Gender identity

I do not find it insulting at all. I find it interesting that your mind will not allow for any other possibility than either hating something or being a part of it. It is a common theme among the hyper-partisan types.

It is a way of life that I cannot understand no matter how hard I try, why someone is worthy of hate just because they are not exactly like you.

As for normal, what is normal? Is it normal to have been married to the same woman for 30 years without cheating?

Is it normal to have been a runner for 47 years and never going more than 7 days without a run in all that time?

Normal = average and I find average to be rather boring. But it suits you.

But you are nearly always compelled to defend trans no matter what disgusting acts they do, even involving children. You may be closeted, but you do appear to indeed be trans.
Are you saying pediphiles haven’t been around since the beginning of time?

Educate yourself, or are you deflecting for a particular reason?
They are not grooming children. They are not having sex with children. Those are the allegations against them.

The children know from around 5 whether they are heterosexual, homosexuality, or any other gender identity. That is what you do not want to know and cannot come to acknowledge.
But you are nearly always compelled to defend trans no matter what disgusting acts they do, even involving children. You may be closeted, but you do appear to indeed be trans.
Heterosexuals also do commit disgusting acts. On women and children. Always have. And heterosexyals have been the ones attacking children sexually.
They are not grooming children. They are not having sex with children. Those are the allegations against them.

The children know from around 5 whether they are heterosexual, homosexuality, or any other gender identity. That is what you do not want to know and cannot come to acknowledge.

I find it interesting how you think children know their sexuality loooonnnnggggg before they have fully developed minds.

Is that why the push to allow them “consent” to major medical transitioning treatments? Is it actually a play for reducing consent age, across the board?

I find it interesting how you think children know their sexuality loooonnnnggggg before they have fully developed minds.

Is that why the push to allow them “consent” to major medical transitioning treatments? Is it actually a play for reducing consent age, across the board?

More ignorance. You can shut yourself from facts all you like. I have not heard of anyone having any transitional treatment before the age of 18. You are attempting to spread things which have nothing to do with facts, medical or otherwise.
Heterosexuals also do commit disgusting acts. On women and children. Always have. And heterosexyals have been the ones attacking children sexually.

Link to the study that shows heterosexuals commit these acts disproportionately.

And let’s not forget the catholic priest and boy scouts scandals that were nearly all homosexual acts.

And while your at it, please tell the class the way you can determine a gay male from a straight male from a closeted gay male.

Is this the gaydar I’ve heard so much about?
More ignorance. You can shut yourself from facts all you like. I have not heard of anyone having any transitional treatment before the age of 18. You are attempting to spread things which have nothing to do with facts, medical or otherwise.
Puberty blockers have been used for this purpose for years now.

As someone once said.

Educate yourself.

Pedophilia and Homosexuality​

As usual, hypocritical straight, old white men, guilty of conducting, aiding and abetting rampant pedophilia throughout the church, use the resulting scandal not to address their underlying responsibility or the roots of the problem but to cast blame on gay men ["For Gay Catholic Priests, New Scrutiny," Metro, June 24].

Scientific research finds that pedophilia is a disease separate from and in no way related to homosexuality. In fact, research demonstrates that most pedophiles (more than 95 percent) are heterosexually oriented. Yet your article uses the pedophilia scandal to raise questions about homosexual priests, as if the two were interchangeable, when the facts speak to the contrary.

Your reporter mentions in passing that experts disagree: "Like many experts on pedophilia, [Gerard] McGlone dismisses a connection between that disorder and sexual orientation." But she then counters with a statement of widely held prejudice: "Still, many Catholics have noted that most of the abuse cases coming to light in recent months involved priests abusing teenage boys." No supporting statistics are offered, simply the prejudicial speculation of "many Catholics," who appear to stand in for your reporter's own bias.

Full article online)

Many people believe that homosexuality is the root cause of sexual abuse by clergy in the Catholic Church since about 80 percent of the known victims have been male. This has led some church leaders to suggest that banning homosexual men from the priesthood could prevent future victimization of children in the church. While it may be understandable that some believe this, it is simply not true. You really have to know something about the psychopathology of sex offenders and pedophiles to understand this issue more clearly.

No one would suggest banning heterosexual men from the priesthood if the majority of clergy abuse victims were young girls. That would seem absurd. This is because many see heterosexuality as normal and controllable while believing that homosexuality is abnormal, dysfunctional and a psychiatric illness. As such, it is often falsely believed that men with homosexual orientations cannot be trusted around male children and that their sexual impulse control is poor. But the research data on this topic makes clear that sexual orientation alone is not a risk factor for pedophilia or for committing sexual crimes against children or teens or anyone. Sexual orientation by itself is irrelevant to child sexual abuse behavior or risks.

