Gaza War In Five Minutes: Col. Richard Kemp

Why is the AP, CNN and other mainstream media slanting the news against Israel? Why is the mainstream media hiding the truth of what is really happening to Israel? When is someone at the AP going to demand the truth be told and silence the propaganda stories being waged against Israel? Who is going to stand up for Israel and do the right thing?
Nothing to see here:

The guy is just another brain washed zionist supporter of the apartheid state of Israel. ..... :cool:
Really? Did you take note of his title, Sunni Man? His name is Col. Richard Kemp and he is the commander for Britain's Armed Forces. What is your title and what qualifies you to disqualify the report of this British Colonel?

What is your military rank, Sunni Man?
Richard Kemp, fanatical Christian Zionist who talks to dead people in his spare time. Yeah, okay., whatever :cuckoo:
Speaking of which, I do commend Col. Richard Kemp for speaking out about who is responsible for the deaths in Gaza ( HAMAS ) and for the video footage which clearly proves HAMAS was firing rockets into Israeli civilian territory from civilian homes, schools, etc, in Gaza. It is HAMAS who has created this horror - note the leaflets Israelis dropped to the Gazans to leave the area - giving notice before responding to HAMAS rockets that were fired from their neighborhoods and homes - also note the Col said the Israelis sent text messages - many messages for advance warning and yet the news media portrays a lie - a full on propaganda hit piece against Israel time and time again. Time does it, CNN does it, the AP does it, why are the news media slanting these stories and not reporting the truth about what is happening to Israel! It is Israel that is under attack, People! The Israelis are the victims here! Open your eyes! Watch the video and realize you have been lied to!

We need more men such as Col. Richard Kemp who will speak up and tell the world clearly who is responsible for the war in Gaza. HAMAS is responsible. We need to start realizing that the same people who fund ISIS fund HAMAS. We need to open our eyes here and get out of denial. Denial is not a river, People!
Really? Did you take note of his title, Sunni Man? His name is Col. Richard Kemp and he is the commander for Britain's Armed Forces. What is your title and what qualifies you to disqualify the report of this British Colonel?

What is your military rank, Sunni Man?

Admiral General of Wadiya

Richard Kemp, fanatical Christian Zionist who talks to dead people in his spare time. Yeah, okay., whatever :cuckoo:
X I strongly disagree with you. There is no mention of Col. Richard Kemps religious beliefs. There is no mention of Col. Richard Kemp being a Christian Zionist nor any story about his speaking to dead people. Col. Richard Kemp is a Commander of the British Armed Forces. If you cannot address the video keep your personal attacks aginst Col Richard Kemp off of my thread.
Really? Did you take note of his title, Sunni Man? His name is Col. Richard Kemp and he is the commander for Britain's Armed Forces. What is your title and what qualifies you to disqualify the report of this British Colonel?

What is your military rank, Sunni Man?
No he's not. He commanded the British military contingent in Afghanistan when fhe was a Major and currently works for NGO Watch in Israel.
Sounds like a trained puppet to parrot the Zionist line. It's the usual attack the victims. Plus, I doubt very much a Col. is the commander of the British armed forces.
Really? Did you take note of his title, Sunni Man? His name is Col. Richard Kemp and he is the commander for Britain's Armed Forces. What is your title and what qualifies you to disqualify the report of this British Colonel?

What is your military rank, Sunni Man?

Col. Richard Kemp WAS a commander in the Royal Anglian Regiment. He is not,as you suggest, "the commander for Britain's Armed Forces".

As an ex military personnel he can say what the hell he likes... For his own agenda... He would NOT be allowed to make this kind of comment were he still in active service.

You do not require a rank to disagree with what Col. Richard Kemp... Just a little bit of intelligence!
Really? Did you take note of his title, Sunni Man? His name is Col. Richard Kemp and he is the commander for Britain's Armed Forces. What is your title and what qualifies you to disqualify the report of this British Colonel?

What is your military rank, Sunni Man?

Admiral General of Wadiya


Is that one of the HAMAS leaders? Are those medals edible? They look like the gold coin chocolate candies! He can just toss his medals if he runs out of candy to toss! Right? lol.

LOL............Jeremiah is having a meltdown!! ..... :lol: :lol:

Meltdown isn't in my vocabulary although I do notice you use it quite often, Sunni Man.

Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks and yours is speaking volumes. You'd be wise to cut down on your words. Your insecurities are showing.
Meltdown isn't in my vocabulary although I do notice you use it quite often, Sunni Man.
When you get your next monthly welfare check Jeremiah.

You might want to invest in a dictionary.

It will open up a whole new world for you......... :cool:
Really? Did you take note of his title, Sunni Man? His name is Col. Richard Kemp and he is the commander for Britain's Armed Forces. What is your title and what qualifies you to disqualify the report of this British Colonel?

What is your military rank, Sunni Man?

Col. Richard Kemp WAS a commander in the Royal Anglian Regiment. He is not,as you suggest, "the commander for Britain's Armed Forces".

As an ex military personnel he can say what the hell he likes... For his own agenda... He would NOT be allowed to make this kind of comment were he still in active service.

You do not require a rank to disagree with what Col. Richard Kemp... Just a little bit of intelligence!

You are mistaken, he was inteviewed while in Afghanistan and he is titled Britain's armed forces commander, Col. Richard Kemp - according to the Jerusalem U - interview - now try addressing the actual message, Alang. I realize its a novel idea but you could use one of those. You've become all too predictable.
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Richard Kemp, fanatical Christian Zionist who talks to dead people in his spare time. Yeah, okay., whatever :cuckoo:
X I strongly disagree with you. There is no mention of Col. Richard Kemps religious beliefs. There is no mention of Col. Richard Kemp being a Christian Zionist nor any story about his speaking to dead people. Col. Richard Kemp is a Commander of the British Armed Forces. If you cannot address the video keep your personal attacks aginst Col Richard Kemp off of my thread.

*sigh* Christians Unite for Israel in Washington FrontPage Magazine
Meltdown isn't in my vocabulary although I do notice you use it quite often, Sunni Man.
When you get your next monthly welfare check Jeremiah.

You might want to invest in a dictionary.

It will open up a whole new world for you......... :cool:

I own a dictionary which is why I am not stuck on silly words such as "melt down". I think you've spent too much time in the kitchen, Sunni Man!
You're supposed to put a clip with the link. I notice you didn't do that. So he is a Christian. That is your big secret? Too funny! To see you people get this desperate I know this video hit it out of the park! Thanks for the inspiration!

Christians Unite for Israel in Washington FrontPage Magazine

Cantor said that the designer of the Dome, distraught when a single rocket claimed the life of an Israeli, went “back to the lab” to perfect the defense shield. Cantor noted that this stood in stark contrast to a Palestinian woman from Gaza who was treated in an Israeli hospital, but upon returning for a follow-up visit, she was stopped at a checkpoint, where her bomb belt was discovered. The woman had planned to blow up the very doctors and nurses that had saved her life.
I fixed it for you. There is a clip from your link. Thanks for the endorsment on Iron Dome. You're a good sport!
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If Jeremiah worshipped Jesus as much as she worships the Jews and the demonic state of Israel.

She would be a powerhouse Christian. ..... :cool:
You'd be surprised, Sunni. The Power belongs to Jesus Christ and He is definitely abiding in "the house"! I worship one Jew. Jesus Christ. The rest I stand up for just as the LORD stands up for them. You are not striving against the State of Israel. You are striving against the LORD.

I'm keeping you in my prayers. The Love of God compels me. Just as the Love of God compels me to speak up for the truth. I hope that you will join me one day. I sincerely mean that.
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