Gender-Neutral Dolls for the Sexless Child and Parent of the Future?


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
OK, the official word from Mattel is that having asked little kids what they prefer, they claim kids WANT gender neural dolls that have neither masculine nor feminine characteristics! Androgynous playthings they can dress up any way they want as "its." And the parents are in for it as well.

In other words, no more GI Joes or Barbies. The boys don't identify with soldiers, combat, fighting, strategy, battles, winning, and the girls have no interest in being pretty, fashion, dresses, cooking, or taking care of a home. And the parents don't want their little boys to look like boys and their girls to look like girls.


We are headed for one sorry world as we continue to let our children be programmed like this. Now GENDER is a bad thing? What kind of world will it be when our boys grow up not boys and our girls not girls, where boys have no interest in leadership, planning, combat, defense, battle. winning, yet are faced with a world where they are called upon and needed to lead, plan, fight, defend, and win? And what kind of mothers will the girls be who have no interest in being a lady, mothering, home economics, or raising a family.

Children of the future will probably be raised by robots as depersonalized things and everyone will interface with machines. Fuck dat.

'A Doll For Everyone': Meet Mattel's Gender-Neutral Doll
OK, the official word from Mattel is that having asked little kids what they prefer, they claim kids WANT gender neural dolls that have neither masculine nor feminine characteristics! Androgynous playthings they can dress up any way they want as "its." And the parents are in for it as well.

In other words, no more GI Joes or Barbies. The boys don't identify with soldiers, combat, fighting, strategy, battles, winning, and the girls have no interest in being pretty, fashion, dresses, cooking, or taking care of a home. And the parents don't want their little boys to look like boys and their girls to look like girls.


We are headed for one sorry world as we continue to let our children be programmed like this. Now GENDER is a bad thing? What kind of world will it be when our boys grow up not boys and our girls not girls, where boys have no interest in leadership, planning, combat, defense, battle. winning, yet are faced with a world where they are called upon and needed to lead, plan, fight, defend, and win? And what kind of mothers will the girls be who have no interest in being a lady, mothering, home economics, or raising a family.

Children of the future will probably be raised by robots as depersonalized things and everyone will interface with machines. Fuck dat.

'A Doll For Everyone': Meet Mattel's Gender-Neutral Doll

Girls Play With Dolls, Boys Catapult Them


This is the same country that proposed creating a law requiring men to sit while urinating, asked for a special tax to be placed on men...just because...and introduced a genderless pronoun no one uses. Now they have a toy catalog where the girls are playing with guns and boys are playing with dolls. Revolucion! Finally, we can achieve that progressive Utopia society has long sought. Where it is established that boys and girls are identical - they have identical interests and tendencies and we will never ever have to see science book chapters titled "Boys Have Wee-Wees And Girls Have Hoo-Hoos" in books because, well, cultural evangelists say it is just not true.​
In other words, no more GI Joes or Barbies.

I'm pretty sure GI Joes and Barbies were gender neutral. Ever seen a GI Joe's dick? Exactly.

No they were NOT gender neutral. Barbie had boobs, an hour glass figure, and feminine facial features and hair style. G.I. Joe had a masculine body shape, face, and short hair. They may not have had genitalia as that is unnecessary and obscene for kids, but they were a man and a woman.

This entire gender bending, or gender neutral propaganda is just crap and kids don't want it, nor do they identify with it.
OK, the official word from Mattel is that having asked little kids what they prefer, they claim kids WANT gender neural dolls that have neither masculine nor feminine characteristics! Androgynous playthings they can dress up any way they want as "its." And the parents are in for it as well.

In other words, no more GI Joes or Barbies. The boys don't identify with soldiers, combat, fighting, strategy, battles, winning, and the girls have no interest in being pretty, fashion, dresses, cooking, or taking care of a home. And the parents don't want their little boys to look like boys and their girls to look like girls.


