousin called from Khan Yunis.

"He said a missile had been fired at my sisters’ house and asked me to come quickly because my kids had been hurt... I ran like a maniac to Kawthar’s house. When I got to the front door, I realized something terrible had happened. People inside the house came up to me.

"They told me that my two children had been killed... I yelled and cried hysterically."

Don't they know it's sinful?

B'Tselem | The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories[/QUOTE]

The big question, Dhimmi George, is why you hate the Jews so much? We have seen many murders of innocent women and children across the Middle East, but you only start your ranting and raving when it happens to involve your favorite scapegoats, the Jews. It wasn't the jews in Los Angeles who held you back; it was the lack of initiative on your own part. There were trade-tech schools and occupational centers you could have attended to learn some sort of trade so you would be in a better position today. If you weren't such a wuss, you could have finished up your time in the Air Force where you could have learned a trade such as being a computer operator (and might have been stationed at Los Angeles Space and Missile Command since you claimed you missed the 'Hood). You could have taken this skill and gotten a job with the city or country and could now have been enjoying a nice, conmfortable retirement. By you just focusing on Israel on a Middle East forum and nothing else when so much is going on shows the viewers just where you are coming from.
What a stupid post.

The Israelis didn't build Gaza, and the Jews weren't trying to exterminate the Germans.

It's unbelieveable how some people can live in such a false reality and not even comprehend it.

Didn't you hear? The holocaust never happened.
What a stupid post.

The Israelis didn't build Gaza, and the Jews weren't trying to exterminate the Germans.

It's unbelieveable how some people can live in such a false reality and not even comprehend it.

Didn't you hear? The holocaust never happened.
Sderot happened.
Do you know/care how?

"Ruti Ben Abu, 56, describes how a Qassam rocket directly hit her home in Sderot, southern Israel, 14 July 2014."

Testimony of Ruth Ben Abu | B'Tselem
"BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- A draft of US Secretary of State John Kerry's ceasefire proposal that was shown to Israeli officials on Friday called for the opening of Gaza-Israel border crossings and ensuring 'the economic livelihood' of Palestinians in the Strip, an Israeli newspaper reported Sunday.

"The document, titled 'Framework for Humanitarian Ceasefire in Gaza,' also said a lasting truce would make possible the "transfer of funds to Gaza for the payment of salaries for public employees," Haaretz reported."

Israel KNOWS all the land between the River and the sea belongs to Jews.

What the hell's wrong with all these damn ARABS?

Haaretz: Kerry ceasefire proposal called for open Israel-Gaza borders | Maan News Agency
ROFLMAO-----even Kerry the Klown is not stupid enough to demand opened borders between Gaza
and Egypt
"BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- A draft of US Secretary of State John Kerry's ceasefire proposal that was shown to Israeli officials on Friday called for the opening of Gaza-Israel border crossings and ensuring 'the economic livelihood' of Palestinians in the Strip, an Israeli newspaper reported Sunday.

"The document, titled 'Framework for Humanitarian Ceasefire in Gaza,' also said a lasting truce would make possible the "transfer of funds to Gaza for the payment of salaries for public employees," Haaretz reported."

Israel KNOWS all the land between the River and the sea belongs to Jews.

What the hell's wrong with all these damn ARABS?

Haaretz: Kerry ceasefire proposal called for open Israel-Gaza borders | Maan News Agency

Jew hating asshole and liar.
Gaza truce efforts go up in smoke
Gaza City (Palestinian Territories) (AFP) - The Islamist Hamas movement fired more rockets at Israel Sunday, despite claims it had accepted a UN request for a 24-hour extension of a humanitarian truce in war-torn Gaza.
"BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- A draft of US Secretary of State John Kerry's ceasefire proposal that was shown to Israeli officials on Friday called for the opening of Gaza-Israel border crossings and ensuring 'the economic livelihood' of Palestinians in the Strip, an Israeli newspaper reported Sunday.

"The document, titled 'Framework for Humanitarian Ceasefire in Gaza,' also said a lasting truce would make possible the "transfer of funds to Gaza for the payment of salaries for public employees," Haaretz reported."

Israel KNOWS all the land between the River and the sea belongs to Jews.

What the hell's wrong with all these damn ARABS?

Haaretz: Kerry ceasefire proposal called for open Israel-Gaza borders | Maan News Agency

Jew hating asshole and liar.
Gaza truce efforts go up in smoke
Gaza City (Palestinian Territories) (AFP) - The Islamist Hamas movement fired more rockets at Israel Sunday, despite claims it had accepted a UN request for a 24-hour extension of a humanitarian truce in war-torn Gaza.
Only self-absorbed Jews can murder over 1000 civilians in less than three week and WHINE about their victims fighting back.

Want to end the fight in Gaza, Stupid?

Tell the Jews to endorse the freedom of movement of Palestinians in and out of Gaza, unlimited import and export of goods without any greedy Jews taking a slice off the top; unrestricted use of Gaza seaport and airport with monitoring and enforcement of the agreements by an appropriate international body.

Or you can go on lying about Israel's racist occupation of Palestine.
'Think his stock portfolio might take a big hit, rosie?

You can thank his rich wife for his stock portfolio. Perhaps if you had found a rich wife, you wouldn't be needing a scapegoat.

Do you get a bonus for every child your people murder in Gaza?

Oh look, Dhimmi George is short again this month. That is why he always brings up money or bonuses because money is always on his mind. Yaah, it's a shame that Dhimmi George didn't have the talent to be a rap or hip hop musician. Then he might be living the good life in Los Angeles and wouldn't have need a scapegoat.

