George W. Bush Bashes Obama on Middle East

Dubya's responsible for the current Mid East situation. He should have stayed holed up and quiet.

Freaking liar. Nothing that is happening right now is the fault of BOOOOOOSH. You have ANYTHING ELSE? EVER?

Oh right. Nothing is Bush's fault.

I'm sure there is something that is "Bush's fault"... BUT NONE of the idiocy people like you claim are "Bush's faults"!
Did Bush start the Recession that started under Clinton and officially began in 3/2001?
Did Bush get the 9/11 bombers into the country but the CIA couldn't tell FBI because of the Gorelick memo that prohibited CIA from telling the FBI?
Did Bush cause the worst hurricane SEASONS in the history ?
Did Bush cause the bust that cost $5 trillion??

Yes I'm sure Bush did somethings wrong but none of the above the major events were caused by Bush!

Dubya's responsible for the current Mid East situation. He should have stayed holed up and quiet.

Freaking liar. Nothing that is happening right now is the fault of BOOOOOOSH. You have ANYTHING ELSE? EVER?

Oh right. Nothing is Bush's fault.

I'm sure there is something that is "Bush's fault"... BUT NONE of the idiocy people like you claim are "Bush's faults"!
Did Bush start the Recession that started under Clinton and officially began in 3/2001?
Did Bush get the 9/11 bombers into the country but the CIA couldn't tell FBI because of the Gorelick memo that prohibited CIA from telling the FBI?
Did Bush cause the worst hurricane SEASONS in the history ?
Did Bush cause the bust that cost $5 trillion??

Yes I'm sure Bush did somethings wrong but none of the above the major events were caused by Bush!

I don't understand. Wtf is so funny in your little brainwashed liberal world?
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Dubya's responsible for the current Mid East situation. He should have stayed holed up and quiet.

Freaking liar. Nothing that is happening right now is the fault of BOOOOOOSH. You have ANYTHING ELSE? EVER?

Oh right. Nothing is Bush's fault.

Ignorant tool. I guess you have nothing other than cliches. I have never seen a liberal like you, ever say anything other than the democrat group talking points.

You are way too arrogant to see how used you are. It is that much more pathetic how clever you think you are.

There is nothing going on in the world that has BOOOOOSH finger prints on it. Unreal, how, pathetic, you all are.

Not one thing going on NOW has anything to do with BOOOOOOSH.

Holy shit. Then again I expect nothing more from the likes of you. Such a typical left wing hack.
Dubya's responsible for the current Mid East situation. He should have stayed holed up and quiet.

Freaking liar. Nothing that is happening right now is the fault of BOOOOOOSH. You have ANYTHING ELSE? EVER?

Oh right. Nothing is Bush's fault.

It's Bush's fault that Iraq has a freely elected government built upon a democratically principled constitution.

It was Bush's Fault that we had US Allies or compliant governments, throughout the Middle East prior to his leaving office and Iran, the sole non-compliant government in the Middle East wedged between two US Armies.
If former President Bush actually said those things then it's pretty laughable. His Administration is the one that got us into this quagmire in the Middle East and Southwestern Asia with their "nation building" fiasco. That "fiasco" cost us thousands of lives and billions upon billions of dollars.

No Obama Didn t Lose Iraq - Colin H. Kahl - POLITICO Magazine

Power vacuum takes US by surprise World news The Guardian

Iraq s crisis Don t forget the 2003 U.S. invasion - The Washington Post

Former President Bush is a likable guy as far as I am concerned. But if he said those things, he should really take a look in the mirror first.
If former President Bush actually said those things then it's pretty laughable. His Administration is the one that got us into this quagmire in the Middle East and Southwestern Asia with their "nation building" fiasco. That "fiasco" cost us thousands of lives and billions upon billions of dollars.

No Obama Didn t Lose Iraq - Colin H. Kahl - POLITICO Magazine

Power vacuum takes US by surprise World news The Guardian

Iraq s crisis Don t forget the 2003 U.S. invasion - The Washington Post

Former President Bush is a likable guy as far as I am concerned. But if he said those things, he should really take a look in the mirror first.

It was Islam that 'got us into' the war they declared upon the United States.

It was the Ideological Left that turned it into a quagmire... when they decided to fight at home for Islam.

And they... which is to say YOU... have now reversed the gains the US had made in the fight against Islam... which will cost many more tens of thousands of lives, if not Millions.
Dubya's responsible for the current Mid East situation. He should have stayed holed up and quiet.