We are headed for one sorry world as we continue to let our children be programmed like this. Now GENDER is a bad thing? What kind of world will it be when our boys grow up not boys and our girls not girls, where boys have no interest in leadership, planning, combat, defense, battle. winning, yet are faced with a world where they are called upon and needed to lead, plan, fight, defend, and win? And what kind of mothers will the girls be who have no interest in being a lady, mothering, home economics, or raising a family.

Children of the future will probably be raised by robots as depersonalized things and everyone will interface with machines. Fuck dat.

'A Doll For Everyone': Meet Mattel's Gender-Neutral Doll

It is a scientific fact of child psychology, that the best toy is that you can project the most things on. So, generally speaking, the simpler and more featureless a toy is, the better it serves its purpose as a toy. In fact, a handkerchief with a knot tied on it outperforms almost every toy sold in stores.
In other words, no more GI Joes or Barbies.

I'm pretty sure GI Joes and Barbies were gender neutral. Ever seen a GI Joe's dick? Exactly.

No they were NOT gender neutral. Barbie had boobs, an hour glass figure, and feminine facial features and hair style. G.I. Joe had a masculine body shape, face, and short hair. They may not have had genitalia as that is unnecessary and obscene for kids, but they were a man and a woman.

This entire gender bending, or gender neutral propaganda is just crap and kids don't want it, nor do they identify with it.

Yes, they do want it, and that's why every American teenage girl wants to be fat.
OK, the official word from Mattel is that having asked little kids what they prefer, they claim kids WANT gender neural dolls that have neither masculine nor feminine characteristics! Androgynous playthings they can dress up any way they want as "its." And the parents are in for it as well.

In other words, no more GI Joes or Barbies. The boys don't identify with soldiers, combat, fighting, strategy, battles, winning, and the girls have no interest in being pretty, fashion, dresses, cooking, or taking care of a home. And the parents don't want their little boys to look like boys and their girls to look like girls.


We are headed for one sorry world as we continue to let our children be programmed like this. Now GENDER is a bad thing? What kind of world will it be when our boys grow up not boys and our girls not girls, where boys have no interest in leadership, planning, combat, defense, battle. winning, yet are faced with a world where they are called upon and needed to lead, plan, fight, defend, and win? And what kind of mothers will the girls be who have no interest in being a lady, mothering, home economics, or raising a family.

Children of the future will probably be raised by robots as depersonalized things and everyone will interface with machines. Fuck dat.

'A Doll For Everyone': Meet Mattel's Gender-Neutral Doll

It is a scientific fact of child psychology, that the best toy is that you can project the most things on. So, generally speaking, the simpler and more featureless a toy is, the better it serves its purpose as a toy. In fact, a handkerchief with a knot tied on it outperforms almost every toy sold in stores.

Good, if you believe that horseshit, go buy your kids a handkerchief with a knot in it. When I was a kid, I played with bikes and telescopes and baseballs and cowboy outfits, and Hot Wheels, Frisbees, robots, models, chemistry sets, and baseball bats. And the girls had dolls, home ec, toy ovens, make-up kits and whatever. And the boys grew up to be men looking like this
who became leaders, commanders, rulers, administrators, and the girls grew up looking like this
and became sexual, happy, and attractive, not androgynous ITS with no gender identity.
Infants have no sexual features, adults do.

Boy or girl?
This is just the latest effort at social engineering to immaculate boys and criminalize masculinity by a radical feminist movement that sees the way of making the world more equal and level for career women is to make women out of guys.
OK, the official word from Mattel is that having asked little kids what they prefer, they claim kids WANT gender neural dolls that have neither masculine nor feminine characteristics! Androgynous playthings they can dress up any way they want as "its." And the parents are in for it as well.

In other words, no more GI Joes or Barbies. The boys don't identify with soldiers, combat, fighting, strategy, battles, winning, and the girls have no interest in being pretty, fashion, dresses, cooking, or taking care of a home. And the parents don't want their little boys to look like boys and their girls to look like girls.


