George Soros Calls 'User' Obama 'HIS Greatest Disappointment'

In other words Soros admits that Obama was just another puppets of his.

George and I finally agree------ Obama was my greatest disappointment as well.
That's a great point. When I watched his inauguration party I told my wife "Maybe this will be a good thing for unity and race relations. He won let's see what he does."

Holy shit within a couple days he announces ominously "I am going to transform America!" Huh? :wtf:
And he turned America into the divided mess that we have today. The remaining Liberal leadership has accelerated that division with a heaping dose of hate for Donald Trump and anyone who supports him.
In other words Obama WAS NOT a Soros man despite eight years of right wing propaganda on the matter. Surprise, surprise, the Obama-haters were either lying or were merely useful idiots.

when stupid cant see right in front of them





The story of it all has been right in your faces and the cluelss sheep still can't put the pieces together.

Do you see the story of course not.
Barak Obama owes his Presidency, in large part, to the wealthy Liberal billionaire donor George Soros (the guy who has been kicked out of countries for interfering in elections). George Soros helped 'make' Barak Obama (according to Soros), or at least his MONEY did.

In an interview Soros, however, called Obama 'HIS greatest disappointment'.
* Soros uses the term 'his', used to imply in some part 'ownership', in this case as in to imply 'his creation which turned out to be a disappointment'.

Soros explained further, whining about how he felt USED by Obama because once Obama got into office, he was 'done' with Soros. Obama cut him off, cut ties with him, as Barry did not need Soros anymore:

“He made one phone call thanking me for my support, which was meant to last for five minutes, and I engaged him, and he had to spend another three minutes with me, so I dragged it out to eight minutes,” he said.

Soros told the paper the he had hoped to have been consulted on economic and financial issues, and that Obama was known “take his supporters for granted and to woo his opponents.”

Cheer up, Georgie - you're not the 1st person Barry conned and used....and you won't be the last.

In his book, Dreams of my Father, Barry wrote how he 'learned to be all things to all people', like a chameleon. Its a very important talent for any con man to master. As Soros stated, once Barry got what he wanted he had the distinct reputation for taking his supporters for granted. Barry took Soros' money, and once he won the Presidency he had no more time for Soros. Barry 'USED' him.

Oh, don't feel sorry for the billionaire world-shaker, election-meddler, and manipulator. He's a scumbag who deserved it. Soros is shocked, though, how easily he got played by Barry and is pi$$ed he was cast aside, 'getting no return on his investment'. Welcome to the club, Georgie.

Speaking of 'no return on his investment'....

"Soros, who also poured millions of dollars into Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential run, wouldn’t say if he would back Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt. in the upcoming presidential election, but said when it comes to politics, “I don’t particularly want to be a Democrat.”

Funny, after Barry screwed him and Hillary turned out to be an even bigger failed 'investment' since she lost her 2nd election Soros has about had his fill of DEMOCRATS. That's not to say that he will not back them in the long as there is a financial / power benefit for him, but after these 2 'disappointments' he is going to have to get a better 'guarantee' on his future 'investments'.

Nothing personal - just business.


George Soros calls Obama 'greatest disappointment,' says he doesn't 'particularly want to be a Democrat'

Barak Obama was his greatest disappointment?

The difference between Soros and myself, other than a human soul and conscience, is that I did not give the fool billions of dollars to win.
In other words Soros admits that Obama was just another puppets of his.
George and I finally agree------ Obama was my greatest disappointment as well.
That's a great point. When I watched his inauguration party I told my wife "Maybe this will be a good thing for unity and race relations. He won let's see what he does."
Holy shit within a couple days he announces ominously "I am going to transform America!" Huh?
And he turned America into the divided mess that we have today. The remaining Liberal leadership has accelerated that division with a heaping dose of hate for Donald Trump and anyone who supports him.

Yep. The entire country took a step to the Left to elect a Black man that was FAR Left just because he was Black to appease Blacks hoping to heal the nation and instead what we got was more racial demands, intolerance and division along racial lines. Obama took race like a sledgehammer to attack the police and flame the fires of riots in at least two major cities. He ALWAYS sided with whatever position favored blacks and made them more angry, feel more victimized and split the nation further apart than during the civil rights of the '60s just to gain political steam.

Now that we're finally rid of the useless bum, Trump came along talking unity and healing in his campaign but the DNC and the Left didn't want there to be a healing because they need racism to drive their base, so instead they have done nothing for two years but try to build Donald Trump up into a SYMBOL OF RACISM, calling him a Nazi, a Nationalist-Supremeacist, picturing his efforts to protect the borders as HATRED of Latinos, Hatred of women, a puppet, a fool, ANYTHING THEY CAN DO to flame the fires of ignorance and hate along racial lines. That is your Left. That is your Democratic Party.
I'm quite delighted Soros got pushed aside and felt cheated by not getting his money worth. Ideally buying a politician isn't how the system is suppose to work. I'm overjoyed Soros found that out the hard way.
Billionaire George Soros: Obama Was My 'Greatest Disappointment'

Oh lord did I love reading this. Obozo is globe-trotting, trying to tell the world how to run things and his puppet master is unhappy with him. Karma.

Obama "was someone who was known from the time when he was competing for the editorship of The Harvard Law Review to take his supporters for granted and to woo his opponents," Soros told NY Times Mag.

From Billionaire George Soros: Obama Was My 'Greatest Disappointment'

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