Freaking liar. Nothing that is happening right now is the fault of BOOOOOOSH. You have ANYTHING ELSE? EVER?

Oh right. Nothing is Bush's fault.

I'm sure there is something that is "Bush's fault"... BUT NONE of the idiocy people like you claim are "Bush's faults"!
Did Bush start the Recession that started under Clinton and officially began in 3/2001?
Did Bush get the 9/11 bombers into the country but the CIA couldn't tell FBI because of the Gorelick memo that prohibited CIA from telling the FBI?
Did Bush cause the worst hurricane SEASONS in the history ?
Did Bush cause the bust that cost $5 trillion??

Yes I'm sure Bush did somethings wrong but none of the above the major events were caused by Bush!

I don't understand. Wtf is so funny in your little brainwashed liberal world?

Go read Post 176, does that read like a liberal? No, it deals with factual history and the huge mistakes made by both W and Obama. That's reality.
And Healthmyths post, for which you question my "laugh", is pure BS.
And then there's YOU, your posts reeks of your mind being controlled by your ideological masters. Go ahead and live in your world of it's always the other person's fault.
I prefer reality.
If former President Bush actually said those things then it's pretty laughable. His Administration is the one that got us into this quagmire in the Middle East and Southwestern Asia with their "nation building" fiasco. That "fiasco" cost us thousands of lives and billions upon billions of dollars.

No Obama Didn t Lose Iraq - Colin H. Kahl - POLITICO Magazine

Power vacuum takes US by surprise World news The Guardian

Iraq s crisis Don t forget the 2003 U.S. invasion - The Washington Post

Former President Bush is a likable guy as far as I am concerned. But if he said those things, he should really take a look in the mirror first.

It was Islam that 'got us into' the war they declared upon the United States.

It was the Ideological Left that turned it into a quagmire... when they decided to fight at home for Islam.

And they... which is to say YOU... have now reversed the gains the US had made in the fight against Islam... which will cost many more tens of thousands of lives, if not Millions.
LOL! It wasn't "Islam", it was a group of terrorists who use Islam as their "tool" or "cover" to commit heinous acts. They didn't come from Iraq, they came from Saudi Arabia.

The so-called "ideological left" and many Libertarians were AGAINST going into Iraq and doing some half assed "nation building" venture in both countries. We shed our blood and spend/borrow billions of dollars for this shit and:

It's YOU "christian crusaders" who want to make this some sort of "unholy war" who are the problem. People like you (who probably claim that they want Jesus or God in the White House) seem to want to have a perpetual state of war and occupation. We need to employ a foreign policy as close as possible to George Washington's "Farewell Address" (China seems to follow it better as far as non-interventionism and trade) , you "folks" seem to like to squawk about the "Founding Fathers!";why not take some of their advice:

"Wherever the standard of freedom and independence has been or shall be unfurled, there will her heart, her benedictions and her prayers be. But she goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy. She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She is the champion and vindicator only of her own. She will recommend the general cause, by the countenance of her voice, and the benignant sympathy of her example.

She well knows that by once enlisting under other banners than her own, were they even the banners of foreign independence, she would involve herself, beyond the power of extrication, in all the wars of interest and intrigue, of individual avarice, envy, and ambition, which assume the colors and usurp the standard of freedom. The fundamental maxims of her policy would insensibly change from liberty to force. The frontlet upon her brows would no longer beam with the ineffable splendor of freedom and independence; but in its stead would soon be substituted an imperial diadem, flashing in false and tarnished lustre the murky radiance of dominion and power. She might become the dictatress of the world: she would be no longer the ruler of her own spirit.

She Goes Not Abroad in Search of Monsters to Destroy The American Conservative

You people have some nerve! LOL
Dubya's responsible for the current Mid East situation.

Hey! It's nice to see Overt Delusion has checked in.

Natch pubes....anytime a truly ridiculous thread pops up I'm bound to check it. Can't help it. It's like a dog with a squirrel.

Kind of's old Dubya proud of catching the guy Khalid Sheikh Mohammed but it was Obama who got bin Laden ;)
Except he didn't. Like everything this administration does, its just a place holder. He's keeping the chair warm until America decides it wants to elect a leader. We should be seeing one in a few decades now.
Dubya's responsible for the current Mid East situation. He should have stayed holed up and quiet.

Freaking liar. Nothing that is happening right now is the fault of BOOOOOOSH. You have ANYTHING ELSE? EVER?

Oh right. Nothing is Bush's fault.

