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Geert Wilders Holds Massive Rally

Stephen Yaxley Lennon has been a member of every british neo nazi organisation in his time.

so? he had a tumultuous youth-----cockney boy. I would not even hold
a REVERSION to islam in youth------against a middle aged NORMAL.
If a person tells me----"I snorted one line of crack-----(or whatevah) when I was 17....." I don't write it into the medical history
Stephen Yaxley Lennon has been a member of every british neo nazi organisation in his time.
You lie. He even quit his own organization after it became infiltrated by national SOCIALISTS.
You guys are pathetic trying to rebrand far right ideological trash as left based on semantics. Is the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea democratic?
You guys are pathetic trying to rebrand far right ideological trash as left based on semantics. Is the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea democratic?
You don't understand right and left.

And, a "democracy" CAN vote away the rights of the minority. That's happening in England today
Your defense of policies that lead to the rape and sexual slavery of at LEAST thousands of white girls is noted.

It is quite intentional.

Those who support the rape of British children engage in this defense hoping that if they can create enough of an obstacle to opposing it, then the rapists will have an uninterrupted supply of "easy meat".

This is why the rapes have been abetted for so long. Those who would otherwise oppose the rape of children were cowed into silence by all the British Coyotes.
Doesnt it disrupt your fantasy that these people are being arrested and jailed ?

After how many years of operating?

Does that not suggest that these things are taken seriously ?

When you refuse to discuss, and actually jail reporters that are discussing, the POLICIES that lead to such atrocities,

NO, that does not suggest that these things are taken seriously.

Why do you never coment on rapists that are not Muslim ?

Because they don't have a movement dedicated to defending them, as Muslim rapists do.

IN case you missed it, your "liberalism" is the movement dedicated to defending them.

As you are doing now.
Well the police are catching and locking these people away.The likes of Yaxley Lennon are trying to disrupt their work by trying to create a mis trial.
And its clear that you support his actions. Birds of a feather shit together.

Arresting them and locking them away does not solve the problem. It is less than a band aid.

YOu know it. Which is WHY you are fine with it.
It is quite intentional.

Those who support the rape of British children engage in this defense hoping that if they can create enough of an obstacle to opposing it, then the rapists will have an uninterrupted supply of "easy meat".

This is why the rapes have been abetted for so long. Those who would otherwise oppose the rape of children were cowed into silence by all the British Coyotes.
Doesnt it disrupt your fantasy that these people are being arrested and jailed ?
Does that not suggest that these things are taken seriously ?
Why do you never coment on rapists that are not Muslim ?

I see you are Still steadfast in your mission to deliver easy meat to the Islamic rape gangs.
Link ?

Here you go.

Tommy Tainant

A link like you asked for, one showing that you are steadfast in your mission to deliver easy meat to the Islamic rape gangs.
I dont know of any reporters locked up for reporting on government policy. Neither do you.

Word games doesn't change the fact that your government and you are holding a political prisoner, for the crime of reporting on the results of government policy.

And the fact that the government initially banned discussing the fact that the reporter was arrested.

That was just the icing on the cake.

That you support this renders all your pretense of being "liberal" to be a sad pathetic delusional farce.
He was arrested for breaching his bail conditions and pleaded guilty in court. You can huff and puff as much as you want but it doesnt change that fact.

Most people who breach their bail conditions end up in jail.

Your defense of policies that lead to the rape and sexual slavery of at LEAST thousands of white girls is noted.
Connect the dots. Name the policies you are referring to and show how they lead to the rape and sexual slavery of at least thousands of white girls.

1. Support of Third World immigration from hostile and regressive cultures.

2. Supporting a culture of political correctness to the point of absurdity, creating a witch hunt where any discussion of the issue is marginalized as racism.

3. Continue to support that Political Correctness witch hunt to the point that law enforcement and social workers don't take action to stop know rape rings, to the point that discussing the issues gets a social workers sent to sensitivity training, that cops are afraid to arrest rapists from fear of being called racists, that cops find drunk children with grown men, and they arrest the child and let the adults go, to the point that when a father tries to rescue his child from her rapists, that he gets arrested while the rapists are protected. ECT.

4. Support the marginalization on anyone that ties to discuss this to the point of arresting and jailing reporters who report on it.

