Geert Wilders loses in the Netherlands

1. Racial Socialist not a National Socialist

There's no difference. National socialists only pretend they need minorities in the beginning of their movements. As soon as minorities are expendable, nationalists turn into racial socialists like yourself. Sick fucking creatures with no place in the modern world.
Actually MORON NATIONAL means a NATION aka Hitler was a National Socialist and was for GERMANS and GERMANY. I am for ALL whites to be united under one banner not several different banners. Whites United!
Hitler was NOT for Germans and Germany. He was for white people in Germany who were not disabled and who did not question him.
Oh good lord.....this kind of stupidity should be sterilized from EVER passing on its genes. Some stupid you just can't fix....congrats you managed to reach that usually untouchable mantle.
Wilders party GAINED SEATs, idiots.

Only a fucking ideologue would say that his party did not have a victory, considering the kind of parliamentary system they have there.

They have gone from 12 seats to 19 seats. Dutch PM 'sees off challenge from Wilders'

Dutch general election, 2017 - Wikipedia

The fact is that Wilders was hoping to become the leader of the largest party in the Netherlands. If you bothered to read the article
you would have read that when Wilders was at the height of his popularity, he might have won 41 seats. That is 12 seats lower than what
he got. Also pro-EU parties gained 19 seats and that is more than Wilders gained. You need to be able to form a coalition to form a
government and with 19 seats there is no way.
Wilders party GAINED SEATs, idiots.

Only a fucking ideologue would say that his party did not have a victory, considering the kind of parliamentary system they have there.

They have gone from 12 seats to 19 seats. Dutch PM 'sees off challenge from Wilders'

Dutch general election, 2017 - Wikipedia

The fact is that Wilders was hoping to become the leader of the largest party in the Netherlands. If you bothered to read the article
you would have read that when Wilders was at the height of his popularity, he might have won 41 seats. That is 12 seats lower than what
he got. Also pro-EU parties gained 19 seats and that is more than Wilders gained. You need to be able to form a coalition to form a
government and with 19 seats there is no way.
19+12=31! NOT 41!
Wilders party GAINED SEATs, idiots.

Only a fucking ideologue would say that his party did not have a victory, considering the kind of parliamentary system they have there.

They have gone from 12 seats to 19 seats. Dutch PM 'sees off challenge from Wilders'

Dutch general election, 2017 - Wikipedia

The fact is that Wilders was hoping to become the leader of the largest party in the Netherlands. If you bothered to read the article
you would have read that when Wilders was at the height of his popularity, he might have won 41 seats. That is 12 seats lower than what
he got. Also pro-EU parties gained 19 seats and that is more than Wilders gained. You need to be able to form a coalition to form a
government and with 19 seats there is no way.
Oh and I am reading that there will need to be FOUR parties AT LEAST to govern....which means at any time one or 2 parties can get pissed of and leave the government and there goes the coalition and new elections get called
Wilders party GAINED SEATs, idiots.

Only a fucking ideologue would say that his party did not have a victory, considering the kind of parliamentary system they have there.

They have gone from 12 seats to 19 seats. Dutch PM 'sees off challenge from Wilders'

Dutch general election, 2017 - Wikipedia

The fact is that Wilders was hoping to become the leader of the largest party in the Netherlands. If you bothered to read the article
you would have read that when Wilders was at the height of his popularity, he might have won 41 seats. That is 12 seats lower than what
he got. Also pro-EU parties gained 19 seats and that is more than Wilders gained. You need to be able to form a coalition to form a
government and with 19 seats there is no way.
19+12=31! NOT 41!

41 seats in January 2016 - 19 actual seats won = 12 seats below expectations

Wilders +7 seats
Pro-EU parties +19

19 is greater than 7.
Wilders party GAINED SEATs, idiots.

Only a fucking ideologue would say that his party did not have a victory, considering the kind of parliamentary system they have there.

They have gone from 12 seats to 19 seats. Dutch PM 'sees off challenge from Wilders'

Dutch general election, 2017 - Wikipedia

The fact is that Wilders was hoping to become the leader of the largest party in the Netherlands. If you bothered to read the article
you would have read that when Wilders was at the height of his popularity, he might have won 41 seats. That is 12 seats lower than what
he got. Also pro-EU parties gained 19 seats and that is more than Wilders gained. You need to be able to form a coalition to form a
government and with 19 seats there is no way.
19+12=31! NOT 41!

