George Conway's new Anti-Trump Pac - Psycho Pac!

George Conway has started a new pac and this is one of the first ads he's running. From 2005 and Melania is very pregnant.

But you were fine with BJ Clinton as President. How many women did he rape? How many affairs did he have?

And when a man says he had sex with Obama, we aren’t supposed to believe that? It’s perfectly fine for Obama to cheat on Michelle with another man.

But we must believe this woman?
George Conway has started a new pac and this is one of the first ads he's running. From 2005 and Melania is very pregnant.

Trump raping women and cheating on all of his wives so many times is a point of pride for conservatives. Don't forget, that fat idiot buried the mother of his first child on a golf course for tax purposes. This is the type of morality they want in charge of the U.S.
But you were fine with BJ Clinton as President. How many women did he rape? How many affairs did he have?

And when a man says he had sex with Obama, we aren’t supposed to believe that? It’s perfectly fine for Obama to cheat on Michelle with another man.

But we must believe this woman?
Whiny little bitch.....You're way out of about-isms, Sparky.

Was Bill Clinton sued for defamation/sexual assault and fined $83M like Don the Con?

Did Billy use campaign funds to pay $130K in hush money to a porn star and then get convicted of 34 felonies?

"...a man says he had sex with Obama...." You idiots are such LOSERS. You'll believe anything.
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He's just pissed because his gorgeous ex-wife is out getting stud banged.

"gorgeous"? Bahahahahahahaha.
Whiny little bitch.....You're way out of about-isms, Sparky.

Was Bill Clinton sued for defamation/sexual assault and fined $83M like Don the Con?

Did Billy use campaign funds to pay $130K in hush money to a porn star and then get convicted of 34 felonies?

"...a man says he had sex with Obama...." You idiots are such LOSERS. You'll believe anything.
No Bill Clinton was actually accused of rape and sexual assault from several women.

He settled with most by paying them off. Funny how he didn’t have to go to trial for those. Pays to be a Democrat.
Whiny little bitch.....You're way out of about-isms, Sparky.

Was Bill Clinton sued for defamation/sexual assault and fined $83M like Don the Con?

Did Billy use campaign funds to pay $130K in hush money to a porn star and then get convicted of 34 felonies?

"...a man says he had sex with Obama...." You idiots are such LOSERS. You'll believe anything.
He should have been if he wasn't...
Whataboutism is very relevant and always worth the mention.
Whiny little bitch.....You're way out of about-isms, Sparky.

Was Bill Clinton sued for defamation/sexual assault and fined $83M like Don the Con?

Did Billy use campaign funds to pay $130K in hush money to a porn star and then get convicted of 34 felonies?

"...a man says he had sex with Obama...." You idiots are such LOSERS. You'll believe anything.
The voters want candidates that represent their values or views. Republicans constantly have candidates who get elected and then vote on legislation or sign into law agendas that are questionable. There are people in the congress who may vote 90% of the time for their citizens, however they show up to vote legislation in on the other side. And there are enough in power to take turns. Trump is a result of Republican voters feeling they have been spurned to many times. It's easy for you to judge, your cup runneth over. Some of your Democratic Political Representatives and Senators know they are voting for Progressive agendas they may not agree with. They are forced to vote left of left even if they are moderate to conservative Dems. Joe Manchin did not know he was screwing over voters in West Virginia as per Coal Plants and the same with the Electric Green Legislation. At least he spewed that. He knew. The ultimate ph ukn to his own.
Remember.......always remember. MAGA MAGGOTS have very low standards. That woman has been around the track more times than I care to count. Knowing her adulation Diaper Don, she has more than likely given the head Melania refuses to do.
That's just nightmare fuel, man.

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