Gender Equality According To Emma Watson. An Excellent Perspective

It always tickles me when a woman supposedly "hates" men...only the men who are the most hateful both in speech and their boyish antics are the ones that feel most betrayed.

Perhaps men who feel that women "hate" them should examine their own values.

Unfortunately in some cases they are correct. Some women feel being a feminist means hating men. I'm sure some men give them plenty of reasons to do so. But it's nearly impossible to start a dialog when you assume that the other person hates you before a single word is spoken. It tends to shade what they say one way or another in your mind.
Well if YOU assume someone hates you BEFORE conversation commences it's NOT REALLY THEIR FAULT.
In walks Mr. Coommunication.
Emma has grown into an amazingly frail looking young man. But she gives these guys hope:


You've admired her for HOW long, mud? That's rather creepy.

I was waiting for that. J.K. Rowling shares this admiration, so I consider myself in good company.

I'm an avid Harry Potter fan.

I even have a wand collection. I wave them around in private every once in awhile. Never in public.
Just kidding,.......about the wand waving. I do have an official issue Harry Potter wand and an Elderwand, Dumbledore's wand.

I personally think the franchise wouldn't be as well received if Emma hadn't won the part as Hermione Grainger. She carried those movies. No offense to Daniel Radcliffe.

I am a huge Harry Potter fan as well. If you like board games then I highly recommend Hogwarts: House Cup Challenge. My friends and I play from time to time and it's a blast.

Hogwarts House Cup Challenge 8211 Board Games Card Games Puzzles and more in Portland OR - Cloud Cap Games

Hope you're a member of

I'm a Ravenclaw.

It's mostly for kids, there is some interesting stuff there. Seawytch is a member as well.

I am not. I'll give it a look though. Sounds like fun. Every year my friends and I get together in November on a Saturday and watch every movie together. We make some universe inspired cocktails and have a blast.
I love it.

It always tickles me when a woman supposedly "hates" men...only the men who are the most hateful both in speech and their boyish antics are the ones that feel most betrayed.

Perhaps men who feel that women "hate" them should examine their own values.

Unfortunately in some cases they are correct. Some women feel being a feminist means hating men. I'm sure some men give them plenty of reasons to do so. But it's nearly impossible to start a dialog when you assume that the other person hates you before a single word is spoken. It tends to shade what they say one way or another in your mind.
Well if YOU assume someone hates you BEFORE conversation commences it's NOT REALLY THEIR FAULT.
In walks Mr. Coommunication.
Seriously. I was hoping you would think about why I called bs on what you wrote.

You are advocating that people are not responsible for their bigotry if certain conditions are met.

According to that viewpoint, it follows that since each side hates the other side because the other side hates it, neither side is responsible for their bigotry.
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It always tickles me when a woman supposedly "hates" men...only the men who are the most hateful both in speech and their boyish antics are the ones that feel most betrayed.

Perhaps men who feel that women "hate" them should examine their own values.

Unfortunately in some cases they are correct. Some women feel being a feminist means hating men. I'm sure some men give them plenty of reasons to do so. But it's nearly impossible to start a dialog when you assume that the other person hates you before a single word is spoken. It tends to shade what they say one way or another in your mind.

I had wanted to comment yesterday but I didn't have a lot of time.

First, I don't speak for all feminists because they sure as hell don't speak for me. If you were to conduct a personal survey of women that were actively protesting during the women's movement of the seventies, you would come up with very few. There is a reason for that. You are looking at a predominantly upper middle class white women in universities. The rest of the women were working. Kind of like how they did before and during the fifties.

Feminism is divided. It's divided by class, race and culture. Only we can't have these conversations because (what I call) the elite squad has center stage. Always. They never shut up. Many of them have arranged their lives so that they don't have to participate in life in the same manner as the rest of their gender. In fact, many of them come from a place of wealth so that participation is optional---meaning they can retreat any time at all and suffer no real consequences. Maybe they volunteer a little time. So, then this group decides they are going to educate the rest of the society because they are more superior via their class/status. Most often, they don't bother to do any research into actual issues. Great. A group of women that have nil life experience, little to any research and gets to frame the arguments and then doesn't actually have to defend them because participation is optional. When they do, it becomes petty and superficial and then they expect the rest of us to defend their position when they opt out.

