Gaza and the Warsaw Ghetto

Oh for Christs sakes. Those jews in that ghetto were starving and had no weapons. The revolt was doomed from the start.

Just like Isreal they were surrounded by the enemy, the Natzi's only today the enemy is called Muslim.
It's the Jews who are preventing Palestinians from entering or leaving Gaza just as Nazis prevented Jews from fleeing Warsaw, and the Nazis could only dream of the firepower possessed by Israel. You have a big problem admitting the Jews are the Occupying Power in Gaza; why is that?

They can leave gaza anytime they want to, there is no one stopping them. They just cant enter Israel and stay. They can go to Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Iran etc but they cant return without first getting a visa.

What will be the next ISLAMONAZI LIE georgie that you have been told to spread by the imam
They can't leave Gaza without getting a Jew's permission.
When Jews lift their illegal occupation of Palestine, peace will come.
Palestinians can leave Gaza any time they want.
Here's what you're comparing to the Warsaw Ghetto, you little Himmler wannabe
Palestinian can not leave Gaza because fascist Jews with big guns say they can't; here's what happens when they try, Adolph:

Sieg Heil:eek:

More a case of ALLAHU AKHBA as this is what happens when you become a terrorist entity
Israel's illegal occupation of the West Bank and its belligerent occupation of Gaza are the two primary reasons for the mass murder of Arabs in Palestine. When Jews recognize they are not entitled to all the land between the River and the sea, they will cease to be targets of legitimate resistance.
"THE WARSAW GHETTO WAS THE LARGEST OF ALL THE JEWISH GHETTOS IN NAZI-OCCUPIED EUROPE DURING WORLD WAR II. The Gaza Strip is the largest Palestinian ghetto in the Middle East and among the most densely populated parts of the world.

THE GERMANS CLOSED THE WARSAW GHETTO TO THE OUTSIDE WORLD IN 1940. Israel disengaged from Gaza in 2005, but maintains exclusive control of Gaza’s airspace and territorial waters. It controls the movement of people and goods in or out of Gaza. As a result, the European Union and Human Rights Watch as well as agencies of the United Nations consider Gaza to remain occupied by Israel."

There are some obvious comparisons between Gaza and Warsaw to don't strictly correspond; 300,000 Jews were deported to concentration camps or murdered outright during the uprising in 1943 when Nazis systematically burned and blew up the ghetto, "block by block, rounding up or murdering anybody they could capture."

We've always heard the question: where is the Palestinian Gandhi?

Apparently, Jews have found their fuhrer

Gaza and the Warsaw Ghetto » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

the roots of hamas links directly back to the nazi
So do those of Lehi:

"Late in 1940, Lehi, having identified a common interest between the intentions of the new German order and Jewish national aspirations, proposed forming an alliance in World War II with Nazi Germany.[2] It offered assistance in transferring the Jews of Europe to Palestine, in return for Germany's help in expelling Britain from Mandatory Palestine."

Lehi (group) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's the old story of the enemy of my enemy..
"THE WARSAW GHETTO WAS THE LARGEST OF ALL THE JEWISH GHETTOS IN NAZI-OCCUPIED EUROPE DURING WORLD WAR II. The Gaza Strip is the largest Palestinian ghetto in the Middle East and among the most densely populated parts of the world.

THE GERMANS CLOSED THE WARSAW GHETTO TO THE OUTSIDE WORLD IN 1940. Israel disengaged from Gaza in 2005, but maintains exclusive control of Gaza’s airspace and territorial waters. It controls the movement of people and goods in or out of Gaza. As a result, the European Union and Human Rights Watch as well as agencies of the United Nations consider Gaza to remain occupied by Israel."

There are some obvious comparisons between Gaza and Warsaw to don't strictly correspond; 300,000 Jews were deported to concentration camps or murdered outright during the uprising in 1943 when Nazis systematically burned and blew up the ghetto, "block by block, rounding up or murdering anybody they could capture."

