George Soros "Philanthropist"?

Soros, wealthy Hungarian jew funds anything antithetical to common sense. BLM, Trans flat earthers or anything antithetical to established culture/beliefs. Gravity is construct, Yetis are new sexuality because SOROS funds that. Not because it IS a real thing. I am so done with liberals.
Soros Is an Anarchist opposed to law and order.He is banned in Hungary and the Russians want him for fomenting revolt.
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So WHO is Soros? How philanthropic is HE? If Hitler had pretended to be nicey nice and fund shit to destroy normalcy? George Soros is like that, Indeed,
Soros Is an Anarchist opposed to law and order.He is banned in Hungary and the Russians want him for fomenting revolt.
I don´t know exactly what Soros funds. I think that many of the stories are fake like "Soros funds illegal human smuggling". But he funds something that he stands for. As opposed to Trump and other right-wingers. That is the difference. Most liberal rich do invest money in what they believe. Most conservative rich just don´t. Talk big, take the money, be gone. If your view is not worth your money, is it still a view?
Soros is also accused of assisting German nazis find other Hungarian Jews and load them into cargo trucks and trains for transport to Auschwitz. If true it only show that he was an evil mother fucker very young in life all the way through his old age.
Donald Trump is accused of raping his own daughter. Accusations.
Correction -- George Soros was born to a Jewish family. He has quite obviously abandoned any connection to the Jewish people.

It takes a monumental idiot to think opposing him has anything to do with antisemitism. He IS an antisemite.
He funds the campaigns of DAs, who let violent criminals out of jail, with little or no bail, so they can re-offend time, and time, and time again....Some going as far as murder.

You like violent goons running rampant on your streets, Soros is you guy.
Please read my post as an objective one. I don´t have to agree to Soros´ views when I say he uses his money to support them.
That is the problem with the conservative camp: It is all about the money.
Take the wall for example. They all call for it but aren´t ready to spend a single buck on it.
Please read my post as an objective one. I don´t have to agree to Soros´ views when I say he uses his money to support them.
That is the problem with the conservative camp: It is all about the money.
Take the wall for example. They all call for it but aren´t ready to spend a single buck on it.
I read it just fine....Soros funds all sorts of "foundations" that hate America as set forth in the late 18th century.

People tried to raise private fuds for the wall, but democrats sued and shut them down.

"Conservatives"(whatever the hell that's supposed to mean anymore) have an outdated model of spending their money on "think" tanks that produce dry, dreary white papers....The big bucks have gone to saps like the Bushes and Romneys of the world.
Hopefully Soros experiences a chest clutching moment very soon

Can you do me a solid and wish that for me, too?

I read it just fine....Soros funds all sorts of "foundations" that hate America as set forth in the late 18th century.

People tried to raise private fuds for the wall, but democrats sued and shut them down.

"Conservatives"(whatever the hell that's supposed to mean anymore) have an outdated model of spending their money on "think" tanks that produce dry, dreary white papers....The big bucks have gone to saps like the Bushes and Romneys of the world.
I know that the Dems only agreed to a fraction of the wall budget but for real: Trump started only to call for the wall when the Republicans lost the house and the option has expired. His wall was never for real, he just completed Obama´s fence with the budget the Democrats agreed on. That is the reality.

And more reality: Family, faith, that all comes second to money. That can be a good thing when they don´t give a shit as long as the money pours in. But sometimes, now, they have to unite to fight that crazy ideologies that take over the West. There was a long and hard struggle to overcome ideologies set by governments. Now is the time to defend that achievement and those who can have to fund that fight.
Correction -- George Soros was born to a Jewish family. He has quite obviously abandoned any connection to the Jewish people.

It takes a monumental idiot to think opposing him has anything to do with antisemitism. He IS an antisemite.
Soros was born in Hungary in 1930 and survived the Holocaust, in which over 500,000 Jewish Hungarians were killed, according to the biography published on the billionaire's website. His family survived by acquiring false identity papers, which concealed their backgrounds, the biography says.

Soros was 13 years old when the Nazis occupied Hungary. During this time, he was sent to live with a "phony godfather" who at one point took him along to take inventory of a Jewish person's house, but Soros was not involved with confiscating their goods, The Washington Post reports. He was also sent to run errands at the Judenrat, a Jewish council forced to obey the Nazis' orders, but he didn't round up any Jewish people.

To the contrary, the Post reported that Soros did not participate when he was given a list of names of Jewish people and instructed to tell them to report to a location from which they would be deported.

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