Men have never been excluded. We have fathers, brothers and sons. The most tragic element of my son growing up is watching him become the enemy simply because he is male. It is heart wrenching.
It always tickles me when a woman supposedly "hates" men...only the men who are the most hateful both in speech and their boyish antics are the ones that feel most betrayed.

Perhaps men who feel that women "hate" them should examine their own values.

Unfortunately in some cases they are correct. Some women feel being a feminist means hating men. I'm sure some men give them plenty of reasons to do so. But it's nearly impossible to start a dialog when you assume that the other person hates you before a single word is spoken. It tends to shade what they say one way or another in your mind.

I had wanted to comment yesterday but I didn't have a lot of time.

First, I don't speak for all feminists because they sure as hell don't speak for me. If you were to conduct a personal survey of women that were actively protesting during the women's movement of the seventies, you would come up with very few. There is a reason for that. You are looking at a predominantly upper middle class white women in universities. The rest of the women were working. Kind of like how they did before and during the fifties.

Feminism is divided. It's divided by class, race and culture. Only we can't have these conversations because (what I call) the elite squad has center stage. Always. They never shut up. Many of them have arranged their lives so that they don't have to participate in life in the same manner as the rest of their gender. In fact, many of them come from a place of wealth so that participation is optional---meaning they can retreat any time at all and suffer no real consequences. Maybe they volunteer a little time. So, then this group decides they are going to educate the rest of the society because they are more superior via their class/status. Most often, they don't bother to do any research into actual issues. Great. A group of women that have nil life experience, little to any research and gets to frame the arguments and then doesn't actually have to defend them because participation is optional. When they do, it becomes petty and superficial and then they expect the rest of us to defend their position when they opt out.

Men have never been excluded. We have fathers, brothers and sons. The most tragic element of my son growing up is watching him become the enemy simply because he is male. It is heart wrenching.

I want to thank you for the great post. I think you hit the nail on the head in most cases except one.
Feminism is divided by class, race, and culture. What conversation do think "we" need to have (I consider myself a feminist)? The divisions are pretty well known and accepted.

You didn't name names of who you think this "elite squad" is. I would like to know. If they are professors at some university or some columnist at a don't think they worked their ass off to get there? I do. First in college and then at the university or paper.

While it's true they worked their ass off, you're right, the hardest real decision alot of the well-to-do face is what wine to pair with their salmon in the evening. If you're trying to figure out if Sprite or Coke is better with your McRib...does that make your opinion any more valid? I suppose it will over real-life financial issues and how to afford day care when you make near minimum wage but there are certainly other issues than that.

So again, thanks for the post. I would want to know, however, who you think these "elite squads" are. Their biographies may surprise you...perhaps not.
How Women Ruined Men, the World, Everything, Etc
By David Sessions On November 27, 2012 · 29 Comments · In Politics

So this thing that should be an Onion article but isn’t is providing internet feminists and parodists with some delicious low-hanging fruit. According to Suzanne Venker, the niece and protégé of the famously hard-working, career-having anti-feminist Phyllis Schlafly, men are sad and depressed and refuse to get married because “women aren’t women anymore”—that is, feminism has made them “angry,” entitled man-haters. Women are getting all the degrees and making all the money, and men are “pissed off” because everybody hates them and thinks they are the problem. While women have been busy getting indoctrinated about how terrible men are and how much women deserve to be on the male “pedestal”, men have heroically “not changed much.” If women had just accepted their natural femininity, their God-given separate/second place, then voilà, out from the woodwork would emerge our missing “marriageable men.”

