George Will endorses Harris

This is seriously a WOW moment...

How many other tried and true conservatives will do this in 2024?

ya a New York Yankee fan that said free agency is the best thing that happened to baseball; to the benefit of his favorite team the Yankees and has destroyed smaller markets
That guiy is no con I've never agreed with his ####
This is seriously a WOW moment...

How many other tried and true conservatives will do this in 2024?

No offense but a lot of people don't even know who in the hell George Will is. They would probably think you are talking about George Orwell. In any even, a true conservative isn't going to vote for Harris because George Will endorses her.
No offense but a lot of people don't even know who in the hell George Will is. They would probably think you are talking about George Orwell. In any even, a true conservative isn't going to vote for Harris because George Will endorses her.
You hope no one remembers him. They’ll say, “Hey, that’s what a Republican used to be like.”

George Will is a good writer and has always had thought provoking things to say.

But his endorsement is just that...his endorsement.

Nobody is changing their minds because of George.

Just like Taylor Swift means nothing.
You hope no one remembers him. They’ll say, “Hey, that’s what a Republican used to be like.”

LOL. So, know you admit that George Will is conservative but today's conservatives should vote for the socialist Kamala and her many progressive anti-conservative policies.
LOL. So, know you admit that George Will is conservative but today's conservatives should vote for the socialist Kamala and her many progressive anti-conservative policies.
Many are. They’re concerned about democracy. The other stuff can be sorted out between reasonable people after the election.

Many are. They’re concerned about democracy. The other stuff can be sorted out between reasonable people after the election.

This is not about Democracy. It is about freedom, and we have lost unalienable rights. Democracy is a code word that we supposedly have freedoms guaranteed in the constitution. Once elected, the peasants are forgotten. A lot of our government is controlled from other interests. The only thing Kamala will have if President is some say in is most likely some social domestic issues.
This is not about Democracy. It is about freedom, and we have lost unalienable rights. Democracy is a code word that we supposedly have freedoms guaranteed in the constitution. Once elected, the peasants are forgotten. A lot of our government is controlled from other interests. The only thing Kamala will have if President is some say in is most likely some social domestic issues.
Trump thinks you’re a peasant.

Considering Will has been a diehard conservative his entire life, has been a WP columnist for years & NEVER endorsed a Dem for anything how was his job in jeopardy if he didn't endorse Dopetard Trump?
it’s one thing to oppose Trump. It’s another to endorse a Marxist. And after seeing how conservatively Trump governed in his first term, any real conservative would have been thrilled. That’s why Will’s support of Biden revealed his true colors. Not sure WaPo would have tolerated any Trump supporter on its staff. “Conservative” Jennifer Rubin opposed every conservative position and switched parties about the time Will did.
it’s one thing to oppose Trump. It’s another to endorse a Marxist. And after seeing how conservatively Trump governed in his first term, any real conservative would have been thrilled. That’s why Will’s support of Biden revealed his true colors. Not sure WaPo would have tolerated any Trump supporter on its staff. “Conservative” Jennifer Rubin opposed every conservative position and switched parties about the time Will did.
Will is not opposed to Trump because he supposedly governed conservatively, which is subject to discussion considering his self dealing & constant lies & chaos. Will opposes Trump because he's corrupt, he admires dictators like Putin, his attempt to overturn the election & the riot HE caused on J6, his calls for violence & his threats against his opponents & the fact that Trump took over the GOP & ran it into the ground, with of course the help of his lackeys like Lindsey Graham, Mike Lee, Jordan & a few more of his bootlickers.
Trump thinks you’re a peasant.

Progs think worse of those that are not privileged to them. They pay off their privileged as we have seen. When totally empowered the American version of genocide collectivism will take place. The power hierarchy will thin out through mass assassinations. A Hillary and an Obama would not last with each other. There was nastiness between the two as it was. Nastiness between Joe and Obama. Joe and Kamala. With Trump it is his agendas that seem to be more for an individual free nation over being part of a global a socialistic government. I use the word peasants because it is the type of script that Progressive Socialist Communists use. You look at and use agendas that are promoted as the worst, and it is the Republicans fault. 60 years of a war on poverty and still have poverty means it is lost. We have institutionalized poverty. Turned it into a career.
What about it?

And what was your position DURING that era?
The Bushes are Soros on steroids. Have you not seen the Former Bush President telling us that we need to give up our sovereignty to a World Government?
While they have us playing the Repub vs Demo wrestling match, the WEF keeps moving right in.
What do I think of the Bushes? Since they are buying up the world's aquifers, I think that they will be our water barons of the NWO.

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