Gender identity

There ya go, defending the indefensible.

I am not defending a thing. I am the one that just spent a whole day fighting against those on here that were defending a 31 year old woman having sex with a 13 year old.

I am merely stating the facts, which triggers you each and every time.
People have tried. It’s always a miserable failure because few people are sufficiently motivated by your reactionary anger.

And we don’t need parades explaining that the rectum is not part of the reproductive system.
I am not defending a thing. I am the one that just spent a whole day fighting against those that were defending a 31 year old woman having sex with a 13 year old.

I am merely stating the facts

Fact is homosexuals are attracted to same sex.

Facts are facts.
How is it a mental illness? If one cannot understand it, understand that it has always been there, that it is their physical identity, then it is a mental illness?
I would bet every mental illness has been a part of our history. If being paranoid delusional is part of being human, should we define it as a mental illness?
Fact is homosexuals are attracted to same sex.

Facts are facts.

Yes. homosexuals are attracted to same sex. That is a fact.

Pedophiles are attracted to children, regardless of sex of the child. That also is a fact.
Yes. homosexuals are attracted to same sex. That is a fact.

Pedophiles are attracted to children, regardless of sex of the child. That also is a fact.

Do you think straight men are attracted to you as well.

Hell, maybe everyone’s a gay man, even women. 🤦‍♂️ 🤦‍♂️ 🤦‍♂️
I would bet every mental illness has been a part of our history. If being paranoid delusional is part of being human, should we define it as a mental illness?
It is not a mental illness, it a biological difference.
Do you think straight men are attracted to you as well.

Hell, maybe everyone’s a gay man, even women. 🤦‍♂️ 🤦‍♂️ 🤦‍♂️
That's it!! We're all really men, there are no women. It was just a mind-mistake all along. That must explain my attraction to men, right?

The most interesting thing about this tranny business to me is the eagerness to erase women as a category.
I do not find it insulting at all. I find it interesting that your mind will not allow for any other possibility than either hating something or being a part of it. It is a common theme among the hyper-partisan types.

It is a way of life that I cannot understand no matter how hard I try, why someone is worthy of hate just because they are not exactly like you.

As for normal, what is normal? Is it normal to have been married to the same woman for 30 years without cheating?

Is it normal to have been a runner for 47 years and never going more than 7 days without a run in all that time?

Normal = average and I find average to be rather boring. But it suits you.
A society cannot function in a make believe world.
A society cannot function in a make believe world.

How is society harmed by a tiny percentage of the people who feel their gender and their sex are not aligned?

How does that hurt you or me?
Very true. If I were placed next to a tranny at work, or forced to manage one, I would quit. And I SURE wouldn't use the wrong pronouns! I'd use correct grammar for whatever sex the creature "really" is. But I'd have paper on the street instantly. I'm just not going to cooperate with crazy.
As long as the tranny stayed out of my face about it, I will work with anybody. I try to judge people by what they do, how they perform, their integrity, reliability, compassion etc.

I have a hard time with the pronouns too though so probably wouldn't use them at all with such people. And I have zero respect for transvestites who use vulgar language, gestures, performances etc. for the 'entertainment' of children. To me, that is pure evil.
They are not grooming children. They are not having sex with children. Those are the allegations against them.

The children know from around 5 whether they are heterosexual, homosexuality, or any other gender identity. That is what you do not want to know and cannot come to acknowledge.
Wrong. Over 80% of transgender children revert back to their birth sex as they get older.

Pedophilia and Homosexuality​

As usual, hypocritical straight, old white men, guilty of conducting, aiding and abetting rampant pedophilia throughout the church, use the resulting scandal not to address their underlying responsibility or the roots of the problem but to cast blame on gay men ["For Gay Catholic Priests, New Scrutiny," Metro, June 24].

Scientific research finds that pedophilia is a disease separate from and in no way related to homosexuality. In fact, research demonstrates that most pedophiles (more than 95 percent) are heterosexually oriented. Yet your article uses the pedophilia scandal to raise questions about homosexual priests, as if the two were interchangeable, when the facts speak to the contrary.

Your reporter mentions in passing that experts disagree: "Like many experts on pedophilia, [Gerard] McGlone dismisses a connection between that disorder and sexual orientation." But she then counters with a statement of widely held prejudice: "Still, many Catholics have noted that most of the abuse cases coming to light in recent months involved priests abusing teenage boys." No supporting statistics are offered, simply the prejudicial speculation of "many Catholics," who appear to stand in for your reporter's own bias.

Full article online)

Since more than 95% of males are heterosexual, what would you expect? You ask the wrong questions, and you'll get the wrong answers.
A society cannot function in a make believe world.
The funny thing is -- none of these Sheeple believed all the shit they are now spouting 10 or 15 years ago.

They just do it because they are mindless conformists and have been conditioned to do it by all their little peeps who reward them if they are on board with the program and call them names if they aren't.
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I got a HUGE problem here. We have thousands of years, and many cultures and countless generations that have accepted gender norms across the millennium. Across the years, and the history, SUDDENLY there are "new" undiscovered genders all of a sudden? Gender Dysphoria by any other name. Read Oliver Sacks, the mind does strange things.
There have been gay folks and cross dressers for thousands of years. Get over it

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