George Santos Is Doomed

Sure and Trump is guilty of everything but Biden is an angel . You dumb dick. Get a brain.

Let's see. Clinton was so squeeky clean you had to get him on lying about a blowjob.

Obama couldn't give the GOP the satisfaction of being corrupt. Even when he was squeeky clean, Republicans still accused him of being corrupt. And the shit he may have done, like Fast and Furious, is the same shit Reagan did. Selling guns, cia working with the drug cartels, iran contra. Do I agree with what Reagan, Oliver North and the CIA did? Hell no. But we didn't politicize it. Well, maybe a little. How many Iran Contra's does Trump have in his 4 years? How many Ben Ghazi's does Trump have? We don't know because we didn't Ben Ghazi him every time a soldier died on his watch.

And Biden is squeeky clean. He has a vacation home in Delaware for god sakes. If he's corrupt he's horrible at it. LOL. Raking in millions when Jared got $2 billion one lump sum payment from the Saudis.
The resignation of George Santos is an easy call, but Kevin McCarthy is protecting him because of the narrow Republican majority in the House.

More and more Republicans are calling for Santos to resign as more of his crimes, yes crimes, come to light. Santos did more than lie, he broke the law and it is just a matter of time before he is indicted.

The House vacancies clause says that when a House member resigns, the governor of the state must hold a special election.

Santos defeated his Democratic opponent 54.1 percent to 45.9 percent.

Even if and when Santos is indicted, there is no law which requires a House member under indictment to resign. Not even if they are ultimately convicted! So one wonders just how far into the gutter the GOP will follow Santos.

So let's get into his crimes.

First, the Santos campaign defrauded donors:

Wealthy donors received calls and emails from a man who said he was Dan Meyer, McCarthy’s chief of staff, during the 2020 and 2022 election cycles, according to people familiar with the matter. His name was actually Sam Miele, and he worked for Santos raising money for his campaign, according to one GOP donor who contributed to Santos’ campaign.


The Republican would also tout his business record that’s now in question, including claims that he worked on Wall Street, as a way to encourage donors to contribute to his campaign, according to financiers and party operatives familiar with the matter.


Brendan Fischer, a deputy executive director of the watchdog Documented, and Robert Maguire, a research director at campaign ethics watchdog Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, each told CNBC that the impersonation of McCarthy’s chief of staff could have broken the law.

“A person who misrepresented themselves as speaking on behalf of a candidate in order to raise money may have committed a criminal violation, and any other person who knowingly and willfully participated in the plan could also face criminal charges,” Fischer said in an email.

One wonders just how much of a cuck Kevin McCarthy is if he tolerates the Santos campaign impersonating his chief of staff.

Next, Santos donated $705,000 to his own campaign. The only problem is, he has no visible means of income for that kind of money. The most likely scenario is that he received money from straw donors illegally and funneled it to his campaign.

Federal investigators are on the case. Santos's indictment is probably just a matter of time.

McCarthy needs to get out in front of this, or the GOP will continue to be the We Can Shoot Someone On Fifth Avenue party. No more red waves.
I don’t like Santos because he is a homosexual.

But if we are going to ask one homosexual to step down from Congress, then they should all step down.

Let me know when the gay Democrats resign.
I don’t like Santos because he is a homosexual.

But if we are going to ask one homosexual to step down from Congress, then they should all step down.

Let me know when the gay Democrats resign.
Let me know when the gay Democrats broke all the laws Santos has.
Yeah, all those crimes he committed are immaterial to people like you these days.

But if a guy smokes a pole, out with him, dammit!
You left off the word “allegedly” before the word “committed.”

But, then, you’re always a retard. So, it’s not unexpected.
Also, just to be clear, I’m curious. Who actually gives a crap about Santos anyway. Clearly, he does seem to be a kind of compulsive liar. Like Brandon.
You left off the word “allegedly” before the word “committed.”

But, then, you’re always a retard. So, it’s not unexpected.
You ever get tired of being busted for being a hypocrite?

Of course, Epstein got the death penalty.

No. It’s not time to indict Brandon yet. Wait until Potato is out of office.

When the new House conducts investigations of Brandon and his son and the Biden Crime family, I suspect nothing will come of it.

