George Santos of NY - Newly Elected Republican Fraudster

He is closely aligned with Trump, and like anything associated with Trump, you can just expect to hear of some criminality. Turns out this guy won the Long Island district usually held by a Democrat, and that his personal story seems to be largely made up.

In 2008, when Santos was 19, he stole the checkbook of a man his mother was caring for, according to Brazilian court records uncovered by the Times. Police and court records show that Santos used the checkbook to make fraudulent purchases, including a pair of shoes. Two years later, Santos confessed to the crime and was later charged.

The court and local prosecutor in Brazil confirmed the case remains unresolved. Santos did not respond to an official summons, and a court representative could not find him at his given address, records show.

That period in Brazil overlapped with when Santos said he was attending Baruch College, where he has said he was awarded a bachelor’s degree in economics and finance. But Baruch College said it was unable to find records of Santos — using multiple variations of his first, middle and last names — having graduated in 2010, as he has claimed.

A biography of Santos on the website of the National Republican Congressional Committee, which is the House Republicans’ campaign arm, also includes a stint at New York University. The claim is not repeated elsewhere, and an NYU spokesperson found no attendance records matching his name and birth date.

After he said he graduated from college, Santos began working at Citigroup, eventually becoming “an associate asset manager” in the company’s real estate division, according to a version of his biography that was on his campaign site as recently as April.

A spokesperson for Citigroup, Danielle Romero-Apsilos, said the company could not confirm Santos’ employment. She also said she was unfamiliar with Santos’ self-described job title and noted that Citi had sold off its asset management operations in 2005.

Yeah, I heard about this today, and it's not good if true.

On the other hand, THIS is the tactic that right wing media NEEDS to do, but never does. The left will go after right wing politicians by digging into their background in an attempt to hurt and smear them, and try to get them pushed out of office. Right wing media needs to do this very same thing. Why don't they have concurrent continual digging into the backgrounds of democratic politicians. Surely some of them out there have some juicy information to be known!
Wasn't Barry Hussein a "fraudster" protected by the media and what passes for the "justice dept."? We don't know for sure if the former, former president was born in the USA as required by Constitutional law because the liberal media and the "DOJ" wanted Barry Hussein to be elected any evidence to the contrary was dismissed and Barry's real BC is still locked in a freaking vault along with his college records. Why in the world would the media and lefties and democrats target a member of congress this way? Is Santos not white enough for the democrat bigots?
They don’t care.

  • His biography says he's worked at Goldman Sachs, but spokeswoman Abbey Collins told the Times there's no record of his employment at the company
  • He's also said he was a "associate asset manager" at Citigroup, but spokeswoman Danielle Romero-Apsilos said it also couldn't confirm that he worked there, and said that the company sold off its asset management operations in 2005, which is five years before he claims to have graduated college.
  • The Times found no IRS record of his a charity he says he owns, Friends of Pets United, and the beneficiary of a 2017 fundraiser by the group told the Times that they'd never received any of the money that was raised
  • The Times tried to interview him on Sunday at an address where he's registered to vote, but a person there said they weren't familiar with him.
  • He made the claim during an interview after his election, but the Times review found that none of the 49 victims of the Orlando shooting appeared to be associated with any of his firms.
His entire background is made-up out of whole cloth, just like the Republican's policies.
Wasn't Barry Hussein a "fraudster" protected by the media and what passes for the "justice dept."? We don't know for sure if the former, former president was born in the USA as required by Constitutional law because the liberal media and the "DOJ" wanted Barry Hussein to be elected any evidence to the contrary was dismissed and Barry's real BC is still locked in a freaking vault along with his college records. Why in the world would the media and lefties and democrats target a member of congress this way? Is Santos not white enough for the democrat bigots?

Nah, you're just an idiot.
With each accusation the trump Nazis will love him more. If authorities can prove Santos is a serial sex offender, especially a pedophile, his successful political career with the GOP is guaranteed.

Christian conservatives still defend Roy Moore's right to diddle underage girls.

We want your cities obliterated. We can all agree on that. And then this will end.
Democrats sure seem to be worried about Santos taking money from people, meanwhile ignoring Biden taking millions from the now bankrupt and in jail crypto creep.