Ignorant tool. I guess you have nothing other than cliches. I have never seen a liberal like you, ever say anything other than the democrat group talking points.

You are way too arrogant to see how used you are. It is that much more pathetic how clever you think you are.

There is nothing going on in the world that has BOOOOOSH finger prints on it. Unreal, how, pathetic, you all are.

Not one thing going on NOW has anything to do with BOOOOOOSH.

Holy shit. Then again I expect nothing more from the likes of you. Such a typical left wing hack.

You're drooling again.

Reader's Digest Version of Bush and Cheney's Middle East Playground: well here's another fine mess you got us into...

Dubya's responsible for the current Mid East situation. He should have stayed holed up and quiet.

Freaking liar. Nothing that is happening right now is the fault of BOOOOOOSH. You have ANYTHING ELSE? EVER?

Oh right. Nothing is Bush's fault.

It's Bush's fault that Iraq has a freely elected government built upon a democratically principled constitution.

It was Bush's Fault that we had US Allies or compliant governments, throughout the Middle East prior to his leaving office and Iran, the sole non-compliant government in the Middle East wedged between two US Armies.

There's your first mistake. There was no democratically principled constitution.
Dubya's responsible for the current Mid East situation. He should have stayed holed up and quiet.

Freaking liar. Nothing that is happening right now is the fault of BOOOOOOSH. You have ANYTHING ELSE? EVER?

Oh right. Nothing is Bush's fault.

I'm sure there is something that is "Bush's fault"... BUT NONE of the idiocy people like you claim are "Bush's faults"!
Did Bush start the Recession that started under Clinton and officially began in 3/2001?
Did Bush get the 9/11 bombers into the country but the CIA couldn't tell FBI because of the Gorelick memo that prohibited CIA from telling the FBI?
Did Bush cause the worst hurricane SEASONS in the history ?
Did Bush cause the bust that cost $5 trillion??

Yes I'm sure Bush did somethings wrong but none of the above the major events were caused by Bush!

None of the above are relevant.

Bush invaded Iraq on the thinnest of excuses thinking all he had to do was remove Sadaam. The single most stupid decision a president has ever made and the level ignorance and arrogance was appalling. It set off ongoing sectarian conflict that destabilized neighboring countries into civil war when they decided to topple their dictators. It gave Iran unfettered freedom to dabble in regional conflicts.

That's a major event, that has led to one of the biggest humanitarian crisis since WW2.
Dubya's responsible for the current Mid East situation. He should have stayed holed up and quiet.

Freaking liar. Nothing that is happening right now is the fault of BOOOOOOSH. You have ANYTHING ELSE? EVER?

Oh right. Nothing is Bush's fault.

Ignorant tool. I guess you have nothing other than cliches. I have never seen a liberal like you, ever say anything other than the democrat group talking points.

You are way too arrogant to see how used you are. It is that much more pathetic how clever you think you are.

There is nothing going on in the world that has BOOOOOSH finger prints on it. Unreal, how, pathetic, you all are.

Not one thing going on NOW has anything to do with BOOOOOOSH.

Holy shit. Then again I expect nothing more from the likes of you. Such a typical left wing hack.

You're drooling again.

Reader's Digest Version of Bush and Cheney's Middle East Playground: well here's another fine mess you got us into...


Once again this far left drone shows that the history of Iraq (according to far left religious dogma) and the middle east started in 2003 and caused 9/11.

Before that there was no turmoil in the middle east and was all peaches and cream..
Dubya's responsible for the current Mid East situation. He should have stayed holed up and quiet.

Freaking liar. Nothing that is happening right now is the fault of BOOOOOOSH. You have ANYTHING ELSE? EVER?

Oh right. Nothing is Bush's fault.

I'm sure there is something that is "Bush's fault"... BUT NONE of the idiocy people like you claim are "Bush's faults"!
Did Bush start the Recession that started under Clinton and officially began in 3/2001?
Did Bush get the 9/11 bombers into the country but the CIA couldn't tell FBI because of the Gorelick memo that prohibited CIA from telling the FBI?
Did Bush cause the worst hurricane SEASONS in the history ?
Did Bush cause the bust that cost $5 trillion??

Yes I'm sure Bush did somethings wrong but none of the above the major events were caused by Bush!

None of the above are relevant.

Bush invaded Iraq on the thinnest of excuses thinking all he had to do was remove Sadaam. The single most stupid decision a president has ever made and the level ignorance and arrogance was appalling. It set off ongoing sectarian conflict that destabilized neighboring countries into civil war when they decided to topple their dictators. It gave Iran unfettered freedom to dabble in regional conflicts.