But that’s no reason not to proceed.

A legit concern. Maybe they’ll launder it through the Clinton Crime Family Foundation?

BackAgain said:Lock her up” for the crimes we know she committed.

Seems the word "alleged" escapes you when there is a D after someone's name.
Yeah, all those crimes he committed are immaterial to people like you these days.

But if a guy smokes a pole, out with him, dammit!
Homosexuality is a sign of rejecting God and succumbing to evil. Corruption and other immoral acts are never far behind with homosexuals.

So no, I am not ignoring the other crimes. Just noting that his homosexuality was a huge warning sign.
You ever get tired of being busted for being a hypocrite?
It has never happened and could never happen, honestly. I’m not at all tired of the shit which asslickers like you spew. :abgg2q.jpg:
Seems the word "alleged" escapes you when there is a D after someone's name.
False. It doesn’t seem like that at all. But it bothers shitbrains like you when others do it to your scumbags. Speaking of hypocrites ….
Homosexuality is a sign of rejecting God and succumbing to evil. Corruption and other immoral acts are never far behind with homosexuals.

So no, I am not ignoring the other crimes. Just noting that his homosexuality was a huge warning sign.
Are homosexual acts worst than adultry?
Homosexuality is a sign of rejecting God and succumbing to evil. Corruption and other immoral acts are never far behind with homosexuals.

So no, I am not ignoring the other crimes. Just noting that his homosexuality was a huge warning sign.
Was Trump's serial adultery a huge warning sign? How about stealing the life savings of the elderly at his fake university? How about the myriad of other sins he boastfully commits?

You have a very sick turn of mind if you think homosexuality automatically implies someone is evil. You are a Neanderthal.
It has never happened and could never happen, honestly. I’m not at all tired of the shit which asslickers like you spew. :abgg2q.jpg:

False. It doesn’t seem like that at all. But it bothers shitbrains like you when others do it to your scumbags. Speaking of hypocrites ….
Lock her up” for the crimes we know she committed.

Your own words expose your hypocrisy. How DO you stand your own stench?
Was Trump's serial adultery a huge warning sign? How about stealing the life savings of the elderly at his fake university? How about the myriad of other sins he boastfully commits?

You have a very sick turn of mind if you think homosexuality automatically implies someone is evil. You are a Neanderthal.
They have their favorite sins. If I recall correctly greed is a biggie.
Lock her up” for the crimes we know she committed.

Your own words expose your hypocrisy. How DO you stand your own stench?
We do know she committed crimes. Nobody did that bleach bit shit on her laptops and cellphones other than her.

Defend her. But the stench is entirely on asshole hypocrites like you. :itsok:

Truth really befuddles asslickers like you.
Was Trump's serial adultery a huge warning sign? How about stealing the life savings of the elderly at his fake university? How about the myriad of other sins he boastfully commits?

You have a very sick turn of mind if you think homosexuality automatically implies someone is evil. You are a Neanderthal.
Haven’t seen much proof of this adulatory.
If he did in his past then yes it is always a concern, but sinners can repent and change their ways.

Homosexuality is evil because the Bible says so. So is God a “Neanderthal”?
Haven’t seen much proof of this adulatory.
If he did in his past then yes it is always a concern, but sinners can repent and change their ways.

Homosexuality is evil because the Bible says so. So is God a “Neanderthal”?
Did God create them?
Haven’t seen much proof of this adulatory.
It sure does get old seeing such willful blindness from Dear Leaders worshippers!

If he did in his past then yes it is always a concern, but sinners can repent and change their ways.
Key word: repent.

Homosexuality is evil because the Bible says so. So is God a “Neanderthal”?
Does your Bible look like this:

Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God

"Dat's right, sonny boy! A'cordin to ma r'ligion, only homos and the Biden are going to hell!"
We do know she committed crimes. Nobody did that bleach bit shit on her laptops and cellphones other than her.

Defend her. But the stench is entirely on asshole hypocrites like you. :itsok:

Truth really befuddles asslickers like you.
Where's her conviction?

We have plenty of evidence on Santos. In fact, a LOT more.

Nice try, dipshit.

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