We are headed for one sorry world as we continue to let our children be programmed like this. Now GENDER is a bad thing? What kind of world will it be when our boys grow up not boys and our girls not girls, where boys have no interest in leadership, planning, combat, defense, battle. winning, yet are faced with a world where they are called upon and needed to lead, plan, fight, defend, and win? And what kind of mothers will the girls be who have no interest in being a lady, mothering, home economics, or raising a family.

Children of the future will probably be raised by robots as depersonalized things and everyone will interface with machines. Fuck dat.

'A Doll For Everyone': Meet Mattel's Gender-Neutral Doll

It is a scientific fact of child psychology, that the best toy is that you can project the most things on. So, generally speaking, the simpler and more featureless a toy is, the better it serves its purpose as a toy. In fact, a handkerchief with a knot tied on it outperforms almost every toy sold in stores.

Good, if you believe that horseshit, go buy your kids a handkerchief with a knot in it. When I was a kid, I played with bikes and telescopes and baseballs and cowboy outfits, and Hot Wheels, Frisbees, robots, models, chemistry sets, and baseball bats. And the girls had dolls, home ec, toy ovens, make-up kits and whatever. And the boys grew up to be men looking like this View attachment 281009 who became leaders, commanders, rulers, administrators, and the girls grew up looking like this View attachment 281010 and became sexual, happy, and attractive, not androgynous ITS with no gender identity. View attachment 281013 Infants have no sexual features, adults do.

Boy or girl? View attachment 281031 View attachment 281032 View attachment 281033 This is just the latest effort at social engineering to immaculate boys and criminalize masculinity by a radical feminist movement that sees the way of making the world more equal and level for career women is to make women out of guys.
My god ,Poor child, a fuck up future a head for all of them ... they could said thank to shitty leftie.
[This is just the latest effort at social engineering to immaculate boys and criminalize masculinity by a radical feminist movement that sees the way of making the world more equal and level for career women is to make women out of guys.

Wild men are to feminists what tame men are to women.
OK, the official word from Mattel is that having asked little kids what they prefer, they claim kids WANT gender neural dolls that have neither masculine nor feminine characteristics! Androgynous playthings they can dress up any way they want as "its." And the parents are in for it as well.

In other words, no more GI Joes or Barbies. The boys don't identify with soldiers, combat, fighting, strategy, battles, winning, and the girls have no interest in being pretty, fashion, dresses, cooking, or taking care of a home. And the parents don't want their little boys to look like boys and their girls to look like girls.


We are headed for one sorry world as we continue to let our children be programmed like this. Now GENDER is a bad thing? What kind of world will it be when our boys grow up not boys and our girls not girls, where boys have no interest in leadership, planning, combat, defense, battle. winning, yet are faced with a world where they are called upon and needed to lead, plan, fight, defend, and win? And what kind of mothers will the girls be who have no interest in being a lady, mothering, home economics, or raising a family.

Children of the future will probably be raised by robots as depersonalized things and everyone will interface with machines. Fuck dat.

'A Doll For Everyone': Meet Mattel's Gender-Neutral Doll

It is a scientific fact of child psychology, that the best toy is that you can project the most things on. So, generally speaking, the simpler and more featureless a toy is, the better it serves its purpose as a toy. In fact, a handkerchief with a knot tied on it outperforms almost every toy sold in stores.

Good, if you believe that horseshit, go buy your kids a handkerchief with a knot in it. When I was a kid, I played with bikes and telescopes and baseballs and cowboy outfits, and Hot Wheels, Frisbees, robots, models, chemistry sets, and baseball bats. And the girls had dolls, home ec, toy ovens, make-up kits and whatever. And the boys grew up to be men looking like this View attachment 281009 who became leaders, commanders, rulers, administrators, and the girls grew up looking like this View attachment 281010 and became sexual, happy, and attractive, not androgynous ITS with no gender identity. View attachment 281013 Infants have no sexual features, adults do.

Boy or girl? View attachment 281031 View attachment 281032 View attachment 281033 This is just the latest effort at social engineering to immaculate boys and criminalize masculinity by a radical feminist movement that sees the way of making the world more equal and level for career women is to make women out of guys.