(full article online)

Link to the study that shows heterosexuals commit these acts disproportionately.

And let’s not forget the catholic priest and boy scouts scandals that were nearly all homosexual acts.

And while your at it, please tell the class the way you can determine a gay male from a straight male from a closeted gay male.

Is this the gaydar I’ve heard so much about?
Your Homophobia is 100% on display.
"All the sudden"?

NO, there isn't.
There are only two.
If a person was born with a penis.............A male.
If a person was born with a vagina..........A female.

Just because you "identify" yourself as different from the way you were born, doesn't make it so.

I can "identify" myself as a millionaire, it doesn't make it so.
These tranny people actually ARE crazy, so I think and hope the problem will correct itself. People can see these people are problems --- the affected kids are having a rebellion crisis qualitatively worse than their peers; there is something just wrong with them to start with and it's likely they won't get much better! Certainly not after they've massively mutilated themselves, or had it done.

The leftists say now they are women like any other woman, but they aren't --- they become male prostitutes at high levels, and they compete often against girls in sports ----- because they are frantic attention-seekers and this is the only way they can get lots of attention and win the sport, too. The attention-seeking is the worst thing for everyone because they promote themselves, like the obscene drag-show queens going to children's libraries, to get the most attention possible, or they go into politics like that dreadful Levine, admiral of the Navy, or that peculiar-looking man on the Alt-History channel who suddenly decided to be a woman, a low-voiced, very ugly "woman" who is so creepy I literally run from the room whenever he come on a program my husband is watching.

They are way too crazy for anyone to want to stay near them, and this is a big problem they have if they need lots of attention. So I'm hoping this fashion in psychosis will go out of fashion.
Many people believe that homosexuality is the root cause of sexual abuse by clergy in the Catholic Church since about 80 percent of the known victims have been male. This has led some church leaders to suggest that banning homosexual men from the priesthood could prevent future victimization of children in the church. While it may be understandable that some believe this, it is simply not true. You really have to know something about the psychopathology of sex offenders and pedophiles to understand this issue more clearly.

No one would suggest banning heterosexual men from the priesthood if the majority of clergy abuse victims were young girls. That would seem absurd. This is because many see heterosexuality as normal and controllable while believing that homosexuality is abnormal, dysfunctional and a psychiatric illness. As such, it is often falsely believed that men with homosexual orientations cannot be trusted around male children and that their sexual impulse control is poor. But the research data on this topic makes clear that sexual orientation alone is not a risk factor for pedophilia or for committing sexual crimes against children or teens or anyone. Sexual orientation by itself is irrelevant to child sexual abuse behavior or risks.
I don't believe this. It is obvious that converting young boys to homosexuality is a reproduction strategy of homosexuals. It's the only way they have to produce new homosexuals, and it does work, so they do it.
Meanwhile, the folks at Davos are laughing their asses off at whet they have been able to accomplish to serve their agenda.
I find it interesting how you think children know their sexuality loooonnnnggggg before they have fully developed minds.

Is that why the push to allow them “consent” to major medical transitioning treatments? Is it actually a play for reducing consent age, across the board?
I like your thinking ---- what is that organization of men who want sex with boys? It used to be allowed in many states for a girl to marry at 14, certainly at 16 ---- I always wondered when we'd see men demand the same "right" to "marry" young boys they've seduced.
Your heterophobia is 💯 on display.
Your ignorant and arrogant replies will not answer the questions you do not want to deal with.

Religious responses to something one does not understand and does not care to understand because one religion and beliefs forbid one to think and accept outside of what has been known basically leads to nothing but attacks on those who have the right to make themselves heard and seen.

Your lack of interest in the subject will not keep LGBTQ to exist, as it always has, and only allowed to voice themselves recently and want the respect, or the leaving them alone any other group would expect. Be it racial, religious or biological, just let any and all be.
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But you are nearly always compelled to defend trans no matter what disgusting acts they do, even involving children.

Now you are just having to make up more lies to try and hide your other lies.

Find a single post from me defending trans no matter for doing disgusting acts involving children, or any disgusting acts at all.

Just one.
I like your thinking ---- what is that organization of men who want sex with boys? It used to be allowed in many states for a girl to marry at 14, certainly at 16 ---- I always wondered when we'd see men demand the same "right" to "marry" young boys they've seduced.
Organization of men who want to have sex with boys? It is called the Catholic Church where mostly Heterosexual priests took advantage of choir boys for centuries.
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