George W. Bush Bashes Obama on Middle East

Oh right. Nothing is Bush's fault.

I'm sure there is something that is "Bush's fault"... BUT NONE of the idiocy people like you claim are "Bush's faults"!
Did Bush start the Recession that started under Clinton and officially began in 3/2001?
Did Bush get the 9/11 bombers into the country but the CIA couldn't tell FBI because of the Gorelick memo that prohibited CIA from telling the FBI?
Did Bush cause the worst hurricane SEASONS in the history ?
Did Bush cause the bust that cost $5 trillion??

Yes I'm sure Bush did somethings wrong but none of the above the major events were caused by Bush!

None of the above are relevant.

Bush invaded Iraq on the thinnest of excuses thinking all he had to do was remove Sadaam. The single most stupid decision a president has ever made and the level ignorance and arrogance was appalling. It set off ongoing sectarian conflict that destabilized neighboring countries into civil war when they decided to topple their dictators. It gave Iran unfettered freedom to dabble in regional conflicts.

That's a major event, that has led to one of the biggest humanitarian crisis since WW2.

Yes FDR who lied the US in to war..

Yes FDR who attack a country that did not attack the US.

Yes FDR who used the war to further the power of government as he was the one constructed the military industrial complex..

How cute. Now you want to compare Iraq with WW2 :)

The far left drone already did that!

You're not a leftie honey.
I'm sure there is something that is "Bush's fault"... BUT NONE of the idiocy people like you claim are "Bush's faults"!
Did Bush start the Recession that started under Clinton and officially began in 3/2001?
Did Bush get the 9/11 bombers into the country but the CIA couldn't tell FBI because of the Gorelick memo that prohibited CIA from telling the FBI?
Did Bush cause the worst hurricane SEASONS in the history ?
Did Bush cause the bust that cost $5 trillion??

Yes I'm sure Bush did somethings wrong but none of the above the major events were caused by Bush!

None of the above are relevant.

Bush invaded Iraq on the thinnest of excuses thinking all he had to do was remove Sadaam. The single most stupid decision a president has ever made and the level ignorance and arrogance was appalling. It set off ongoing sectarian conflict that destabilized neighboring countries into civil war when they decided to topple their dictators. It gave Iran unfettered freedom to dabble in regional conflicts.

That's a major event, that has led to one of the biggest humanitarian crisis since WW2.

Yes FDR who lied the US in to war..

Yes FDR who attack a country that did not attack the US.

Yes FDR who used the war to further the power of government as he was the one constructed the military industrial complex..

How cute. Now you want to compare Iraq with WW2 :)

The far left drone already did that!

You're not a leftie honey.

See how the far left drones will deny their own words.

They hail FDR a hero for invading a country that did not attack the US.
Dubya's responsible for the current Mid East situation. He should have stayed holed up and quiet.

Freaking liar. Nothing that is happening right now is the fault of BOOOOOOSH. You have ANYTHING ELSE? EVER?

Oh right. Nothing is Bush's fault.

It's Bush's fault that Iraq has a freely elected government built upon a democratically principled constitution.

It was Bush's Fault that we had US Allies or compliant governments, throughout the Middle East prior to his leaving office and Iran, the sole non-compliant government in the Middle East wedged between two US Armies.

There's your first mistake. There was no democratically principled constitution.

Another lie from the liars... SHOCKING!
None of the above are relevant.

Bush invaded Iraq on the thinnest of excuses thinking all he had to do was remove Sadaam. The single most stupid decision a president has ever made and the level ignorance and arrogance was appalling. It set off ongoing sectarian conflict that destabilized neighboring countries into civil war when they decided to topple their dictators. It gave Iran unfettered freedom to dabble in regional conflicts.

That's a major event, that has led to one of the biggest humanitarian crisis since WW2.

Yes FDR who lied the US in to war..

Yes FDR who attack a country that did not attack the US.

Yes FDR who used the war to further the power of government as he was the one constructed the military industrial complex..

How cute. Now you want to compare Iraq with WW2 :)

The far left drone already did that!

You're not a leftie honey.

