Gaza Has 24 Hours to Leave

That's right, because when a fighter prevails, then they are the same as they were when they defended themselves from the evil. If anything they become more wise and alert to what lurks in the darkness afterwards.
Wow, that's soooo romantic and smooooth, my heart is just going pitty pat! :D

Too bad we live in a real world.
Thing is nobody (other Muslim nations) want a wild-eyed death-cult on their doorstep either least they get out death-culted themselves.

Yes. In the ME it sucks when your bosses fire you and you're no longer useful to them.
Ukraine should be stronger than Israel, so what was it's excuse for not being stronger in order to defend itself ? Could It be that Ukraine is or was one of the biggest corrupt countries in modern time's ??????

Why do you think Hunter was involved in Ukraine ?

Because they agreed to disarm on promises from NATO, the European govts., and most especially from the U.S., that's why. Russia also agreed to the terms, Guess who welched on both sides of the deals?
Egypt has already declined to grant a free passage for Palestinian refugees from Gaza. The issue is not only about these refugees being unwanted in other Arab countries for some social reasons.

Arab population in Gaza is also a political tool being used by Hamas and its sponsors. If Israel manages to make the Gaza Strip Jewish, it will be a clear defeat for the Arab terrorist groups and their supporters. Naturally, they will do everything to prevent that.
Does answer include killing a million people?
They could surrender unless they don't want too... Even if they are these so called captives themselves by Hamas, with those kinds of numbers, they could easily overwhelm their captors and head to safety with their white flags flying.

Human shields they might be to HAMAS, but the term itself could be being used as a ploy also.
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Egypt has already declined to grant a free passage for Palestinian refugees from Gaza. The issue is not only about these refugees being unwanted in other Arab countries for some social reasons.

Arab population in Gaza is also a political tool being used by Hamas and its sponsors. If Israel manages to make the Gaza Strip Jewish, it will be a clear defeat for the Arab terrorist groups and their supporters. Naturally, they will do everything to prevent that.
The strip won't have to be Jewish only, otherwise if the Palastinians would learn to live in peace with the Jewish people, but after year's and year's of brainwashing, it's going to take one heck of a long time to generation that out of them.

It can be done though, but it's going to take the Jews then working a good plan to get it done. They shouldn't expect however that the new citizens of GAZA - after it's ultimate fall - should then become worshippers like they themselves are, but instead to teach them how to worship in peace.

These things can be achieved just like they were achieved in the dire situation or afterwards during world war two. For example - the German people weren't allowed to use any type of Nazi propaganda after world war two or use any signs or signals relating to Nazism because it was a cult created by it's leader's that would worship a man as a god.

Next Germany became a peaceful and multicultural society that has lived as such for a long time now. I'd say that the Marshall plan worked quite well back in the day. However, these things won't work if the wrong things are injected into them at later date, wherefore you have these certain types of cultures that begin to degrade the societies from within, and it begins the process of separation or separating the societies from within. Why these types of signs are being missed when they start (for example), even by what we see getting worse (right here in America), is a head scratcher for sure.

Lack of leadership or the wrong type of leadership creates these things every single time.
Because they agreed to disarm on promises from NATO, the European govts., and most especially from the U.S., that's why. Russia also agreed to the terms, Guess who welched on both sides of the deals?
Ok, so why did they Welch on the deals ? Was it because Ukraine became a highly corrupt nation that began doing deals with the west that shook the very foundations of any deal that was made, otherwise on promises that weren't being kept ????? Who didn't keep their promises on either side of the deals, and why ???
Gaza could have had both a great international port for sea traffic as well as an international airport....

But they destroyed both. They destroyed their own infrastructure and economic progress. Why?

So when people whine about "How are they supposed to leave?" You can say this explanation.
Chopping up your boat for firewood during a flood so you can keep warm is not exactly a good idea.
Ok, so why did they Welch on the deals ? Was it because Ukraine became a highly corrupt nation that began doing deals with the west that shook the very foundations of any deal that was made, otherwise on promises that weren't being kept ????? Who didn't keep their promises on either side of the deals, and why ???

Whatever lame excuses you need to make, Jane.
The difference in the way Jewish people behave and the way Muslim terrorists behave is so apparent that it’s scary how antisemitic one has to be to side with the Muslims:

1) Barbaric HAMAS Muslims, elected by the Palestinian people who brainwash their children to want to kill Jews, goes house by house to hunt down entire innocent Jewish families, burn them alive, and stab them to death.

2) Jews have extended the warning to GAZA residents, and opened up a path, for them to leave before they destroy HAMAS. At the same time, HAMAS is telling their residents to stay put and die.
First we cut off aid to the "Palestinians.". Why does everyone forget we pay them?
Because they were too busy changing Speaker of the House to stop the payments to Gaza. People have been so busy fighting along party lines to pay attention to much else.
Imagine where the Palestinians would be RIGHT NOW if Iran, Egypt and Hamas directed all that money into actually building Gaza and the West Bank. Imagine if they simply laid down their suicide vests and were no longer threatening Israel.

Imagine if they had as much love for their own people as they have hate for the Jews.

They would have a country of their own now. But they don't. They have the same ghetto mentality as so many of American blacks. And that makes them the whiny bitches they now are.
Imagine where the Palestinians would be RIGHT NOW if Iran, Egypt and Hamas directed all that money into actually building Gaza and the West Bank. Imagine if they simply laid down their suicide vests and were no longer threatening Israel.

Imagine if they had as much love for their own people as they have hate for the Jews.

They would have a country of their own now. But they don't. They have the same ghetto mentality as so many of American blacks. And that makes them the whiny bitches they now are.
Hamas closed their own airport in Gaza due to too many suicide bombings. They destroyed their own port on the coast. They have scuttled every bit of infrastructure just so they can claim "poor pitiful me and it's all Israel's fault"
First we cut off aid to the "Palestinians.". Why does everyone forget we pay them?

To be posted in the, "so what else is new", forum.

Another example of the Islamic terrorist terrorist welfare agency, sometimes called UNRWA, as we see the purpose of their welfare money exposed.

These types of reports circulate frequently. Yet, for some reason there doesn’t seem to be any action taken.

It was refreshing to see President Trump do the right thing and cancel the funding of islamic terrorists but here we are again with Biden and the Dems / Socialists throwing cash at islamic terrorist franchises.

We could house them in Texas or Florida temporarily
ya never learn do ya?
NY and Chicago will pay for their transport
cuz that's what bleeding heart sanctuary cities are for...and what about whitelandia? [aka Nantucket/the vineyard] we know they'll gladly pay their transportation out of town.

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