
deorro 1

Senior Member
Aug 22, 2019

Proverbs 1:32
"For the turning away of the simple shall slay them, and the prosperity of fools shall destroy them."

But do not lose heart. For He has overcome the World.

Just think... He is at The Right Hand of God. All He has to do is ask, or command or speak The Word... and IT shall Be.

'what a friend we have in Christ Messiah. To Whom all our cares we can bring to. He will never leave us nor forsake us. He is Everlasting Father True. Oh what greatness of The Love of Them. Holy Father, Holy God. To have given unto us sinners. Love that IS sure not to fail. Keep and hold onto Him, The Truth. The Truth, The Life and The Way. He has promised to always LOVE us. Keep His Promises unblemished'.

'teach your beloved children His Truths. They shall grow to understand. That woes and pains and tears of suffering. From Christ Messiah does not stem'.

'if upon the lips you do not perceive. Words of knowledge True. Depart and so by doing you will be. Keeping The LORD God's Commandment, too'.

'fix your eyes upon Him, The Lord. Keep your ears attentive, too. In doing so you will come to learn that. It is not to man that He commanded to'.

'many will use many words. With which sin is not far away. With much words sin is not wanting. Be sure you have Christ Messiah's Name within. Why speak as though you were in speech? Why not instruct in The Way. Not with self opinions or ideas to how. But with The Sure Word of God'.

'sure, there is fellowship in fellowshipping. Just as there is with many who shop in the way.
And such joys is not to be shunned away. But doing it correctly is the better way.
So if you have nothing to say. Then say nothing at all.
And if there is something to be said.
Don't hold The Truth from being received'.

Opinions as to fellowshipping... Mainstream or private?

Why try to justify the busy body; the meddler?

Socialite. True or false? Public or private?

Monies. Noveau or Old?


Put The LORD and God and Christ Messiah First. Then all the other things shall be added unto thee.

- Matthew 6:33​
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a paradox.

What comes first?

The first or second?

Psalm 33:12 "Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance."

Mr. George Barna says that the disengaged are destroying America. Does he mean South America? Does he mean Central America? Does he mean North America? Does he mean All of America?

Either the U.S.A is full of 'dimwits' or the U.S.A is full of 'good actors'.

The Good Actors Guild. The many, the proud, the privileged.

What comes first? The first or the second?

The saying... guns don't kill; humans kill is false.
Guns don't kill. bullets kill.

And if getting 'legalistic' one argues that killing occurs in many different forms and ways; the thought of murder and killings and the conversations of such has been way overthought and discussed.
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So... ready for the November elections?

What's your opinion to these things?

A same sex preferenced President?
A woman President who has a stay at home husband?
A non gendered/sexed Person President?
A President who supports open marriages; such as polyamorous.

We've already had Presidents who visited Owl taverns and who engaged in Owl summoning(s).

Of course, all these 'excursion' typed incidences were 'private' and not 'public' to the voters' knowledge(s).

Saying 'yes' to one thing might be saying 'yes' to all of the 'unknown' things, as well.

When human beings begin sounding like Aliens, 'join us', it's getting way too Sci Fi for me...


Live Long and Prosper..



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What's your 'dad' like?

Does he use corporeal disciplining or does he use another form of disciplining?

Does he make you sweat? Does he make you 'cut' your hair? Does he make you exert your physical body? Does he make you exercise? Does he drive the evil far from your body?

A form of 'bodily' disciplining..

'Clean your room and don't come out until you are finished'.

In my youth I was faced with a difficult choice. Should I write a book or take to the stage? In the back of my head I heard disco feet, artists and dancers living to a disco beat.

I chose to live in the home with my family. After all, it was my room.. And who knew? One day I might have inherited it. haha

That was... That is ...
before their 'separation'. - ba hum bug.

And so Scrooge came around Christmas(es). And soon there were no more Christmas trees with the Star to light the top or an Angel to provide comfort. The lights also went from many to few... And soon after, no more 'together' at Christmas. It became an ordinary 'day'.

It's a good thing I showed 'dad' who was boss around town... lol
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'Twas a night before Christmas
when I was still young
Before my teen years
was even near begun.

Still in my youth
few more years till High
School, that was,
and not Beverly Hills.

But still, it was a night before Christmas
When all through the house
quietness was welcomed
like a blanket of love.

In the darkness I slept
the others asleep as well
or so I thought
My mind did tell.

Mom and dad smiling
as they lifted the cloak
to retrieve from underneath it
the gifts they hid from the youths.

And though they most likely knew
I pretending along
not a creature was stirring; not even a mouse.

And soon there was that peace
as they fell asleep
leaving me with mine
opened wide wondering the time.


Years passed by
I learned that there was really no Clause
Why? Because as they spoke of him
they laughed jokingly
Santa Claus, yes, they said
sure there is a man who comes down the chimney way!

As they were departing
I could hear them saying
It would have been better
if the story was of a Claus who didn't need the chimney to be so well.

So to every kid, to every child
who still has dad and mom in their life
try to make them know
that you are more than willing to try.

And if their deeds to do
is too difficult to fulfil
let them know..
before it explodes.

Of course while using
all the etiquettes you've learned
so as to not cause an unnecessary
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I opened mine eyes
to see a window that showed the outside trees; the lawns and the fields.

The next time I kept in
I opened mine eyes to see a window that overlooked the city streets below.

Still the next time I kept in
I opened mine eyes to see another picturesque scene.

Upon my bed of rest and peace;
each time I kept in
the scene
of what I saw
upon opening mine eyes.

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