Gen. Mark Milley's Second Act: Multi-Millionaire


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Gen. Mark Milley's Second Act: Multi-Millionaire
In the classroom, the boardroom, and at the speaker’s dais,
the former chair of the joint chiefs cashes in.
14 Mar 2024 ~~ By Ken Klippenstein

SINCE RETIRING FROM the military last year, former Chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Army Gen. Mark Milley has become a senior adviser to JPMorgan Chase bank, joined the faculties of Princeton and Georgetown, and embraced the lucrative paid speaking circuit. From military pay of $204,000 a year, Milley is sure to skyrocket to compensation in the millions, especially because he is represented by the same high-powered speakers’ agency as Hillary Clinton, who faced criticism in 2016 for her paid speeches to investment bank Goldman Sachs.
Milley has emerged as an ardent critic of Trump — unusual for high-ranking military officers who typically eschew politics. In his final speech as chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff last year, in a swipe at Trump, Milley said that “we don’t take an oath to a wannabe dictator.”
Trump replied with a statement on his social media platform Truth Social: “Mark Milley, who led perhaps the most embarrassing moment in American history with his grossly incompetent implementation of the withdrawal from Afghanistan, costing many lives, leaving behind hundreds of American citizens, and handing over BILLIONS of dollars of the finest military equipment ever made, will be leaving the military next week.”

Ole Yellow stain Milley, will certainly collect his thorty pieces of silver after leaving the mess he helped create of our military.
Between Milley and Austin, I don't know who is worse. They're not heroes, they're what we called ticket punchers. Fragging is to good for either of them.
Lest we forget, Milley conspired to overthrow the U.S., government and even looped in Communist China.
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