We've always heard the question: where is the Palestinian Gandhi?

Apparently, Jews have found their fuhrer

Gaza and the Warsaw Ghetto » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

the roots of hamas links directly back to the nazi
So do those of Lehi:

"Late in 1940, Lehi, having identified a common interest between the intentions of the new German order and Jewish national aspirations, proposed forming an alliance in World War II with Nazi Germany.[2] It offered assistance in transferring the Jews of Europe to Palestine, in return for Germany's help in expelling Britain from Mandatory Palestine."

Lehi (group) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's the old story of the enemy of my enemy..

So? They wanted to move Jews out of Europe where anti Semitism was rampant .
"The Israeli massacre in Shejalya, with Palestinian children carrying white flags and running for their lives from Israeli tanks and artillery, is reminiscent of the massacre in Warsaw.

"According to a Norwegian doctor trying to provide medical assistance in Gaza, 'Israeli impunity is a huge medical problem.

"'Every single dead child and adult, and all the injuries, all the amputations, are one hundred percent preventable. This is a man-made disaster that is cynically planned and brutally executed by the government of Israel.'”

Gaza and the Warsaw Ghetto » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

I do wish you'd call the perpetrators here by their proper name: Zionist Israelis. Not all Israelis are Zionists, nor are all Jews. It does the cause of human rights no good to affront people of goodwill by labeling them so.
The Jews of Israel seem to strongly support what their military is currently inflicting upon Gaza; the most recent generation of Israeli Jews gives a lot of us reason to doubt the Jewish state's commitment to democracy, or humanity for that matter.
the roots of hamas links directly back to the nazi
So do those of Lehi:

"Late in 1940, Lehi, having identified a common interest between the intentions of the new German order and Jewish national aspirations, proposed forming an alliance in World War II with Nazi Germany.[2] It offered assistance in transferring the Jews of Europe to Palestine, in return for Germany's help in expelling Britain from Mandatory Palestine."

Lehi (group) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's the old story of the enemy of my enemy..

So? They wanted to move Jews out of Europe where anti Semitism was rampant .
They wanted to move Jews from Europe to Palestine with the expressed intent of taking control of all the land between the River and the sea. Do you see how Arabs would have found that threatening?
Put up your Wiki, Marg

"n early 1969, he delivered the John Locke Lectures at Oxford University; in January 1970, the Bertrand Russell Memorial Lecture at University of Cambridge; in 1972, the Nehru Memorial Lecture in New Delhi; in 1977, the Huizinga Lecture in Leiden; in 1988 the Massey Lectures at the University of Toronto, titled "Necessary Illusions: Thought Control in Democratic Societies"; in 1997, The Davie Memorial Lecture on Academic Freedom in Cape Town,[206] in 2011, the Rickman Godlee Lecture at University College, London[207] many others.[208]
Chomsky has received many honorary degrees from universities around the world, including from the following:
Amherst College
Bard College
Central Connecticut State University
Columbia University
Georgetown University
Harvard University
Loyola University Chicago
McGill University
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)
National Tsing Hua University[209]
National University of Colombia
Peking University[210]
Rovira i Virgili University
Santo Domingo Institute of Technology
Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa
Swarthmore College
University of Bologna
University of Buenos Aires
University of Calcutta
University of Cambridge
University of Chicago
University of Chile
University of Colorado[211]
University of Connecticut
University of Cyprus
University of Delhi
University of La Frontera
University of London
University of Maine
University of Massachusetts Amherst
University of Pennsylvania
University of St. Andrews
University of Toronto
University of Western Ontario
Uppsala University
Villanova University
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
He is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the National Academy of Sciences, and the American Philosophical Society. In addition, he is a member of other professional and learned societies in the United States and abroad, and is a recipient of the Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award of the American Psychological Association, the Kyoto Prize in Basic Sciences, the Helmholtz Medal, the Dorothy Eldridge Peacemaker Award, the 1999 Benjamin Franklin Medal in Computer and Cognitive Science, and others.[212] He is twice winner of The Orwell Award, granted by The National Council of Teachers of English for "Distinguished Contributions to Honesty and Clarity in Public Language" (in 1987 and 1989).[213]
He is a member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Department of Social Sciences.[214]
In 2005, Chomsky..."