41 seats in January 2016 - 19 actual seats won = 12 seats below expectations

Wilders +7 seats
Pro-EU parties +19

19 is greater than 7.
Not what you said above can't do simple that why you are a liberal? Figures.
Wilders party GAINED SEATs, idiots.

Only a fucking ideologue would say that his party did not have a victory, considering the kind of parliamentary system they have there.

They have gone from 12 seats to 19 seats. Dutch PM 'sees off challenge from Wilders'

Dutch general election, 2017 - Wikipedia

He lost the election.
Wilders party GAINED SEATs, idiots.
So did the Democrats in 2016. Only and idiot would call Trump's squeaker a historic victory.
ROFLMAO, the irony is just overwhelming here.

Yes it is.

The irony is on the people who say the Democrats lost but Wilders won.

Democrats picked up seats in the legislature but lost the executive branch.

Just like Wilders.
Ahh, the all knowing liberals destroy another thread.
Wilders party GAINED SEATs, idiots.

Only a fucking ideologue would say that his party did not have a victory, considering the kind of parliamentary system they have there.

They have gone from 12 seats to 19 seats. Dutch PM 'sees off challenge from Wilders'

Dutch general election, 2017 - Wikipedia

He lost the election.
Wilders party GAINED SEATs, idiots.
So did the Democrats in 2016. Only and idiot would call Trump's squeaker a historic victory.
ROFLMAO, the irony is just overwhelming here.

Yes it is.

The irony is on the people who say the Democrats lost but Wilders won.

Democrats picked up seats in the legislature but lost the executive branch.

Just like Wilders.
Wilders got his party up from like the sixth ranked party in the Dutch House to the second ranked party. He did not win the top spot, but that is not an easy thing to do in a parliamentary system.

The Democrats gained seats in the Senate but are still the number 2 party there.

And they lost the POTUS election.

This is really simply stuff, I dont know why so many liberals are confused.

Wait, yes I do know. :)
Wilders party GAINED SEATs, idiots.

Only a fucking ideologue would say that his party did not have a victory, considering the kind of parliamentary system they have there.

They have gone from 12 seats to 19 seats. Dutch PM 'sees off challenge from Wilders'

Dutch general election, 2017 - Wikipedia

He lost the election.
Wilders party GAINED SEATs, idiots.
So did the Democrats in 2016. Only and idiot would call Trump's squeaker a historic victory.
ROFLMAO, the irony is just overwhelming here.

Yes it is.

The irony is on the people who say the Democrats lost but Wilders won.

Democrats picked up seats in the legislature but lost the executive branch.

Just like Wilders.
Wilders got his party up from like the sixth ranked party in the Dutch House to the second ranked party. He did not win the top spot, but that is not an easy thing to do in a parliamentary system.

The Democrats gained seats in the Senate but are still the number 2 party there.

And they lost the POTUS election.

This is really simply stuff, I dont know why so many liberals are confused.

Wait, yes I do know. :)
He was expected to win and .......didnt. It really is that simple.
Geert will be gone in a few years once the west recovers from this madness.
Europe will also be gone. The massive Islamist influx will turn the free secular societies into Islamic Theocracies, oppressing, persecuting and killing non-Muslims.
Europe will also be gone. The massive Islamist influx will turn the free secular societies into Islamic Theocracies, oppressing, persecuting and killing non-Muslims.
Honestly, I can not give a shit less.

All the good people of Europe who value Western Civilization should immigrate to the USA.

We can make our Last Stand here, bros!
Europe will also be gone. The massive Islamist influx will turn the free secular societies into Islamic Theocracies, oppressing, persecuting and killing non-Muslims.
Thank God, Hard Right loss.
Try again snowflake.
1.Already a topic in EUROPE which is where it belongs
2.They gained 4 seats while the junior partner in the ruling coalition lost 27 seats and the ruling party lost 10. :)
3. Geert says he isn't going anywhere :)

PVV voters thanks! We have seats won! First profit is in! And Rutte is far away from me!!

Nederland Kiest: Wilders 'was liever de grootste geworden'

Typical response. They big themselves up to win, and then they don't win, so they try and pretend they never bigged themselves up in the first place.

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