‘Gentle Parenting’ : No Rewards, No Punishments, No Misbehaving Kids

Baron Von Murderpaws

Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2021
In the recesses of your mind

Does this work? In theory it does.
I've also seen this in practice in the real world, and yes, it does work........BUT........

The parents using this method have to be 200% dedicated to this, day in, day out, 24/7. Otherwise you're just going to be raising Loonies, Libtardz, and Snowflakes.

I've the outcomes from both ends of this type of behavioral program. Not by any choice of mine, but by actually knowing people who sought out to teach their kids via "more sane ways" to raise them without "violence".

Parents who put in the time=
Parents who put in the required and necessary time, effort, patience, understanding, and thousands of hours of explanations as to "who", "what", "where", and "why" the kids ask, are rewarded years later with sentient kids who have the foresight, knowledge, understanding, reasoning skill, logic skills, and social etiquette and manners that makes them one of the rare decent human beings we don't see much of today.

Parents that half-ass it, don't care, or fake their way through this=
These lazy, worthless turds of "parents" are the ones with the wonderful phrases we have all heard at some point in our lives........."because I said so", "thats the way it is", "just do it", and of course....."my house, my rules". All of which NEVER answers any of the question the kids have. What these kids learn is to procrastinate their way through life. Their "parents" preach one thing, but they live another. Nothing is ever the same, twice.
These kids grow up confused, stupid, self-entitled, and never having known what it is to learn how to use their brains, or be taught life skills of any kind.
The "parents" claim to be kind and loving by not getting involved with anything that requires them to punish or deter their kids in any way, and never sit down with their kids and explain in detail why things happen the way they do, what consequences are caused, why certain peoples do and say the things they do, and just all around explain every part of existence and life to them.
What these parents are really doing is destroying any chances of a decent, civilized human life for these kids. Allowing them to come to their own conclusions which are always wrong, because they were never given the time of day by any adult, to learn how to use logic and reason to assess what they hear and what they see.

We are now on the 3rd or 4th generation of snowflakes, fuktards, and libtardz because of these worthless turds that popped out kids and then sat them in front of the tv, video screen, or pc........and let technology do what they never had the guts to do. And with these types of "parents" destroying schools all across this country since the 1980's, it just keeps on getting worse.
When I was a kid I had an abusive Dad and then four abusive step dad's. I was beat because the sun came up and it caused me a lot of problems like committing crimes at an early age and years of drinking away the pain.
When I was a kid I had an abusive Dad and then four abusive step dad's. I was beat because the sun came up and it caused me a lot of problems like committing crimes at an early age and years of drinking away the pain.
No one ever hit me. I used to spar with my dad. When I was nine I broke his nose and that was the end of that.
When I was a kid I had an abusive Dad and then four abusive step dad's. I was beat because the sun came up and it caused me a lot of problems like committing crimes at an early age and years of drinking away the pain.
No one ever hit me. I used to spar with my dad. When I was nine I broke his nose and that was the end of that.
My biological Dad was the kind of guy that spanked you because you ask to go to the potty while he was watching football and he didn't want to be bothered, then he would spank you for peeing yer pants..
The "secret" element is the parent(s) really being involved. Almost any approach will work with that ingredient. Without it, none will. The problem is that society equates being able to make a child with being a parent.
I was watching a video of a guy who lost his son to suicide at a very young age. He was speaking to other fathers and he stated that he was a successful businessman and a "solver", always tried to be in control, but also shielded his family from reality (he almost went bankrupt a couple of times etc).

He went a mile a minute and when his son would ask him "hey dad do you have a minute"? his response would usually be "not right now Johnny I'm on an important call" He never would get back to his son.

His son was going through bullying at school, like his dad would exaggerate about his business however, he would tell tall stories to his parents about how well he was handling it when in fact, he probably wasn't handling it well at all and had no support.

He and his wife received a text from their son while they were on vacation telling them "goodbye" and that was that. He was in Mexico while his sons body laid limp at home.

The morrow of the story from this guy seemed to be "prepare your kids for the difficulties of life, don't shield them from reality and solve everything for them, they need to be able to cope on their own. Also, "don't wait for the next time, communicate with your kid when it's needed."

There's no magic bullet but this is some reasonable, though broadly sweeping advice.
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Does this work? In theory it does.
I've also seen this in practice in the real world, and yes, it does work........BUT........

The parents using this method have to be 200% dedicated to this, day in, day out, 24/7. Otherwise you're just going to be raising Loonies, Libtardz, and Snowflakes.

