Gen Petraeus' assessment of the ukrainian offensive


Platinum Member
Nov 19, 2020
Has anyone read Gen Petraeus' assessment of the Ukrainian offensive just before it got on the way. I read it once but I can't find it again. He stated that the Ukrainian forces would reach the Sea of Azov in 4 to 5 days.. Has anyone else read it
Has anyone read Gen Petraeus' assessment of the Ukrainian offensive just before it got on the way. I read it once but I can't find it again. He stated that the Ukrainian forces would reach the Sea of Azov in 4 to 5 days.. Has anyone else ref ad it

Looks as if he was wrong if that is what he said.


Here's what he actually said:

Their objective will be to advance to the Sea of Azov ...

Has anyone read Gen Petraeus' assessment of the Ukrainian offensive just before it got on the way. I read it once but I can't find it again. He stated that the Ukrainian forces would reach the Sea of Azov in 4 to 5 days.. Has anyone else read it


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