Noam Chomsky - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Big whoop. He's a PROVEN liar who supported Pol Pot and his pogrom. In other words he's a progressive piece of dogshit that is best left on the ground where he was shat.
Chomsky never supported Pol Pot; he pointed out it was the murderous US bombing of Cambodia that brought the dictator to power. Do you remember that bombing campaign? The one that murdered, maimed, and displaced millions of innocent Cambodians because Dick and Henry wanted "Peace with Honor?"
Sure you do.:badgrin:

Bullshit. This is one of his more famous quotes attacking the reports of those who had escaped the Pol Pot regime....

“In the first place, is it proper to attribute deaths from malnutrition and disease to Cambodian authorities?”

Which is quite literally stealing a page out of the NAZI defense manual from Nuremburg.

He compounded his implicit approval and support with this missive....

“If a serious study… is someday undertaken, it may well be discovered… that the Khmer Rouge programmes elicited a positive response… because they dealt with fundamental problems rooted in the feudal past and exacerbated by the imperial system.… Such a study, however, has yet to be undertaken.”

No, the evidence is quite clear....Chomsky never met a progressive gulag he hasn't approved of, nor witnessed murders in the millions that he didn't like.

Chomsky is a worthless POS and anyone who believes a word he says is either a moron or a fellow traveler.

I'll let you choose which one you are...

Chomsky and the Khmer Rouge ? The Observer | FrontPage Magazine
Well, that's interesting. It explains his lack of historical knowledge.
@Disir, historical knowledge:badgrin: I'm more interested in his behavior as a christian. For example ask him if he was a homophobic bigot when he was a christian, he just cuts and runs.

People who convert radically leave a lot of festering baggage behind.

That too would be interesting.

Either way, it seems as if he is only good for dropping a line or two and then running away.

Just like his storm front buddy.
So do those of Lehi:

"Late in 1940, Lehi, having identified a common interest between the intentions of the new German order and Jewish national aspirations, proposed forming an alliance in World War II with Nazi Germany.[2] It offered assistance in transferring the Jews of Europe to Palestine, in return for Germany's help in expelling Britain from Mandatory Palestine."

Lehi (group) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's the old story of the enemy of my enemy..

So? They wanted to move Jews out of Europe where anti Semitism was rampant .
They wanted to move Jews from Europe to Palestine with the expressed intent of taking control of all the land between the River and the sea. Do you see how Arabs would have found that threatening?

Do you recognize the fact that the events you describe took place in 1940?----the war was
already on--------I understand your disappointment-----but try to cope-----
World War II was already on and your side lost------for the jews at that time----
the war against jews consisted of Jews vs those people trying to kill jews----
the people involved in killing jews were -----Germany, Great Britain, and Arabs

to summarize Jews vs Germany, Great Britain, Arabs -----Lehi tried to be
INNOVATIVE and strike a deal that would involve convincing the germans that they
COULD BENEFIT-----by releasing jews to Palestine----in order to screw Germany's enemy
GREAT BRITAIN Too difficult a concept for you?. Lehi people were horrified
over the deaths of jews caused by Great Britain and ALSO wanted to get the
jews out of Germany-----it is all quite simple. Only an idiot would describe that plan
as a kiss on the lips of Germany. I
GERMANY would release jews to palestine
So? They wanted to move Jews out of Europe where anti Semitism was rampant .
They wanted to move Jews from Europe to Palestine with the expressed intent of taking control of all the land between the River and the sea. Do you see how Arabs would have found that threatening?