5. Support even a government ban on reporting on the arrest of a reporter who reported on the results of the policies.

ALL the policies that have led to the creation of the rape rings are still in place and it is still absolutely taboo to even question them.

Thanks to people like Tommy.
He was arrested for breaching his bail conditions and pleaded guilty in court. You can huff and puff as much as you want but it doesnt change that fact.

Most people who breach their bail conditions end up in jail.

Your defense of policies that lead to the rape and sexual slavery of at LEAST thousands of white girls is noted.
Connect the dots. Name the policies you are referring to and show how they lead to the rape and sexual slavery of at least thousands of white girls.
It is the constant name calling and general abuse you regressives hurl towards all who object to Islamic rape that enable it. If you had bothered to educate yourself on the subject, you would have already known that it was the fear of being called racist that contributed to the silence on this subject. People KNEW, but there were too many like you, Tommy and coyote who supported the child rape, and who so used verbal abuse to intimidate people into silence lest they object.

You morons all seem to derive some sort of sick pleasure from it. You congratulate each other for your "tolerance" while actively enabling the rapes through your pattern of rhetoric. The more children who are raped, the more tolerant you all feel, as after all - you are the only ones who matter here, right? I mean, heaven forbid any of you ever show compassion for the children raped instead of the rapists.
You are one thick fucker. You call it "islamic rape" and it is no such thing. There are muslims who rape as there are rapists in every community. But your twisted ideology only has a problem with muslims. Why arent you campaigning against catholics ?
You claim that i support rape and yet cannot provide one single link to back that up.
You are a lying piece of shit from a hate filled underclass. Go and fuck yourself.

Your pretense that there is no difference here is vile beyond words.
But lets lock a guy up videoing some steps and a wall and some doors denouncing the rapes............Yeah .......that really makes sense................

The utter lack of moral reasoning is amazing, isn't it?

Those with healthy psyches and a genuine sense of humanity are appalled by the rape of children. What does it say about all these posters and British officials whose only outrage is directed against those who do not support the rapes?

Honestly, if you had told me 30 years ago that our culture had devolved to this point, I would have thought you mad.
Its hard to discuss anything with someone like yourself who is drunk on hate.
You try to claim the moral high ground and squeal like a bitch when Coyote flags up your hypocrisy.
In the UK decent people are pleased that these criminals are being locked up.
White trash like Yaxley Lennon seek to give them an exit route by compromising their trials.

What a fiasco that would be and yet you cheer it on with your fellow rape enablers.

I am going out for a nice walk in the country now. Some thing that Yaxley Lennon can only dream about.

Yes, I hate those who rape children. You, on the other hand, work feverishly to help ensure the rapists will continue to operate without impediment.

Thank you for pointing out the differences between us.
Connect the dots. Name the policies you are referring to and show how they lead to the rape and sexual slavery of at least thousands of white girls.
It is the constant name calling and general abuse you regressives hurl towards all who object to Islamic rape that enable it. If you had bothered to educate yourself on the subject, you would have already known that it was the fear of being called racist that contributed to the silence on this subject. People KNEW, but there were too many like you, Tommy and coyote who supported the child rape, and who so used verbal abuse to intimidate people into silence lest they object.

You morons all seem to derive some sort of sick pleasure from it. You congratulate each other for your "tolerance" while actively enabling the rapes through your pattern of rhetoric. The more children who are raped, the more tolerant you all feel, as after all - you are the only ones who matter here, right? I mean, heaven forbid any of you ever show compassion for the children raped instead of the rapists.
You are one thick fucker. You call it "islamic rape" and it is no such thing. There are muslims who rape as there are rapists in every community. But your twisted ideology only has a problem with muslims. Why arent you campaigning against catholics ?
You claim that i support rape and yet cannot provide one single link to back that up.
You are a lying piece of shit from a hate filled underclass. Go and fuck yourself.
And he is totally silent on the horrific gang rape of women and of children perpetrated on the Rohinga minority by the Buddhist majority.

Ah, so that's why you support the gang rape of British children. It's because I haven't commented on something totally unrelated.

Thanks for clearing that up.
Using your logic (if someone doesn’t vociferously denounce it they must support it)...you support it.

The fact that the only threads you get outraged over, involve Muslim rapists speaks volumes.

Tommy, and his ilk, do a lot more than just not denounce it.
To free political prisoner Tommy Robinson. These are the people I would love to see in America.

