Gen. Mcmaster: All options on the table for N. Korea

So general mcnasty wants war. I sure hope his children are on point.

So brainiac, what is your solution to NK not developing 60+ nuke warheads and an intercontinental system to delivering them by 2020?
I sure hope your children are on point, if you got any.
Those fucktards can't even get a regular missile to fire without exploding.they are of no concern to ANYONE but the Chinese,South Koreans and Japanese. The ONLY people who want war is the military industrial complex who will get rich. I hope to god I can convince my son to stay OUT of the US Imperial Army when he hits 18....his life is NOT worth the 1% getting richer.

Another American surrender monkey. No AK for you!
You go for it CHICKEN HAWK. You traitorous piece of shit. Your kind would be the first we string up when we retake this country from you imperialist scum....send all the boys to the front while you CHICKEN HAWKS run for cover like the little bitches you are.

Why don't you just say that you hate your country and move into a cave in the middle-east or NK and join their side.........pussy.
I hate the governments that have RUN this country straight into the ground. Get it right chickenhawk.
Trump must be so excited to get the first of his wars going

When you figure it out that TRUMP is not in control of this Decision it might help knowing who is and it sure in the hell is not Trump.

The military has full power to make those decisions.
Trump is the CIC. When the world is led by Trumps, you get WW3. North Korea's Trump can't back down or he'll lose face. Our Trump can't back down, of course, because they'll make fun of him on the playground.

Who do you think will attack first? Do you think Seoul will still exist 6 months from now?

The war with N. Korea never really ended anyway, they only agreed to cease fire lol that was it.
Yeah. Time for people to start dying again. MAGA.
It's time to sacrifice the South Koreans in Seoul by artillery fire and take Kim Jong-un out with the full might of our glorious military.

Whoa! are you crazy? :cuckoo:

Sacrifice the South Koreans? do you know what you are saying????
Yes I do and so do military commanders. There is no way to stop the total bombardment of Soeul without losing tens of thousands of civilians. Maybe more if a nuke gets through. Military pundits earlier were saying the Pentagon has always known there would be massive civilian casualties.
It's time to sacrifice the South Koreans in Seoul by artillery fire and take Kim Jong-un out with the full might of our glorious military.

Whoa! are you crazy? :cuckoo:

Sacrifice the South Koreans? do you know what you are saying????
Yes I do and so do military commanders. There is no way to stop the total bombardment of Soeul without losing tens of thousands of civilians. Maybe more if a nuke gets through. Military pundits earlier were saying the Pentagon has always known there would be massive civilian casualties.

Don't you think I'd be better not to have a full blown war and try to reach some sort of agreement through diplomatic channels?

Even if it is one last time?

Well I do.
So general mcnasty wants war. I sure hope his children are on point.

So brainiac, what is your solution to NK not developing 60+ nuke warheads and an intercontinental system to delivering them by 2020?
I sure hope your children are on point, if you got any.
Southeast Asia didn`t go commie when we got booted out of Vietnam and Iraq had no wmds as the UN inspector team told us. Do you people ever get tired of being gullible chumps? You`re getting a lot of people killed and costing the taxpayers a whole lot of money for your idiotic adventures.

NK ain't VietNam. I assume you also are in favor of arming chimps with AK-47's, too.
Not being an NRA member I`m not arming anyone with A-K 47s. Not the "chimps or the trailer trash.

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