George Will On NYC Soda Ban: 'The Essence Of Contemporary Liberalism,...

Yes. Those in power, once they have the power, rarely ever give any of it up but rather become addicted to it and seek more and more of it. More importantly, if they are liberal, they will focus on the 'right and wrong' activities of people in society and seek more and more regulation of that.

The government rightfully promotes the general welfare by regulating the proper content and treatment of products that the people cannot realistically test for themselves. I don't mind full disclosure of the contents of a packaged product re salt, fat content, etc. as those of us who read labels make very good use of that. It also helps those with allergies know what products to avoid.

But when it comes down to dictating the size of a soft drink that can legally be sold, that is taking it to unacceptable extremes. What's next? The size of an ice cream sundae--limit it to the 1/2 cup serving as listed on the ice cream package? The size of a Krispy Kreme doughnut? Potato chips limited to small single servings?

It is so very unfortunate that some critical information is not included on labels. Whether GMOs are used in the production of a product is not yet dictated. Again, big agri producers of GMO foodstuffs (if you want to call that food) have managed to keep government from dictating their presence.
I use food labels when shopping. I try to produce as much of my own stuff as I can. Dairy is a big thing for me, I have my own milk, cheese, yogurt, kefir, etc. I can butcher an animal when I run out of wild game. I grow lots of stuff, or buy locally grown food when I can.

Good points. I would also very much like for the foodstuffs that I buy to be clearly labeled with what country they came from and not just the country of the distributorship. There was a story about Whole Foods Market in our local paper just recently expressing how much of the "organic" produce they sell comes from China. How in the hell do we know how it is grown when it comes from China?

So I would appreciate and promote full disclosure in labeling as you suggest. They require manufacturers of pharmaseuticals to spend most of their advertising time explaining all the terrible things that could happen to you if you take a certain drug. Shouldn't there be as much concern about the foodstuffs we consume every day?

But no. We are presented with a limitation on the size of soft drink we will be able to legaly buy. It's absolutely nuts.
Hey... lets ban big sodas and sugary drinks because it's bad for you

But let's legalize drugs

I think that says it all

Yeah, Nanny/Police Staters are a confused and dishonest bunch. They don't make much sense. :cuckoo:
Hey... lets ban big sodas and sugary drinks because it's bad for you

But let's legalize drugs

I think that says it all

Who are you talking about?

Feel free to find a single example of someone who believes both that "big sugary drinks" should be banned, and that drugs should be legalized.
The very liberals on here who have both agreed with such draconian laws involving everything from sugary drinks in this case (because it is bad for you and govt should control that) or even happy meal toy bans (because kids make bad decisions)... yet tout drug legalization (even worse for you) and kids getting abortions without parental notification (kids making even worse decisions)

And yes.. we have ones here with those very stances
The very liberals on here who have both agreed with such draconian laws involving everything from sugary drinks in this case (because it is bad for you and govt should control that) or even happy meal toy bans (because kids make bad decisions)... yet tout drug legalization (even worse for you) and kids getting abortions without parental notification (kids making even worse decisions)

And yes.. we have ones here with those very stances

I've never seen anyone make those claims.

I'm as liberal as they come - and to me, Bloomberg represents "authoritarianism", not "liberalism". I'm very much against all nanny-state laws like this one. (and I'm pro-legalization of drugs).
'Preposterous, 'Sinister.'

George Will Slams New York Soda Ban - YouTube

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is taking a lot of heat for his move to combat obesity by banning the sale of large carbonated beverages in his city.

The latest criticism comes from Washington Post columnist George Will, who explained on Sunday’s broadcast of ABC’s “This Week with George Stephanopoulos” why Bloomberg’s move represents the flaws of liberalism.

“Let me read what Michael Bloomberg said. because in one sentence he’s got the essence of contemporary liberalism — that is something preposterous and something sinister,” Will said. “Listen to this: ‘We’re not taking away anyone’s right to do things.’ Could have fooled me. “We’re simply forcing you to understand.’ Now, that’s modern liberalism — the like of bossing people around, the kind of irritable gesture.”