That's a major event, that has led to one of the biggest humanitarian crisis since WW2.

All of you moronic left wing puppets use the term INVASION. Fucking idiot.

It was a liberation, and no matter how much you insist poor little fucking saddam was just an innocent man and he did nothing to deserve what he got, it will not work on me.

You fucking unreal hypocrite. You have no idea what an actual invasion is, and for you American hating treasonous ignorant morons to continue to call it that, only shows your pathetic ignorance. It certainly shows all of us with an ability to think for ourselves how brainwashed and controlled you are.

Comparing that to the blitzkriegs of Germany invading Poland. What an absolute ignorant useless fuck you and every damn liberal are. Fucking useless.

Get a fucking clue.
Dubya's responsible for the current Mid East situation. He should have stayed holed up and quiet.

Freaking liar. Nothing that is happening right now is the fault of BOOOOOOSH. You have ANYTHING ELSE? EVER?

Oh right. Nothing is Bush's fault.

I'm sure there is something that is "Bush's fault"... BUT NONE of the idiocy people like you claim are "Bush's faults"!
Did Bush start the Recession that started under Clinton and officially began in 3/2001?
Did Bush get the 9/11 bombers into the country but the CIA couldn't tell FBI because of the Gorelick memo that prohibited CIA from telling the FBI?
Did Bush cause the worst hurricane SEASONS in the history ?
Did Bush cause the bust that cost $5 trillion??

Yes I'm sure Bush did somethings wrong but none of the above the major events were caused by Bush!

None of the above are relevant.

Bush invaded Iraq on the thinnest of excuses thinking all he had to do was remove Sadaam. The single most stupid decision a president has ever made and the level ignorance and arrogance was appalling. It set off ongoing sectarian conflict that destabilized neighboring countries into civil war when they decided to topple their dictators. It gave Iran unfettered freedom to dabble in regional conflicts.

That's a major event, that has led to one of the biggest humanitarian crisis since WW2.

Yes FDR who lied the US in to war..

Yes FDR who attack a country that did not attack the US.

Yes FDR who used the war to further the power of government as he was the one constructed the military industrial complex..
Dubya's responsible for the current Mid East situation. He should have stayed holed up and quiet.

Freaking liar. Nothing that is happening right now is the fault of BOOOOOOSH. You have ANYTHING ELSE? EVER?

Oh right. Nothing is Bush's fault.

I'm sure there is something that is "Bush's fault"... BUT NONE of the idiocy people like you claim are "Bush's faults"!
Did Bush start the Recession that started under Clinton and officially began in 3/2001?
Did Bush get the 9/11 bombers into the country but the CIA couldn't tell FBI because of the Gorelick memo that prohibited CIA from telling the FBI?
Did Bush cause the worst hurricane SEASONS in the history ?
Did Bush cause the bust that cost $5 trillion??

Yes I'm sure Bush did somethings wrong but none of the above the major events were caused by Bush!

None of the above are relevant.

Bush invaded Iraq on the thinnest of excuses thinking all he had to do was remove Sadaam. The single most stupid decision a president has ever made and the level ignorance and arrogance was appalling. It set off ongoing sectarian conflict that destabilized neighboring countries into civil war when they decided to topple their dictators. It gave Iran unfettered freedom to dabble in regional conflicts.

That's a major event, that has led to one of the biggest humanitarian crisis since WW2.

All of you moronic left wing puppets use the term INVASION. Fucking idiot.

It was a liberation, and no matter how much you insist poor little fucking saddam was just an innocent man and he did nothing to deserve what he got, it will not work on me.

You fucking unreal hypocrite. You have no idea what an actual invasion is, and for you American hating treasonous ignorant morons to continue to call it that, only shows your pathetic ignorance. It certainly shows all of us with an ability to think for ourselves how brainwashed and controlled you are.

Comparing that to the blitzkriegs of Germany invading Poland. What an absolute ignorant useless fuck you and every damn liberal are. Fucking useless.

Get a fucking clue.

An invasion is an invasion.

[in-vey-zhuh n]
an act or instance of invading or entering as an enemy, especially by an army.
Invasion Define Invasion at
Dubya's responsible for the current Mid East situation. He should have stayed holed up and quiet.

Freaking liar. Nothing that is happening right now is the fault of BOOOOOOSH. You have ANYTHING ELSE? EVER?

Oh right. Nothing is Bush's fault.