See how the far left drones will deny their own words.

They hail FDR a hero for invading a country that did not attack the US.

Iraq dude. We're talking about Iraq. And the mess you armchair commandos made of it.
Yes FDR who lied the US in to war..

Yes FDR who attack a country that did not attack the US.

Yes FDR who used the war to further the power of government as he was the one constructed the military industrial complex..

How cute. Now you want to compare Iraq with WW2 :)

The far left drone already did that!

You're not a leftie honey.

See how the far left drones will deny their own words.

They hail FDR a hero for invading a country that did not attack the US.

Iraq dude. We're talking about Iraq. And the mess you armchair commandos made of it.

So 1991 made a mess of Iraq?
How cute. Now you want to compare Iraq with WW2 :)

The far left drone already did that!

You're not a leftie honey.

See how the far left drones will deny their own words.

They hail FDR a hero for invading a country that did not attack the US.

Iraq dude. We're talking about Iraq. And the mess you armchair commandos made of it.

So 1991 made a mess of Iraq?

1991 was an effective and well planned strategy to to halt Iraq's invasion and annexation of Kuwait. Mission cleanly accomplished in one year. Iraq left intact but declawed.
The far left drone already did that!

You're not a leftie honey.

See how the far left drones will deny their own words.

They hail FDR a hero for invading a country that did not attack the US.

Iraq dude. We're talking about Iraq. And the mess you armchair commandos made of it.

So 1991 made a mess of Iraq?

1991 was an effective and well planned strategy to to halt Iraq's invasion and annexation of Kuwait. Mission cleanly accomplished in one year. Iraq left intact but declawed.

See how the far left will hop on this ban wagon when they were against it in 1991.
You're not a leftie honey.

See how the far left drones will deny their own words.

They hail FDR a hero for invading a country that did not attack the US.

Iraq dude. We're talking about Iraq. And the mess you armchair commandos made of it.

So 1991 made a mess of Iraq?

1991 was an effective and well planned strategy to to halt Iraq's invasion and annexation of Kuwait. Mission cleanly accomplished in one year. Iraq left intact but declawed.

See how the far left will hop on this ban wagon when they were against it in 1991.

I wasn't against it in 1991. Try to stick to reality here dude.
There's no such thing as a Far-Left... One either rejects the Principles that sustain freedom, or one does not.
The far left drone already did that!

You're not a leftie honey.

See how the far left drones will deny their own words.

They hail FDR a hero for invading a country that did not attack the US.

Iraq dude. We're talking about Iraq. And the mess you armchair commandos made of it.

So 1991 made a mess of Iraq?

1991 was an effective and well planned strategy to to halt Iraq's invasion and annexation of Kuwait. Mission cleanly accomplished in one year. Iraq left intact but declawed.

Yet, there was Al Gore criticizing Bush for allowing saddam keep his WMDs in this speech.

Fucking hilarious.

I dare you to watch that whole speech, you ignorant hypocrite.

Who was it again that propagated saddam had wmds?

LOL at you and your pathetic double talking party that plays like you like a 3 dollar banjo and relies on your total inability to think for yourself.
See how the far left drones will deny their own words.

They hail FDR a hero for invading a country that did not attack the US.

Iraq dude. We're talking about Iraq. And the mess you armchair commandos made of it.

So 1991 made a mess of Iraq?

1991 was an effective and well planned strategy to to halt Iraq's invasion and annexation of Kuwait. Mission cleanly accomplished in one year. Iraq left intact but declawed.

See how the far left will hop on this ban wagon when they were against it in 1991.

I wasn't against it in 1991. Try to stick to reality here dude.

Of course you were against it, before you were for it..

Even those far left drones that voted against the war in 1991 have since done a 180..
There's no such thing as a Far-Left... One either rejects the Principles that sustain freedom, or one does not.

This sounds like one of those war-is-peace gems of wisdom.
Either/or statements are a sure sign of a political dumb-ass.

See how the irony impaired far left drones are at it again.
See how the political dumb-ass makes another meaningless post.

See how the far left drones show how they are irony impaired..

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