Stephanopoulos interrupted to point out that obesity is an epidemic. But the Washington Post columnist responded that soda consumption was already decreasing before Bloomberg’s effort.

“Of course it is,” Will said. “Regulating the sizes of these drinks at some outlets will do nothing about it. By the way, the sale of sugary, carbonated sodas has fallen 24 percent since 1998. The American people are getting the word on this. What this really says is — what Bloomberg is saying is the government helps with your health care, the government is implicated in your health, therefore we own you, therefore the government can fine-tune all of the decisions that you make pertinent to your health.”

Read more: George Will on NYC soda ban: ‘The essence of contemporary liberalism,’ ‘preposterous,’ ‘sinister’ | The Daily Caller

Bloomberg is a fascist fuck - just an elitist tyrannical asshole..

He was a democrat now he claims hes a republican??

He makes Mark Kirk look like Thomas Jefferson....
'Preposterous, 'Sinister.'

George Will Slams New York Soda Ban - YouTube

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is taking a lot of heat for his move to combat obesity by banning the sale of large carbonated beverages in his city.

The latest criticism comes from Washington Post columnist George Will, who explained on Sunday’s broadcast of ABC’s “This Week with George Stephanopoulos” why Bloomberg’s move represents the flaws of liberalism.

“Let me read what Michael Bloomberg said. because in one sentence he’s got the essence of contemporary liberalism — that is something preposterous and something sinister,” Will said. “Listen to this: ‘We’re not taking away anyone’s right to do things.’ Could have fooled me. “We’re simply forcing you to understand.’ Now, that’s modern liberalism — the like of bossing people around, the kind of irritable gesture.”

Stephanopoulos interrupted to point out that obesity is an epidemic. But the Washington Post columnist responded that soda consumption was already decreasing before Bloomberg’s effort.

“Of course it is,” Will said. “Regulating the sizes of these drinks at some outlets will do nothing about it. By the way, the sale of sugary, carbonated sodas has fallen 24 percent since 1998. The American people are getting the word on this. What this really says is — what Bloomberg is saying is the government helps with your health care, the government is implicated in your health, therefore we own you, therefore the government can fine-tune all of the decisions that you make pertinent to your health.”

Read more: George Will on NYC soda ban: ‘The essence of contemporary liberalism,’ ‘preposterous,’ ‘sinister’ | The Daily Caller

Articulate, and relevant as always. Will is one of the last intellectual conservatives on the national stage.
Bloomberg isn't banning anything.....of note...

He is banning an individuals choice to choose what size drink they want - all because his dumb ass believes sugar makes an individual fat...

The guy is not only tyrannical but he is an idiot to boot given the fact he knows absolutely NOTHING about biology....

Who the fuck does he think he is??? Will is back in the good graces of Conservatives?

When will you guys welcome Mike, back?

The very liberals on here who have both agreed with such draconian laws involving everything from sugary drinks in this case (because it is bad for you and govt should control that) or even happy meal toy bans (because kids make bad decisions)... yet tout drug legalization (even worse for you) and kids getting abortions without parental notification (kids making even worse decisions)

And yes.. we have ones here with those very stances

I've never seen anyone make those claims.

I'm as liberal as they come - and to me, Bloomberg represents "authoritarianism", not "liberalism". I'm very much against all nanny-state laws like this one. (and I'm pro-legalization of drugs).

They keep skipping over that fact. Bloomberg is a fiscal conservative and ran as a Republican. He's also a businessman. He's been running NYC as a business.

Fat people hurt the bottom line.

But Bloomberg isn't as cold as Jan Brewer..who holds the extreme position that sick poor people should die.

[ame=]Teaparty: Just Let Uninsured People Die (CNN GOP debate, Ron Paul) - YouTube[/ame]
'Preposterous, 'Sinister.'

George Will Slams New York Soda Ban - YouTube

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is taking a lot of heat for his move to combat obesity by banning the sale of large carbonated beverages in his city.