I’m taking obviousness to a whole new level when I say there is so, so much the matter with this. The caricature of feminism bears almost no connection with reality, and the assessments of how modern men and women feel about each other are almost equally fantastical. I simply don’t believe there is a “subculture” of men who “refuse to get married” because “women aren’t women anymore.” (If there is, good riddance for the women they’re refusing to marry.) Venker leaves out the major economic reasons men might be feeling pessimistic about marriage and/or their role in society. And her whole argument is structured around a contradiction: men have been divested of their rightful and deeply desired role by feminist entitlement, but they are also getting everything their way because feminism makes it easier for them to get sex without commitment.

How Women Ruined Men the World Everything Etc Patrol

8 Ways Fascist Feminists Are Ruining America 8217 s Women The Greenroom
It always tickles me when a woman supposedly "hates" men...only the men who are the most hateful both in speech and their boyish antics are the ones that feel most betrayed.

Perhaps men who feel that women "hate" them should examine their own values.

Unfortunately in some cases they are correct. Some women feel being a feminist means hating men. I'm sure some men give them plenty of reasons to do so. But it's nearly impossible to start a dialog when you assume that the other person hates you before a single word is spoken. It tends to shade what they say one way or another in your mind.

I had wanted to comment yesterday but I didn't have a lot of time.

First, I don't speak for all feminists because they sure as hell don't speak for me. If you were to conduct a personal survey of women that were actively protesting during the women's movement of the seventies, you would come up with very few. There is a reason for that. You are looking at a predominantly upper middle class white women in universities. The rest of the women were working. Kind of like how they did before and during the fifties.

Feminism is divided. It's divided by class, race and culture. Only we can't have these conversations because (what I call) the elite squad has center stage. Always. They never shut up. Many of them have arranged their lives so that they don't have to participate in life in the same manner as the rest of their gender. In fact, many of them come from a place of wealth so that participation is optional---meaning they can retreat any time at all and suffer no real consequences. Maybe they volunteer a little time. So, then this group decides they are going to educate the rest of the society because they are more superior via their class/status. Most often, they don't bother to do any research into actual issues. Great. A group of women that have nil life experience, little to any research and gets to frame the arguments and then doesn't actually have to defend them because participation is optional. When they do, it becomes petty and superficial and then they expect the rest of us to defend their position when they opt out.

Men have never been excluded. We have fathers, brothers and sons. The most tragic element of my son growing up is watching him become the enemy simply because he is male. It is heart wrenching.

You got it. Feminism was good until the movement was taken over by neoMarxists aka Progressives.

They are lied to you, other women, and girls. They told women that they don't need husbands and children to be happy and fulfilling life.

Harmful effects of this is felt by society as the concept of a two parents family disintegrates.
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It always tickles me when a woman supposedly "hates" men...only the men who are the most hateful both in speech and their boyish antics are the ones that feel most betrayed.

Perhaps men who feel that women "hate" them should examine their own values.

Sometimes, maybe so, but there are indeed feminists who do hate men.
The first message board I joined back in '98 was the Ms Magazine board (no longer exists) and there were self-proclaimed feminists on that board, that came out and freely admitted they did not like men, and wanted to be as free from men as possible.

Now obviously there are certain men that make it easy for most women to despise them, but many of these women on this board, let it be known they were not interested in finding out which ones were okay, and which ones were bad. They simply hated them for being a man.
It always tickles me when a woman supposedly "hates" men...only the men who are the most hateful both in speech and their boyish antics are the ones that feel most betrayed.

Perhaps men who feel that women "hate" them should examine their own values.

Sometimes, maybe so, but there are indeed feminists who do hate men.
The first message board I joined back in '98 was the Ms Magazine board (no longer exists) and there were self-proclaimed feminists on that board, that came out and freely admitted they did not like men, and wanted to be as free from men as possible.

Now obviously there are certain men that make it easy for most women to despise them, but many of these women on this board, let it be known they were not interested in finding out which ones were okay, and which ones were bad. They simply hated them for being a man.