Meanwhile, has everyone noticed that even though he is always on the Middle East board from early in the morning, he has never said one word about the over 10,000 children murdered by his new masters?. If he can drag in his scapegoats, he doesn't give one iota who is murdered.
You can thank his rich wife for his stock portfolio. Perhaps if you had found a rich wife, you wouldn't be needing a scapegoat.

Do you get a bonus for every child your people murder in Gaza?

Oh look, Dhimmi George is short again this month. That is why he always brings up money or bonuses because money is always on his mind. Yaah, it's a shame that Dhimmi George didn't have the talent to be a rap or hip hop musician. Then he might be living the good life in Los Angeles and wouldn't have need a scapegoat.

Meanwhile, has everyone noticed that even though he is always on the Middle East board from early in the morning, he has never said one word about the over 10,000 children murdered by his new masters?. If he can drag in his scapegoats, he doesn't give one iota who is murdered.

Mission Accomplished?
Do you get a bonus for every child your people murder in Gaza?

Oh look, Dhimmi George is short again this month. That is why he always brings up money or bonuses because money is always on his mind. Yaah, it's a shame that Dhimmi George didn't have the talent to be a rap or hip hop musician. Then he might be living the good life in Los Angeles and wouldn't have need a scapegoat.

Meanwhile, has everyone noticed that even though he is always on the Middle East board from early in the morning, he has never said one word about the over 10,000 children murdered by his new masters?. If he can drag in his scapegoats, he doesn't give one iota who is murdered.

Mission Accomplished?

Are we supposed to take their word for it as you want us to do, Dhimmi George? Meanwhile, Dhimmi George, since he is so concerned with corpses which might not even be real (remember the corpse who fell off the stretcher and then got back on?), he is now going to show us some pictures of corpses of some of the tens and tens of thousands killed in the rest of the Middle East. Go ahead, Dhimmi George; surely you are saving some pictures of corpses from these countries

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Oh look, Dhimmi George is short again this month. That is why he always brings up money or bonuses because money is always on his mind. Yaah, it's a shame that Dhimmi George didn't have the talent to be a rap or hip hop musician. Then he might be living the good life in Los Angeles and wouldn't have need a scapegoat.

Meanwhile, has everyone noticed that even though he is always on the Middle East board from early in the morning, he has never said one word about the over 10,000 children murdered by his new masters?. If he can drag in his scapegoats, he doesn't give one iota who is murdered.

Mission Accomplished?

Are we supposed to take their word for it as you want us to do, Dhimmi George? Meanwhile, Dhimmi George, since he is so concerned with corpses which might not even be real (remember the corpse who fell off the stretcher and then got back on?), he is now going to show us some pictures of corpses of some of the tens and tens of thousands killed in the rest of the Middle East. Go ahead, Dhimmi George; surely you are saving some pictures of corpses from these countries

How quickly you forget:

"The first projectile hit the sea wall of Gaza City's little harbour just after four o'clock. As the smoke from the explosion thinned, four figures could be seen running, ragged silhouettes, legs pumping furiously along the wall. Even from a distance of 200 metres, it was obvious that three of them were children."

Why did the Jews fire a second shell, killing three running children on an otherwise empty beach?

Witness to a shelling: first-hand account of deadly strike on Gaza port | World news | The Guardian
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Mission Accomplished?

Are we supposed to take their word for it as you want us to do, Dhimmi George? Meanwhile, Dhimmi George, since he is so concerned with corpses which might not even be real (remember the corpse who fell off the stretcher and then got back on?), he is now going to show us some pictures of corpses of some of the tens and tens of thousands killed in the rest of the Middle East. Go ahead, Dhimmi George; surely you are saving some pictures of corpses from these countries

How quickly you forget:

"The first projectile hit the sea wall of Gaza City's little harbour just after four o'clock. As the smoke from the explosion thinned, four figures could be seen running, ragged silhouettes, legs pumping furiously along the wall. Even from a distance of 200 metres, it was obvious that three of them were children."

Why did the Jews fire a second shell, killing three running children on an otherwise empty beach?

Witness to a shelling: first-hand account of deadly strike on Gaza port | World news | The Guardian

Jews jews jews jews jeews jews jooooos!

Make sure you check for Jews under your bed before you go to sleep tonight you filthy peasant.

Notice how George doesn't say 'Israeli' or 'Zionist@ . He always uses the word Jew.
But he wasn't always like that. I think he has been bottling his hatred for Jews for a long time and it's finally starting to explode.

George, I hope one day you will realize that the Middle East will be a better place when you and you filthy ilk perish from this world.
Hopefully, that happens sooner than later :thup:
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Do you get a bonus for every child your people murder in Gaza?

Oh look, Dhimmi George is short again this month. That is why he always brings up money or bonuses because money is always on his mind. Yaah, it's a shame that Dhimmi George didn't have the talent to be a rap or hip hop musician. Then he might be living the good life in Los Angeles and wouldn't have need a scapegoat.

Meanwhile, has everyone noticed that even though he is always on the Middle East board from early in the morning, he has never said one word about the over 10,000 children murdered by his new masters?. If he can drag in his scapegoats, he doesn't give one iota who is murdered.

Mission Accomplished?

Is Hamas still hiding behind their human shields?
Does Hamas still fire rockets at civilians?
Then no, the mission is not accomplished.

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