George Soros vs Elon Musk as how society evolves (Poll)

Which billionaire do you agree with for the direction of society, George Soros or Elon Musk?

  • Soros

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • Musk

    Votes: 6 85.7%

  • Total voters
His enormous wealth earned from the MIC and NASA.
That doesn't explain how Musk ($300b) and Soros ($6.7b) are "best buddies". They are opposites as far as I can tell.
Musk earned that wealth by starting successful companies.

1) You are comparing a living human being to a comic book character. You are absolutely NUTS!!!
2) You righties bellyache about corporatists every day on these board. Don't pay attention much do you? I'm sorry, it's liberals and progressives who create the wealth..otherwise you wouldn't be bitching about someone like Soros.
3) Good for you. You can watch it sink to the level of Parler or Truth Social. Cause that's where it's headed. We'll see if Musk's figurehead CEO can pull it out of its nosedive.

Conservatism hasn't had a fresh idea in over four decades. It's descended into grievance and conspiracy theory.
And you do understand that this country has been a mix of capitalism and socialism for almost a century now..right?
1. Villains are villains whether they are from a comic book or real.
2. You type words with no proof. "Righties" don't whine about corporatists, we are corporatists dumbass.
3. Liberals and progressives don't create wealth, capitalists create wealth. Leftists tax wealth from those who create it.
4. "Conservatism" lost when they cut taxes and exploded the Debt. Progressivism lost when they exploded welfare and the Debt.
5. Target lost about $500m to theft in 2022. Leftists ruined CA and most large cities. Republicans will bring back "law and order".
Musk has destroyed Twitter, which he admits he only bought so he could sell Twitter users, his latest bitcoin scam. They’re just the kind of people he could sucker into making investments in bitcoin.
Musks industries, have a terrible reputation for racism, misogyny, and being toxic workplaces. He’s faced multiple workplace related lawsuits.
The 10 children by five different women number, none of whom he married, is creepy at best. But also proof positive of his overt misogyny.
He behaves the way one would expect a multi billionaire rich kid from South Africa to behave. That’s why Republicans have embraced him so thoroughly.
1. Twitter is Musks to destroy or not destroy.
2. Musk can run HIS companies any way he wants to. If you don't buy his products he doesn't care.
3. Musk takes care of his 10 children and the women in his life. Hunter Biden disowns his daughter
Hunter Biden asks judge to stop his 4-year-old daughter, who he had with a stripper, from taking his surname, say reports
4. Elon Musk is a genius entrepreneur worth $300,000,000,000. THAT HE EARNED. No wonder low life democrats hate him.
1. Villains are villains whether they are from a comic book or real.
2. You type words with no proof. "Righties" don't whine about corporatists, we are corporatists dumbass.
3. Liberals and progressives don't create wealth, capitalists create wealth. Leftists tax wealth from those who create it.
4. "Conservatism" lost when they cut taxes and exploded the Debt. Progressivism lost when they exploded welfare and the Debt.
5. Target lost about $500m to theft in 2022. Leftists ruined CA and most large cities. Republicans will bring back "law and order".
Most capitalists..are liberals and progressives. Otherwise, you wouldn't have wealth. Conservatism by its very to be conservative. Take few or minimize risks.
If I'm not mistaken, major crime in cities is down over the last five years. You just get to see examples of it in real time now.

Wow. We agree on #4. The world must be coming to an end. Better check to see if there's a meteor headed for my house. :)
Most capitalists..are liberals and progressives. Otherwise, you wouldn't have wealth. Conservatism by its very to be conservative. Take few or minimize risks.
If I'm not mistaken, major crime in cities is down over the last five years. You just get to see examples of it in real time now.
Wow. We agree on #4. The world must be coming to an end. Better check to see if there's a meteor headed for my house. :)
1. Most capitalists are conservatives. Most communists are progressives.
Conservatives ask: “What can I do for myself, my family, my community, and my fellow citizens?”
Progressives ask: “What is unfair?” “What am I owed?” “What has offended me today?” “What must my country do for me?”

2. Stores are putting items behind locked cabinets or are leaving cities due to crime rates.

Stores are closing or moving out of cities all across the USA, many cite rising crime rates and shoplifting as the reason.


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That doesn't explain how Musk ($300b) and Soros ($6.7b) are "best buddies". They are opposites as far as I can tell.
Musk earned that wealth by starting successful companies.

I have no idea whether they are best buddies. I used the term “probably.”

Musk earned his wealth from government. This makes me skeptical of him. He now is turning over Twitter to a swamp creature. So, my skepticism appears warranted.
I have no idea whether they are best buddies. I used the term “probably.”
Musk earned his wealth from government. This makes me skeptical of him. He now is turning over Twitter to a swamp creature. So, my skepticism appears warranted.
Linda Yaccarino is not a swamp creature. She's not from the FBI.
She knows how to attract advertisers, that's why Elon hired her.
Musk earned most of his wealth from TESLA, not the government.
1. Most capitalists are conservatives. Most communists are progressives.
Conservatives ask: “What can I do for myself, my family, my community, and my fellow citizens?”
Progressives ask: “What is unfair?” “What am I owed?” “What has offended me today?” “What must my country do for me?”

2. Stores are putting items behind locked cabinets or are leaving cities due to crime rates.

Stores are closing or moving out of cities all across the USA, many cite rising crime rates and shoplifting as the reason.
1) Speculation and conjecture. For every link you provide, I can also provide one that contradicts.

The rest? Yes, theft is up. Overall down (from 2017 at least).
Speculation and conjecture. For every link you provide, I can also provide one that contradicts
The rest? Yes, theft is up. Overall down (from 2017 at least).
When you claim most "capitalists" are progressives, you know that's wrong.
When you post a link saying that most high-tech entrepreneurs are progressives, no argument.
You could even say that most urban entrepreneurs are progressives, I might even believe that.
When you look at the rest of the country, capitalists are mostly independents and conservatives.

People are bailing from cities due to crime, theft is up, murder rates are high, people want "law and order".
Musk is not your friend. He isn’t some freedom crusading hero. He and Soros are probably best buddies.
Why would Elon Musk want me to be his friend? I merely observed that all by himself, he noticed that some were engaging in politics to the demise of the Constitution of the united States of America, out of respect for those who literally changed the human world by granting its citizens the same civil rights the best in other societys enjoy. He decided to balance the ever-changing pendulum that was stuck on the left. He lost his status as the richest man on earth to save the Constitution. I merely reflected my respect for honesty in justice the man put his reputation and his fiscal security on the line for. And the idiots around here call him down on something somebody else did, showing true disrespect for the equal rights every person in America has if they don't blow it by murdering, stealing, extorting, and plotting other people's demise as has been done on this thread earlier. :puke:
1) Speculation and conjecture. For every link you provide, I can also provide one that contradicts.

The rest? Yes, theft is up. Overall down (from 2017 at least).
You calling Pelosi who capitalized on her high office to get 200,000,000 dollars an evil capitalist? I thought she was your glam queen. Silly me. :rolleyes-41:

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