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Geert Wilders Holds Massive Rally

What Rape case threads would that be..........can you give examples...........

Post some...........I don't care if it's a Martian or ET doing the raping and see what the response is on the board...........

Links to all those Rape cases not involving Muslims that got no responses please.

No responses from Dogma? Sure.

Rape Capital of the World
In Congo, Trapped In Violence And Forgotten
Myanmar Is Starving Rohingya Muslims Out of Their Villages: Reports

So, you list one thread before I even got here and others in sub forums I do not frequent.

and you think that is somehow equivalent to your launching into attack mode against those who object to Muslims raping children, do you?

You are WAY beyond crazy, you are.

Can't find any non-Muslim threads where you put forth an opinion on rape. Maybe you can find them. Otherwise the only logical conclusion concerning YOU is...your concern is somewhat limited. Maybe you should just quit calling others rape supporters and we can close down this particular argument?

You cannot find any rape treads where I acted even remotely close to how you act on a regular basis, true.

there is not one example of me demanding people attack another religion. There is not a single example of me indicating people are bigoted for opposing rape. There is not so much as a single example of me ridiculing posters by indicating their opposition to rape is funny.

I do not support the rape of children like you do, so I do not employ these agitprop ruses in order to indicate such.

Well I've used up my quota of funnies on you for the day, such a pity. I do not support the rape of children. Neither does TT. Neither do a host of other members who have the AUDACITY to disagree with you on the topic of Muslims. But this is a free country, and we are entitled to our opinions, however peculiar, and we are allowed to express them.
Yes, you are allowed to support the rape of children in this country and in this forum you run. .

The real issue is whether or not people have the right to oppose it.
Coyote's not a commie, just wrong in this instance..

Has there ever been an instance involving Islam when Coyote is right? All I ever see is automatic defense of anything and everything Muslims do.

I have never seen such manic zealotry in my life.

She's a liberal. A real liberal. I suppose with some personal ties to someone Islamic would be my guess.

Always try to put yourself in the other person's shoes.
Coyote's not a commie, just wrong in this instance..

Has there ever been an instance involving Islam when Coyote is right? All I ever see is automatic defense of anything and everything Muslims do.

I have never seen such manic zealotry in my life.

She's a liberal. A real liberal. I suppose with some personal ties to someone Islamic would be my guess.

Always try to put yourself in the other person's shoes.

I do not doubt you in thinking she has ties to Islamists.

As to her shoes, I cannot really imagine putting myself in the position of defending the rape of children just because I was close to an Islamist.

I have had countless Jewish friends, but I do not support the actions of the JDL nor of the militant settlers.
Coyote's not a commie, just wrong in this instance..

Has there ever been an instance involving Islam when Coyote is right? All I ever see is automatic defense of anything and everything Muslims do.

I have never seen such manic zealotry in my life.

She's a liberal. A real liberal. I suppose with some personal ties to someone Islamic would be my guess.

Always try to put yourself in the other person's shoes.

I do not doubt you in thinking she has ties to Islamists.

As to her shoes, I cannot really imagine putting myself in the position of defending the rape of children just because I was close to an Islamist.

I have had countless Jewish friends, but I do not support the actions of the JDL nor of the militant settlers.

That's a bit over the top for my tastes. You gotta link to that?
Coyote's not a commie, just wrong in this instance..

Has there ever been an instance involving Islam when Coyote is right? All I ever see is automatic defense of anything and everything Muslims do.

I have never seen such manic zealotry in my life.

She's a liberal. A real liberal. I suppose with some personal ties to someone Islamic would be my guess.

Always try to put yourself in the other person's shoes.

I do not doubt you in thinking she has ties to Islamists.

As to her shoes, I cannot really imagine putting myself in the position of defending the rape of children just because I was close to an Islamist.

I have had countless Jewish friends, but I do not support the actions of the JDL nor of the militant settlers.

That's a bit over the top for my tastes. You gotta link to that?
You need a link to all the times the subject was Muslims raping children and she tried to turn the thread into an exercise in Christian bashing, instead? You need a link to all the times she has funnied people for opposing such rape or venting her spleen against people for opposing the rape instead of the rapists?

I realize you are white knighting here, but have you paid NO attention?
Coyote's not a commie, just wrong in this instance..

Has there ever been an instance involving Islam when Coyote is right? All I ever see is automatic defense of anything and everything Muslims do.

I have never seen such manic zealotry in my life.

She's a liberal. A real liberal. I suppose with some personal ties to someone Islamic would be my guess.

