General Robert E. Lee should be a Role Model for American Youth

There are much more modern heroes who did not need to kill fellow Americans in their various quests for liberty and justice for all.
Such as who?
No one you would like.
Try me!
Not playing your game hater. You want to tear down my heroes you can wait patiently for me to post a thread on them. This is your thread, tell us why you think Lee is worthy of hero worship.
There are much more modern heroes who did not need to kill fellow Americans in their various quests for liberty and justice for all.
Such as who?
No one you would like.
Try me!
Not playing your game hater. You want to tear down my heroes you can wait patiently for me to post a thread on them. This is your thread, tell us why you think Lee is worthy of hero worship.
If you are proud of these modern day hero's you would name them. I don't think you have any!
Grant was a recovering alcoholic and Sherman may have been a clinically insane arsonist who punished women and children and crippled veterans by burning Atlanta because he thought he was "God's terrible swift sword".. Sheridan and his side kick "Black Dave" David hunter were nothing but rapists and pillagers who preyed on innocent farmers of the Shenandoah Valley.
The American civil war has nothing about it to suggest a role model to any modern American. All the rich people decided to have a war for control and it just about destroyed us as a nation. From what I have read about Lee he was a fairly honorable man for his time but the future does not need men such as he to set an example. There are much more modern heroes who did not need to kill fellow Americans in their various quests for liberty and justice for all.

The problem with your argument is that Lee was defending Virginia from an illegal invasion. He didn't set out to kill Americans.
There are much more modern heroes who did not need to kill fellow Americans in their various quests for liberty and justice for all.
Such as who?
No one you would like.
Try me!
Not playing your game hater. You want to tear down my heroes you can wait patiently for me to post a thread on them. This is your thread, tell us why you think Lee is worthy of hero worship.
If you are proud of these modern day hero's you would name them. I don't think you have any!

All your heroes are dead too, including Hitler whose birthday you probably celebrate with friends.
There are much more modern heroes who did not need to kill fellow Americans in their various quests for liberty and justice for all.
Such as who?
No one you would like.
Try me!
Not playing your game hater. You want to tear down my heroes you can wait patiently for me to post a thread on them. This is your thread, tell us why you think Lee is worthy of hero worship.
If you are proud of these modern day hero's you would name them. I don't think you have any!
Oh I have people I admire but I do not think you have a reason for this thread other than to troll. Unlike you I am knowledgeable about the civil war and Robert E Lee and was kind of hoping you were interested in discussing the topic you brought up.
The American civil war has nothing about it to suggest a role model to any modern American. All the rich people decided to have a war for control and it just about destroyed us as a nation. From what I have read about Lee he was a fairly honorable man for his time but the future does not need men such as he to set an example. There are much more modern heroes who did not need to kill fellow Americans in their various quests for liberty and justice for all.

The problem with your argument is that Lee was defending Virginia from an illegal invasion. He didn't set out to kill Americans.
All of that is a matter of opinion and history has made it's judgement. Lee chose the wrong side in a bloody conflict that left thousands of Americans dead. That and the terrible results of his reckless use of his own troops does not say a lot for his military acumen. If he is to be admired at all in a modern context it is in him successfully deflecting the worst of post-war punitive measures that the republicans wanted to enact such as stripping civil rights from all who had fought.
The American civil war has nothing about it to suggest a role model to any modern American. All the rich people decided to have a war for control and it just about destroyed us as a nation. From what I have read about Lee he was a fairly honorable man for his time but the future does not need men such as he to set an example. There are much more modern heroes who did not need to kill fellow Americans in their various quests for liberty and justice for all.

The problem with your argument is that Lee was defending Virginia from an illegal invasion. He didn't set out to kill Americans.
All of that is a matter of opinion and history has made it's judgement. Lee chose the wrong side in a bloody conflict that left thousands of Americans dead. That and the terrible results of his reckless use of his own troops does not say a lot for his military acumen. If he is to be admired at all in a modern context it is in him successfully deflecting the worst of post-war punitive measures that the republicans wanted to enact such as stripping civil rights from all who had fought.

No it's not a matter of opinion, it's a fact. Why do you Leftists think that truth is relative? Lincoln marshaled 75,000 troops and steered this country into full blown war. He invaded Virginia and General Lee defended his homeland. Your blame the victim argument is just stupid ratcheted up fortissimo.
Not playing your game hater. You want to tear down my heroes you can wait patiently for me to post a thread on them. This is your thread, tell us why you think Lee is worthy of hero worship.
If you are proud of these modern day hero's you would name them. I don't think you have any!
Oh I have people I admire but I do not think you have a reason for this thread other than to troll. Unlike you I am knowledgeable about the civil war and Robert E Lee and was kind of hoping you were interested in discussing the topic you brought up.

Steve McGarrett defends the South for very different reasons than everyone else who does.

He actually hates black people and laments the abolition of slavery. Nazis are very adept at cloaking themselves as conservatives. It's why I go out of my way to sound the alarm. You're not talking to one of us, you're talking to a Nazi bigot.
Robert E. Lee wouldn't give racist scum like Steve McGarrett the time of day.
The American civil war has nothing about it to suggest a role model to any modern American. All the rich people decided to have a war for control and it just about destroyed us as a nation. From what I have read about Lee he was a fairly honorable man for his time but the future does not need men such as he to set an example. There are much more modern heroes who did not need to kill fellow Americans in their various quests for liberty and justice for all.