London: Massive Crowds Gather to Hear Geert Wilders Demand Tommy Robinson's Release

“My friends, 75 years ago, your fathers and grandfathers liberated my country from tyranny,” he continued.

“My country, the Netherlands, is a free country today, because the British brave boys and men, people like you, liberated us.

“And do you know how we used to call these British soldiers? We called them Tommies!” he exclaimed.

“But today your government has put a Tommy in jail. Freedom is behind bars. Tommy is behind bars.

“And that is totally unacceptable, and that is why we say: Set him free!” Wilders shouted.

Political prisoner? My ass. He's a football hooligan, a fraudster and tried to enter the US on a false passport. He got arrested for contempt of court, it's a crime in the US and the UK, then he didn't even get sent to prison, but on a suspended sentence, and then got arrested again and sent back to prison, where the mother fucker belongs.

Tommy Robinson isn't even his name. He's too chicken shit to even use his own name. He uses someone else's.
To free political prisoner Tommy Robinson. These are the people I would love to see in America.

London: Massive Crowds Gather to Hear Geert Wilders Demand Tommy Robinson's Release

“My friends, 75 years ago, your fathers and grandfathers liberated my country from tyranny,” he continued.

“My country, the Netherlands, is a free country today, because the British brave boys and men, people like you, liberated us.

“And do you know how we used to call these British soldiers? We called them Tommies!” he exclaimed.

“But today your government has put a Tommy in jail. Freedom is behind bars. Tommy is behind bars.

“And that is totally unacceptable, and that is why we say: Set him free!” Wilders shouted.

The Nazi regime in England is obscene. To jail a man with no actual trial in an effort to silence him is the most deplorable crime a totalitarian tyranny can commit.
And idiots think it so terrible for Trump to tell these pieces of shit to fuck themselves while meeting with Kim.

England is barely better than North Korea now.
Political prisoner? My ass. He's a football hooligan, a fraudster and tried to enter the US on a false passport. He got arrested for contempt of court, it's a crime in the US and the UK, then he didn't even get sent to prison, but on a suspended sentence, and then got arrested again and sent back to prison, where the mother fucker belongs.

Tommy Robinson isn't even his name. He's too chicken shit to even use his own name. He uses someone else's.

To put this in proper perspective, folks should know that you are on record as referring to the gang rape of 11 year olds as nothing more than Muslim men getting some.

Like Coyote and Tommy, you express no outrage at all towards the massively widespread and systematic nature of the rapes that target the children of a different ethnicity, but vent your little spleens with nothing but bile and hatred towards those who oppose the rapes.
To free political prisoner Tommy Robinson. These are the people I would love to see in America.

London: Massive Crowds Gather to Hear Geert Wilders Demand Tommy Robinson's Release

“My friends, 75 years ago, your fathers and grandfathers liberated my country from tyranny,” he continued.

“My country, the Netherlands, is a free country today, because the British brave boys and men, people like you, liberated us.

“And do you know how we used to call these British soldiers? We called them Tommies!” he exclaimed.

“But today your government has put a Tommy in jail. Freedom is behind bars. Tommy is behind bars.

“And that is totally unacceptable, and that is why we say: Set him free!” Wilders shouted.

Political prisoner? My ass. He's a football hooligan, a fraudster and tried to enter the US on a false passport. He got arrested for contempt of court, it's a crime in the US and the UK, then he didn't even get sent to prison, but on a suspended sentence, and then got arrested again and sent back to prison, where the mother fucker belongs.

Tommy Robinson isn't even his name. He's too chicken shit to even use his own name. He uses someone else's.

He was arrested because the government doesn't want the results of it's policies shown to the people.
Most people who breach their bail conditions end up in jail.

Your defense of policies that lead to the rape and sexual slavery of at LEAST thousands of white girls is noted.
Connect the dots. Name the policies you are referring to and show how they lead to the rape and sexual slavery of at least thousands of white girls.
It is the constant name calling and general abuse you regressives hurl towards all who object to Islamic rape that enable it. If you had bothered to educate yourself on the subject, you would have already known that it was the fear of being called racist that contributed to the silence on this subject. People KNEW, but there were too many like you, Tommy and coyote who supported the child rape, and who so used verbal abuse to intimidate people into silence lest they object.