Do you recognize the fact that the events you describe took place in 1940?----the war was
already on--------I understand your disappointment-----but try to cope-----
World War II was already on and your side lost------for the jews at that time----
the war against jews consisted of Jews vs those people trying to kill jews----
the people involved in killing jews were -----Germany, Great Britain, and Arabs

to summarize Jews vs Germany, Great Britain, Arabs -----Lehi tried to be
INNOVATIVE and strike a deal that would involve convincing the germans that they
COULD BENEFIT-----by releasing jews to Palestine----in order to screw Germany's enemy
GREAT BRITAIN Too difficult a concept for you?. Lehi people were horrified
over the deaths of jews caused by Great Britain and ALSO wanted to get the
jews out of Germany-----it is all quite simple. Only an idiot would describe that plan
as a kiss on the lips of Germany. I
GERMANY would release jews to palestine
Do you meant the same GREAT BRITAIN whose bayonets Zionists sheltered behind for a generation while preparing al-Nakba? One would have to be somewhat deranged to imagine Jews offering an alliance with Hitler as anything other than an act of treason. Why do some Jews always manage to engender feelings of intense hatred and revulsion among the "non-Chosen" people? Anything to do with assimilation, maybe?
They wanted to move Jews from Europe to Palestine with the expressed intent of taking control of all the land between the River and the sea. Do you see how Arabs would have found that threatening?

Do you recognize the fact that the events you describe took place in 1940?----the war was
already on--------I understand your disappointment-----but try to cope-----
World War II was already on and your side lost------for the jews at that time----
the war against jews consisted of Jews vs those people trying to kill jews----
the people involved in killing jews were -----Germany, Great Britain, and Arabs

to summarize Jews vs Germany, Great Britain, Arabs -----Lehi tried to be
INNOVATIVE and strike a deal that would involve convincing the germans that they
COULD BENEFIT-----by releasing jews to Palestine----in order to screw Germany's enemy
GREAT BRITAIN Too difficult a concept for you?. Lehi people were horrified
over the deaths of jews caused by Great Britain and ALSO wanted to get the
jews out of Germany-----it is all quite simple. Only an idiot would describe that plan
as a kiss on the lips of Germany. I
GERMANY would release jews to palestine
Do you meant the same GREAT BRITAIN whose bayonets Zionists sheltered behind for a generation while preparing al-Nakba? One would have to be somewhat deranged to imagine Jews offering an alliance with Hitler as anything other than an act of treason. Why do some Jews always manage to engender feelings of intense hatred and revulsion among the "non-Chosen" people? Anything to do with assimilation, maybe?

You know why they engender such hatred, Herr Geroge??? Because many people like you are losers in life and need a scapegoat. You, yourself, realize that there are many, many successful Jews in your own city (many who are paying taxes to enable you to have a roof over your head), and you are envious of them so you are using them as your scapegoats. Meanwhile, this bringing up the Warsaw Ghetto with the Gazans is a big hit on the NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate sites to engender more hatred against the Jews.
Do you meant the same GREAT BRITAIN whose bayonets Zionists sheltered behind for a generation while preparing al-Nakba? One would have to be somewhat deranged to imagine Jews offering an alliance with Hitler as anything other than an act of treason. Why do some Jews always manage to engender feelings of intense hatred and revulsion among the "non-Chosen" people? Anything to do with assimilation, maybe?[/QUOTE]