Always try to put yourself in the other person's shoes.

I do not doubt you in thinking she has ties to Islamists.

As to her shoes, I cannot really imagine putting myself in the position of defending the rape of children just because I was close to an Islamist.

I have had countless Jewish friends, but I do not support the actions of the JDL nor of the militant settlers.

That's a bit over the top for my tastes. You gotta link to that?
You need a link to all the times the subject was Muslims raping children and she tried to turn the thread into an exercise in Christian bashing, instead? You need a link to all the times she has funnied people for opposing such rape or venting her spleen against people for opposing the rape instead of the rapists?

I realize you are white knighting here, but have you paid NO attention?

Did I step in some dog poo here? Something stinks. I'm gonna rinse my shoe off with the hose.
But lets lock a guy up videoing some steps and a wall and some doors denouncing the rapes............Yeah .......that really makes sense................

The utter lack of moral reasoning is amazing, isn't it?

Those with healthy psyches and a genuine sense of humanity are appalled by the rape of children. What does it say about all these posters and British officials whose only outrage is directed against those who do not support the rapes?

Honestly, if you had told me 30 years ago that our culture had devolved to this point, I would have thought you mad.
It is true-----that in Islamic ethos-----the rape of a non muslim woman is virtually LEGAL------but the notion that this unfortunate fact should be "RESPECTED"
is very counterproductive
It is the constant name calling and general abuse you regressives hurl towards all who object to Islamic rape that enable it. If you had bothered to educate yourself on the subject, you would have already known that it was the fear of being called racist that contributed to the silence on this subject. People KNEW, but there were too many like you, Tommy and coyote who supported the child rape, and who so used verbal abuse to intimidate people into silence lest they object.

You morons all seem to derive some sort of sick pleasure from it. You congratulate each other for your "tolerance" while actively enabling the rapes through your pattern of rhetoric. The more children who are raped, the more tolerant you all feel, as after all - you are the only ones who matter here, right? I mean, heaven forbid any of you ever show compassion for the children raped instead of the rapists.
You are one thick fucker. You call it "islamic rape" and it is no such thing. There are muslims who rape as there are rapists in every community. But your twisted ideology only has a problem with muslims. Why arent you campaigning against catholics ?
You claim that i support rape and yet cannot provide one single link to back that up.
You are a lying piece of shit from a hate filled underclass. Go and fuck yourself.

try again TAINTED------there, CERTAINLY IS an entity which can be
called MUSLIM RAPE-------it is not called RAPE in Islamic jurisprudence.
THE FORCIBLE ""INTERACTION"" by the West Pakistani army with
an estimated 1/4 million East Bengal girls (both hindu and muslim) in
1971 was NOT CALLED RAPE-----by West Pakistani JUDGES ----it was
LEGALIZED by an EDICT OF TAKFIR-----ie the east Pakistanis were declared "non muslims"-------therefore the LEGAL OBJECT OF FORCED SEX by muslims. Sheeeesh-----you know nothing about SHARIAH and
the "beauty of islam" (for the record-----of course you will not believe me---
so find a nice cooperative BANGLA DESHI MUSLIM----one who is candid
enough to tell you what REALLY HAPPENED BACK THEN AND WHY.
Another time I will tell you what I learned from my mother-in-law
Yes , just Muslims do this sort of thing.

oh!!! there are other religious philosophies today that endorse
rape? I did not know------can you name it?

God, the Bible, and Rape | HuffPost

re-read the piece of shit islamo Nazi propaganda you cited, coyote dear
Your defense of policies that lead to the rape and sexual slavery of at LEAST thousands of white girls is noted.

It is quite intentional.

Those who support the rape of British children engage in this defense hoping that if they can create enough of an obstacle to opposing it, then the rapists will have an uninterrupted supply of "easy meat".

This is why the rapes have been abetted for so long. Those who would otherwise oppose the rape of children were cowed into silence by all the British Coyotes.

With Ahmed (Tommy) and Coyote cheering them on.


and Coyote keeps indicating to you that she actually finds such rapes funny.

she finds endorsement in "da bible" based on the letters of her hero---
Josef Goebbels
But lets lock a guy up videoing some steps and a wall and some doors denouncing the rapes............Yeah .......that really makes sense................

The utter lack of moral reasoning is amazing, isn't it?

Those with healthy psyches and a genuine sense of humanity are appalled by the rape of children. What does it say about all these posters and British officials whose only outrage is directed against those who do not support the rapes?