You morons all seem to derive some sort of sick pleasure from it. You congratulate each other for your "tolerance" while actively enabling the rapes through your pattern of rhetoric. The more children who are raped, the more tolerant you all feel, as after all - you are the only ones who matter here, right? I mean, heaven forbid any of you ever show compassion for the children raped instead of the rapists.
You are one thick fucker. You call it "islamic rape" and it is no such thing. There are muslims who rape as there are rapists in every community. But your twisted ideology only has a problem with muslims. Why arent you campaigning against catholics ?
You claim that i support rape and yet cannot provide one single link to back that up.
You are a lying piece of shit from a hate filled underclass. Go and fuck yourself.
And he is totally silent on the horrific gang rape of women and of children perpetrated on the Rohinga minority by the Buddhist majority.

based on stories Rohinga people who travel to Bangla Desh (where they
are not wanted) CLAIM once they get there. No Reliable sources seem to
have witnessed these putative events. For the record----REAL RAPE FESTS result in pregnancies-----anyone got an estimate of the number of
rohinga ladies carrying little Buddhists?. What is known is that Rohinga people seem to have been conducting themselves something like the
muslim minority in the Philippines has for decades. I get my information from lots of people in "integrated" cities like MUMBAI----where there are
hindus, Zoroastrians, Christians, Jews and----muslims. I am truly lucky---
I have interacted with samples of each of the first four-------all cite 'guess
who' as big time thugs. As to the Philippines---I get if from catholic
from that country. Move on to SRI LANKA-----way back when it was Ceylon------even I knew about the strife between the TAMILS (hindus)
and the Buddhists------but the young doc I knew way back then told me
about the various religions back home-----Buddhist, hindu, Christian and
BARBARIAN I was utterly clueless and asked what religion is "BARBARIAN"-----his answer was "MUSLIM" I did not believe it----because I had never heard of muslims in Ceylon-----I was wrong----almost
10% of the population
To free political prisoner Tommy Robinson. These are the people I would love to see in America.

London: Massive Crowds Gather to Hear Geert Wilders Demand Tommy Robinson's Release

“My friends, 75 years ago, your fathers and grandfathers liberated my country from tyranny,” he continued.

“My country, the Netherlands, is a free country today, because the British brave boys and men, people like you, liberated us.

“And do you know how we used to call these British soldiers? We called them Tommies!” he exclaimed.

“But today your government has put a Tommy in jail. Freedom is behind bars. Tommy is behind bars.

“And that is totally unacceptable, and that is why we say: Set him free!” Wilders shouted.


^^^^ It is NOT the Freedom Party of Dutch, WTF Reuters, it is the Party For Freedom (PVV)

Party for Freedom - Wikipedia


Here is the full article link:

Dutch anti-Islam party to hold Prophet Mohammad cartoon competition

Also I add at ANY time between NOW and 2021 there could be another General Election, this because Prime Minister Mark Rutte's Coalition Government only have a majority of 2 seats and it is a confusing 4 political party Coalition that was so difficult for Mark Rutte to put together it was 225 days for an agreement to occur, the election was March 15 2017 the agreement occur on October 9 2017.
Political prisoner? My ass. He's a football hooligan, a fraudster and tried to enter the US on a false passport. He got arrested for contempt of court, it's a crime in the US and the UK, then he didn't even get sent to prison, but on a suspended sentence, and then got arrested again and sent back to prison, where the mother fucker belongs.

Tommy Robinson isn't even his name. He's too chicken shit to even use his own name. He uses someone else's.

To put this in proper perspective, folks should know that you are on record as referring to the gang rape of 11 year olds as nothing more than Muslim men getting some.

Like Coyote and Tommy, you express no outrage at all towards the massively widespread and systematic nature of the rapes that target the children of a different ethnicity, but vent your little spleens with nothing but bile and hatred towards those who oppose the rapes.
Link please or admit you are making shit up as usual. I have heard that expressed here.

Oh. And save us the hypocritical outrage which is compmetely la king in non-muslim rape atrocities.
Political prisoner? My ass. He's a football hooligan, a fraudster and tried to enter the US on a false passport. He got arrested for contempt of court, it's a crime in the US and the UK, then he didn't even get sent to prison, but on a suspended sentence, and then got arrested again and sent back to prison, where the mother fucker belongs.

