George Zimmerman: I Have No Job, No Assets, Owe $2.5M, needs Public Defender for trial!

the description fits many of you asset free millenial types . Many of YOU millenial types are known to be dwelling in your Moms basements . When i point at YOU and BAZ i point at you as being millenial types or maybe older millenial types . By the way , i hear that ZIM still has his guns Bulldog .

I'm sure he might need them now more than he ever has before.I hope that is the case. He was always a scared little coward, but now he has more than just a little boy that he should consider a threat. Good.

He should have just taken that beating from Martin "like a man!"....right, Bulldog?

What he should have done, was exactly what that police dispatcher told him to do: do not follow him.

But the murdering piece of shit had something else in mind.

He had in mind that he would tell the cops where the stranger in the gated community went.

We have an eye witness that saw Martin on pinning Zimmerman to the ground and beating him "mma" style before the shot.

It is utterly vile that you lefties pretend to not know that.
None of which would have happened if he did what the dispatcher told him to do.

That's like blaming a women for sexual harassment because she was not a good little homemaker.

It is true that Zimmerman staying in the car would have broken the chain of events.

But you can say that about ANYTHING that happened that day.

If Martin would have decided to bake a pie instead of going out for snacks, he would still be alive.

That is a true statement..

BUt it does not effect the responsibility of who did what later on in the day.

AND, that you have to try to claim that it does,

shows that on some level, YOU KNOW, that your position is wrong.
yeah ZIM shoulda taken his beat down like a man . I see and hear lots of thinking like that expressed by many young doper , hip hop types . Many of these greezy types are covered in tats and piercings and you can see them coming down the street as they dress in slovenly fashion . Many do 'mma' or mixed martial arts and while i approve of 'mma' as a backup in legitimate self defense many of these hip hop types i describe use it as INTIMIDATION . Oh well , ZIM won the fight and the jury set him free [with his guns i guess eh B. D. ]
the description fits many of you asset free millenial types . Many of YOU millenial types are known to be dwelling in your Moms basements . When i point at YOU and BAZ i point at you as being millenial types or maybe older millenial types . By the way , i hear that ZIM still has his guns Bulldog .

I'm sure he might need them now more than he ever has before.I hope that is the case. He was always a scared little coward, but now he has more than just a little boy that he should consider a threat. Good.

He should have just taken that beating from Martin "like a man!"....right, Bulldog?

What he should have done, was exactly what that police dispatcher told him to do: do not follow him.

But the murdering piece of shit had something else in mind.

The problem with your contention, VOR is that when the police dispatcher told him not to follow Martin...Zimmerman had already lost sight of Martin and was headed BACK to the front gate area to meet police when Martin jumped him. Gee, let's think this thing through intend to "murder" someone but you don't have your gun out and you let them knock you down to the ground, straddle you and rein punches down on your face BEFORE you pull the gun? Yeah, that makes sense! (eye roll)
the description fits many of you asset free millenial types . Many of YOU millenial types are known to be dwelling in your Moms basements . When i point at YOU and BAZ i point at you as being millenial types or maybe older millenial types . By the way , i hear that ZIM still has his guns Bulldog .

I'm sure he might need them now more than he ever has before.I hope that is the case. He was always a scared little coward, but now he has more than just a little boy that he should consider a threat. Good.

He should have just taken that beating from Martin "like a man!"....right, Bulldog?

What he should have done, was exactly what that police dispatcher told him to do: do not follow him.

But the murdering piece of shit had something else in mind.

The problem with your contention, VOR is that when the police dispatcher told him not to follow Martin...Zimmerman had already lost sight of Martin and was headed BACK to the front gate area to meet police when Martin jumped him. Gee, let's think this thing through intend to "murder" someone but you don't have your gun out and you let them knock you down to the ground, straddle you and rein punches down on your face BEFORE you pull the gun? Yeah, that makes sense! (eye roll)

You still believe this garbage? Yeesh. This whole story is a concoction.
i don't know or remember the detail except the ZIM went to court and then was tried by a jury and was let go Lysis .
i don't know or remember the detail except the ZIM went to court and then was tried by a jury and was let go Lysis .
Because of the confusing law in Florida. The jurors themselves said that. We've sat through all the stories about Martin being a bad kid. It was all made up. Zimmerman stalked him, murdered him, and got away with it.
i don't know or remember the detail except the ZIM went to court and then was tried by a jury and was let go Lysis .
Because of the confusing law in Florida. The jurors themselves said that. We've sat through all the stories about Martin being a bad kid. It was all made up. Zimmerman stalked him, murdered him, and got away with it.

