George Zimmerman is starting to look good....

No inveatigat

Investigations just starting, autopsies not released (three of them), and you are ready to CONVICT? see US Constitution, read it.

Convict? Why not for starters doesn't he act like an officer of the peace instead of hiding? Why doesn't the Ferguson PD release the incident report?

Police officers are sworn to uphold the law. He's acting like a vigilante.

The Constitution has nothing to do with this but it's fun to see you sputter and stumble with your fellow idiots here.
I only know what's been released. From what I see, personal opinion, it looks like Brown charged with his hands forward and the officer hit him on the right side with the last shot hitting Brown in the head as he fell forward... Everything I go off of is assumptions, hence chatting about it on a message board.
As for the gun, I can't imagine an LE using a single action revolver so...

Dr. Baden reported that there's no residue or gun powder on the kid's skin so the shot could have been fired as far away as 30 feet. Look at the video on YouTube and the distance between Wilson's vehicle and the body. The yellow police tape defining the crime scene...well, there's a lot of yellow tape.
Dr. Baden reported that there's no residue or gun powder on the kid's skin so the shot could have been fired as far away as 30 feet. Look at the video on YouTube and the distance between Wilson's vehicle and the body. The yellow police tape defining the crime scene...well, there's a lot of yellow tape.

Really? Charging means from 5 feet away? How far do you think gun residue flies? Also do you think, after the perp started running, the officer stayed put at his vehicle and didn't commence chase?
Really? Charging means from 5 feet away? How far do you think gun residue flies? Also do you think, after the perp started running, the officer stayed put at his vehicle and didn't commence chase?

Both side's of witnesses support a struggle in the car then Brown running. So I don't think there's much argument there. I believe the report says there were no shots closer than 1 or 2 feet, but there's another that say's there could be evidence of closer shots on the clothing.
Really? Charging means from 5 feet away? How far do you think gun residue flies? Also do you think, after the perp started running, the officer stayed put at his vehicle and didn't commence chase?

I think you should listen the Dr. Baden's report and ignore my comments.

I think Darren Wilson should turn over the uniform he wore that day, because if it happens like he said, his clothes would be very blood-splattered, don't you think? Not to mention a little DNA here and there. I mean you shoot someone whose got their hands on you or even 4-5 feet away and you're bound to get THAT kind of residue, right?

But oh no....we can't bother Officer Wilson for such minor details.
I think you should listen the Dr. Baden's report and ignore my comments.

I think Darren Wilson should turn over the uniform he wore that day, because if it happens like he said, his clothes would be very blood-splattered, don't you think? Not to mention a little DNA here and there. I mean you shoot someone whose got their hands on you or even 4-5 feet away and you're bound to get THAT kind of residue, right?

But oh no....we can't bother Officer Wilson for such minor details.

Sorry, can you please show me where this was claimed? I don't ever recall reading what you just said. TIA
Sorry, can you please show me where this was claimed? I don't ever recall reading what you just said. TIA

It was started by the anonymous woman who claimed to know Wilson. She said that Brown bum-rushed him and that's when Wilson shot him. This bullshit third-hand information has been reported by Fox News (surprise, surprise).

"Wilson is in seclusion and his account has not been made public. But a woman who claimed to be a close friend of his family told a St. Louis radio programthat when Wilson tried to get out of his vehicle, Brown slammed the door shut on him. When Wilson finally managed to exit the SUV, Brown rushed him and punched him, according to the woman, whose association with Wilson's family was not verified by the radio program..."

YouTube video purportedly captures witness backing police version in Ferguson shooting | Fox News
I'm assuming you've never pulled a trigger... Do you realize how quick that many shots take to unload? In the heat of the moment, with a perp charging, surprised the officer didn't unload the whole clip.

The cop panicked.

That's the only explanation for shooting even once in that situation.
I think you should listen the Dr. Baden's report and ignore my comments.

I think Darren Wilson should turn over the uniform he wore that day, because if it happens like he said, his clothes would be very blood-splattered, don't you think? Not to mention a little DNA here and there. I mean you shoot someone whose got their hands on you or even 4-5 feet away and you're bound to get THAT kind of residue, right?

But oh no....we can't bother Officer Wilson for such minor details.

Michael should have GSR on him as well.

But not if they were really 30 feet apart.
It was started by the anonymous woman who claimed to know Wilson. She said that Brown bum-rushed him and that's when Wilson shot him. This bullshit third-hand information has been reported by Fox News (surprise, surprise).

"Wilson is in seclusion and his account has not been made public. But a woman who claimed to be a close friend of his family told a St. Louis radio programthat when Wilson tried to get out of his vehicle, Brown slammed the door shut on him. When Wilson finally managed to exit the SUV, Brown rushed him and punched him, according to the woman, whose association with Wilson's family was not verified by the radio program..."

YouTube video purportedly captures witness backing police version in Ferguson shooting | Fox News

So... in that cell video (I'd not seen the full clip before) the SUV inside the yellow tape is Wilson's?

If so, Wilson backed up 'real fast' 'squealing tires' and came out near perfect... Man's got mad skills controlling his vehicle if so.

Addition: I wish that stupid bush wasn't in the way on the right..

Video here taken from the other side and that's the only vehicle inside the tape.
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Starting to look good? Zimmerman is a national hero to Republicans. At an enormous threat to himself, he managed to shoot a 17 year old armed with automatic skittles. And get this. While Zimmerman was laying on the ground, being straddled and having his face beating in with dozens of knuckle blows, he managed to reach behind his back, take a gun out of his holster, disengage the safety and shoot Martin right in the middle of his chest. Amazing.
It's a bad day when George Zimmerman is starting to look good in comparison to Darren Wilson.
'Tis truly a bad day when Treyvon Martin is looking smarter than Mike Brown.

Let me tell you dufus, if someone twice my size who has already tried to disarm me starts rushing, he'll be shot at until the slide locks back.

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