Yes, there are RadFems out there that fall into the "man hating" category. But there are other aspects of feminism that some men may find annoying. The old joke of women joining men's only clubs after forcing their way in, only to be appalled by how men act and making them change to suit the ladies desires.

Some aspects that go past equality and into special treatment also gall some men (and yes by some men I mean me). Two drunk college students hook up and have sex, but only one (the man) can be on the hook for assault if one party decides to regret said sex the next day or week.
It always tickles me when a woman supposedly "hates" men...only the men who are the most hateful both in speech and their boyish antics are the ones that feel most betrayed.

Perhaps men who feel that women "hate" them should examine their own values.

Sometimes, maybe so, but there are indeed feminists who do hate men.
The first message board I joined back in '98 was the Ms Magazine board (no longer exists) and there were self-proclaimed feminists on that board, that came out and freely admitted they did not like men, and wanted to be as free from men as possible.

Now obviously there are certain men that make it easy for most women to despise them, but many of these women on this board, let it be known they were not interested in finding out which ones were okay, and which ones were bad. They simply hated them for being a man.

Sure there are all types in any large group of persons.

I'm of the opinion that the only reason you hear so much about it nowadays is that women have the power of the ballot between the sexes and will (soon) have the power of the pocketbook as more women graduate from college than their men. It's easy to ignore, chastise, and steamroll a group when there is no retribution. Now that the GOP is feeling retribution...the old boy's club is crying foul.

Get used to it.
It always tickles me when a woman supposedly "hates" men...only the men who are the most hateful both in speech and their boyish antics are the ones that feel most betrayed.

Perhaps men who feel that women "hate" them should examine their own values.

Sometimes, maybe so, but there are indeed feminists who do hate men.
The first message board I joined back in '98 was the Ms Magazine board (no longer exists) and there were self-proclaimed feminists on that board, that came out and freely admitted they did not like men, and wanted to be as free from men as possible.

Now obviously there are certain men that make it easy for most women to despise them, but many of these women on this board, let it be known they were not interested in finding out which ones were okay, and which ones were bad. They simply hated them for being a man.

Sure there are all types in any large group of persons.

I'm of the opinion that the only reason you hear so much about it nowadays is that women have the power of the ballot between the sexes and will (soon) have the power of the pocketbook as more women graduate from college than their men. It's easy to ignore, chastise, and steamroll a group when there is no retribution. Now that the GOP is feeling retribution...the old boy's club is crying foul.

Get used to it.

So you populate a post bout feminism not being about man-hating with a response implying "retribution" and said men needing to be able to "take it like men"?

God, I love when progressives get mixed up on what bullshit they are supposed to spew.
It always tickles me when a woman supposedly "hates" men...only the men who are the most hateful both in speech and their boyish antics are the ones that feel most betrayed.

Perhaps men who feel that women "hate" them should examine their own values.

Sometimes, maybe so, but there are indeed feminists who do hate men.
The first message board I joined back in '98 was the Ms Magazine board (no longer exists) and there were self-proclaimed feminists on that board, that came out and freely admitted they did not like men, and wanted to be as free from men as possible.

Now obviously there are certain men that make it easy for most women to despise them, but many of these women on this board, let it be known they were not interested in finding out which ones were okay, and which ones were bad. They simply hated them for being a man.

Sure there are all types in any large group of persons.

I'm of the opinion that the only reason you hear so much about it nowadays is that women have the power of the ballot between the sexes and will (soon) have the power of the pocketbook as more women graduate from college than their men. It's easy to ignore, chastise, and steamroll a group when there is no retribution. Now that the GOP is feeling retribution...the old boy's club is crying foul.

Get used to it.
Yeah get used to it. (Insert rolling eyes smiley here)
It always tickles me when a woman supposedly "hates" men...only the men who are the most hateful both in speech and their boyish antics are the ones that feel most betrayed.

Perhaps men who feel that women "hate" them should examine their own values.

Sometimes, maybe so, but there are indeed feminists who do hate men.
The first message board I joined back in '98 was the Ms Magazine board (no longer exists) and there were self-proclaimed feminists on that board, that came out and freely admitted they did not like men, and wanted to be as free from men as possible.

