George Zimmerman: I Have No Job, No Assets, Owe $2.5M, needs Public Defender for trial!

I think that he should go to jail because i had thought he defended himself with Trayvon martin but now i am not so shure.
I disagree , most young teachers and admins are unAmerican scum SBerry .

the climate in public education at the moment is that it is better to hide your political ideology especially if those ideas are not PC/ conservative/ post-modern.

One result is that since post-modern ideology is in the ascendant, especially in universities, it appears that most if not all educators have leftist leanings.

Conservatives in the field of education exist, they just keep a low profile.
---------------------------------------- But the damage is done by the cowardly teachers who will teach anything for their taxpayer paid MONEY SBerry !! [especially with grade school young kids SBerry ]
This is a new practice?
---------------------------------- pretty much , i notice that it started in the late 60s , early 70s when Subjects taught in American high schools were all changed XYZ .
Zimmerman is facing stalking charges after he was accused of threatening a private investigator working on a Jay-Z documentary about Trayvon Martin. The Orlando Sentinel reports that Trettis has filed a not-guilty plea on Zimmerman's behalf and asked for a jury trial for his client.Zimmerman is facing stalking charges after he was accused of threatening a private investigator working on a Jay-Z documentary about Trayvon Martin. The
Orlando Sentinel reports that Trettis has filed a not-guilty plea on Zimmerman's behalf and asked for a jury trial for his client.
View attachment 195164

George Zimmerman tells court he's $2.5 million in debt

:yes_text12: Thanks, Jay-Z. If he goes to jail, he may get his deserved end.

Dirt Broke and still has guns. Gee, What's more, important to the basic 100%
Gun Nutter Stalking Murders? YEP! GUNS! NRA Poster Boy for 100% American
Gun Nutter Terrorists.
This is how liberal garbage try to take people down when they can't imprison them for nothing.
I disagree , most young teachers and admins are unAmerican scum SBerry .

the climate in public education at the moment is that it is better to hide your political ideology especially if those ideas are not PC/ conservative/ post-modern.

One result is that since post-modern ideology is in the ascendant, especially in universities, it appears that most if not all educators have leftist leanings.

Conservatives in the field of education exist, they just keep a low profile.
---------------------------------------- But the damage is done by the cowardly teachers who will teach anything for their taxpayer paid MONEY SBerry !! [especially with grade school young kids SBerry ]
This is a new practice?
---------------------------------- pretty much , i notice that it started in the late 60s , early 70s when Subjects taught in American high schools were all changed XYZ .
------------------------------------------- thing and difference is that many teachers in my time in school were Male ww2 Veterans and older ladies that had experience and identified as be in American . Nowadays many teachers are just kids out of college that will teach any thing for the money , benefits , free time , short work year and it shows XYZ .
I disagree , most young teachers and admins are unAmerican scum SBerry .

the climate in public education at the moment is that it is better to hide your political ideology especially if those ideas are not PC/ conservative/ post-modern.

One result is that since post-modern ideology is in the ascendant, especially in universities, it appears that most if not all educators have leftist leanings.

Conservatives in the field of education exist, they just keep a low profile.
---------------------------------------- But the damage is done by the cowardly teachers who will teach anything for their taxpayer paid MONEY SBerry !! [especially with grade school young kids SBerry ]
This is a new practice?
---------------------------------- pretty much , i notice that it started in the late 60s , early 70s when Subjects taught in American high schools were all changed XYZ .
In the fifties and early sixties, it was all propaganda, too, but conservative. Anti-union, pro A testing, God and Christian prayer, air raid drills (at a time the only enemy didn't have a delivery system to get to the U.S.) to keep us frightened, ethnic and national superiority, etc. The resultant obedient boys who went off to Vietnam unnecessarily.
Public school can be very dangerous. An uniformed Democracy is none. An erroneously educated democracy, especially in what is the richest and most powerful nation in history, is a frighteningly dangerous one.
I disagree , most young teachers and admins are unAmerican scum SBerry .

the climate in public education at the moment is that it is better to hide your political ideology especially if those ideas are not PC/ conservative/ post-modern.

One result is that since post-modern ideology is in the ascendant, especially in universities, it appears that most if not all educators have leftist leanings.

Conservatives in the field of education exist, they just keep a low profile.
---------------------------------------- But the damage is done by the cowardly teachers who will teach anything for their taxpayer paid MONEY SBerry !! [especially with grade school young kids SBerry ]
This is a new practice?
---------------------------------- pretty much , i notice that it started in the late 60s , early 70s when Subjects taught in American high schools were all changed XYZ .
In the fifties and early sixties, it was all propaganda, too, but conservative. Anti-union, pro A testing, God and Christian prayer, air raid drills (at a time the only enemy didn't have a delivery system to get to the U.S.) to keep us frightened, ethnic and national superiority, etc. The resultant obedient boys who went off to Vietnam unnecessarily.
Public school can be very dangerous. An uniformed Democracy is none. An erroneously educated democracy, especially in what is the richest and most powerful nation in history, is a frighteningly dangerous one.
--------------------------------------------------- ERRONEOUSLY educated , in whose opinion '4eye' ??
the description fits many of you asset free millenial types . Many of YOU millenial types are known to be dwelling in your Moms basements . When i point at YOU and BAZ i point at you as being millenial types or maybe older millenial types . By the way , i hear that ZIM still has his guns Bulldog .

