General, you're fired ..

Trump should call Putin and ask him why he hauled ass after 10 years of beating his head against a wall in Afghanistan ...

Trump Says U.S. ‘Losing’ Afghan War in Tense Meeting With Generals

President Donald Trump has become increasingly frustrated with his advisers tasked with crafting a new U.S. strategy in Afghanistan and recently suggested firing the war's top military commander during a tense meeting at the White House, according to senior administration officials.

psssssssssssssst, hey Donniedipshit, you're a loser doing what losers do.

So losers try to win wars now? Is that what participation trophies and safe spaces have got us? Only a loser wants to win a war. The liberal mind is a septic tank.

you can put every general in the military in Afghanistan for the next decade or 10 and they cant win ...

earth to idiots

fighting terrorists in ONE COUNTRY who have splinter cells spread all over the world is a NO WIN situation.

damn, any idiot should be able to figure that one out.
There is a way to win, yet it doesn't take an army of occupation..just one of infiltration...
Trump should call Putin and ask him why he hauled ass after 10 years of beating his head against a wall in Afghanistan ...

I don't think Putin was anywhere near Afghanistan between '79 & '89 (the Second Chief Directorate & first Chief Directorate were in Leningrad, Dresden is in Germany)... And even if he was, he would have had absolutely no input when it came to Gorbachev's decision to pull out...
Trump should call Putin and ask him why he hauled ass after 10 years of beating his head against a wall in Afghanistan ...

Trump Says U.S. ‘Losing’ Afghan War in Tense Meeting With Generals

President Donald Trump has become increasingly frustrated with his advisers tasked with crafting a new U.S. strategy in Afghanistan and recently suggested firing the war's top military commander during a tense meeting at the White House, according to senior administration officials.

psssssssssssssst, hey Donniedipshit, you're a loser doing what losers do.


You America have been in Afghanistan for 15 years, you do not think that there could be a problem with strategy? A continuous successful strategy would be that you America would have left Afghanistan many many years ago.

So The Donald is again correct.

that one ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ stick with that one, thats the one !!


I repeat:

You America have been in Afghanistan for 15 years, you do not think that there could be a problem with strategy? A continuous successful strategy would be that you America would have left Afghanistan many many years ago.

Are you unable to answer such questions like a normal person, or do you just want to Troll your own thread?

You're just underscoring the failure that is Donald Trump. Thank you, you stupid idiot.

No underscoring the failure that was The Obama Administration for 8 years.

The Donald has only been in office since January, Obama was in for 8 years, Obama is the failure in military strategy and not just in Afghanistan but also Libya and Iraq.
Trump should call Putin and ask him why he hauled ass after 10 years of beating his head against a wall in Afghanistan ...

Trump Says U.S. ‘Losing’ Afghan War in Tense Meeting With Generals

President Donald Trump has become increasingly frustrated with his advisers tasked with crafting a new U.S. strategy in Afghanistan and recently suggested firing the war's top military commander during a tense meeting at the White House, according to senior administration officials.

psssssssssssssst, hey Donniedipshit, you're a loser doing what losers do.


You America have been in Afghanistan for 15 years, you do not think that there could be a problem with strategy? A continuous successful strategy would be that you America would have left Afghanistan many many years ago.

So The Donald is again correct.

that one ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ stick with that one, thats the one !!


I repeat:

You America have been in Afghanistan for 15 years, you do not think that there could be a problem with strategy? A continuous successful strategy would be that you America would have left Afghanistan many many years ago.

Are you unable to answer such questions like a normal person, or do you just want to Troll your own thread?

You're just underscoring the failure that is Donald Trump. Thank you, you stupid idiot.

No underscoring the failure that was The Obama Administration for 8 years.

The Donald has only been in office since January, Obama was in for 8 years, Obama is the failure in military strategy.

He sure gayed it up
Trump should call Putin and ask him why he hauled ass after 10 years of beating his head against a wall in Afghanistan ...