Now obviously there are certain men that make it easy for most women to despise them, but many of these women on this board, let it be known they were not interested in finding out which ones were okay, and which ones were bad. They simply hated them for being a man.

Sure there are all types in any large group of persons.

I'm of the opinion that the only reason you hear so much about it nowadays is that women have the power of the ballot between the sexes and will (soon) have the power of the pocketbook as more women graduate from college than their men. It's easy to ignore, chastise, and steamroll a group when there is no retribution. Now that the GOP is feeling retribution...the old boy's club is crying foul.

Get used to it.

So you populate a post bout feminism not being about man-hating with a response implying "retribution" and said men needing to be able to "take it like men"?

God, I love when progressives get mixed up on what bullshit they are supposed to spew.

God I love it when people have to mischaracterize what I say to desperately grasp for some sort of point. When women didn't vote, it was easy to ignore them. Just as it would be with any group. Decisions are made by those who show up.

Thanks in great part to Title IX, women had equal opportunities in college (it had more of an impact in the class room than sports). You see that manifest itself with more women graduating college than men (It has been that way since the mid 80's if I recall). With education comes tactics on how best to achieve political or societal goals. Voting is an open avenue and women are using it.

The GOP, for reasons only known to them, has passed something like 4,000 restrictions on reproductive rights, are forcing women to drive up to 800 miles to have an abortion due to these restrictions, so on and so fourth. All that has happened in the last two years.

So politically, there will be retribution. If you don't like it..tough. That is simply the political reality. That the GOP is dominated by old white men is just a coincidence. Women in the GOP who are just as brain dead as their male counterparts will be targeted too.
It always tickles me when a woman supposedly "hates" men...only the men who are the most hateful both in speech and their boyish antics are the ones that feel most betrayed.

Perhaps men who feel that women "hate" them should examine their own values.

Sometimes, maybe so, but there are indeed feminists who do hate men.
The first message board I joined back in '98 was the Ms Magazine board (no longer exists) and there were self-proclaimed feminists on that board, that came out and freely admitted they did not like men, and wanted to be as free from men as possible.

Now obviously there are certain men that make it easy for most women to despise them, but many of these women on this board, let it be known they were not interested in finding out which ones were okay, and which ones were bad. They simply hated them for being a man.

Sure there are all types in any large group of persons.

I'm of the opinion that the only reason you hear so much about it nowadays is that women have the power of the ballot between the sexes and will (soon) have the power of the pocketbook as more women graduate from college than their men. It's easy to ignore, chastise, and steamroll a group when there is no retribution. Now that the GOP is feeling retribution...the old boy's club is crying foul.

Get used to it.

So you populate a post bout feminism not being about man-hating with a response implying "retribution" and said men needing to be able to "take it like men"?

God, I love when progressives get mixed up on what bullshit they are supposed to spew.

God I love it when people have to mischaracterize what I say to desperately grasp for some sort of point. When women didn't vote, it was easy to ignore them. Just as it would be with any group. Decisions are made by those who show up.

Thanks in great part to Title IX, women had equal opportunities in college (it had more of an impact in the class room than sports). You see that manifest itself with more women graduating college than men (It has been that way since the mid 80's if I recall). With education comes tactics on how best to achieve political or societal goals. Voting is an open avenue and women are using it.

The GOP, for reasons only known to them, has passed something like 4,000 restrictions on reproductive rights, are forcing women to drive up to 800 miles to have an abortion due to these restrictions, so on and so fourth. All that has happened in the last two years.

So politically, there will be retribution. If you don't like it..tough. That is simply the political reality. That the GOP is dominated by old white men is just a coincidence. Women in the GOP who are just as brain dead as their male counterparts will be targeted too.

And yet Romney got 44% of the overall female vote. so 44% of women are brain dead?

