The George Zimmerman the Press Doesnt Want You to Know

I heard "assholes" and one other word. It will be interesting to hear Zimmerman's explanation for what he said there.

at what time frame did you hear the word asshole ?

Are you serious? You really have to ask that?

It would be at about 1:38 on the version you posted if it hadn't been blotted out.

It may have been bleeped out but I didn't hear it. So what if he called him an asshole. You are really pushing with that.
at what time frame did you hear the word asshole ?

Are you serious? You really have to ask that?

It would be at about 1:38 on the version you posted if it hadn't been blotted out.

It may have been bleeped out but I didn't hear it. So what if he called him an asshole. You are really pushing with that.

You asked what I heard. I told you what I heard. You call it pushing.


Still will be interesting to hear Zimmerman's translation for that other questionable spot whenever he surfaces.
Are you serious? You really have to ask that?

It would be at about 1:38 on the version you posted if it hadn't been blotted out.

It may have been bleeped out but I didn't hear it. So what if he called him an asshole. You are really pushing with that.

You asked what I heard. I told you what I heard. You call it pushing.


Still will be interesting to hear Zimmerman's translation for that other questionable spot whenever he surfaces.

Zimmerman said nothing questionable. The video I posted you can't hear him say what you say he said.. But even if he did say asshole what is that to do with anything else?
It may have been bleeped out but I didn't hear it. So what if he called him an asshole. You are really pushing with that.

You asked what I heard. I told you what I heard. You call it pushing.


Still will be interesting to hear Zimmerman's translation for that other questionable spot whenever he surfaces.

Zimmerman said nothing questionable. The video I posted you can't hear him say what you say he said.. But even if he did say asshole what is that to do with anything else?

LOL. Again ... whatever. You know the problem people have isn't with the "assholes" comment as much as it is with the other. It's not my fault you haven't heard the "assholes". You could go listen to an uncut version if you cared to. But if you don't care to then again, whatever.

The real problem is with what he muttered under his breath ... as you very well know.

I will wait for his explanation of what he said there. That will be very interesting.
Black friend defends shooter of Florida teen | Reuters

George Zimmerman is not a racist and cried for days after shooting dead a black Florida teenager, a black, longtime friend of Zimmerman said on Sunday in a sympathetic portrayal of a man maligned by critics as a trigger-happy bigot.

Zimmerman, 28, a white Hispanic, shot Trayvon Martin, 17, in what he said was self defense during an altercation in the gated community Zimmerman was watching on February 26 in Sanford, Florida. After attracting little notice initially, the case gained widespread attention, sparking protests and renewing a national debate about race.

"He couldn't stop crying. He's a caring human being," Joe Oliver, 53, a former television news reporter and anchor in Orlando who has known Zimmerman for several years, told Reuters in a telephone interview.

Oliver's wife is a close friend of Zimmerman's mother in law, who told him Zimmerman cried for days in remorse after the shooting. He also spoke directly with Zimmerman on Saturday.

"I mean, he took a man's life and he has no idea what to do about it. He's extremely remorseful about it," Oliver said.

Oliver's account differs from the withering criticism Zimmerman has sustained from demonstrators across the country who have demanded his arrest and accused him of racial bias in targeting Martin.
"I'm a black male and all that I know is that George has never given me any reason whatsoever to believe he has anything against people of color," Oliver said.

Joe Oliver needs to be careful now.

There could be a bounty out on him soon, too, lol.

And more on the attack by Martin from Zimmermans attorney:
George Zimmerman's Attorney and Friend Speak About Trayvon Martin Incident - ABC News

The attorney counseling George Zimmerman, who shot unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin as he was walking home from the store with a bag of Skittles, says if charges are filed, Zimmerman will argue that he acted in self-defense and that Florida's stand-your-ground law applies.

Attorney Craig Sonner said the public is only hearing part of the story, and when all the facts come out, it will be clear that Zimmerman acted in self defense. A grand jury is scheduled to begin hearing the case April 10.

"George Zimmerman suffered a broken nose, and had an injury to the back of his head, he was attacked by Trayvon Martin on that evening," Sonner said. "This was a case of self defense."

I guess that 6'3" 17 year old football player could pack a mean punch and kick.

Of course not, there is a narrative the media must push....