Why don't you clean up your own party before trying to point fingers at the opposition?
He is closely aligned with Trump, and like anything associated with Trump, you can just expect to hear of some criminality. Turns out this guy won the Long Island district usually held by a Democrat, and that his personal story seems to be largely made up.

In 2008, when Santos was 19, he stole the checkbook of a man his mother was caring for, according to Brazilian court records uncovered by the Times. Police and court records show that Santos used the checkbook to make fraudulent purchases, including a pair of shoes. Two years later, Santos confessed to the crime and was later charged.

The court and local prosecutor in Brazil confirmed the case remains unresolved. Santos did not respond to an official summons, and a court representative could not find him at his given address, records show.

That period in Brazil overlapped with when Santos said he was attending Baruch College, where he has said he was awarded a bachelor’s degree in economics and finance. But Baruch College said it was unable to find records of Santos — using multiple variations of his first, middle and last names — having graduated in 2010, as he has claimed.

A biography of Santos on the website of the National Republican Congressional Committee, which is the House Republicans’ campaign arm, also includes a stint at New York University. The claim is not repeated elsewhere, and an NYU spokesperson found no attendance records matching his name and birth date.

After he said he graduated from college, Santos began working at Citigroup, eventually becoming “an associate asset manager” in the company’s real estate division, according to a version of his biography that was on his campaign site as recently as April.

A spokesperson for Citigroup, Danielle Romero-Apsilos, said the company could not confirm Santos’ employment. She also said she was unfamiliar with Santos’ self-described job title and noted that Citi had sold off its asset management operations in 2005.

He didn't do ANYTHING that's on his resume. LOL.

His grandparents didn't survive the Holocaust. Or they did but they did it in Brazil. LOL.

He didn't go to the schools he said he went to.

He didn't work for the companies he said he worked for.

I guess we were too distracted with Hershel Walker to catch this one. LOL.
Meh, a win is a win. If he's a crook then he should fit right in with most of congress.
It's not just enough to assume all politicians are crooks. Now you elect crooks then let them be crooks while in office. Just like Trump. He was a crook the entire time and you didn't care. So of course you don't care this guy is a crook. As long as he votes to ban abortion you're happy boy.
As soon as the next session of Congress begins someone is going to recommend that the Ethics Committee look in to his background. Will the Repubs allow it? It's a toss-up. After all, a number of Repubs in the House refused to comply with valid subpoenas from the 1/6 committee and you can bet they will face no consequences with Repubs in charge.
He is closely aligned with Trump, and like anything associated with Trump, you can just expect to hear of some criminality. Turns out this guy won the Long Island district usually held by a Democrat, and that his personal story seems to be largely made up.

In 2008, when Santos was 19, he stole the checkbook of a man his mother was caring for, according to Brazilian court records uncovered by the Times. Police and court records show that Santos used the checkbook to make fraudulent purchases, including a pair of shoes. Two years later, Santos confessed to the crime and was later charged.

The court and local prosecutor in Brazil confirmed the case remains unresolved. Santos did not respond to an official summons, and a court representative could not find him at his given address, records show.

That period in Brazil overlapped with when Santos said he was attending Baruch College, where he has said he was awarded a bachelor’s degree in economics and finance. But Baruch College said it was unable to find records of Santos — using multiple variations of his first, middle and last names — having graduated in 2010, as he has claimed.

A biography of Santos on the website of the National Republican Congressional Committee, which is the House Republicans’ campaign arm, also includes a stint at New York University. The claim is not repeated elsewhere, and an NYU spokesperson found no attendance records matching his name and birth date.

After he said he graduated from college, Santos began working at Citigroup, eventually becoming “an associate asset manager” in the company’s real estate division, according to a version of his biography that was on his campaign site as recently as April.

A spokesperson for Citigroup, Danielle Romero-Apsilos, said the company could not confirm Santos’ employment. She also said she was unfamiliar with Santos’ self-described job title and noted that Citi had sold off its asset management operations in 2005.

Yeah, he’s our Joe Biden
A win is a win. ;)
Sounds familiar

Hope Hicks said Trump told her no one would care about his legacy if he lost the 2020 election: 'The only thing that matters is winning'​

So lying, cheating and stealing an election don't matter. We know this about you guys.

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