The problem with your argument is that Lee was defending Virginia from an illegal invasion. He didn't set out to kill Americans.
All of that is a matter of opinion and history has made it's judgement. Lee chose the wrong side in a bloody conflict that left thousands of Americans dead. That and the terrible results of his reckless use of his own troops does not say a lot for his military acumen. If he is to be admired at all in a modern context it is in him successfully deflecting the worst of post-war punitive measures that the republicans wanted to enact such as stripping civil rights from all who had fought.

No it's not a matter of opinion, it's a fact. Why do you Leftists think that truth is relative? Lincoln marshaled 75,000 troops and steered this country into full blown war. He invaded Virginia and General Lee defended his homeland. Your blame the victim argument is just stupid ratcheted up fortissimo.
Lincoln did not call up troops until after the confederate sec. of war, his name escapes me, openly boasted before the confederate legislature that the confederate flag would fly over Washington.
The American civil war has nothing about it to suggest a role model to any modern American. All the rich people decided to have a war for control and it just about destroyed us as a nation. From what I have read about Lee he was a fairly honorable man for his time but the future does not need men such as he to set an example. There are much more modern heroes who did not need to kill fellow Americans in their various quests for liberty and justice for all.

The problem with your argument is that Lee was defending Virginia from an illegal invasion. He didn't set out to kill Americans.
All of that is a matter of opinion and history has made it's judgement. Lee chose the wrong side in a bloody conflict that left thousands of Americans dead. That and the terrible results of his reckless use of his own troops does not say a lot for his military acumen. If he is to be admired at all in a modern context it is in him successfully deflecting the worst of post-war punitive measures that the republicans wanted to enact such as stripping civil rights from all who had fought.

No it's not a matter of opinion, it's a fact. Why do you Leftists think that truth is relative? Lincoln marshaled 75,000 troops and steered this country into full blown war. He invaded Virginia and General Lee defended his homeland. Your blame the victim argument is just stupid ratcheted up fortissimo.
Lincoln did not call up troops until after the confederate sec. of war, his name escapes me, openly boasted before the confederate legislature that the confederate flag would fly over Washington.

A few questions,

Do you have proof of that?

Are you making the claim that a war was started because of a trash talking legislator, that otherwise Lincoln's war to "preserve the union" would not have occurred

And finally, were there troop movements in the South that indicated an invasion force was being set up to carry out that threat? (If it actually happened, I think you're full of shit on that one)
The American civil war has nothing about it to suggest a role model to any modern American. All the rich people decided to have a war for control and it just about destroyed us as a nation. From what I have read about Lee he was a fairly honorable man for his time but the future does not need men such as he to set an example. There are much more modern heroes who did not need to kill fellow Americans in their various quests for liberty and justice for all.

The problem with your argument is that Lee was defending Virginia from an illegal invasion. He didn't set out to kill Americans.
All of that is a matter of opinion and history has made it's judgement. Lee chose the wrong side in a bloody conflict that left thousands of Americans dead. That and the terrible results of his reckless use of his own troops does not say a lot for his military acumen. If he is to be admired at all in a modern context it is in him successfully deflecting the worst of post-war punitive measures that the republicans wanted to enact such as stripping civil rights from all who had fought.

No it's not a matter of opinion, it's a fact. Why do you Leftists think that truth is relative? Lincoln marshaled 75,000 troops and steered this country into full blown war. He invaded Virginia and General Lee defended his homeland. Your blame the victim argument is just stupid ratcheted up fortissimo.
Lincoln did not call up troops until after the confederate sec. of war, his name escapes me, openly boasted before the confederate legislature that the confederate flag would fly over Washington.

A few questions,

Do you have proof of that?

Are you making the claim that a war was started because of a trash talking legislator, that otherwise Lincoln's war to "preserve the union" would not have occurred

And finally, were there troop movements in the South that indicated an invasion force was being set up to carry out that threat? (If it actually happened, I think you're full of shit on that one)
I don't really have time to conduct in-depth research just for you to reject it out of hand. People who still argue the confederate case usually gloss over the expansionist ambitions of the South before the war. No one at the time doubted that they wanted to expand their territory so as to create a market for the excess slaves that were building up in the old south where depleted soil had made them a worrisome problem. It is also important to note that they got so many poor Non-slaveholders to fight on the promise of doling out captured territory to them along with some slaves to work it. It was not just the boast of war minster Walker, it was a bunch of other aggressive actions that did not leave any doubt that the confederacy would be content to stay confined within it's borders.
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The author of your cite, is James W. King...Commander of the Albany Georgia USA Camp of the Sons of the Confederate Veterans organization

In Mississippi, this SCV wants to create a commemorative license plate honoring the first national leader of the Ku Klux Klan, when the Klan’s terrorist violence paved the way to a Jim Crow South. Oh, that's right...just for his war service.....

Once Again Racism Rears Up in the Sons of Confederate Veterans Hatewatch

Filthy racists like you would agree.

With people like this, and you, in the world...John Brown seems more right every day
The author of your cite, is James W. King...Commander of the Albany Georgia USA Camp of the Sons of the Confederate Veterans organization

In Mississippi, this SCV wants to create a commemorative license plate honoring the first national leader of the Ku Klux Klan, when the Klan’s terrorist violence paved the way to a Jim Crow South. Oh, that's right...just for his war service.....

Once Again Racism Rears Up in the Sons of Confederate Veterans Hatewatch

Filthy racists like you would agree.

With people like this, and you, in the world...John Brown seems more right every day
Seems only racists make the argument that "the war of northern aggression" was not over slavery. Technically it was over expanding slavery into the west but in the end it was a war to continue the practice. The proof is that the confederate constitution differs from the US constitution in only one respect, slavery was written into it as a good and proper institution.
The secession was an insurrection and Lincoln had every right to put it down militarily. In fact, it wasn't just his right, it was his job. His duty.

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