Gender identity

I got a HUGE problem here. We have thousands of years, and many cultures and countless generations that have accepted gender norms across the millennium. Across the years, and the history, SUDDENLY there are "new" undiscovered genders all of a sudden? Gender Dysphoria by any other name. Read Oliver Sacks, the mind does strange things.
Thank you for another thread which does everything but illuminate the meaning of the words, the history and reality of people one does clearly not care about simply because they are different from what the Bible wrote, or what has come to be believed in the past 4000 years.

There have always been Trans and other genders. The issue is that only recently have they been able to do anything about it, or come out and be allowed to be seen.

How many of our own ancestors were Trans, etc and could not come out, anymore than homosexuals were never allowed to come out without being punished by strict, non understanding societies? How many of our descendants will be Trans, etc?

Here is some information about it. Read it, each and every one of you, and try to understand what it is. Try, that is all that is asked of you:

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I have not made any excuses. You made up a medical term that does not exist. You just lack the balls to admit it.

Nope, never did, you tried to deflect from the obvious fact the some women can’t produce ova, which still would be covered under the law because, as previously defined, their reproductive system is not fully functioning, or as also previously defined, a disability.

And as wrong as you are, you simply look foolish now.

So, how’s that transitioning going?
Thank you for another thread which does everything but illuminate the meaning of the words, the history and reality of people one does clearly not care about simply because they are different from what the Bible wrote, or what has come to be believed in the past 4000 years.

There have always been Trans and other genders. The issue is that only recently have they been able to do anything about it, or come out and be allowed to be seen.

How many of our own ancestors were Trans, etc and could not come out, anymore than homosexuals were never allowed to come out without being punished by strict, non understanding societies? How many of our descendants will be Trans, etc?

Here is some information about it. Read it, each and every one of you, and try to understand what it is. Try, that is all that is asked of you:

Yes, we should be using our newly acquired intelligence to help these people rid themselves of this mental illness
Nope, never did, you tried to deflect from the obvious fact the some women can’t produce ova, which still would be covered under the law because, as previously defined, their reproductive system is not fully functioning, or as also previously defined, a disability.

No medical organization defines them as a disability, just a disorder. You made up the disabled part.

So, how’s that transitioning going?

I am happily male, married to an amazing woman for 30 years last month.

This is the difference between you and I, I do not need to personally want to do something to think people should have the right to do it.
Yes, we should be using our newly acquired intelligence to help these people rid themselves of this mental illness
How is it a mental illness? If one cannot understand it, understand that it has always been there, that it is their physical identity, then it is a mental illness?
How is it a mental illness? If one cannot understand it, understand that it has always been there, that it is their physical identity, then it is a mental illness?

Anything they disagree with is a mental illness.
No medical organization defines them as a disability, just a disorder. You made up the disabled part.

I am happily male, married to an amazing woman for 30 years last month.

This is the difference between you and I, I do not need to personally want to do something to think people should have the right to do it.

I have no problem with people practicing fetishes. You want to be a fetishist, be my guest. Bringing your fetish out, especially around children, or when your fetish effects the rights of women. Then buddy, you got a problem. Not me.
Everyone know there were gays at the beginning of time as well as trans
Yes, and for the most part they were outcasts, pariahs, and not allowed to exist as part of normal society. So much so thst they were forced to hide their difference from regular folks and/or interact amongst their own kind only.

Ah, the good old days.
I have no problem with people practicing fetishes. You want to be a fetishist, be my guest. Bringing your fetish out, especially around children, or when your fetish effects the rights of women. Then buddy, you got a problem. Not me.

And then you prove me correct.

Thanks, you are way too easy.
Is that a photo of your surgeon working on ya?

With each post you prove I am correct. In your tiny little mind one either has to hate trans people or they are one. It would never even enter your mind to not hate people that are different than you.

What a shitty way to live, yet it seems to make so many of you happy
With each post you prove I am correct. In your tiny little mind one either has to hate trans people or they are one. It would never even enter your mind to not hate people that are different than you.

What a shitty way to live, yet it seems to make so many of you happy

Why do you find it so insulting to admit you are one? It’s completely normal, right?
Why do you find it so insulting to admit you are one? It’s completely normal, right?

I do not find it insulting at all. I find it interesting that your mind will not allow for any other possibility than either hating something or being a part of it. It is a common theme among the hyper-partisan types.

It is a way of life that I cannot understand no matter how hard I try, why someone is worthy of hate just because they are not exactly like you.

As for normal, what is normal? Is it normal to have been married to the same woman for 30 years without cheating?

Is it normal to have been a runner for 47 years and never going more than 7 days without a run in all that time?

Normal = average and I find average to be rather boring. But it suits you.
Everyone know there were gays at the beginning of time as well as trans.
The people involved in this are controlling the nation now. It is sensible for Heterosexuals to not marry and have children anymore. Too much work and detours are set up for those responsible when they should not have any.

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