I'm sure there is something that is "Bush's fault"... BUT NONE of the idiocy people like you claim are "Bush's faults"!
Did Bush start the Recession that started under Clinton and officially began in 3/2001?
Did Bush get the 9/11 bombers into the country but the CIA couldn't tell FBI because of the Gorelick memo that prohibited CIA from telling the FBI?
Did Bush cause the worst hurricane SEASONS in the history ?
Did Bush cause the bust that cost $5 trillion??

Yes I'm sure Bush did somethings wrong but none of the above the major events were caused by Bush!

None of the above are relevant.

Bush invaded Iraq on the thinnest of excuses thinking all he had to do was remove Sadaam. The single most stupid decision a president has ever made and the level ignorance and arrogance was appalling. It set off ongoing sectarian conflict that destabilized neighboring countries into civil war when they decided to topple their dictators. It gave Iran unfettered freedom to dabble in regional conflicts.

That's a major event, that has led to one of the biggest humanitarian crisis since WW2.

All of you moronic left wing puppets use the term INVASION. Fucking idiot.

It was a liberation, and no matter how much you insist poor little fucking saddam was just an innocent man and he did nothing to deserve what he got, it will not work on me.

You fucking unreal hypocrite. You have no idea what an actual invasion is, and for you American hating treasonous ignorant morons to continue to call it that, only shows your pathetic ignorance. It certainly shows all of us with an ability to think for ourselves how brainwashed and controlled you are.

Comparing that to the blitzkriegs of Germany invading Poland. What an absolute ignorant useless fuck you and every damn liberal are. Fucking useless.

Get a fucking clue.

Such an excitable boy.

Invasion Liberation of Iraq: Mission Flopped Accomplished

#1 It's NOT regime change (though personally we think that would be a good idea) - it's disarming Iraq of Weapons of Mass Destruction (they are located exactly need a new rationale...)

#2 It's NOT regime change (though personally we think that would be a good idea) - it's Iraqi violation of UN resolutions...violations of the 1991 cease-fire

#3 It's NOT regime change (though personally we think that would be a good idea) - the Iraqi government's repression of its citizens - ya - that's it! We gonna librate Iraq!

in·va·sion Liberation
inˈvāZHən/ Liberation
noun: invasion; plural noun: invasions
an instance of invading a country or region with an armed force.
an unwelcome intrusion into another's domain.

Kind of like the Neo-Con Mantra they were following:
Freaking liar. Nothing that is happening right now is the fault of BOOOOOOSH. You have ANYTHING ELSE? EVER?

Oh right. Nothing is Bush's fault.

I'm sure there is something that is "Bush's fault"... BUT NONE of the idiocy people like you claim are "Bush's faults"!
Did Bush start the Recession that started under Clinton and officially began in 3/2001?
Did Bush get the 9/11 bombers into the country but the CIA couldn't tell FBI because of the Gorelick memo that prohibited CIA from telling the FBI?
Did Bush cause the worst hurricane SEASONS in the history ?
Did Bush cause the bust that cost $5 trillion??

Yes I'm sure Bush did somethings wrong but none of the above the major events were caused by Bush!

None of the above are relevant.

Bush invaded Iraq on the thinnest of excuses thinking all he had to do was remove Sadaam. The single most stupid decision a president has ever made and the level ignorance and arrogance was appalling. It set off ongoing sectarian conflict that destabilized neighboring countries into civil war when they decided to topple their dictators. It gave Iran unfettered freedom to dabble in regional conflicts.

That's a major event, that has led to one of the biggest humanitarian crisis since WW2.

All of you moronic left wing puppets use the term INVASION. Fucking idiot.

It was a liberation, and no matter how much you insist poor little fucking saddam was just an innocent man and he did nothing to deserve what he got, it will not work on me.

You fucking unreal hypocrite. You have no idea what an actual invasion is, and for you American hating treasonous ignorant morons to continue to call it that, only shows your pathetic ignorance. It certainly shows all of us with an ability to think for ourselves how brainwashed and controlled you are.

Comparing that to the blitzkriegs of Germany invading Poland. What an absolute ignorant useless fuck you and every damn liberal are. Fucking useless.

Get a fucking clue.

An invasion is an invasion.