Keep digging. Also Title X was a disaster for small mens sports in colleges, but hey! can't make an omlette without breaking some eggs...
It always tickles me when a woman supposedly "hates" men...only the men who are the most hateful both in speech and their boyish antics are the ones that feel most betrayed.

Perhaps men who feel that women "hate" them should examine their own values.

Sometimes, maybe so, but there are indeed feminists who do hate men.
The first message board I joined back in '98 was the Ms Magazine board (no longer exists) and there were self-proclaimed feminists on that board, that came out and freely admitted they did not like men, and wanted to be as free from men as possible.

Now obviously there are certain men that make it easy for most women to despise them, but many of these women on this board, let it be known they were not interested in finding out which ones were okay, and which ones were bad. They simply hated them for being a man.

Sure there are all types in any large group of persons.

I'm of the opinion that the only reason you hear so much about it nowadays is that women have the power of the ballot between the sexes and will (soon) have the power of the pocketbook as more women graduate from college than their men. It's easy to ignore, chastise, and steamroll a group when there is no retribution. Now that the GOP is feeling retribution...the old boy's club is crying foul.

Get used to it.

So you populate a post bout feminism not being about man-hating with a response implying "retribution" and said men needing to be able to "take it like men"?

God, I love when progressives get mixed up on what bullshit they are supposed to spew.

God I love it when people have to mischaracterize what I say to desperately grasp for some sort of point. When women didn't vote, it was easy to ignore them. Just as it would be with any group. Decisions are made by those who show up.

Thanks in great part to Title IX, women had equal opportunities in college (it had more of an impact in the class room than sports). You see that manifest itself with more women graduating college than men (It has been that way since the mid 80's if I recall). With education comes tactics on how best to achieve political or societal goals. Voting is an open avenue and women are using it.

The GOP, for reasons only known to them, has passed something like 4,000 restrictions on reproductive rights, are forcing women to drive up to 800 miles to have an abortion due to these restrictions, so on and so fourth. All that has happened in the last two years.

So politically, there will be retribution. If you don't like it..tough. That is simply the political reality. That the GOP is dominated by old white men is just a coincidence. Women in the GOP who are just as brain dead as their male counterparts will be targeted too.

And yet Romney got 44% of the overall female vote. so 44% of women are brain dead?
Well I was speaking about the elected reps--who insist that you "bring it down to a woman's level".

Keep digging.
Digging? You make my point for me.

Also Title X was a disaster for small mens sports in colleges, but hey! can't make an omlette without breaking some eggs...
How dare girls demand the same funding for their sports as boys get. You pine for the good old days when women knew their place...right?
Sometimes, maybe so, but there are indeed feminists who do hate men.
The first message board I joined back in '98 was the Ms Magazine board (no longer exists) and there were self-proclaimed feminists on that board, that came out and freely admitted they did not like men, and wanted to be as free from men as possible.

Now obviously there are certain men that make it easy for most women to despise them, but many of these women on this board, let it be known they were not interested in finding out which ones were okay, and which ones were bad. They simply hated them for being a man.

Sure there are all types in any large group of persons.

I'm of the opinion that the only reason you hear so much about it nowadays is that women have the power of the ballot between the sexes and will (soon) have the power of the pocketbook as more women graduate from college than their men. It's easy to ignore, chastise, and steamroll a group when there is no retribution. Now that the GOP is feeling retribution...the old boy's club is crying foul.

Get used to it.

So you populate a post bout feminism not being about man-hating with a response implying "retribution" and said men needing to be able to "take it like men"?

God, I love when progressives get mixed up on what bullshit they are supposed to spew.

God I love it when people have to mischaracterize what I say to desperately grasp for some sort of point. When women didn't vote, it was easy to ignore them. Just as it would be with any group. Decisions are made by those who show up.

Thanks in great part to Title IX, women had equal opportunities in college (it had more of an impact in the class room than sports). You see that manifest itself with more women graduating college than men (It has been that way since the mid 80's if I recall). With education comes tactics on how best to achieve political or societal goals. Voting is an open avenue and women are using it.