Trump Says U.S. ‘Losing’ Afghan War in Tense Meeting With Generals

President Donald Trump has become increasingly frustrated with his advisers tasked with crafting a new U.S. strategy in Afghanistan and recently suggested firing the war's top military commander during a tense meeting at the White House, according to senior administration officials.

psssssssssssssst, hey Donniedipshit, you're a loser doing what losers do.


You America have been in Afghanistan for 15 years, you do not think that there could be a problem with strategy? A continuous successful strategy would be that you America would have left Afghanistan many many years ago.

So The Donald is again correct.

that one ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ stick with that one, thats the one !!


I repeat:

You America have been in Afghanistan for 15 years, you do not think that there could be a problem with strategy? A continuous successful strategy would be that you America would have left Afghanistan many many years ago.

Are you unable to answer such questions like a normal person, or do you just want to Troll your own thread?

You're just underscoring the failure that is Donald Trump. Thank you, you stupid idiot.

No underscoring the failure that was The Obama Administration for 8 years.

The Donald has only been in office since January, Obama was in for 8 years, Obama is the failure in military strategy and not just in Afghanistan but also Libya and Iraq.
We went there on request and offered help in the defeat of the Taliban and support democratic elections, we have succeeded in that goal...
You America have been in Afghanistan for 15 years, you do not think that there could be a problem with strategy? A continuous successful strategy would be that you America would have left Afghanistan many many years ago.

So The Donald is again correct.

that one ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ stick with that one, thats the one !!


I repeat:

You America have been in Afghanistan for 15 years, you do not think that there could be a problem with strategy? A continuous successful strategy would be that you America would have left Afghanistan many many years ago.

Are you unable to answer such questions like a normal person, or do you just want to Troll your own thread?

You're just underscoring the failure that is Donald Trump. Thank you, you stupid idiot.

No underscoring the failure that was The Obama Administration for 8 years.

The Donald has only been in office since January, Obama was in for 8 years, Obama is the failure in military strategy and not just in Afghanistan but also Libya and Iraq.
We went there on request and offered help in the defeat of the Taliban and support democratic elections, we have succeeded in that goal...

But The Taliban hasn't been defeated, they went underground and waited and then returned and worse since 2012 many Taliban have joined ISIS and the al-Nusra Front.
that one ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ stick with that one, thats the one !!


I repeat:

You America have been in Afghanistan for 15 years, you do not think that there could be a problem with strategy? A continuous successful strategy would be that you America would have left Afghanistan many many years ago.

Are you unable to answer such questions like a normal person, or do you just want to Troll your own thread?

You're just underscoring the failure that is Donald Trump. Thank you, you stupid idiot.

No underscoring the failure that was The Obama Administration for 8 years.

The Donald has only been in office since January, Obama was in for 8 years, Obama is the failure in military strategy and not just in Afghanistan but also Libya and Iraq.
We went there on request and offered help in the defeat of the Taliban and support democratic elections, we have succeeded in that goal...

But The Taliban hasn't been defeated, they went underground and waited and then returned and worse since 2012 many Taliban have joined ISIS and the al-Nusra Front.
The Taliban are fighting against the other groups.There are many tribes in the ME and each vie for power and position..
I repeat:

You America have been in Afghanistan for 15 years, you do not think that there could be a problem with strategy? A continuous successful strategy would be that you America would have left Afghanistan many many years ago.

Are you unable to answer such questions like a normal person, or do you just want to Troll your own thread?

You're just underscoring the failure that is Donald Trump. Thank you, you stupid idiot.

No underscoring the failure that was The Obama Administration for 8 years.

The Donald has only been in office since January, Obama was in for 8 years, Obama is the failure in military strategy and not just in Afghanistan but also Libya and Iraq.
We went there on request and offered help in the defeat of the Taliban and support democratic elections, we have succeeded in that goal...