Tommy Robinson isn't even his name. He's too chicken shit to even use his own name. He uses someone else's.

To put this in proper perspective, folks should know that you are on record as referring to the gang rape of 11 year olds as nothing more than Muslim men getting some.

Like Coyote and Tommy, you express no outrage at all towards the massively widespread and systematic nature of the rapes that target the children of a different ethnicity, but vent your little spleens with nothing but bile and hatred towards those who oppose the rapes.
Link please or admit you are making shit up as usual. I have heard that expressed here.

Oh. And save us the hypocritical outrage which is compmetely la king in non-muslim rape atrocities.

reminds me of 1971---------and the BIG YAWN that greeted the LEGAL
rape of an estimated 1/4 million girls in East Pakistan----LEGALIAZED BY
THE ISLAMIC CLERGY OF WEST PAKISTAN------actually encouraged by
"religion" ------not a single prosecution. Did I mention the ongoing legal
rape of south sudan? how about the shit of Uganda? ----Nigeria?
Your defense of policies that lead to the rape and sexual slavery of at LEAST thousands of white girls is noted.
Connect the dots. Name the policies you are referring to and show how they lead to the rape and sexual slavery of at least thousands of white girls.
It is the constant name calling and general abuse you regressives hurl towards all who object to Islamic rape that enable it. If you had bothered to educate yourself on the subject, you would have already known that it was the fear of being called racist that contributed to the silence on this subject. People KNEW, but there were too many like you, Tommy and coyote who supported the child rape, and who so used verbal abuse to intimidate people into silence lest they object.

You morons all seem to derive some sort of sick pleasure from it. You congratulate each other for your "tolerance" while actively enabling the rapes through your pattern of rhetoric. The more children who are raped, the more tolerant you all feel, as after all - you are the only ones who matter here, right? I mean, heaven forbid any of you ever show compassion for the children raped instead of the rapists.
You are one thick fucker. You call it "islamic rape" and it is no such thing. There are muslims who rape as there are rapists in every community. But your twisted ideology only has a problem with muslims. Why arent you campaigning against catholics ?
You claim that i support rape and yet cannot provide one single link to back that up.
You are a lying piece of shit from a hate filled underclass. Go and fuck yourself.
And he is totally silent on the horrific gang rape of women and of children perpetrated on the Rohinga minority by the Buddhist majority.

based on stories Rohinga people who travel to Bangla Desh (where they
are not wanted) CLAIM once they get there. No Reliable sources seem to
have witnessed these putative events. For the record----REAL RAPE FESTS result in pregnancies-----anyone got an estimate of the number of
rohinga ladies carrying little Buddhists?. What is known is that Rohinga people seem to have been conducting themselves something like the
muslim minority in the Philippines has for decades. I get my information from lots of people in "integrated" cities like MUMBAI----where there are
hindus, Zoroastrians, Christians, Jews and----muslims. I am truly lucky---
I have interacted with samples of each of the first four-------all cite 'guess
who' as big time thugs. As to the Philippines---I get if from catholic
from that country. Move on to SRI LANKA-----way back when it was Ceylon------even I knew about the strife between the TAMILS (hindus)
and the Buddhists------but the young doc I knew way back then told me
about the various religions back home-----Buddhist, hindu, Christian and
BARBARIAN I was utterly clueless and asked what religion is "BARBARIAN"-----his answer was "MUSLIM" I did not believe it----because I had never heard of muslims in Ceylon-----I was wrong----almost
10% of the population
Classic. Pretend it is all fake snd tens of thousands of eomen and children are lying and their onjuries are all faked and the aid organizations that examined (the same ones thst examined the Yazidi victims) are all part of some massive cover up.

Thank you for clarifying what to do when a small number of people form a terrorist group, you attack the entire people, gang rape their women, brutalize, murder and rape their children...that's the Rosie way.

So tell me Rosie, since this all fine in your book, should the Brits drive out the Irish and raoe their woman and children? Should the Spanish do the same to the Basques? Oh...and the MS13 gangs and their brutality. Don't think it is time to start raping hispanic women and children.

Let me know when you get that warped little bit of tissue you call a brain in gear so you can start defending more rape.
Political prisoner? My ass. He's a football hooligan, a fraudster and tried to enter the US on a false passport. He got arrested for contempt of court, it's a crime in the US and the UK, then he didn't even get sent to prison, but on a suspended sentence, and then got arrested again and sent back to prison, where the mother fucker belongs.