Honestly, if you had told me 30 years ago that our culture had devolved to this point, I would have thought you mad.
Its hard to discuss anything with someone like yourself who is drunk on hate.
You try to claim the moral high ground and squeal like a bitch when Coyote flags up your hypocrisy.
In the UK decent people are pleased that these criminals are being locked up.
White trash like Yaxley Lennon seek to give them an exit route by compromising their trials.

What a fiasco that would be and yet you cheer it on with your fellow rape enablers.

I am going out for a nice walk in the country now. Some thing that Yaxley Lennon can only dream about.
But lets lock a guy up videoing some steps and a wall and some doors denouncing the rapes............Yeah .......that really makes sense................

The utter lack of moral reasoning is amazing, isn't it?

Those with healthy psyches and a genuine sense of humanity are appalled by the rape of children. What does it say about all these posters and British officials whose only outrage is directed against those who do not support the rapes?

Honestly, if you had told me 30 years ago that our culture had devolved to this point, I would have thought you mad.
Its hard to discuss anything with someone like yourself who is drunk on hate.
You try to claim the moral high ground and squeal like a bitch when Coyote flags up your hypocrisy.
In the UK decent people are pleased that these criminals are being locked up.
White trash like Yaxley Lennon seek to give them an exit route by compromising their trials.

What a fiasco that would be and yet you cheer it on with your fellow rape enablers.

I am going out for a nice walk in the country now. Some thing that Yaxley Lennon can only dream about.

tainted is getting into the REALLY INTRICATE CONSPIRACY THEORIES THAT constitute the hallmarks of manic delusions---
very developed -------but as a psychiatry professor I once knew described
them-----"EXTREMELY FRUITY" For those missing his BS---he is accusing tommy of actually SUPPORTING RAPE-----by knowingly and
purposely compromising the trials of emulators of the meccan rapist dogs--so they they "get off"----to rape again for the glory of allah. Tainted proposes that the MOTIVE is ------PERPETUATE the "rape for allah" trend so that the
"white trash" rise up in violent anger------clever, HUH???-----delusions are
REMARKABLY intricate
Coyote's not a commie, just wrong in this instance..

Has there ever been an instance involving Islam when Coyote is right? All I ever see is automatic defense of anything and everything Muslims do.

I have never seen such manic zealotry in my life.

She's a liberal. A real liberal. I suppose with some personal ties to someone Islamic would be my guess.

Always try to put yourself in the other person's shoes.

my impression is more like a 1960s LIBERAL------liberal by spinal cord reflex.-------spinal reflexes can be preserved even in the brain death.
I will explain----by the Harvard criteria of brain death------the presence of
a GAG reflex rules out brain death-----because the gag reflex depends on
a CRANIAL NERVES. However a "knee jerk" reflex which is based only
on spinal nerves can be preserved in brain death. Support of the Islamic POV can be preserved in brain death as a spinal reflex
yeah.....they didn't have the whole goosestep thing down....
Has there ever been an instance involving Islam when Coyote is right? All I ever see is automatic defense of anything and everything Muslims do.

I have never seen such manic zealotry in my life.

She's a liberal. A real liberal. I suppose with some personal ties to someone Islamic would be my guess.

Always try to put yourself in the other person's shoes.

I do not doubt you in thinking she has ties to Islamists.

As to her shoes, I cannot really imagine putting myself in the position of defending the rape of children just because I was close to an Islamist.

I have had countless Jewish friends, but I do not support the actions of the JDL nor of the militant settlers.

That's a bit over the top for my tastes. You gotta link to that?
You need a link to all the times the subject was Muslims raping children and she tried to turn the thread into an exercise in Christian bashing, instead? You need a link to all the times she has funnied people for opposing such rape or venting her spleen against people for opposing the rape instead of the rapists?

I realize you are white knighting here, but have you paid NO attention?

Did I step in some dog poo here? Something stinks. I'm gonna rinse my shoe off with the hose.
It's always funny when a trumpanzee is ignorant enough to think that smells come from their computer conversations.
not impressed----the OP heading is faulty in that 'tommy' is no longer a member of the EDL----Of course of ALL the people who attended the demonstration---some are jerks ----SO?
I think a lot of this is just a gut geaction to piss off their Marxist governments abuse of basic human rights
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not impressed----the OP heading is faulty in that 'tommy' is no longer a member of the EDL----Of course of ALL the people who attended the demonstration---some are jerks ----SO?
I think a lot of this is just a gut geaction to piss off their Marxist governmentsg abuse of basic human rights

a very foolish approach------it's like the OPPOSITIONAL behavior of a three year old

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