You know why they engender such hatred, Herr Geroge??? Because many people like you are losers in life and need a scapegoat. You, yourself, realize that there are many, many successful Jews in your own city (many who are paying taxes to enable you to have a roof over your head), and you are envious of them so you are using them as your scapegoats. Meanwhile, this bringing up the Warsaw Ghetto with the Gazans is a big hit on the NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate sites to engender more hatred against the Jews.[/QUOTE]

for the record-----the jews of Palestine ----OR THE ENTIRE MIDDLE EAST----NEVER SHELTERED
BEHIND BRITISH BAYONETS Georgie is into the islamo Nazi propaganda . In fact when
it comes from getting PROTECTION from arab aggression in Palestine------the jews did
better with the OTTOMANS than with the brits . Sorry Georgie-----I got relatives who lived
the filth that you still enjoy--------My own husband remembers the brits in his home town in PALESTINE---
Do you meant the same GREAT BRITAIN whose bayonets Zionists sheltered behind for a generation while preparing al-Nakba? One would have to be somewhat deranged to imagine Jews offering an alliance with Hitler as anything other than an act of treason. Why do some Jews always manage to engender feelings of intense hatred and revulsion among the "non-Chosen" people? Anything to do with assimilation, maybe?

You know why they engender such hatred, Herr Geroge??? Because many people like you are losers in life and need a scapegoat. You, yourself, realize that there are many, many successful Jews in your own city (many who are paying taxes to enable you to have a roof over your head), and you are envious of them so you are using them as your scapegoats. Meanwhile, this bringing up the Warsaw Ghetto with the Gazans is a big hit on the NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate sites to engender more hatred against the Jews.[/QUOTE]

for the record-----the jews of Palestine ----OR THE ENTIRE MIDDLE EAST----NEVER SHELTERED
BEHIND BRITISH BAYONETS Georgie is into the islamo Nazi propaganda . In fact when
it comes from getting PROTECTION from arab aggression in Palestine------the jews did
better with the OTTOMANS than with the brits . Sorry Georgie-----I got relatives who lived
the filth that you still enjoy--------My own husband remembers the brits in his home town in PALESTINE---[/QUOTE]
Without those British bayonets to hide behind, Jews would never have reached critical mass in Palestine. I'm sorry if your husband suffered, but Jews have no one but themselves to blame for the tragedy going on in Palestine today.

Maybe you should think about sharing the land?
Do you meant the same GREAT BRITAIN whose bayonets Zionists sheltered behind for a generation while preparing al-Nakba? One would have to be somewhat deranged to imagine Jews offering an alliance with Hitler as anything other than an act of treason. Why do some Jews always manage to engender feelings of intense hatred and revulsion among the "non-Chosen" people? Anything to do with assimilation, maybe?

You know why they engender such hatred, Herr Geroge??? Because many people like you are losers in life and need a scapegoat. You, yourself, realize that there are many, many successful Jews in your own city (many who are paying taxes to enable you to have a roof over your head), and you are envious of them so you are using them as your scapegoats. Meanwhile, this bringing up the Warsaw Ghetto with the Gazans is a big hit on the NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate sites to engender more hatred against the Jews.

for the record-----the jews of Palestine ----OR THE ENTIRE MIDDLE EAST----NEVER SHELTERED
BEHIND BRITISH BAYONETS Georgie is into the islamo Nazi propaganda . In fact when
it comes from getting PROTECTION from arab aggression in Palestine------the jews did
better with the OTTOMANS than with the brits . Sorry Georgie-----I got relatives who lived
the filth that you still enjoy--------My own husband remembers the brits in his home town in PALESTINE---[/QUOTE]
Without those British bayonets to hide behind, Jews would never have reached critical mass in Palestine. I'm sorry if your husband suffered, but Jews have no one but themselves to blame for the tragedy going on in Palestine today.

Maybe you should think about sharing the land?[/QUOTE]

I'm sorry you are so stupid and ignorant-----not only did hubby grow up in
brit controlled Palestine-------he was also born in a shariah cesspit in which his
community of jews had resided for more than 1000 years BEFORE the rapist pig
of mecca was born-----but very soon after that pig died it was INVADED by the
followers of the rapist pig of mecca Followers of the rapist pig of Arabia have no
concept of "sharing land"------or any concept other than MUSLIM LAND and
MUSLIMS RULE ------any concept of "share" is quite a joke
Do you meant the same GREAT BRITAIN whose bayonets Zionists sheltered behind for a generation while preparing al-Nakba? One would have to be somewhat deranged to imagine Jews offering an alliance with Hitler as anything other than an act of treason. Why do some Jews always manage to engender feelings of intense hatred and revulsion among the "non-Chosen" people? Anything to do with assimilation, maybe?

