George Will On NYC Soda Ban: 'The Essence Of Contemporary Liberalism,...

'Forcing you to understand?' Yeah, Will sure did nail it. Very preposterous and sinister. How did the Nanny/Police Staters take control of our Country?

In this case, because ignorant parents let their kids fall victim to corporate advertising and let them get fat and then their kids grew up and are now perpetuating the obesity problem.

Bloomberg's idea is an overreach in my opinion but Republican do-nothing approach isn't working very well either.
It reminds me so much of the LOLberal attck on fire arms. When will the LOLberals learn that this approach is backassward?

We need to ban guns because people are getting shot. OK. Except guns don't fire themsleves at others. You're focused on the wrong problem again, Timmeh.

We need to ban soda because people are getting fat. OK. Except soda doesn't accost people and force them to drink it. You're focused on the wrong problem again, Timmeh.

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'Forcing you to understand?' Yeah, Will sure did nail it. Very preposterous and sinister. How did the Nanny/Police Staters take control of our Country?

In this case, because ignorant parents let their kids fall victim to corporate advertising and let them get fat and then their kids grew up and are now perpetuating the obesity problem.

Bloomberg's idea is an overreach in my opinion but Republican do-nothing approach isn't working very well either.

Government regulation isn't the answer either. Generally the more government tries to regulate 'sin', the more of it we have because it is human nature to want what somebody else tells us we are not allowed to have. Give people the freedom to work out their problems and they generally come to the right decisions.
Man, he sure did. Once Obamacare kicks in, Big Brother will completely own the People. They will truly be enslaved. If you want the Government Freebie, you'll have to accept being Big Brother's obedient slave. Most Americans just don't understand that. All they see are the possible Enititlement Freebies. But nothing is free. You always pay, one way or another.

Though I don't support Obamacare, I think you're being a tad over-dramatic when saying that once it "kicks in", "Big Brother will completely own the people".

How do you figure?

The government will have a de facto cradle to grave health proxy.

Do you feel that's a good thing in a free society?

I never claimed that Obamacare was a "good thing" (I stated that I don't support it), all I'm saying is that I don't consider the Health Care Reform act akin to a "Big Brother" total takeover. I think Paul is being way too dramatic...
Though I don't support Obamacare, I think you're being a tad over-dramatic when saying that once it "kicks in", "Big Brother will completely own the people".

How do you figure?

Once Big Brother owns your body, you've become his obedient slave. It's the ultimate coup for Big Brother. But most Americans are enticed by the possible Entitlement Freebies. They know not what they do. Nothing is free. You always pay one way or another. And sacrificing your Freedom & Liberty for a few possible Freebies, is the ulitmate price to pay.

Still though - Paul - "Obamacare" is not socialized medicine. There are still going to be private health insurance companies, and the great majority of people won't experience any sort of significant change at all. Really all it does (if I understand correctly), is sort of "force" people to buy insurance.

Again, I don't like the plan, but saying that it's akin to the Government "owning" your body is a over-dramatization of the actual situation before us.

It may seem like an 'over-dramatization' to you now. But i assure you, the goal is to own the People. And controlling their bodies is the ultimate control. The People are left helpless and at the mercy of good ole Big Brother. Also, forcing Citizens to purchase health insurance is Un-American and Un-Constitutional. But i see you disagree with me. And i'm sure i can't change your mind. But it was a nice conversation. Thanks.
Nothing I find funnier than people complaining about Bloomberg being a "liberal" - since all of the "liberals" in NY voted against him.
'Forcing you to understand?' Yeah, Will sure did nail it. Very preposterous and sinister. How did the Nanny/Police Staters take control of our Country?

In this case, because ignorant parents let their kids fall victim to corporate advertising and let them get fat and then their kids grew up and are now perpetuating the obesity problem.

Bloomberg's idea is an overreach in my opinion but Republican do-nothing approach isn't working very well either.

Nanny/Police Staters are currently in control of both Political Parties. The Republicans are far from 'doing nothing.' They're all-in too.
Putting an (R) next to your name does not change the reality of being a completely dizzy LOLberal. Democrat, to republican, to independent. The man is a walking, talking, confusion artist. He's a LOLberal.
'Forcing you to understand?' Yeah, Will sure did nail it. Very preposterous and sinister. How did the Nanny/Police Staters take control of our Country?

In this case, because ignorant parents let their kids fall victim to corporate advertising and let them get fat and then their kids grew up and are now perpetuating the obesity problem.

Bloomberg's idea is an overreach in my opinion but Republican do-nothing approach isn't working very well either.