We've sat through all the stories about Martin being a bad kid. It was all made up.

Exactly! He was suspended from school for being a good kid...….moron.
What he should have done, was exactly what that police dispatcher told him to do: do not follow him.

But the murdering piece of shit had something else in mind.

Two problems.

1. Nobody is under any legal obligation to follow the instructions of a 911 dispatcher. I trained to be one of those. They are trained to type very quickly and to route calls to people. They are not experts in life or death situations.

2. He did stop. He was walking back to his car when he was confronted and attacked. So he DID do what the 911 person told him to.

Talk about a story falling apart at the seams, wow.
i don't know or remember the detail except the ZIM went to court and then was tried by a jury and was let go Lysis .
Because of the confusing law in Florida. The jurors themselves said that. We've sat through all the stories about Martin being a bad kid. It was all made up. Zimmerman stalked him, murdered him, and got away with it.

We've sat through all the stories about Martin being a bad kid. It was all made up.

Exactly! He was suspended from school for being a good kid...….moron.

A history of the same sort as those of thousands of kids who made it home safe. Martin was there because his mother did not want him to serve his suspension in the company of the neighborhood kids that she deemed unacceptable and sent him out of town to be under the guidance and discipline of his father., a way from these unsavory "friends" and their influence over him. Yes. Teenagers get into trouble at home. Why do you think that donald trump's parents packed him off to military boarding school? This bespeaks of parents who are unable to bring their teenagers under control.
Zimmerman is facing stalking charges after he was accused of threatening a private investigator working on a Jay-Z documentary about Trayvon Martin. The Orlando Sentinel reports that Trettis has filed a not-guilty plea on Zimmerman's behalf and asked for a jury trial for his client.Zimmerman is facing stalking charges after he was accused of threatening a private investigator working on a Jay-Z documentary about Trayvon Martin. The
Orlando Sentinel reports that Trettis has filed a not-guilty plea on Zimmerman's behalf and asked for a jury trial for his client.
View attachment 195164

George Zimmerman tells court he's $2.5 million in debt

:yes_text12: Thanks, Jay-Z. If he goes to jail, he may get his deserved end.

Dirt Broke and still has guns. Gee, What's more, important to the basic 100%
Gun Nutter Stalking Murders? YEP! GUNS! NRA Poster Boy for 100% American
Gun Nutter Terrorists.
A few years ago Zimmerman learned that stalking and murdering somebody are acceptable actions under U.S. law. Nobody should be surprised he tried to do it again.

Hopefully he faces consequences this time. Well.... other than turning into a broke, jobless loser who can't stay out of court.
I'm sure he might need them now more than he ever has before.I hope that is the case. He was always a scared little coward, but now he has more than just a little boy that he should consider a threat. Good.

He should have just taken that beating from Martin "like a man!"....right, Bulldog?

What he should have done, was exactly what that police dispatcher told him to do: do not follow him.

But the murdering piece of shit had something else in mind.

He had in mind that he would tell the cops where the stranger in the gated community went.

We have an eye witness that saw Martin on pinning Zimmerman to the ground and beating him "mma" style before the shot.

It is utterly vile that you lefties pretend to not know that.
None of which would have happened if he did what the dispatcher told him to do.

That's like blaming a women for sexual harassment because she was not a good little homemaker.

It is true that Zimmerman staying in the car would have broken the chain of events.

But you can say that about ANYTHING that happened that day.

If Martin would have decided to bake a pie instead of going out for snacks, he would still be alive.

That is a true statement..

BUt it does not effect the responsibility of who did what later on in the day.

