Genderqueer identity book recommended for 7 yr olds


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
'Genderqueer' identity book recommended for 7-year-olds - The Christian Institute

It recommends terms including “cisgender”, “panromantic” and “genderqueer” and is described as “a helpful guide and discussion starter for children 7+” by the publishers.

Commenting on the book, the Bishop of Chester Dr Peter Forster said it is “likely to sow more confusion than clarity”, while Sir Anthony Seldon – a former Master at Wellington College – said parents with traditional views also needed to be respected.

Another article
Transgender Agenda Forcing Kids Down Dangerous Road
While acknowledging that some children may "genuinely feel they are in the wrong body," she expressed concerns that "the whole conversation now takes place within a rigid structure constructed by the LGBTQ lobby."

Transgender Agenda Forcing Kids Down Dangerous Road

This is a dangerous road to travel. Simple logic if you told a kid from a very young age their hair was purple that child will believe it is purple.
If you tell a kid all it's life they are bad and not worthy they will believe it, tell a kid anything long enough and the same results take place.

if you have parents who think it's so cute their boy wants to be a girl or play with girl toys today's trendy's instantly think that kid wants to be a girl when in reality that doesn't mean the boy wants to be a girl at all but because the parents basically brainwash the kid even without realizing it, and by encouraging him to act like a girl what the hell do we think the boy will act like..........
the next generation gets bored with that form of sexual escapade it will be interesting what the following generation comes up with
the next generation gets bored with that form of sexual escapade it will be interesting what the following generation comes up with

If they keep this bs up, along with three parent kids, we might not have a generation left.
There will be more diseases than most can even imagine, and no these scientist nut jobs aren't going to come out and say that. They are selling a product and will glamorize how great and grand it is.
It's been proven over and over start messing with mother nature and everything begins to fall.
What's the stock symbol for the company that makes sex robots
Know what is sad, those stocks probably will go off the charts. The robots are just another form of dividing the family, and stripping away human to human contact.

It's already begun with the computers, and cell phones. Now robots you can screw and they are out there , some restaurant in France I believe is serving a free blow job or something like that. i was like Ewww how gross, talk about diseases how the hell will they sterilize that shit. LOL.
Can't we just let 7-yr-olds be....well, 7-yr-olds? Children that age really have no concept about sex, they are just understanding that there are "innies" and "outies", fer cryin' out loud. There really should be some kind of limit to allowing the LGT-ABC-XYZ zealots to indoctrinate youngsters.
Can't we just let 7-yr-olds be....well, 7-yr-olds? Children that age really have no concept about sex, they are just understanding that there are "innies" and "outies", fer cryin' out loud. There really should be some kind of limit to allowing the LGT-ABC-XYZ zealots to indoctrinate youngsters.
I've often felt that Michael Jackson's problems can be traced back to where he really never had a childhood.
Like I bet he never played trucks and tractors in a sand pile.
What's the stock symbol for the company that makes sex robots
Know what is sad, those stocks probably will go off the charts. The robots are just another form of dividing the family, and stripping away human to human contact.

It's already begun with the computers, and cell phones. Now robots you can screw and they are out there , some restaurant in France I believe is serving a free blow job or something like that. i was like Ewww how gross, talk about diseases how the hell will they sterilize that shit. LOL.
Satan has a lot of front groups.
LGBT is one of em.

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