Gender identity

Don't side step the fucking question. You just wanna play in your little make believe world where everyone can be whatever they want.
I didn't side step the question. I said someone who really thinks they can diagnose someone from a picture on the internet is mistaken and that depending on the strength of this belief, they might want to seek professional help.
You just don't have the right to deny them their liberty because they dare not look like yous.

I don’t care if they don’t look like me, but when they take liberty from women, them and me, well………..

They got a bigly problem kid.
Don't side step the fucking question. You just wanna play in your little make believe world where everyone can be whatever they want.

But you do not?
Except for me , we all want our own little worlds .

I have heard rumours that you are entering the Fork Lift Driver of the Year championship and will accept any pronoun identifying you .

Creep .
They have no intention of getting your liberty.

No one is attacking my liberty twerp. I’m not a woman.

Biological males, using womens bathrooms, lockers and participating in woman’s sports is denial of woman’s rights.

You knew that, but it’s all you had, right?

Why do you want to deny women rights? Maybe because you feel they are sexual competitors for the men you desire?
And that is God's buisness, he does not need your help making them miserable on earth. I think He might not like that either.
Nice to be so righteous that you can speak for God. And your saying God is making them miserable? Hahahahaha
Nice to be so righteous that you can speak for God. And your saying God is making them miserable? Hahahahaha
I should have used the word by before making. But you self righteous jerks talking about abominations burning in hell might be in for a big suprise someday. God loves the people you hate. Fortunately for you, that includes you. Try not to be such a hater.
I should have used the word by before making. But you self righteous jerks talking about abominations burning in hell might be in for a big suprise someday. God loves the people you hate. Fortunately for you, that includes you. Try not to be such a hater.

And I suppose he really loves those of us desperately trying to get you trans folks the help y’all desperately need.
They have no intention of getting your lib

I should have used the word by before making. But you self righteous jerks talking about abominations burning in hell might be in for a big suprise someday. God loves the people you hate. Fortunately for you, that includes you. Try not to be such a hater.
Speaking of Gods thought on Gays. Hummmm So I guess God is the real hater here hey?

Leviticus 18:22 — You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.
I got a HUGE problem here. We have thousands of years, and many cultures and countless generations that have accepted gender norms across the millennium. Across the years, and the history, SUDDENLY there are "new" undiscovered genders all of a sudden? Gender Dysphoria by any other name. Read Oliver Sacks, the mind does strange things.

Have you ever known anyone personally that has transitioned?

The spouse of a co-worker/friend is going through this right now. I am more than comfortable saying I do not understand it at all. But I am also not comfortable condemning the person as mentally ill.

About 2 years ago my co-worker (who is female) told me her spouse was now non-binary. She asked us to use "they or them" as pronouns. Again, an odd thing but it did not harm me at all so out of respect for our friendship I did. No different than when a co-workers spouse decided she wanted a new first name and choose one. I now call her that new name as well.

A couple months ago I found out the spouse of my co-worker is full transitioning to female and now wishes to use "she and her". And that is what I will do. The spouse is the happiest I have ever known them to be and my co-workers is as well.

I do not understand a bit of it personally, but they are harming nobody and there is no reason to condemn them for it.
For the commandments, “You shall not commit adultery, You shall not murder, You shall not steal, You shall not covet,” and any other commandment, are summed up in this word: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Love does no wrong to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.

Romans 13 8-10
Speaking of Gods thought on Gays. Hummmm So I guess God is the real hater here hey?

Leviticus 18:22 — You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.

Everyone who is proud in heart is an abomination to the Lord;

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