It doesn't really matter because all sex that they have is digital only.
OK, the official word from Mattel is that having asked little kids what they prefer, they claim kids WANT gender neural dolls that have neither masculine nor feminine characteristics! Androgynous playthings they can dress up any way they want as "its." And the parents are in for it as well.

In other words, no more GI Joes or Barbies. The boys don't identify with soldiers, combat, fighting, strategy, battles, winning, and the girls have no interest in being pretty, fashion, dresses, cooking, or taking care of a home. And the parents don't want their little boys to look like boys and their girls to look like girls.


We are headed for one sorry world as we continue to let our children be programmed like this. Now GENDER is a bad thing? What kind of world will it be when our boys grow up not boys and our girls not girls, where boys have no interest in leadership, planning, combat, defense, battle. winning, yet are faced with a world where they are called upon and needed to lead, plan, fight, defend, and win? And what kind of mothers will the girls be who have no interest in being a lady, mothering, home economics, or raising a family.

Children of the future will probably be raised by robots as depersonalized things and everyone will interface with machines. Fuck dat.

'A Doll For Everyone': Meet Mattel's Gender-Neutral Doll

It is a scientific fact of child psychology, that the best toy is that you can project the most things on. So, generally speaking, the simpler and more featureless a toy is, the better it serves its purpose as a toy. In fact, a handkerchief with a knot tied on it outperforms almost every toy sold in stores.

Good, if you believe that horseshit, go buy your kids a handkerchief with a knot in it. When I was a kid, I played with bikes and telescopes and baseballs and cowboy outfits, and Hot Wheels, Frisbees, robots, models, chemistry sets, and baseball bats. And the girls had dolls, home ec, toy ovens, make-up kits and whatever. And the boys grew up to be men looking like this View attachment 281009 who became leaders, commanders, rulers, administrators, and the girls grew up looking like this View attachment 281010 and became sexual, happy, and attractive, not androgynous ITS with no gender identity. View attachment 281013 Infants have no sexual features, adults do.

Boy or girl? View attachment 281031 View attachment 281032 View attachment 281033 This is just the latest effort at social engineering to immaculate boys and criminalize masculinity by a radical feminist movement that sees the way of making the world more equal and level for career women is to make women out of guys.
My god ,Poor child, a fuck up future a head for all of them ... they could said thank to shitty leftie.
Leftist ideology is good. If boys have sex with boys and girls with girls, fewer leftists will be born.
In other words, no more GI Joes or Barbies.

I'm pretty sure GI Joes and Barbies were gender neutral. Ever seen a GI Joe's dick? Exactly.

No they were NOT gender neutral. Barbie had boobs, an hour glass figure, and feminine facial features and hair style. G.I. Joe had a masculine body shape, face, and short hair. They may not have had genitalia as that is unnecessary and obscene for kids, but they were a man and a woman.

This entire gender bending, or gender neutral propaganda is just crap and kids don't want it, nor do they identify with it.
Amen to all of this. This actually reminds me of a doll that I got for Christmas when I was around five because I wanted it. It was the big male looking doll named My Buddy. Yeah another doll just like it was made named My Kid Sister, but the My Buddy doll is the one that I wanted. I am 37 years old now and the way that I look at males now has not changed. I love them still.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. For the record, I was no stranger to barbies, but yeah, there was something about the My Buddy doll. I guess that my male preference goes back that far. :) :) :)

Has no dick, yet the hand is shaped for masturbation. Irony or democrat plot?


G.I. Joe


Which is the girl and which is the boy?

Thank you. But to some idiots here, if Joe didn't have a dick that got hard or Barbie a wet vagina, and you couldn't spread her legs and fit them together, they were "gender neutral." Can you imagine the uproar when we were kids if a toy company had actually made dolls with accurate sexual genitalia? They would have been sued out of existence!
Gender neutral dolls...they can make them like Mr. Potato Head. You can install and remove parts as you like.

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