You know why they engender such hatred, Herr Geroge??? Because many people like you are losers in life and need a scapegoat. You, yourself, realize that there are many, many successful Jews in your own city (many who are paying taxes to enable you to have a roof over your head), and you are envious of them so you are using them as your scapegoats. Meanwhile, this bringing up the Warsaw Ghetto with the Gazans is a big hit on the NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate sites to engender more hatred against the Jews.

for the record-----the jews of Palestine ----OR THE ENTIRE MIDDLE EAST----NEVER SHELTERED
BEHIND BRITISH BAYONETS Georgie is into the islamo Nazi propaganda . In fact when
it comes from getting PROTECTION from arab aggression in Palestine------the jews did
better with the OTTOMANS than with the brits . Sorry Georgie-----I got relatives who lived
the filth that you still enjoy--------My own husband remembers the brits in his home town in PALESTINE---
Without those British bayonets to hide behind, Jews would never have reached critical mass in Palestine. I'm sorry if your husband suffered, but Jews have no one but themselves to blame for the tragedy going on in Palestine today.

Maybe you should think about sharing the land?[/QUOTE]

I'm sorry you are so stupid and ignorant-----not only did hubby grow up in
brit controlled Palestine-------he was also born in a shariah cesspit in which his
community of jews had resided for more than 1000 years BEFORE the rapist pig
of mecca was born-----but very soon after that pig died it was INVADED by the
followers of the rapist pig of mecca Followers of the rapist pig of Arabia have no
concept of "sharing land"------or any concept other than MUSLIM LAND and
MUSLIMS RULE ------any concept of "share" is quite a joke[/QUOTE]
Kissed any bats lately?

"The news out of Israel and Palestine: relentless, remorseless, repetitively compulsive, rabid.

"And I am put in mind of a passage from Norman Mailer, in 1972, in which he attempted to plumb the psychopathology behind America’s relentless bombing of Cambodia and Laos and Vietnam during the Nixon years:

… bombing [which] had become an activity as rational as the act of a man who walks across his own home town to defecate each night on the lawn of a stranger—it is the same stranger each night—such a man would not last long even if he had the most powerful body in town. 'Stop,' he would scream as they dragged him away. 'I need to shit on that lawn. It’s the only way to keep my body in shape, you fools. I’ve been bitten by a bat!'”

USC Students for Justice in Palestine
You know why they engender such hatred, Herr Geroge??? Because many people like you are losers in life and need a scapegoat. You, yourself, realize that there are many, many successful Jews in your own city (many who are paying taxes to enable you to have a roof over your head), and you are envious of them so you are using them as your scapegoats. Meanwhile, this bringing up the Warsaw Ghetto with the Gazans is a big hit on the NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate sites to engender more hatred against the Jews.

for the record-----the jews of Palestine ----OR THE ENTIRE MIDDLE EAST----NEVER SHELTERED
BEHIND BRITISH BAYONETS Georgie is into the islamo Nazi propaganda . In fact when
it comes from getting PROTECTION from arab aggression in Palestine------the jews did
better with the OTTOMANS than with the brits . Sorry Georgie-----I got relatives who lived
the filth that you still enjoy--------My own husband remembers the brits in his home town in PALESTINE---
Without those British bayonets to hide behind, Jews would never have reached critical mass in Palestine. I'm sorry if your husband suffered, but Jews have no one but themselves to blame for the tragedy going on in Palestine today.

Maybe you should think about sharing the land?