Tommy Robinson isn't even his name. He's too chicken shit to even use his own name. He uses someone else's.

To put this in proper perspective, folks should know that you are on record as referring to the gang rape of 11 year olds as nothing more than Muslim men getting some.

Like Coyote and Tommy, you express no outrage at all towards the massively widespread and systematic nature of the rapes that target the children of a different ethnicity, but vent your little spleens with nothing but bile and hatred towards those who oppose the rapes.
Link please or admit you are making shit up as usual. I have heard that expressed here.

Oh. And save us the hypocritical outrage which is compmetely la king in non-muslim rape atrocities.

It's cute how you Muslims who work so feverishly to supply rapists with easy meat demand people link to one specific post, when it's your entire posting history on the subject that reveals your actual agenda.

Everybody here can see it other than the regressives with an IQ less than 90.
Connect the dots. Name the policies you are referring to and show how they lead to the rape and sexual slavery of at least thousands of white girls.
It is the constant name calling and general abuse you regressives hurl towards all who object to Islamic rape that enable it. If you had bothered to educate yourself on the subject, you would have already known that it was the fear of being called racist that contributed to the silence on this subject. People KNEW, but there were too many like you, Tommy and coyote who supported the child rape, and who so used verbal abuse to intimidate people into silence lest they object.

You morons all seem to derive some sort of sick pleasure from it. You congratulate each other for your "tolerance" while actively enabling the rapes through your pattern of rhetoric. The more children who are raped, the more tolerant you all feel, as after all - you are the only ones who matter here, right? I mean, heaven forbid any of you ever show compassion for the children raped instead of the rapists.
You are one thick fucker. You call it "islamic rape" and it is no such thing. There are muslims who rape as there are rapists in every community. But your twisted ideology only has a problem with muslims. Why arent you campaigning against catholics ?
You claim that i support rape and yet cannot provide one single link to back that up.
You are a lying piece of shit from a hate filled underclass. Go and fuck yourself.
And he is totally silent on the horrific gang rape of women and of children perpetrated on the Rohinga minority by the Buddhist majority.

based on stories Rohinga people who travel to Bangla Desh (where they
are not wanted) CLAIM once they get there. No Reliable sources seem to
have witnessed these putative events. For the record----REAL RAPE FESTS result in pregnancies-----anyone got an estimate of the number of
rohinga ladies carrying little Buddhists?. What is known is that Rohinga people seem to have been conducting themselves something like the
muslim minority in the Philippines has for decades. I get my information from lots of people in "integrated" cities like MUMBAI----where there are
hindus, Zoroastrians, Christians, Jews and----muslims. I am truly lucky---
I have interacted with samples of each of the first four-------all cite 'guess
who' as big time thugs. As to the Philippines---I get if from catholic
from that country. Move on to SRI LANKA-----way back when it was Ceylon------even I knew about the strife between the TAMILS (hindus)
and the Buddhists------but the young doc I knew way back then told me
about the various religions back home-----Buddhist, hindu, Christian and
BARBARIAN I was utterly clueless and asked what religion is "BARBARIAN"-----his answer was "MUSLIM" I did not believe it----because I had never heard of muslims in Ceylon-----I was wrong----almost
10% of the population
Classic. Pretend it is all fake snd tens of thousands of eomen and children are lying and their onjuries are all faked and the aid organizations that examined (the same ones thst examined the Yazidi victims) are all part of some massive cover up.

Thank you for clarifying what to do when a small number of people form a terrorist group, you attack the entire people, gang rape their women, brutalize, murder and rape their children...that's the Rosie way.

So tell me Rosie, since this all fine in your book, should the Brits drive out the Irish and raoe their woman and children? Should the Spanish do the same to the Basques? Oh...and the MS13 gangs and their brutality. Don't think it is time to start raping hispanic women and children.

Let me know when you get that warped little bit of tissue you call a brain in gear so you can start defending more rape.

you got a citation for your utterly unverified BS , coyote?--------something
REAL------like the piles of dead children which is not left stock stuff over from
world war II ? So far the only stuff I have seen is--------"well---some Ethnic Bangladeshis who were living in Myanmar SAID SO when they
returned to BanglaDesh (east Pakistan aka east bengal)

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