The latest criticism comes from Washington Post columnist George Will, who explained on Sunday’s broadcast of ABC’s “This Week with George Stephanopoulos” why Bloomberg’s move represents the flaws of liberalism.

“Let me read what Michael Bloomberg said. because in one sentence he’s got the essence of contemporary liberalism — that is something preposterous and something sinister,” Will said. “Listen to this: ‘We’re not taking away anyone’s right to do things.’ Could have fooled me. “We’re simply forcing you to understand.’ Now, that’s modern liberalism — the like of bossing people around, the kind of irritable gesture.”

Stephanopoulos interrupted to point out that obesity is an epidemic. But the Washington Post columnist responded that soda consumption was already decreasing before Bloomberg’s effort.

“Of course it is,” Will said. “Regulating the sizes of these drinks at some outlets will do nothing about it. By the way, the sale of sugary, carbonated sodas has fallen 24 percent since 1998. The American people are getting the word on this. What this really says is — what Bloomberg is saying is the government helps with your health care, the government is implicated in your health, therefore we own you, therefore the government can fine-tune all of the decisions that you make pertinent to your health.”

Read more: George Will on NYC soda ban: ‘The essence of contemporary liberalism,’ ‘preposterous,’ ‘sinister’ | The Daily Caller

Bloomberg is a fascist fuck - just an elitist tyrannical asshole..

He was a democrat now he claims hes a republican??

He makes Mark Kirk look like Thomas Jefferson....

Bloomberg ran as a Republican.

That's the best part of you, superman.

You don't know shit.
The very liberals on here who have both agreed with such draconian laws involving everything from sugary drinks in this case (because it is bad for you and govt should control that) or even happy meal toy bans (because kids make bad decisions)... yet tout drug legalization (even worse for you) and kids getting abortions without parental notification (kids making even worse decisions)

And yes.. we have ones here with those very stances

I've never seen anyone make those claims.

I'm as liberal as they come - and to me, Bloomberg represents "authoritarianism", not "liberalism". I'm very much against all nanny-state laws like this one. (and I'm pro-legalization of drugs).

They keep skipping over that fact. Bloomberg is a fiscal conservative and ran as a Republican. He's also a businessman. He's been running NYC as a business.

Fat people hurt the bottom line.

But Bloomberg isn't as cold as Jan Brewer..who holds the extreme position that sick poor people should die.

[ame=]Teaparty: Just Let Uninsured People Die (CNN GOP debate, Ron Paul) - YouTube[/ame]

Damn, reboot already you deranged Obamabot. Still repeating that same tired B.S. Bloomberg is as Conservative as you are. Seriously, try a reboot. Might help.
So in liberalville, sodas are bad for you, but abortions are good for you. Wow that's fucked up right there.
I've never seen anyone make those claims.

I'm as liberal as they come - and to me, Bloomberg represents "authoritarianism", not "liberalism". I'm very much against all nanny-state laws like this one. (and I'm pro-legalization of drugs).

They keep skipping over that fact. Bloomberg is a fiscal conservative and ran as a Republican. He's also a businessman. He's been running NYC as a business.

Fat people hurt the bottom line.

But Bloomberg isn't as cold as Jan Brewer..who holds the extreme position that sick poor people should die.

[ame=]Teaparty: Just Let Uninsured People Die (CNN GOP debate, Ron Paul) - YouTube[/ame]

Damn, reboot already you deranged Obamabot. Still repeating that same tired B.S. Bloomberg is as Conservative as you are. Seriously, try a reboot. Might help.

No "reboot" needed.

It's history.

Can't go back and change it. You Dr. Paul racist seccesionist rants. History.

Glad you are back to liking George Will.

Until he says something you don't like. Then he goes in the "RINO" column again.

So in liberalville, sodas are bad for you, but abortions are good for you. Wow that's fucked up right there.

How dare Big Brother tell Citizens what to do with their bodies. Yeah, Socialists/Progressives are a very confused & dishonest bunch. They're all for this Nanny/Police State...When it's convenient for them.

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