Gefilte Fish anyone, or no one??

Working Man

Aug 22, 2004
Recently, Israel has imposed hefty tariffs on Carp caught/processed in the US. This fish is sent to Israel in order to create the Gefilte fish that is consumed in the Jewish community. From what I have heard, the tariff is quite hefty, around 120%. This has cost jobs in this country and I suppose some jobs in Israel too.

For what reason should a tariff such as this, be imposed on such a product by the the Israeli government? We don't need friends like this.

Israeli Tariff Burdens Supplier Of Gefilte Fish : NPR
And how much foreign aid do they get from us?

We don't know for sure. I suppose it is in excess of four billion a year. Part is for overhead, and part is for the Israeli war machine. But, since so many Israelis hold dual citizenship the amount of US cash flow into Israel is actually higher. Also, Israel can apply for loans and grants from the US disgovenrnment that are not tabulated in their yearly allowance. This puts people in a foreign land in competition with families and businesses here in the US.

What a bunch of dopes whe have running this country. Can you imagine what this country would be like if the people who run this country actually cared about the United States and its citizens?? Would we still be in the hole if they actually put the OUR well being first in priority??
And how much foreign aid do they get from us?

It's ASIAN cod. Do you even know what the reason is for the tariff? Or whom it's DIRECTED at?

Or is it that it's Israel so you couldn't wait to comment?
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Recently, Israel has imposed hefty tariffs on Carp caught/processed in the US. This fish is sent to Israel in order to create the Gefilte fish that is consumed in the Jewish community. From what I have heard, the tariff is quite hefty, around 120%. This has cost jobs in this country and I suppose some jobs in Israel too.

For what reason should a tariff such as this, be imposed on such a product by the the Israeli government? We don't need friends like this.

Israeli Tariff Burdens Supplier Of Gefilte Fish : NPR

The tariff is to pay for our friendship. It is understood and accepted.
And how much foreign aid do they get from us?

It's ASIAN cod. Do you even know what the reason is for the tariff? Or whom it's DIRECTED at?

Or is it that it's Israel so you couldn't wait to comment?

Is it because Israel has been caught doing something underhanded, again, that you feel a need to turn your back on the United States and support them?
And how much foreign aid do they get from us?

It's ASIAN cod. Do you even know what the reason is for the tariff? Or whom it's DIRECTED at?

Or is it that it's Israel so you couldn't wait to comment?

Is it because Israel has been caught doing something underhanded, again, that you feel a need to turn your back on the United States and support them?

Are you crazy. Israel has never done anything underhanded. I have on numerous occasion, but not Israel.
It's ASIAN cod. Do you even know what the reason is for the tariff? Or whom it's DIRECTED at?

Or is it that it's Israel so you couldn't wait to comment?

Is it because Israel has been caught doing something underhanded, again, that you feel a need to turn your back on the United States and support them?

Are you crazy. Israel has never done anything underhanded. I have on numerous occasion, but not Israel.

I don't know if they're right or wrong. I haven't sufficient information. Nor, I'd think do any of the Israel-bashers. But I DO know the O/P is a raging anti-semite.

Are you crazy. Israel has never done anything underhanded. I have on numerous occasion, but not Israel.
How quickly one forgets the crew of the

Some never heard of it. Some know the story well and will never look upon Israel as a country to be trusted, ally or not. The US lives are insignificant compared to Israeli military victory at any cost and that crowd will rally to shout you down.

Me, I hold Israel to a level of disdain equal to her enemies. The Liberty was an initial reason for my low opinion of that socialist/collectivist nation.
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I don't know if they're right or wrong. I haven't sufficient information. Nor, I'd think do any of the Israel-bashers. But I DO know the O/P is a raging anti-semite.


You called me an anti-semite?? ME?? I watched the Academy Awards. I rooted for Christoph Woltz!! I laughed when Martin and Baldwin teased Woltz about being a Jew Hunter!!!

I am not an anti-semite, but I am loyal to the the United States of America. No matter how F'ed up it is. As an American, I have little tolerance for people who steal my money, lay guilt trips on me, then show total disrespect to my country and its people.
Are you crazy. Israel has never done anything underhanded. I have on numerous occasion, but not Israel.


Lavon Affair - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jonathan Pollard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lawrence Franklin espionage scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
David Steiner (AIPAC) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No, nothing underhanded at all. Israel is fully justified in aggressively conducting espionage against us, manipulating our foreign policy, and bombing our overseas assets, right? :lol:
But I DO know the O/P is a raging anti-semite.


Never heard that one before.

perhaps you haven't looked at his posts. :thup:

but interesting that you'd omit the rest of the post that says there isn't enough information to know why this was done.

and i know how you hate having another opportunity to bash israel.
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