Georgetown bomb plotter gets 25 years


conscientia mille testes
Jun 17, 2010
The Bay Area Soviet
Boy, am I glad the WOT is over...imagine if it was like, still going on?


[T]he Iranian-American who pleaded guilty to conspiring to assassinate the Saudi Ambassador to the U.S. was sentenced on Thursday to 25 years in prison. Another day at the office for Tehran's Revolutionary Guard Corps.

Manssor Arbabsiar, an Iranian-American, was charged in October 2011 with conspiring with "factions of the Iranian government" to blow up Saudi Adel al-Jubeir as he dined at Cafe Milano, a popular Georgetown restaurant. Arbabsiar first denied any role in the plot, but prosecutors say that after his arrest he made phone calls to an Iranian Quds Force official that the FBI secretly recorded.

He had made a number of trips to Iran in 2011, and prosecutors say he was recruited by a cousin who was a senior official in the Quds Force. Arbabsiar was caught after he tried to recruit a man he thought was part of a Mexican drug cartel to do the bombing. The man was an informer for the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration. Prosecutors say Arbabsiar cooperated for a time but then stopped.

Review & Outlook: Convicting Iran -
This is justice. The problems that could have occurred should Arbabsiar have been successful in addition to the innocent people would have been staggering.

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