I'm sure he might need them now more than he ever has before.I hope that is the case. He was always a scared little coward, but now he has more than just a little boy that he should consider a threat. Good.
the thing with many of these KIDS on the board is that they were playing with their Barbies or were doing school home work of putting condoms on bananas as the 'trayvon' event happened. Course they pickup on the news of events through the spin of their liberal widdle school teachers .

I stopped playing with Barbies months before the Trayvon Martin incident. :eusa_snooty:
The jury ruled self defense.
Why are the dumb liberals against self defense?
Self defense is the most basic of Human Rights.
The backwards Left Wingers are against Human Rights.
agree , seems to me that many of these lefty hip hop , doper types want to be able to attack with impunity . Little .380 or .38 changes that as they attack and they might get kilt [killed] . They don't like that possibility Trog .
the description fits many of you asset free millenial types . Many of YOU millenial types are known to be dwelling in your Moms basements . When i point at YOU and BAZ i point at you as being millenial types or maybe older millenial types . By the way , i hear that ZIM still has his guns Bulldog .

I'm sure he might need them now more than he ever has before.I hope that is the case. He was always a scared little coward, but now he has more than just a little boy that he should consider a threat. Good.

He should have just taken that beating from Martin "like a man!"....right, Bulldog? (eye roll)

What George Zimmerman did "wrong" was that he found himself in the cross hairs of a main stream media that had their own narrative of what happened that night...a narrative that was aggressively pushed despite the facts. Zimmerman was the "racist white gun nut attacking an innocent young teen who was only going to the store to buy some candy". According to the main stream media Trayvon was a skinny young man with an angelic face attacked by a much larger "stalker"! The narrative that the MSM pushed was that this was a racist attack on someone simply because they were black. They had Zimmerman found guilty before the case was even investigated. Then Zimmerman got his day in court and the MSM's narrative fell apart. Trayvon Martin wasn't a saint. He wasn't the victim...he was the attacker. But rather than admit that they unfairly judged someone based on their own racist beliefs...the MSM decided to portray Zimmerman as the man who got away with murder based on Florida's "Stand and Fight" statute! They will hound Zimmerman until the day he dies because he did something that today's media can't abide...he fought back against THEIR view of the world and won.
That he did as would anyone. I'd not stand and let some punk hit me. I'd kick his balls down his throat.
the description fits many of you asset free millenial types . Many of YOU millenial types are known to be dwelling in your Moms basements . When i point at YOU and BAZ i point at you as being millenial types or maybe older millenial types . By the way , i hear that ZIM still has his guns Bulldog .

I'm sure he might need them now more than he ever has before.I hope that is the case. He was always a scared little coward, but now he has more than just a little boy that he should consider a threat. Good.

He should have just taken that beating from Martin "like a man!"....right, Bulldog?

What he should have done, was exactly what that police dispatcher told him to do: do not follow him.

But the murdering piece of shit had something else in mind.
George Zimmerman tells court he's $2.5 million in debt

:yes_text12: Thanks, Jay-Z. If he goes to jail, he may get his deserved end.

Dirt Broke and still has guns. Gee, What's more, important to the basic 100%
Gun Nutter Stalking Murders? YEP! GUNS! NRA Poster Boy for 100% American
Gun Nutter Terrorists.
Oh boy, poor guy is getting the soviet treatment.... whenever I see a liberal celebrating I know something bad has happened to an American somewhere...years ago whenever I heard the left say "they are mostly peaceful, we shouldn't rush to judgement" I knew that somewhere in the world an atrocity against this country was committed...oh well, the old dog new tricks thing I guess.
the description fits many of you asset free millenial types . Many of YOU millenial types are known to be dwelling in your Moms basements . When i point at YOU and BAZ i point at you as being millenial types or maybe older millenial types . By the way , i hear that ZIM still has his guns Bulldog .

I'm sure he might need them now more than he ever has before.I hope that is the case. He was always a scared little coward, but now he has more than just a little boy that he should consider a threat. Good.

He should have just taken that beating from Martin "like a man!"....right, Bulldog?

What he should have done, was exactly what that police dispatcher told him to do: do not follow him.

But the murdering piece of shit had something else in mind.

He had in mind that he would tell the cops where the stranger in the gated community went.

We have an eye witness that saw Martin on pinning Zimmerman to the ground and beating him "mma" style before the shot.

It is utterly vile that you lefties pretend to not know that.
the description fits many of you asset free millenial types . Many of YOU millenial types are known to be dwelling in your Moms basements . When i point at YOU and BAZ i point at you as being millenial types or maybe older millenial types . By the way , i hear that ZIM still has his guns Bulldog .

I'm sure he might need them now more than he ever has before.I hope that is the case. He was always a scared little coward, but now he has more than just a little boy that he should consider a threat. Good.

He should have just taken that beating from Martin "like a man!"....right, Bulldog?

What he should have done, was exactly what that police dispatcher told him to do: do not follow him.

But the murdering piece of shit had something else in mind.

He had in mind that he would tell the cops where the stranger in the gated community went.

We have an eye witness that saw Martin on pinning Zimmerman to the ground and beating him "mma" style before the shot.

It is utterly vile that you lefties pretend to not know that.
None of which would have happened if he did what the dispatcher told him to do.

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