George Floyd's brother: in our phone call, Trump didn't let me speak

In other words, Floyd's brother tried to turn a condolence call into a political call. Instead of being gracious and appreciative that the president called him to express his condolence, Floyd's brother tried to use the call to express his political views to the president.
Jesus...POTUS calls you and you complain because you didn't get a chance to complain?

These GD people are never satisfied.

Like my granny used to say...they would complain if you hung em with a gold rope.
This is the only valid criticism. Most of you idiots claim the guy lied. At least this idiot’s argument is that victims’ families shouldn’t be listened to while they are grieving. It dumb but not an outright falsehood.
Not that they shouldn't 'listened' to. You clowns are the type who win a new car and then bitch about the color.
You can't please any of you assholes so why try. Drumpf is POTUS though and as such is a busy man...I can see a perfect scenario;
Trump sitting in the Oval Office speaking with senior staffer;

Trump: "alright...what's this speak chucker's number?...I know I know...five minutes tops...yeah minister of Finland, I got it"

'picks up phone...dials'


Brother: "Yeah...who dis?"

Trump: "This is Donald J Trump...yeah we are very sorry about your bro...dawg...believe me...bigly sorry...MAGA...MAAA---GA...goodbye"

Or something along those lines...either way...who really gives a shit?
That’s a reasonable argument. You think the criticism is unwarranted. I disagree as anyone who knows about connecting with people know that you listen. The other idiots just want to claim it’s a lie that Trump had no open to listen.
Trump couldn't understand the brother because he was speaking in ebonics. ... :cool:

He sounded pretty articulate to me.
Trump lacks the empathy gene.
I believe the brother is a lying piece of shit.

Of course you do, but you're an idiot.
You're the idiot that believes anything against the President until it's proven not to have happened that way, then like locast you move to the next target you worthless piece of shit.

Do you need a Midol? You sound a little bit hormonal.
Do you have proof the phone call happened the way the brother said it happened? If not shut the fuck up dumb ass

It certainly fits a pattern.
YES YOU LEFTISTS HAVE A PATTERN TO LYING ABOUT THE PRESIDENT FROM ONE LIE TOANOTHER AND WHEN all have been disproven false you move to more smears and lies
The righties and nuts on here are the Sandy Hook deniers. Lying is a right wing trait. By the way how do you know his claim is a lie. The WH hasn’t disputed the claim.
Asshat you're delusional deflecting pure bullshit Where is the piece of shits proof the phone call happened the way he said it happened. You, leftists, make claims against the president that always show to be lies, then you move to a new accusation and lie.
How do you know there was a phone call?
What's the leftist topic of this thread?
A claim was made the president called. You weren’t there but believe it. There was a claim of how the call went. You weren’t there but don’t believe it. I’m sorry you can’t remember a few posts up. Explains how you’re easy to lie to from the right.
Thanks for giving more proof that you leftist's will make shit up to attack the president.
I love when the uneducated that Trump uses run out of debate logic and wave the white flag of nonsense and insults. This site is easy to silence its loudmouths.
well-uneducated shit why do you leftists have to makes shit up and lie all the time?
You changed the subject. How do you know there was a call if you weren’t there?
I never changed the subject obviously you are saying the OP lied to attack the president.
Trump couldn't understand the brother because he was speaking in ebonics. ... :cool:

He sounded pretty articulate to me.
Trump lacks the empathy gene.
I believe the brother is a lying piece of shit.

Of course you do, but you're an idiot.
You're the idiot that believes anything against the President until it's proven not to have happened that way, then like locast you move to the next target you worthless piece of shit.

What's a locast?
just like a good little knee bowing Tory.
Stop kissing the kings ass
Why is Trump speaking to his brother in the first place? Perhaps he was lucky to receive anything. Dollars to donuts the guy wanted to push his agenda down Trump's throat. You know, the guy who is supposed to be running the country?
It looks like brother wants to be a black Cindy Sheehan. Let me tell you how I feeeeeeeellllllll. I want jusddsttttiiiiccceee.
Why is Trump speaking to his brother in the first place? Perhaps he was lucky to receive anything. Dollars to donuts the guy wanted to push his agenda down Trump's throat. You know, the guy who is supposed to be running the country?

Trump chose to make the telephone call because someone told him it would be a good PR move. It would have been, too, if he was capable of compassion or concern for the citizens. Unfortunately, due to his belief that he is better than everyone else, it just spotlighted his incompetence as president, and as a human.
Donald Trump is digging a deeper hole for himself as he dismisses a grieving African American who lost a brother to police injustice.
Prolly cause Trump knew the guy would be hard to understand because he's a lip flapping ebonics major.
In other words, Floyd's brother tried to turn a condolence call into a political call. Instead of being gracious and appreciative that the president called him to express his condolence, Floyd's brother tried to use the call to express his political views to the president.
Just like Cindy Sheehan tried to do with Bush.
Donald Trump is digging a deeper hole for himself as he dismisses a grieving African American who lost a brother to police injustice.

So he CLAIMS, since there are no transcripts of the call, it is word and nothing more. He could be lying or being emotional for losing a brother.