I'm sorry you are so stupid and ignorant-----not only did hubby grow up in
brit controlled Palestine-------he was also born in a shariah cesspit in which his
community of jews had resided for more than 1000 years BEFORE the rapist pig
of mecca was born-----but very soon after that pig died it was INVADED by the
followers of the rapist pig of mecca Followers of the rapist pig of Arabia have no
concept of "sharing land"------or any concept other than MUSLIM LAND and
MUSLIMS RULE ------any concept of "share" is quite a joke[/QUOTE]
Kissed any bats lately?

"The news out of Israel and Palestine: relentless, remorseless, repetitively compulsive, rabid.

"And I am put in mind of a passage from Norman Mailer, in 1972, in which he attempted to plumb the psychopathology behind America’s relentless bombing of Cambodia and Laos and Vietnam during the Nixon years:

… bombing [which] had become an activity as rational as the act of a man who walks across his own home town to defecate each night on the lawn of a stranger—it is the same stranger each night—such a man would not last long even if he had the most powerful body in town. 'Stop,' he would scream as they dragged him away. 'I need to shit on that lawn. It’s the only way to keep my body in shape, you fools. I’ve been bitten by a bat!'”

USC Students for Justice in Palestine[/QUOTE]

the analogy is utterly idiotic-----Cambodia was not bombing Washtington DC and San
Francisco. RETURN FIRE IS ALWAYS LEGAL----in fact it is mandatory
for the record-----the jews of Palestine ----OR THE ENTIRE MIDDLE EAST----NEVER SHELTERED
BEHIND BRITISH BAYONETS Georgie is into the islamo Nazi propaganda . In fact when
it comes from getting PROTECTION from arab aggression in Palestine------the jews did
better with the OTTOMANS than with the brits . Sorry Georgie-----I got relatives who lived
the filth that you still enjoy--------My own husband remembers the brits in his home town in PALESTINE---
Without those British bayonets to hide behind, Jews would never have reached critical mass in Palestine. I'm sorry if your husband suffered, but Jews have no one but themselves to blame for the tragedy going on in Palestine today.

Maybe you should think about sharing the land?

I'm sorry you are so stupid and ignorant-----not only did hubby grow up in
brit controlled Palestine-------he was also born in a shariah cesspit in which his
community of jews had resided for more than 1000 years BEFORE the rapist pig
of mecca was born-----but very soon after that pig died it was INVADED by the
followers of the rapist pig of mecca Followers of the rapist pig of Arabia have no
concept of "sharing land"------or any concept other than MUSLIM LAND and
MUSLIMS RULE ------any concept of "share" is quite a joke
Kissed any bats lately?

"The news out of Israel and Palestine: relentless, remorseless, repetitively compulsive, rabid.

"And I am put in mind of a passage from Norman Mailer, in 1972, in which he attempted to plumb the psychopathology behind America’s relentless bombing of Cambodia and Laos and Vietnam during the Nixon years:

… bombing [which] had become an activity as rational as the act of a man who walks across his own home town to defecate each night on the lawn of a stranger—it is the same stranger each night—such a man would not last long even if he had the most powerful body in town. 'Stop,' he would scream as they dragged him away. 'I need to shit on that lawn. It’s the only way to keep my body in shape, you fools. I’ve been bitten by a bat!'”

USC Students for Justice in Palestine[/QUOTE]

the analogy is utterly idiotic-----Cambodia was not bombing Washtington DC and San
Francisco. RETURN FIRE IS ALWAYS LEGAL----in fact it is mandatory[/QUOTE]
You mean Dick and Henry LIED?
Damn..I'm glad I didn't vote for that anti-Semite.
How 'bout you, Rosie?:eusa_boohoo:
Without those British bayonets to hide behind, Jews would never have reached critical mass in Palestine. I'm sorry if your husband suffered, but Jews have no one but themselves to blame for the tragedy going on in Palestine today.

Maybe you should think about sharing the land?