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You asked what I heard. I told you what I heard. You call it pushing.


Still will be interesting to hear Zimmerman's translation for that other questionable spot whenever he surfaces.

Zimmerman said nothing questionable. The video I posted you can't hear him say what you say he said.. But even if he did say asshole what is that to do with anything else?

LOL. Again ... whatever. You know the problem people have isn't with the "assholes" comment as much as it is with the other. It's not my fault you haven't heard the "assholes". You could go listen to an uncut version if you cared to. But if you don't care to then again, whatever.

The real problem is with what he muttered under his breath ... as you very well know.

I will wait for his explanation of what he said there. That will be very interesting.

Again the other word there is not one source out there that clearly show what he said and you know that. You only hear what you want to hear.
Zimmerman said nothing questionable. The video I posted you can't hear him say what you say he said.. But even if he did say asshole what is that to do with anything else?

LOL. Again ... whatever. You know the problem people have isn't with the "assholes" comment as much as it is with the other. It's not my fault you haven't heard the "assholes". You could go listen to an uncut version if you cared to. But if you don't care to then again, whatever.

The real problem is with what he muttered under his breath ... as you very well know.

I will wait for his explanation of what he said there. That will be very interesting.

Again the other word there is not one source out there that clearly show what he said and you know that. You only hear what you want to hear.

When he comes out of hiding, he'll be asked what he really said. I look forward to his answer.

Well, I also expect that government experts are analyzing it, and I will be interested in hearing their opinion of what he said.
LOL. Again ... whatever. You know the problem people have isn't with the "assholes" comment as much as it is with the other. It's not my fault you haven't heard the "assholes". You could go listen to an uncut version if you cared to. But if you don't care to then again, whatever.

The real problem is with what he muttered under his breath ... as you very well know.

I will wait for his explanation of what he said there. That will be very interesting.

Again the other word there is not one source out there that clearly show what he said and you know that. You only hear what you want to hear.

When he comes out of hiding, he'll be asked what he really said. I look forward to his answer.

Well, I also expect that government experts are analyzing it, and I will be interested in hearing their opinion of what he said.

Maybe but we can't say with total truth what zimmerman said with the limited sources can we?
You believe in freedom, have an avi that makes you a 'patriot'.,

What are you talking about? My avatar of two skeletons that died together in a volcano?

That makes me a patriot?

yet don't seem to mind someone out minding their own business it being stalked by a armed, wannabe cop..

How intriguing.....

And you seem to not be too concerned about a minority that is being railroaded for simply defending himself against a man who was beating the beejeezus out of him.

Yes, intriguing to say the least.

Sorry, I meant your name...;o)

I have no idea if he was getting the bejeezus beaten out of him, neither do you..

Listening to the 911 tape he definitely was told not to follow and he did....

But pray tell, you would have been all hunky dory if somebody had been follwoing you right?

I have h ad people follow me plenty of times, for various reasons.

And you know what? not once did I ever go and punch them to the ground and start beating them as they were down.

Funny how some of us are like that.
"All he did was approach"

Two words-PROVE IT! Last I checked we don't convict people in America based on unsupported conjecture. Tell us please, exactly what "crime" or "unlawful act" (under FL statutes, because that's ALL that counts in this case) Zimmerman committed BEFORE Trayvon Martin hit Zimmerman. Just to be clear, this requires probative evidence, NOT your suppositions about what he might have done, or could have done. "Probative evidence" means physical evidence, and/or eyewitness testimony consistent with the other known facts in this case. That is not what I require, it is what THE LAW requires. Produce it, or admit you don't have any.

His own words show he did more than "approach". He followed. He placed his 911 call at 7:09. The fight started at approximately 7:16. That's when Trayvon's girlfriend's phone lost the signal, and when the first 911 call came in reporting a scream.

Zimmerman went against neighborhood watch guidelines, against the advice of the 911 operator, and against the common sense that an out-of-shape 5' 9" man would have possessed had he not been carrying around a 9mm pseudo-penis.

Why do libtards have to reduce everything to some kind of sexual symbolism?

A gun is a psuedo-penis? lololol
Again the other word there is not one source out there that clearly show what he said and you know that. You only hear what you want to hear.