But The Taliban hasn't been defeated, they went underground and waited and then returned and worse since 2012 many Taliban have joined ISIS and the al-Nusra Front.
The Taliban are fighting against the other groups.There are many tribes in the ME and each vie for power and position..

Which is exactly the reason why no Western nation should be involved in the Middle East, their arguments with each other are deep rooted and go back Centuries, they should just be left to argue and fight among themselves.

No good has come from Western nations interfering in the Middle East and it never will, all the West gets in return is body bags.
You're just underscoring the failure that is Donald Trump. Thank you, you stupid idiot.

No underscoring the failure that was The Obama Administration for 8 years.

The Donald has only been in office since January, Obama was in for 8 years, Obama is the failure in military strategy and not just in Afghanistan but also Libya and Iraq.
We went there on request and offered help in the defeat of the Taliban and support democratic elections, we have succeeded in that goal...

But The Taliban hasn't been defeated, they went underground and waited and then returned and worse since 2012 many Taliban have joined ISIS and the al-Nusra Front.
The Taliban are fighting against the other groups.There are many tribes in the ME and each vie for power and position..

Which is exactly the reason why no Western nation should be involved in the Middle East, their arguments with each other are deep rooted and go back Centuries, they should just be left to argue and fight among themselves.

No good has come from Western nations interfering in the Middle East and it never will, all the West gets in return is body bags.
It is in the romantic illusion of being Alexander the Great which drives Western nations to their farthest extent to the location of doom in Afghanistan..
Trump should call Putin and ask him why he hauled ass after 10 years of beating his head against a wall in Afghanistan ...

Trump Says U.S. ‘Losing’ Afghan War in Tense Meeting With Generals

President Donald Trump has become increasingly frustrated with his advisers tasked with crafting a new U.S. strategy in Afghanistan and recently suggested firing the war's top military commander during a tense meeting at the White House, according to senior administration officials.

psssssssssssssst, hey Donniedipshit, you're a loser doing what losers do.


Fucking Ears was so great, why didnt he win it?


Why worry about that? Trump is in charge now, and he said he knows more than the generals. He said he has a secret plan to end the war on terrorism, and it will happen sooooooooo quick, and be soooooooooo easy. I'm not sure why he hasn't rolled it out yet. You have any idea why he is waiting?
Quote from your story:
Trump told his advisers that the restaurant, Manhattan's elite '21' Club, had shut its doors for a year and hired an expensive consultant to craft a plan for a renovation.After a year, Trump said, the consultant's only suggestion was that the restaurant needed a bigger kitchen.

“We aren't winning. … We are losing.”

Officials said Trump kept stressing the idea that lousy advice cost the owner a year of lost business and that talking to the restaurant's waiters instead might have yielded a better result. He also said the tendency is to assume if someone isn't a three-star general he doesn't know what he's talking about, and that in his own experience in business talking to low-ranking workers has gotten him better outcomes.

The '21' Club, which has been one of Trump's favorite New York spots, closed for two months in 1987 while it underwent a full renovation and reopened to great fanfare.

One senior administration official said the president mentioned the restaurant in an attempt to convey to his advisers that sometimes the best advice comes from those working day-to-day in a place, rather than those who are farther removed.

"The clear message if you heard the story was: high-priced consultants or high-priced anybody, expensive supposedly-big-brained people, but who are physically far from the source of the problem, often give you much worse advice than the supposedly low-ranking guys who are right there," the official said.

Mattis Upset After Trump Meeting
My husband is Military and after reading this to him he told me Trump is smart. That is exactly what he needs to do and anyone who gets in his way he should fire. He needs to go to the troops and talk to those guys, find out what they need to win and what strategies they believe will work best. He said the Generals pulled the same thing in Vietnam. Get rid of them. If these Generals are left overs from Obama they should be removed. Replace all high level military with non-Catholics and break up that inner circle that has been prevalent in the military for far too long. Then the President will get the results he is after and those mineral assets too.
I repeat:

You America have been in Afghanistan for 15 years, you do not think that there could be a problem with strategy? A continuous successful strategy would be that you America would have left Afghanistan many many years ago.