[in-vey-zhuh n]
an act or instance of invading or entering as an enemy, especially by an army.
Invasion Define Invasion at

How can it be an invasion when the 1991 war was never OVER?????
YOU realize Saddam agreed to a "Cease Fire" that meant as long as he kept the agreement ... FIRING WOULD CEASE!
But Saddam didn't keep the agreement and the UN filed many sanctions against Iraq.
The final straw was the encouragement of Saddam for terrorists paying $25,000 for every suicide attack committed!
Of course you don't know that do you?

Saddam s Suicide Bomb Funds - CBS News
Congressional investigators say Saddam Hussein diverted money from the U.N. oil-for-food program to pay millions of dollars to families of Palestinian suicide bombers who carried out attacks on Israel.

Investigators who have been following a money trail say the former Iraqi president tapped secret bank accounts in Jordan - where he collected bribes from foreign companies and individuals doing illicit business under the humanitarian program - to reward the families up to $25,000 each.

Documents prepared for a Wednesday hearing by the House International Relations Committee outline the new findings about how Saddam funneled money to the Palestinian families.

Investigators examining the oil-for-food program felt it was "important for us to determine whether the profits from his corruption were put toward terrorist purposes," committee chairman Henry Hyde, R-Ill., said of Saddam's well-known financial support of suicide bombers.

Wednesday's hearing, however, will focus on a French bank that handled most of the money for the program. An audit by a U.S. regulatory agency of a small sample of transactions out of the $60 billion U.N. escrow account managed by BNP-Paribas has raised serious questions concerning the bank's compliance with U.S. money laundering laws, investigators said.

All of this in spite of Saddam agreeing to the 1991 CEASE FIRE... so he paid the consequences as the "Cease Fire" no longer
was valid!
But of course idiots like you that LOVE Saddam and hate the USA never knew these things!
Because you are a LIP!
Dubya's responsible for the current Mid East situation. He should have stayed holed up and quiet.

Freaking liar. Nothing that is happening right now is the fault of BOOOOOOSH. You have ANYTHING ELSE? EVER?

Oh right. Nothing is Bush's fault.

I'm sure there is something that is "Bush's fault"... BUT NONE of the idiocy people like you claim are "Bush's faults"!
Did Bush start the Recession that started under Clinton and officially began in 3/2001?
Did Bush get the 9/11 bombers into the country but the CIA couldn't tell FBI because of the Gorelick memo that prohibited CIA from telling the FBI?
Did Bush cause the worst hurricane SEASONS in the history ?
Did Bush cause the bust that cost $5 trillion??

Yes I'm sure Bush did somethings wrong but none of the above the major events were caused by Bush!

None of the above are relevant.

Bush invaded Iraq on the thinnest of excuses thinking all he had to do was remove Sadaam. The single most stupid decision a president has ever made and the level ignorance and arrogance was appalling. It set off ongoing sectarian conflict that destabilized neighboring countries into civil war when they decided to topple their dictators. It gave Iran unfettered freedom to dabble in regional conflicts.

That's a major event, that has led to one of the biggest humanitarian crisis since WW2.

Yes FDR who lied the US in to war..

Yes FDR who attack a country that did not attack the US.

Yes FDR who used the war to further the power of government as he was the one constructed the military industrial complex..

How cute. Now you want to compare Iraq with WW2 :)
Freaking liar. Nothing that is happening right now is the fault of BOOOOOOSH. You have ANYTHING ELSE? EVER?

Oh right. Nothing is Bush's fault.

I'm sure there is something that is "Bush's fault"... BUT NONE of the idiocy people like you claim are "Bush's faults"!
Did Bush start the Recession that started under Clinton and officially began in 3/2001?
Did Bush get the 9/11 bombers into the country but the CIA couldn't tell FBI because of the Gorelick memo that prohibited CIA from telling the FBI?
Did Bush cause the worst hurricane SEASONS in the history ?
Did Bush cause the bust that cost $5 trillion??

Yes I'm sure Bush did somethings wrong but none of the above the major events were caused by Bush!

None of the above are relevant.

Bush invaded Iraq on the thinnest of excuses thinking all he had to do was remove Sadaam. The single most stupid decision a president has ever made and the level ignorance and arrogance was appalling. It set off ongoing sectarian conflict that destabilized neighboring countries into civil war when they decided to topple their dictators. It gave Iran unfettered freedom to dabble in regional conflicts.

That's a major event, that has led to one of the biggest humanitarian crisis since WW2.

Yes FDR who lied the US in to war..

Yes FDR who attack a country that did not attack the US.

Yes FDR who used the war to further the power of government as he was the one constructed the military industrial complex..

How cute. Now you want to compare Iraq with WW2 :)

The far left drone already did that!

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