When he comes out of hiding, he'll be asked what he really said. I look forward to his answer.

Well, I also expect that government experts are analyzing it, and I will be interested in hearing their opinion of what he said.

Maybe but we can't say with total truth what zimmerman said with the limited sources can we?

LOL - could you be slightly more obtuse about this? I have said repeatedly that I look forward to hearing the explanation from Zimmerman himself. What part of that don't you understand? rofl
Two words-PROVE IT! Last I checked we don't convict people in America based on unsupported conjecture. Tell us please, exactly what "crime" or "unlawful act" (under FL statutes, because that's ALL that counts in this case) Zimmerman committed BEFORE Trayvon Martin hit Zimmerman. Just to be clear, this requires probative evidence, NOT your suppositions about what he might have done, or could have done. "Probative evidence" means physical evidence, and/or eyewitness testimony consistent with the other known facts in this case. That is not what I require, it is what THE LAW requires. Produce it, or admit you don't have any.

His own words show he did more than "approach". He followed. He placed his 911 call at 7:09. The fight started at approximately 7:16. That's when Trayvon's girlfriend's phone lost the signal, and when the first 911 call came in reporting a scream.

Zimmerman went against neighborhood watch guidelines, against the advice of the 911 operator, and against the common sense that an out-of-shape 5' 9" man would have possessed had he not been carrying around a 9mm pseudo-penis.

Why do libtards have to reduce everything to some kind of sexual symbolism?

A gun is a psuedo-penis? lololol

Oh boy, I'm a libtard now! :rofl:
I want to know why this is a race issue at all. Did Zimmerman call the boy a neggah?


He called him a fucking coon.

Then he shot him dead.

Zimmerman's friend said he meant "coon ass". Born and raised in Louisiana, and yes, Cajuns are often referred to as "Coon asses" - and it is not considered (by most) to be derogatory - that's not the same as calling a black person a "coon" - that's just straight up racist. "coon ass" and "coon" - NOT the same thing.
Two words-PROVE IT! Last I checked we don't convict people in America based on unsupported conjecture. Tell us please, exactly what "crime" or "unlawful act" (under FL statutes, because that's ALL that counts in this case) Zimmerman committed BEFORE Trayvon Martin hit Zimmerman. Just to be clear, this requires probative evidence, NOT your suppositions about what he might have done, or could have done. "Probative evidence" means physical evidence, and/or eyewitness testimony consistent with the other known facts in this case. That is not what I require, it is what THE LAW requires. Produce it, or admit you don't have any.

His own words show he did more than "approach". He followed. He placed his 911 call at 7:09. The fight started at approximately 7:16. That's when Trayvon's girlfriend's phone lost the signal, and when the first 911 call came in reporting a scream.

Zimmerman went against neighborhood watch guidelines, against the advice of the 911 operator, and against the common sense that an out-of-shape 5' 9" man would have possessed had he not been carrying around a 9mm pseudo-penis.

Why do libtards have to reduce everything to some kind of sexual symbolism?

A gun is a psuedo-penis? lololol

George Zimmerman's gun is "everything" ? Wow. So the whole universe is in that gun. Interesting theory.
Isn't "coons" like a term from the 1950s? Like spiffy? Neato? Whatever they used to say?

Leave-it-to-Beaver talk is current again?

Are you serious.

Its a derogatory term used against blacks. Its use pre-dates leave it to beaver by quite a bit.

I don't think GZ would have been calling someone "spiffy" if he really feared for his life, do you? 'Hey, that guy looks neato, I'm going to shoot him now"
I want to know why this is a race issue at all. Did Zimmerman call the boy a neggah?


He called him a fucking coon.

Then he shot him dead.

Zimmerman's friend said he meant "coon ass". Born and raised in Louisiana, and yes, Cajuns are often referred to as "Coon asses" - and it is not considered (by most) to be derogatory - that's not the same as calling a black person a "coon" - that's just straight up racist. "coon ass" and "coon" - NOT the same thing.

Doesn't matter what he muttered under his own breath. He didn't call him that to his face, which would of instigated a fight real quick.

Just because someone may have uttered a racial slur, doesn't give someone else the right to go beat his ass in. There is something called freedom of speech in this country, and yes that covers "the bad" stuff such as racist slurs.

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