Government regulation isn't the answer either. Generally the more government tries to regulate 'sin', the more of it we have because it is human nature to want what somebody else tells us we are not allowed to have. Give people the freedom to work out their problems and they generally come to the right decisions.

How is the freedom to work out America's obesity problem working so far? Obesity rates are climbing.

Any ideas on how to get America to change it's tune?
Nothing I find funnier than people complaining about Bloomberg being a "liberal" - since all of the "liberals" in NY voted against him.

Well they're actually Socialist/Progressive Nanny/Police State Democrats. They're not real Liberals, and they merely voted 'Party before Country' as usual. It's all about the 'D.'
Now that Bloomberg has started down this slippery slope, what will he force the people to understand next?

You can't blame soda drinks for all the obesity, so this is just the start. He'll have to limit fried foods and all sweets. I know in my state, restaurants have stopped putting sugar on the tables. They have the diet sweeteners, which I won't touch, and you have to ask for real sugar.

The government has taken junk food and sodas out of the schools. Our school hasn't had carbonated sodas for 8 years, yet the obesity problem continues. The kids here that weigh the most just happen to be those on welfare. Of course, families take the government up on every freebie and there are too many programs, more than is needed. It just means that people take all that is offered and it seems to be too much. There are no restrictions on the type of food that can be bought with the EBT cards. Actually, there is no limit at all since people were using them at tattoo parlors and nail salons. Then they take advantage of other programs for the free food. On top of that, the government wants to feed kids as much as possible while at school. I think too many are over eating simply because it's offered. The government helped create a problem and are now using this to insert themselves further into our lives.

Once they are successful with a power grab, they never give it up and just want more. There will be another ban, then another................

When I was in grade school we had to shimmy a rope to the ceiling which I think was about 300 feet above the gym floor. Need to re-institute physical fitness

300 ft = the length of a football field.
Nothing I find funnier than people complaining about Bloomberg being a "liberal" - since all of the "liberals" in NY voted against him.

Well they're actually Socialist/Progressive Nanny/Police State Democrats. They're not real Liberals, and they merely voted 'Party before Country' as usual. It's all about the 'D.'

Bloomberg is not a "D".
'Forcing you to understand?' Yeah, Will sure did nail it. Very preposterous and sinister. How did the Nanny/Police Staters take control of our Country?

In this case, because ignorant parents let their kids fall victim to corporate advertising and let them get fat and then their kids grew up and are now perpetuating the obesity problem.

Bloomberg's idea is an overreach in my opinion but Republican do-nothing approach isn't working very well either.

Nanny/Police Staters are currently in control of both Political Parties. The Republicans are far from 'doing nothing.' They're all-in too.

Really? How are the Republicans contributing to the Nanny State with regards to America's obesity problem?
Nothing I find funnier than people complaining about Bloomberg being a "liberal" - since all of the "liberals" in NY voted against him.

Well they're actually Socialist/Progressive Nanny/Police State Democrats. They're not real Liberals, and they merely voted 'Party before Country' as usual. It's all about the 'D.'

Bloomberg is not a "D".

Just responding to your "liberals in NY voted against him" comment. They weren't real Liberals. They were Socialist/Progressive Nanny/Police State Democrats. They merely voted for the Democrat in the race. 'It was just another 'Party before Country' vote for them. Do you really believe the Socialist/Progressive Democrats wouldnt be trying to implement these same kinds of Big Brother over-reaches? Think about that a bit.
Now that Bloomberg has started down this slippery slope, what will he force the people to understand next?

You can't blame soda drinks for all the obesity, so this is just the start. He'll have to limit fried foods and all sweets. I know in my state, restaurants have stopped putting sugar on the tables. They have the diet sweeteners, which I won't touch, and you have to ask for real sugar.

The government has taken junk food and sodas out of the schools. Our school hasn't had carbonated sodas for 8 years, yet the obesity problem continues. The kids here that weigh the most just happen to be those on welfare. Of course, families take the government up on every freebie and there are too many programs, more than is needed. It just means that people take all that is offered and it seems to be too much. There are no restrictions on the type of food that can be bought with the EBT cards. Actually, there is no limit at all since people were using them at tattoo parlors and nail salons. Then they take advantage of other programs for the free food. On top of that, the government wants to feed kids as much as possible while at school. I think too many are over eating simply because it's offered. The government helped create a problem and are now using this to insert themselves further into our lives.

Once they are successful with a power grab, they never give it up and just want more. There will be another ban, then another................

When I was in grade school we had to shimmy a rope to the ceiling which I think was about 300 feet above the gym floor. Need to re-institute physical fitness

300 ft = the length of a football field.