Are you unable to answer such questions like a normal person, or do you just want to Troll your own thread?

You're just underscoring the failure that is Donald Trump. Thank you, you stupid idiot.

No underscoring the failure that was The Obama Administration for 8 years.

The Donald has only been in office since January, Obama was in for 8 years, Obama is the failure in military strategy and not just in Afghanistan but also Libya and Iraq.
We went there on request and offered help in the defeat of the Taliban and support democratic elections, we have succeeded in that goal...

But The Taliban hasn't been defeated, they went underground and waited and then returned and worse since 2012 many Taliban have joined ISIS and the al-Nusra Front.
The Taliban are fighting against the other groups.There are many tribes in the ME and each vie for power and position..

Nobody has been able to bring Afghanistan to a normal state, not even the Soviets could, that was with the Mujahideen, which is where Osama bin Laden came into the picture originally with the below organisation.

Maktab al-Khidamat - Wikipedia
Afghanistan has been invaded by every nation on earth since its inception simply because its geographic location makes it strategically attractive. But Afghanistan has never been conquered, by any foreign power.

One would think that after all these centuries of non-conquest, people would have learned to leave the country to its own devices. But no.
Trump should call Putin and ask him why he hauled ass after 10 years of beating his head against a wall in Afghanistan ...

Trump Says U.S. ‘Losing’ Afghan War in Tense Meeting With Generals

President Donald Trump has become increasingly frustrated with his advisers tasked with crafting a new U.S. strategy in Afghanistan and recently suggested firing the war's top military commander during a tense meeting at the White House, according to senior administration officials.

psssssssssssssst, hey Donniedipshit, you're a loser doing what losers do.

So losers try to win wars now? Is that what participation trophies and safe spaces have got us? Only a loser wants to win a war. The liberal mind is a septic tank.

you can put every general in the military in Afghanistan for the next decade or 10 and they cant win ...

earth to idiots

fighting terrorists in ONE COUNTRY who have splinter cells spread all over the world is a NO WIN situation.

damn, any idiot should be able to figure that one out.

That's probably because thanks to liberals running the military, we've forgotten how to win wars.

In order to do that, you have to make the enemy not want to fight any more. You kill him. You kill her. You kill their children, their parents, their aunts, uncles, cousins, their pets, and then their livestock.

Then you destroy their houses, their factories, their places of worship, their cemeteries, everything. Real military men and women understand that simple principle.

It worked in Dresden Germany, it worked in Hiroshima, it worked in Nagasaki. I'm not saying to use nuclear weapons, but the ferocity should be the same.
Trump has no strategy. That is the problem.

Nor does he understand the concept of long term.

So his only solution is to fire someone. Like a petulant prince.
Trump should call Putin and ask him why he hauled ass after 10 years of beating his head against a wall in Afghanistan ...

Trump Says U.S. ‘Losing’ Afghan War in Tense Meeting With Generals

President Donald Trump has become increasingly frustrated with his advisers tasked with crafting a new U.S. strategy in Afghanistan and recently suggested firing the war's top military commander during a tense meeting at the White House, according to senior administration officials.

psssssssssssssst, hey Donniedipshit, you're a loser doing what losers do.

So losers try to win wars now? Is that what participation trophies and safe spaces have got us? Only a loser wants to win a war. The liberal mind is a septic tank.

you can put every general in the military in Afghanistan for the next decade or 10 and they cant win ...

earth to idiots

fighting terrorists in ONE COUNTRY who have splinter cells spread all over the world is a NO WIN situation.

damn, any idiot should be able to figure that one out.
Kind of like how the left treats any war. Just give up. You learned well from the French. White flags for everyone.

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