I'm sorry you are so stupid and ignorant-----not only did hubby grow up in
brit controlled Palestine-------he was also born in a shariah cesspit in which his
community of jews had resided for more than 1000 years BEFORE the rapist pig
of mecca was born-----but very soon after that pig died it was INVADED by the
followers of the rapist pig of mecca Followers of the rapist pig of Arabia have no
concept of "sharing land"------or any concept other than MUSLIM LAND and
MUSLIMS RULE ------any concept of "share" is quite a joke
Kissed any bats lately?

"The news out of Israel and Palestine: relentless, remorseless, repetitively compulsive, rabid.

"And I am put in mind of a passage from Norman Mailer, in 1972, in which he attempted to plumb the psychopathology behind America’s relentless bombing of Cambodia and Laos and Vietnam during the Nixon years:

… bombing [which] had become an activity as rational as the act of a man who walks across his own home town to defecate each night on the lawn of a stranger—it is the same stranger each night—such a man would not last long even if he had the most powerful body in town. 'Stop,' he would scream as they dragged him away. 'I need to shit on that lawn. It’s the only way to keep my body in shape, you fools. I’ve been bitten by a bat!'”

USC Students for Justice in Palestine

the analogy is utterly idiotic-----Cambodia was not bombing Washtington DC and San
Francisco. RETURN FIRE IS ALWAYS LEGAL----in fact it is mandatory[/QUOTE]

You mean Dick and Henry LIED?
Damn..I'm glad I didn't vote for that anti-Semite.
How 'bout you, Rosie?:eusa_boohoo:[/QUOTE]

Since USC is not that far from Dhimmi George's neighborhood, and he could probably hitch hike over there, I wonder if he could get this student group to also conern itself about those Christians and Muslims in the other Middle East countries who have been and are still being murdered by Muslims in tremendous amounts. Do you realize how grateful these unfortunate people would be to you, Dhimmi George, for getting a group to speak out for them?
I'm sorry you are so stupid and ignorant-----not only did hubby grow up in
brit controlled Palestine-------he was also born in a shariah cesspit in which his
community of jews had resided for more than 1000 years BEFORE the rapist pig
of mecca was born-----but very soon after that pig died it was INVADED by the
followers of the rapist pig of mecca Followers of the rapist pig of Arabia have no
concept of "sharing land"------or any concept other than MUSLIM LAND and
MUSLIMS RULE ------any concept of "share" is quite a joke
Kissed any bats lately?

"The news out of Israel and Palestine: relentless, remorseless, repetitively compulsive, rabid.

"And I am put in mind of a passage from Norman Mailer, in 1972, in which he attempted to plumb the psychopathology behind America’s relentless bombing of Cambodia and Laos and Vietnam during the Nixon years:

… bombing [which] had become an activity as rational as the act of a man who walks across his own home town to defecate each night on the lawn of a stranger—it is the same stranger each night—such a man would not last long even if he had the most powerful body in town. 'Stop,' he would scream as they dragged him away. 'I need to shit on that lawn. It’s the only way to keep my body in shape, you fools. I’ve been bitten by a bat!'”

USC Students for Justice in Palestine

the analogy is utterly idiotic-----Cambodia was not bombing Washtington DC and San
Francisco. RETURN FIRE IS ALWAYS LEGAL----in fact it is mandatory

You mean Dick and Henry LIED?
Damn..I'm glad I didn't vote for that anti-Semite.
How 'bout you, Rosie?:eusa_boohoo:[/QUOTE]

Since USC is not that far from Dhimmi George's neighborhood, and he could probably hitch hike over there, I wonder if he could get this student group to also conern itself about those Christians and Muslims in the other Middle East countries who have been and are still being murdered by Muslims in tremendous amounts. Do you realize how grateful these unfortunate people would be to you, Dhimmi George, for getting a group to speak out for them?[/QUOTE]
Why don't you hop on a bus to Westwood and learn a little about your own history?
Students for Justice in Palestine at UCLA - Home
Maybe you'll learn some new words?

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