AND, that you have to try to claim that it does,

shows that on some level, YOU KNOW, that your position is wrong.
Are you really trying to equate a 17 year old kid going to the store for snack with some wanna-be-cop stalking him through the neighborhood? That is absurd.
the description fits many of you asset free millenial types . Many of YOU millenial types are known to be dwelling in your Moms basements . When i point at YOU and BAZ i point at you as being millenial types or maybe older millenial types . By the way , i hear that ZIM still has his guns Bulldog .

I'm sure he might need them now more than he ever has before.I hope that is the case. He was always a scared little coward, but now he has more than just a little boy that he should consider a threat. Good.

He should have just taken that beating from Martin "like a man!"....right, Bulldog?

What he should have done, was exactly what that police dispatcher told him to do: do not follow him.

But the murdering piece of shit had something else in mind.

The problem with your contention, VOR is that when the police dispatcher told him not to follow Martin...Zimmerman had already lost sight of Martin and was headed BACK to the front gate area to meet police when Martin jumped him. Gee, let's think this thing through intend to "murder" someone but you don't have your gun out and you let them knock you down to the ground, straddle you and rein punches down on your face BEFORE you pull the gun? Yeah, that makes sense! (eye roll)
You are just a full of shit zimmerman apologist.
What he should have done, was exactly what that police dispatcher told him to do: do not follow him.

But the murdering piece of shit had something else in mind.

Two problems.

1. Nobody is under any legal obligation to follow the instructions of a 911 dispatcher. I trained to be one of those. They are trained to type very quickly and to route calls to people. They are not experts in life or death situations.

2. He did stop. He was walking back to his car when he was confronted and attacked. So he DID do what the 911 person told him to.

Talk about a story falling apart at the seams, wow.
Another full of shit zimmerman apologist.
i don't know or remember the detail except the ZIM went to court and then was tried by a jury and was let go Lysis .
Because of the confusing law in Florida. The jurors themselves said that. We've sat through all the stories about Martin being a bad kid. It was all made up. Zimmerman stalked him, murdered him, and got away with it.

We've sat through all the stories about Martin being a bad kid. It was all made up.

Exactly! He was suspended from school for being a good kid...….moron.
His mother sent him to live with his father because he was too good. She couldn't handle it.
i don't know or remember the detail except the ZIM went to court and then was tried by a jury and was let go Lysis .
Because of the confusing law in Florida. The jurors themselves said that. We've sat through all the stories about Martin being a bad kid. It was all made up. Zimmerman stalked him, murdered him, and got away with it.
---------------------------- law musta been followed , ZIM was set free [with his guns] and the rest is history Lysis .
Sorry. I'm European-descended on both sides and was raised in an upper-middle-class community that was all white. Teenagers, mostly boys, got into trouble. It was taken as due course in life. They grew up to be doctors, lawyers, journalists, medical researchers, scientists. Who knows what role Martin would have played had he been allowed to grow up.

BTW: flying the confederate battle flag is an insult to our flag that represents our country, the United States of America.
FREE Country isn't it Lysis , fly any flag you like in a FREE Country no matter if i approve or disapprove Lysis .
i don't know or remember the detail except the ZIM went to court and then was tried by a jury and was let go Lysis .
Because of the confusing law in Florida. The jurors themselves said that. We've sat through all the stories about Martin being a bad kid. It was all made up. Zimmerman stalked him, murdered him, and got away with it.

We've sat through all the stories about Martin being a bad kid. It was all made up.

Exactly! He was suspended from school for being a good kid...….moron.

A history of the same sort as those of thousands of kids who made it home safe. Martin was there because his mother did not want him to serve his suspension in the company of the neighborhood kids that she deemed unacceptable and sent him out of town to be under the guidance and discipline of his father., a way from these unsavory "friends" and their influence over him. Yes. Teenagers get into trouble at home. Why do you think that donald trump's parents packed him off to military boarding school? This bespeaks of parents who are unable to bring their teenagers under control.
Somehow The Don was able to prevent getting himself killed.

And the clown girl the defense put on the stand pretty much sealed poor dead Tray-Tray's fate.

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