Gender identity

Wow, Truth, facts and honesty, not to mention competency. Dems throw all that out the window. It's all about inclusion and diversity. You get a blind black lesbian RTD Bus driver with Aubergers syndrome driving you home. Yeay.
I was running a large social agency years ago when our national leadership went bonkers on affirmative action and advised me that our staff was not nearly diverse enough. Well I was living in a mostly Anglo state in a mostly Anglo town and finding people of color, even Hispanics, to work was not that easy. Plus we were also supposed to hire veterans and the handicapped more.

My accounting officer quipped that what we needed to find was a black WAC with a bad leg. Such people were very hard to come by.

My HPER officer was a lesbian and excellent in her job and remains dear to me to this day. But she was never in anybody's face about it nor expected special pronouns or anything like that. Probably few even knew her sexual orientation any more than they questioned anybody else's sexual orientation. It was simply not an issue.

We continued to hire on merit and I'm pretty sure our staff represented the general makeup of our community.

I shudder to think what we would be told we needed to hire these days with in our faces transgendering, dozens of genders, inability to define what a woman is, etc. etc. etc.

It's crazy.
Your ignorant and arrogant replies will not answer the questions you do not want to deal with.

Religious responses to something one does not understand and does not care to understand because one religion and beliefs forbid one to think and accept outside of what has been known basically leads to nothing but attacks on those who have the right to make themselves heard and seen.

Your lack of interest in the subject will not keep LGBTQ to exist, as it always has, and only allowed to voice themselves recently and want the respect, or the leaving them alone any other group would expect. Be it racial, religious or biological, just let any and all be.

I’m not a Christian, but that’s why your here isn’t it, your religionphobia.

And you are the one that brought up 5 year olds knowing what sexuality they are, even before they know what sex is.

You told me all i needed to know.

Bye bye
Organization of men who want to have sex with boys? It is called the Catholic Church where mostly Heterosexual priests took advantage of choir boys for centuries.

Homosexuals have same sex relationships. Heterosexuals have sex relationships with the opposite sex.

Are you really that stupid?
The people involved in this are controlling the nation now. It is sensible for Heterosexuals to not marry and have children anymore. Too much work and detours are set up for those responsible when they should not have any.
I don't think so, you make it so.
Homosexuals have same sex relationships. Heterosexuals have sex relationships with the opposite sex.

Are you really that stupid?

and pedophiles have sex with either sex as it is not the sex that matters to them but the age
Organization of men who want to have sex with boys? It is called the Catholic Church where mostly Heterosexual priests took advantage of choir boys for centuries.
I notice in the news that Portugal, the very last country in the world to have noticed this!!!, has finally woken up and is shocked, SHOCKED! to learn that they've got (lots of) homosexual priests attacking boys.

The Portuguese seem to have been remarkably unobservant.
When I have to stop for a “pride” parade or try to watch an event on “pride night”.
That’s not participating, unless the sight of a gay pride parade somehow compels you to march with them, in which case we need to have a different conversation.
I was running a large social agency years ago when our national leadership went bonkers on affirmative action and advised me that our staff was not nearly diverse enough. Well I was living in a mostly Anglo state in a mostly Anglo town and finding people of color, even Hispanics, to work was not that easy. Plus we were also supposed to hire veterans and the handicapped more.

My accounting officer quipped that what we needed to find was a black WAC with a bad leg. Such people were very hard to come by.

My HPER officer was a lesbian and excellent in her job and remains dear to me to this day. But she was never in anybody's face about it nor expected special pronouns or anything like that. Probably few even knew her sexual orientation any more than they questioned anybody else's sexual orientation. It was simply not an issue.

We continued to hire on merit and I'm pretty sure our staff represented the general makeup of our community.

I shudder to think what we would be told we needed to hire these days with in our faces transgendering, dozens of genders, inability to define what a woman is, etc. etc. etc.

It's crazy.
Very true. If I were placed next to a tranny at work, or forced to manage one, I would quit. And I SURE wouldn't use the wrong pronouns! I'd use correct grammar for whatever sex the creature "really" is. But I'd have paper on the street instantly. I'm just not going to cooperate with crazy.
I’m not a Christian, but that’s why your here isn’t it, your religionphobia.

And you are the one that brought up 5 year olds knowing what sexuality they are, even before they know what sex is.

You told me all i needed to know.

Bye bye
One does not have to be Christian to avoid and ignore the facts in relation to things which are not the norm.

I have heard many people in interviews say that they noticed being gay at that early age, five.

Here is more of that :

One Percent of Nine-Year-Olds Identify as LGBTQ+​

The reality is that many kids know they are gay at a younger age than you might expect – even in elementary school. As of 2020, 5.6% of the population identifies as LGBTQ+ according to a study of 15,000 people by Gallup. However, by the time kids reached high school, a significant portion of this five percent understood their sexuality.

One study by San Diego State University surveyed thousands of youth across the nation. They found that one percent of kids ages 9-10 identify as gay, bisexual, or transgender. Aaron Blashill, one of the key researchers in the study, says this percentage is significant because the age group is so young.

“For so long, social scientists have assumed that there is no point in asking kids at this age about their sexual orientation, believing they do not have the cognitive ability to understand,” he said. “It is important to have a baseline to understand how sexuality develops and how it may change over time.”

Within the study, 24% of kids surveyed didn’t understand the questions regarding sexual orientation – possibly because of the way they were phrased. However, this data is still significant: kids are potentially considering their sexuality and learning about themselves at a younger age than previously thought.

(full article online)

That’s not participating, unless the sight of a gay pride parade somehow compels you to march with them, in which case we need to have a different conversation.

Now let’s have a straight pride parade.

The LGBTQ would blow a rod
I notice in the news that Portugal, the very last country in the world to have noticed this!!!, has finally woken up and is shocked, SHOCKED! to learn that they've got (lots of) homosexual priests attacking boys.

The Portuguese seem to have been remarkably unobservant.
Source. And are you telling us that in Portugal only Homosexual priests have been attacking young boys? How many Heterosexuals does the news say have been at it with young boys in their care?
I don't think so, you make it so.
No, there is a very definite bias toward laws favoring antinatalism, and not just in the U.S. but all over the world. The trannies are just the latest iteration of antinatalism, against births. Easier divorce, all women pushed toward working outside the home, easy abortion, sex-selective abortion in many countries (always against females, the only sex that can reproduce), trannies becoming infertile through homones and mutilation, etc., etc. --- I think myself it's a worldwide species reaction against overpopulation. Watch the laws, how many tend to decrease population.
Source. And are you telling us that in Portugal only Homosexual priests have been attacking young boys? How many Heterosexuals does the news say have been at it with young boys in their care?
Look it up yourself: try Google News, Portugal for the search team. It's been all over the international news for weeks. They seem to be the absolute last country to figure it out! I honestly didn't realize Portugal was that backward.

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