Meanwhile here is what the President said (which are publicly posted, so it is real) about the Floyd murder:

The Last Refuge

President Trump National Address on The Death of George Floyd and National Outcry – Video and Transcript…

Posted on May 31, 2020 by sundance


There are a lot of people asking for President Trump to give remarks to the nation about the ongoing violence and riots in the aftermath of George Floyd’s horrific murder.
Apparently many people did not listen to President Trump’s address on Saturday afternoon about this exact issue. Or perhaps the media’s need to ignore the content of his speech has led to some confusion. Regardless, here’s the transcript:

[Transcript of Remarks] – “I want to say a few words about the situation in Minnesota. The death of George Floyd on the streets of Minneapolis was a grave tragedy. It should never have happened. It has filled Americans all over the country with horror, anger, and grief.

Yesterday, I spoke to George’s family and expressed the sorrow of our entire nation for their loss. I stand before you as a friend and ally to every American seeking justice and peace. And I stand before you in firm opposition to anyone exploiting this tragedy to loot, rob, attack, and menace. Healing, not hatred; justice, not chaos are the mission at hand.

The police officers involved in this incident have been fired from their jobs. One officer has already been arrested and charged with murder. State and federal authorities are carrying out an investigation to see what further charges may be warranted, including against, sadly, the other three.

In addition, my administration has opened a civil rights investigation, and I have asked the Attorney General and the Justice Department to expedite it.

I understand the pain that people are feeling. We support the right of peaceful protesters, and we hear their pleas. But what we are now seeing on the streets of our cities has nothing to do with justice or with peace.


Your Partisan attack on the President is stupid and unproductive, why can't leftist assholes condemn the riots, looting, beatings and murder in the cities?

I have yet to see a single post from you leftists jerks without unwarranted attacks on the President, who has nothing to do with the murder and the riots, which are predominantly occurring in leftist dominated cities.
They should get a check and a big one at that because there was no resistance.

Prove it, there was something that happened that caused the officers to take him to the ground and restrain him, that piece of video has yet to surface. I wonder, why?


It has been covered. It says he fell to the ground on his own.

So where's the video, there seems to be one on everything else.


If you don't believe the police report, you don't. I can understand not trusting the police. It's good that you are getting on board.

Whatever, now would you like to answer my question, where's the video showing what happened to cause the officers to restrain him like they did?

They should get a check and a big one at that because there was no resistance.

Prove it, there was something that happened that caused the officers to take him to the ground and restrain him, that piece of video has yet to surface. I wonder, why?


It has been covered. It says he fell to the ground on his own.

So where's the video, there seems to be one on everything else.


If you don't believe the police report, you don't. I can understand not trusting the police. It's good that you are getting on board.

Whatever, now would you like to answer my question, where's the video showing what happened to cause the officers to restrain him like they did?


He was handcuffed. He was not resisting in any way. No police procedure allows 8 minutes of torture.
Police & Trump have way too much fame. Gag their lying asses & let the brother speak!!!

To say what?... “My brother got his dumb ass killed and now we’re hoping to get millions of dollars from the City of Minneapolis!”
They should get a check and a big one at that because there was no resistance.

Prove it, there was something that happened that caused the officers to take him to the ground and restrain him, that piece of video has yet to surface. I wonder, why?


It has been covered. It says he fell to the ground on his own.

So where's the video, there seems to be one on everything else.


If you don't believe the police report, you don't. I can understand not trusting the police. It's good that you are getting on board.

Whatever, now would you like to answer my question, where's the video showing what happened to cause the officers to restrain him like they did?


You have seen the video and the reports. Just because you don't want to believe any of it, isn't my problem.
Why is Trump speaking to his brother in the first place? Perhaps he was lucky to receive anything. Dollars to donuts the guy wanted to push his agenda down Trump's throat. You know, the guy who is supposed to be running the country?

Trump chose to make the telephone call because someone told him it would be a good PR move. It would have been, too, if he was capable of compassion or concern for the citizens. Unfortunately, due to his belief that he is better than everyone else, it just spotlighted his incompetence as president, and as a human.
Trump has tried to be consoling and helpful to race and cultural relations since he became President. He did nothing wrong to anyone. But that "R" next to his name makes him a meany. Look at your own and why there has been no improvement for many years. There has been a plateau for many African Americans because there is no responsibility and accountability in areas for fear of accusations.
Why is Trump speaking to his brother in the first place? Perhaps he was lucky to receive anything. Dollars to donuts the guy wanted to push his agenda down Trump's throat. You know, the guy who is supposed to be running the country?

Trump chose to make the telephone call because someone told him it would be a good PR move. It would have been, too, if he was capable of compassion or concern for the citizens. Unfortunately, due to his belief that he is better than everyone else, it just spotlighted his incompetence as president, and as a human.
Trump has tried to be consoling and helpful to race and cultural relations since he became President. He did nothing wrong to anyone. But that "R" next to his name makes him a meany. Look at your own and why there has been no improvement for many years. There has been a plateau for many African Americans because there is no responsibility and accountability in areas for fear of accusations.

Trump has done everything that the altRight thinks he should have done to bring the races together. Unfortunately, that was pretty much nothing.

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