Gee, what a surprise! Israel - Orthodox Jew arrested for faking anti-Semitic hate hoax


Democrat Party - the REAL Fascist Party
Dec 31, 2011
Bay State
It’s a narrative with which we’re all familiar: someone vandalizes a synagogue with swastikas and the perpetrator is discovered to be a Jew who is attempting to spark outrage by trying to portray Jews as poor innocent victims of a hate crime. Well, yet again, just another hoax.

Whenever supposed hate crimes in the future happen against Jews, don't immediately sympathize with them, let things fall into place and most likely the perpetrator will be Jew trying to pull off another hate hoax.

Jerusalem synagogue vandalized with swastikas, holy books burned

-There was NOTHING in the article that suggested what the motivation for the vandalism
was-----the two disgusting lumps of shit above base their conjecture on wishful perverted
I find this topic completely distastefull for a number of reasons..First off I see that instead of just posting the article and saying hey what's up with this..Instead the caracatures of Jews is shown below it as well as a comment that people are not to sympathize with Jews because hey look they faked it... There are a number of problems with this the biggest being the stereotyping of a whole people .. Further I can see where this is going because it is a dig at Trump because his daughter converted to Judiasm and is married to Kushner who is Jewish hence the GREAT dig...Antisemites like the OP who posted this article are so transparent...It is easy to figure out where they are coming from with their crap..If any ever watched Star Trek one could see how sneaky these guys are in their portrayal of Jews and using subtle stereotypes to get their points across... For example the feranga were portrayed as ugly rat faced characters who were short big nosed and excellent at business.... The OP is more transparent and yet thinks we don't see him and his buddies for what they Really are..
Why are Zionist Jews faking hate crimes???

why are shit/pig Nazis like "ladexter" taking up oxygen. There is no information available
that explains WHY the mentally disturbed single person vandalized a synagogue---yet the Nazi
lump of shit -- L..D. who sucked Nazi filth from birth DECIDED that the man is a "Zionist" "faking"
an attack on Jews. -------how quaint------probably the poster is a victim of fetal alcohol syndrome -----
parroting the shit to which he has been exposed all his life
Why do you fools always asssume that only whites do dirty tricks? Yes, a disproportionate percentage of vile, vicious liars are white RWs, but not all.

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