Well that's what it looked like when I was half way up so maybe it was 600 feet but I could be exaggerating
In this case, because ignorant parents let their kids fall victim to corporate advertising and let them get fat and then their kids grew up and are now perpetuating the obesity problem.

Bloomberg's idea is an overreach in my opinion but Republican do-nothing approach isn't working very well either.

Nanny/Police Staters are currently in control of both Political Parties. The Republicans are far from 'doing nothing.' They're all-in too.

Really? How are the Republicans contributing to the Nanny State with regards to America's obesity problem?

In the past, they have implemented similar absurd Big Brother over-reaches. Bloomberg is a former Republican.
'Forcing you to understand?' Yeah, Will sure did nail it. Very preposterous and sinister. How did the Nanny/Police Staters take control of our Country?

First response, before reading the rest of the thread:
"Forcing you to understand." Did just leap out. What else do they want to force us to understand? And to what extent are they willing to apply force? Is there a limit on the amount of force that will be used, should we fail to understand? That there is some scary shit.
Now I'm wondering whether the availability of soft drinks during formative years plays a role in: a) adult obesity, b) whether you tend to drink them as an adult. When we were kids, getting a soft drink was a HUGE reward. While my mother (who was never even overweight, even after bearing 8 children) had a stash of Pepsi, we were given Koolaid, milk, or water. Coming from a "poor" family, the sugar in the Koolaid was always at most half the recommended amount. There are two potential studies suggested by the woman's comment: one is, does having only Koolaid available for children to drink help combat obesity and two, does having only Koolaid available to drink as a child predispose you to becoming a liberal?
'Forcing you to understand?' Yeah, Will sure did nail it. Very preposterous and sinister. How did the Nanny/Police Staters take control of our Country?

First response, before reading the rest of the thread:
"Forcing you to understand." Did just leap out. What else do they want to force us to understand? And to what extent are they willing to apply force? Is there a limit on the amount of force that will be used, should we fail to understand? That there is some scary shit.
Now I'm wondering whether the availability of soft drinks during formative years plays a role in: a) adult obesity, b) whether you tend to drink them as an adult. When we were kids, getting a soft drink was a HUGE reward. While my mother (who was never even overweight, even after bearing 8 children) had a stash of Pepsi, we were given Koolaid, milk, or water. Coming from a "poor" family, the sugar in the Koolaid was always at most half the recommended amount. There are two potential studies suggested by the woman's comment: one is, does having only Koolaid available for children to drink help combat obesity and two, does having only Koolaid available to drink as a child predispose you to becoming a liberal?

They want to force you to STFU and do what Big Brother tells you. That pretty much sums up the Nanny/Police Staters.
Man, he sure did. Once Obamacare kicks in, Big Brother will completely own the People. They will truly be enslaved. If you want the Government Freebie, you'll have to accept being Big Brother's obedient slave. Most Americans just don't understand that. All they see are the possible Enititlement Freebies. But nothing is free. You always pay, one way or another.

Though I don't support Obamacare, I think you're being a tad over-dramatic when saying that once it "kicks in", "Big Brother will completely own the people".

How do you figure?

Anticipating that if the government provides your health care, they will also issue edicts that will govern what behavior is "healthy" and "unhealthy". Since the expense of health care will skyrocket, the government will necessarily need to find cost-saving measures. If they can prove that you have conducted yourself in an "unhealthy" manner, you will be denied care. You WILL adhere to the "healthy" lifestyle or you WILL be denied healthcare, i.e. you will die miserably in the gutter.
'Forcing you to understand?' Yeah, Will sure did nail it. Very preposterous and sinister. How did the Nanny/Police Staters take control of our Country?

First response, before reading the rest of the thread:
"Forcing you to understand." Did just leap out. What else do they want to force us to understand? And to what extent are they willing to apply force? Is there a limit on the amount of force that will be used, should we fail to understand? That there is some scary shit.
Now I'm wondering whether the availability of soft drinks during formative years plays a role in: a) adult obesity, b) whether you tend to drink them as an adult. When we were kids, getting a soft drink was a HUGE reward. While my mother (who was never even overweight, even after bearing 8 children) had a stash of Pepsi, we were given Koolaid, milk, or water. Coming from a "poor" family, the sugar in the Koolaid was always at most half the recommended amount. There are two potential studies suggested by the woman's comment: one is, does having only Koolaid available for children to drink help combat obesity and two, does having only Koolaid available to drink as a child predispose you to becoming a liberal?

They want to force you to STFU and do what Big Brother tells you. That pretty much sums up the Nanny/Police Staters.

What makes it even more hilarious is these dizzy LOLberals will call it freedom while they do it. :cuckoo:

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