I've the outcomes from both ends of this type of behavioral program. Not by any choice of mine, but by actually knowing people who sought out to teach their kids via "more sane ways" to raise them without "violence".

Parents who put in the time=
Parents who put in the required and necessary time, effort, patience, understanding, and thousands of hours of explanations as to "who", "what", "where", and "why" the kids ask, are rewarded years later with sentient kids who have the foresight, knowledge, understanding, reasoning skill, logic skills, and social etiquette and manners that makes them one of the rare decent human beings we don't see much of today.

Parents that half-ass it, don't care, or fake their way through this=
These lazy, worthless turds of "parents" are the ones with the wonderful phrases we have all heard at some point in our lives........."because I said so", "thats the way it is", "just do it", and of course....."my house, my rules". All of which NEVER answers any of the question the kids have. What these kids learn is to procrastinate their way through life. Their "parents" preach one thing, but they live another. Nothing is ever the same, twice.
These kids grow up confused, stupid, self-entitled, and never having known what it is to learn how to use their brains, or be taught life skills of any kind.
The "parents" claim to be kind and loving by not getting involved with anything that requires them to punish or deter their kids in any way, and never sit down with their kids and explain in detail why things happen the way they do, what consequences are caused, why certain peoples do and say the things they do, and just all around explain every part of existence and life to them.
What these parents are really doing is destroying any chances of a decent, civilized human life for these kids. Allowing them to come to their own conclusions which are always wrong, because they were never given the time of day by any adult, to learn how to use logic and reason to assess what they hear and what they see.

We are now on the 3rd or 4th generation of snowflakes, fuktards, and libtardz because of these worthless turds that popped out kids and then sat them in front of the tv, video screen, or pc........and let technology do what they never had the guts to do. And with these types of "parents" destroying schools all across this country since the 1980's, it just keeps on getting worse.

The problem here is that people have to really understand what they're doing, and there's little to no training for parenting out there.

Two people who don't use physical methods might do two completely different things.
This has to be from some liberal fruitcake who never had a kid ,much less raised onr.
I would have LOVED parents like this. I would have run them over like a steam train. I would have ruled the house before I was five years old.

This has to be one of the dumbest things I’ve ever read. “Negotiations” with children? You have to be kidding me.

Does this work? In theory it does.
I've also seen this in practice in the real world, and yes, it does work........BUT........

The parents using this method have to be 200% dedicated to this, day in, day out, 24/7. Otherwise you're just going to be raising Loonies, Libtardz, and Snowflakes.

I've the outcomes from both ends of this type of behavioral program. Not by any choice of mine, but by actually knowing people who sought out to teach their kids via "more sane ways" to raise them without "violence".

Parents who put in the time=
Parents who put in the required and necessary time, effort, patience, understanding, and thousands of hours of explanations as to "who", "what", "where", and "why" the kids ask, are rewarded years later with sentient kids who have the foresight, knowledge, understanding, reasoning skill, logic skills, and social etiquette and manners that makes them one of the rare decent human beings we don't see much of today.

Parents that half-ass it, don't care, or fake their way through this=
These lazy, worthless turds of "parents" are the ones with the wonderful phrases we have all heard at some point in our lives........."because I said so", "thats the way it is", "just do it", and of course....."my house, my rules". All of which NEVER answers any of the question the kids have. What these kids learn is to procrastinate their way through life. Their "parents" preach one thing, but they live another. Nothing is ever the same, twice.
These kids grow up confused, stupid, self-entitled, and never having known what it is to learn how to use their brains, or be taught life skills of any kind.
The "parents" claim to be kind and loving by not getting involved with anything that requires them to punish or deter their kids in any way, and never sit down with their kids and explain in detail why things happen the way they do, what consequences are caused, why certain peoples do and say the things they do, and just all around explain every part of existence and life to them.
What these parents are really doing is destroying any chances of a decent, civilized human life for these kids. Allowing them to come to their own conclusions which are always wrong, because they were never given the time of day by any adult, to learn how to use logic and reason to assess what they hear and what they see.

We are now on the 3rd or 4th generation of snowflakes, fuktards, and libtardz because of these worthless turds that popped out kids and then sat them in front of the tv, video screen, or pc........and let technology do what they never had the guts to do. And with these types of "parents" destroying schools all across this country since the 1980's, it just keeps on getting worse.
Most of that definitely works. I modified it to give my kids as much encouragement as possible. Matter of fact I invented situations to praise them when they were young. Today have 4 outstanding, confident, and dynamic young ladies tearing it up.

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