The GOP, for reasons only known to them, has passed something like 4,000 restrictions on reproductive rights, are forcing women to drive up to 800 miles to have an abortion due to these restrictions, so on and so fourth. All that has happened in the last two years.

So politically, there will be retribution. If you don't like it..tough. That is simply the political reality. That the GOP is dominated by old white men is just a coincidence. Women in the GOP who are just as brain dead as their male counterparts will be targeted too.

And yet Romney got 44% of the overall female vote. so 44% of women are brain dead?
Well I was speaking about the elected reps--who insist that you "bring it down to a woman's level".

Keep digging.
Digging? You make my point for me.

Also Title X was a disaster for small mens sports in colleges, but hey! can't make an omlette without breaking some eggs...
How dare girls demand the same funding for their sports as boys get. You pine for the good old days when women knew their place...right?

The same funding is not the issue, its the implementation. The issue really is the administrators went the easy route and made it based on a strict split of gender in the school, instead of basing it on demand. I had no desire to participate in sports in the school, so guess what? I shouldn't have counted in the split figure. Schools should have been required to figure out the participation ratio, and go with that.

Do you disagree that more men than women in a given school probably want to participate in competitive sports?

And again, I guess those guys in the small sports programs are just casualties of war....
Sure there are all types in any large group of persons.

I'm of the opinion that the only reason you hear so much about it nowadays is that women have the power of the ballot between the sexes and will (soon) have the power of the pocketbook as more women graduate from college than their men. It's easy to ignore, chastise, and steamroll a group when there is no retribution. Now that the GOP is feeling retribution...the old boy's club is crying foul.

Get used to it.

So you populate a post bout feminism not being about man-hating with a response implying "retribution" and said men needing to be able to "take it like men"?

God, I love when progressives get mixed up on what bullshit they are supposed to spew.

God I love it when people have to mischaracterize what I say to desperately grasp for some sort of point. When women didn't vote, it was easy to ignore them. Just as it would be with any group. Decisions are made by those who show up.

Thanks in great part to Title IX, women had equal opportunities in college (it had more of an impact in the class room than sports). You see that manifest itself with more women graduating college than men (It has been that way since the mid 80's if I recall). With education comes tactics on how best to achieve political or societal goals. Voting is an open avenue and women are using it.

The GOP, for reasons only known to them, has passed something like 4,000 restrictions on reproductive rights, are forcing women to drive up to 800 miles to have an abortion due to these restrictions, so on and so fourth. All that has happened in the last two years.

So politically, there will be retribution. If you don't like it..tough. That is simply the political reality. That the GOP is dominated by old white men is just a coincidence. Women in the GOP who are just as brain dead as their male counterparts will be targeted too.

And yet Romney got 44% of the overall female vote. so 44% of women are brain dead?
Well I was speaking about the elected reps--who insist that you "bring it down to a woman's level".

Keep digging.
Digging? You make my point for me.

Also Title X was a disaster for small mens sports in colleges, but hey! can't make an omlette without breaking some eggs...
How dare girls demand the same funding for their sports as boys get. You pine for the good old days when women knew their place...right?

The same funding is not the issue, its the implementation. The issue really is the administrators went the easy route and made it based on a strict split of gender in the school, instead of basing it on demand. I had no desire to participate in sports in the school, so guess what? I shouldn't have counted in the split figure. Schools should have been required to figure out the participation ratio, and go with that.

Do you disagree that more men than women in a given school probably want to participate in competitive sports?

And again, I guess those guys in the small sports programs are just casualties of war....

Casualties of entrenched idiocy...yes.

There are what, 85 scholarships you can make available for your prized football team if you're the AD of a Div I College? Yet only 22 are necessary for an offense and a defense if you want a scholarship "student" athlete at each position.
ADs could have said, yup..we'll cut it down to 40 or 50 and share. But of course that didn't happen. Did it?

If the men's wrestling team has an enemy; it's not the women's volleyball team; it's the football team hogging all of the dollars and not returning that much value to the university in many cases.

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